《Bright Night Online》Chapter Three - The Beta Test.
Chapter Three – The Beta Test.
* Ding *
Welcome to the Bright Night Online beta test!!
Due to this being the beta test all bugs and glitches have to be reported instantly and all gameplay will be recorded. There is only one race available untill you unlock new races by discovering them during this beta test. All progress and equipment will be reset after the beta test to keep it fair for the players who do not participate in the beta test. The beta test will have only one starter village that will be deleted after the test.
We wish you luck !!.
The first thing i saw when i entered the Dive pod V2 and started the beta test was that message.
Thinking about it, it did make sense to record all the things we do so that no one will exploit bugs and glitches when they are found and get an advantage for the official launch.
Also, all players had recieved an e-mail stating that they are to report anything they find out and aren't allowed to put any of it online untill the official launch has been out for atleast two weeks. And now my game life will begin.
After the message another window popped up.
* Ding *
Full body and mental scan complete.
* Ding *
Due to your body being unique you have to choose which one of the anomaly's you would like to take with you to the game world. Option 1 (Physical Boost): +5 str, agi and +20 health ( strenght and agility ) each level. Or option 2 (Mind Boost): +5 int, wis and +20 mana ( inteligence and wisdom )Each level. You can only choose one
I thought for a while and then choose option 1 as i would be playing the assassin class so agi and str would be a great bonus. After choosing the bonus there was a light flash and suddenly i was infront of a mirror and i could see myself, a 163cm tall boy with silver'ish white hair reaching his hips, pure white eyes and a very pale skin.
Looking at myself i felt odd, i looked handsome sure but my eyes were too diffrent than those of other humans and i didn't know how i felt about it. The system asked me if i wanted too change my appearance, i declined and then a light flashed and i felt a sucking sensation, asif i was being sucked away.
Once i regained my senses i saw that i was in a small village and that there were many other people looking around. After taking in the scenery i heard a 'ding' sound and got another message.
* Ding *
You have succesfully created your character!
* Ding *
You have entered Beta Village.
All players were running to the towns NPC's ( Non player characters ).
I was looking around trying to find Vexia as she and i have always played games together from the moment we met in 'sunshine online'. Suddenly i felt a tap on my back and heard a soft voice whisper
“ Are you looking for someone? “ as i turned around i saw a short girl with long bllue hair and light blue eyes staring at me.
'” no i already found what i was looking for “ i said with a chuckle while we walked to the village's blacksmith to see if we could get a weapon from him. Me and vexia have a unique play style, we dont really bother with the famous and known NPC's like the vilage elder and or kings, we usually help the lesser known NPC's so we won't get much atention from completing big quests like killing a dragon. Though we did kill dragons in 'sunshine online' we never got any fame because we follow the way of the assassin like ' those from the shadows should never enter the spotlight '. therefor we didn't want to go to the vilage elder and instead went to the blacksmithand asked.
“ hello sir, we are looking for a pair of daggers, do you maybe have one for us ? We can give you these swords To trade “ i said as i pulled the starter sword from my inventory, vexia did the same and we presented them to the blacksmith.
“ who are you ? “ the blacksmith looked at us and then mumbled to himself “ must be 'awakened ones' “ me having animal like hearing picked up on it and asked the blacksmith “ Sir what are the awakened ones ?” the blacksmith was a bit startled hearing my direct question and explained,
“ awakened ones are the ancient beings that were forced to enter an eternal slumber by the god of darkness and despair “ Crona “ as it tried to take over the world. The god was stopped by the 6 heroes of old, However half of the world was put asleep in a special real and were said to re-awaken one day and come back. The awakened ones were extremely strong and had a super fast growth rate. I don't know much more about the awakened ones.” the blacsmith said.
“ so i guess we're called awakened ones here, thanks sir now could we trade these swords for a pair of daggers ?” i asked as i really wanted daggers. “ the blacksmith looked over the starter swords and said “ i can give you each a pair of daggers but they won't be much better than the sword “ Me and Vexia were happy and instantly agreed with the trade.
Looking over the stats of the daggers we were quite content.
Common daggerType:DaggerDurability:8 / 8Quality:CommonAttack:1 - 5A common dagger with no extra stats.
Now all we needed was to level up and get some skills. Our first class change would be at level 10.
Looking at the other players we saw a lot of them running to the plains infront of the starter village killing rabbits and dogs. No one entered the forest behind it. So we sneaked to the edge of the plains and walked into the forest, not attracting anyones attention.
In the forest we saw no wolves anywhere and were confused because in most games after the starter area there should be wolves … right ? Anyway we continued onward and to our surprise spotted a giant dark green grasshopper looking at us in the distance. Vexia looked at me and i looked at her and we intantly understood eachothers plans. First i tried to use the standard identify skill but it didn't really work all we got was ??? so we gave up on that. Vex ( vaxia ) went left and me right as we circled around the trees and ambushed the hopper.
you have dealt 10 damage
i dealt only 10 damage when i hit it's leg and instantly jumped back to look at it's hp bar that had only decresed a tenth so i assumed it had only 100 hp and told Vex it's her turn to try, she dealt only 7 damage so we made a plan where she would distract it and i would hit it. After 4 minutes of running around and hitting it we killed the grasshopper and instantluy level-ed up to level 2.
As i was curious to my stats i opend the stat screen saying “ status window “ out loud getting a little chucke from Vexia.
Status WindowName:White ShadowAlignment:NeutralLevel:2Class:??Race:HumanGender:MaleTitles??Fame:-Infamy:--Health:140 / 140Health Regen:0.1 / SecMana:100 / 100Mana Regen:0.1 / SecStamina:50 / 50Stamina Regen:0.1 / Sec-Strenght:20Agility:20Vitality:10Intelligence:10Wisdom:10-Luck:5Unallocated points:5-Attack:L: 1-15 / R:1-15Defense:5Elemental ResistancesFire:??Water:??Wind:??Earth:??Light:??Darkness:??
Seeing my stats i was quite satisfied.
After killing the Grasshopper we continued walking through the forest and found a few more grasshoppers, allowing us to reach level 3. i didn''t allocate any of my statpoints yet because i was saving them for when i change my class.
At the end of the day we had killed 10 grasshoppers and explored the whole forest, we avoided most monsters we saw and only fought when we had to.
After exploring the forest we went back to the village and entered an inn to sleep.
Day 2 – Beta test
After an uneventful night i met up with vexia and went to the tavern across the street to have a little breakfast with the money we had earned killing the grasshoppers.
Stepping out of the inn someone bumped into me and he fell to the ground
“ WATCH WHERE YOU GO BRAT!!” the blond young man of about 18 or 19 year old said as he stood back up rubbing his butt.
“I'm sorry sir i did not see you coming “ i said as i didn't want any trouble.
“you better be !” the man said and tried to shove me aside but i stood firm asking “ what are you doing sir? Can't you walk around me ?“ the man looked at me with disgust and drew his sword trying to slash at my head but i just duced and let the sword pass me and hit the wall of the inn.
The managar came running out and looked at the man and said “ YOU!! I will tell the guards to arrest you for damaging my inn!!” as he said that a few guards came running and under order of the inn manager the blond man was arrested and said to me “ i will make you pay for this punk! “
I wasn't really threatened by that man as he couldn't even slash properly haha.
After the ruckus we ate at the little tavern and then went back to the forest to go hunting, this time our goal would be to reach level 10.
After killing 3 level 5 grasshoppers as we now know due to our level raising we ( and everyone else in the game world ) got a message * Ding *
Player Andrex has reached level 10 and has left the Beginner village and is rewarded with +1 level and +100 fame
And half an hour later we got another message.
* Ding *
Player Andrex is the first player to get a class {knight} and is rewarded with the uncommon skill : Knights Blade.
After the mesasge me and vexia upped our pace of hunting and 4 hours later we also reached level 10 however we didn't instantly go to the 'Beta City' but thought of maybe asking the blacksmith to teach us forging for me and the tailor to teach vexia tailoring.
“ hello sir “ i politely greeted the blacksmith.
“what do you want kid ? “ the blacksmith grumbled
“ can you maybe teach me how tu use a forge ? And teach me the art of blacsmithing? “ i asked as polite as i could.
“why would i ? “ the man said uncaring.
“i can give you 4 pieces of hopper carcass as material in exchange for learning blacksmithing “
As he heard me say hopper carcass his eyes glinted and he said “If you are lying to me i'll ban you from my store ” as he said that i took out 4 carcasses and showed them to him.
“Alright kid ill teach you how to forge “ the man clapped his hands and then slapped my back.
“Many thanks sir “ i thanked the man. After that he told me to follow him to the back of the store where i saw an unused forge and anvil, the balcksmith who's name turned out to be smith haha, told me to heat the coals and make the forge hot enough to melt iron after which he shoved three iron bars in my hands and said “ If you ruin those bars you'll have to pay for them “ so i did as he told and heated the forge, after 2 hours i got a system message with a * Ding * sound
Due to expending more strenght than you have you gained +1 vitality & Strenght i was happy about the message, this meant that Mr. Sherman was right and that i could train my stats after which i remembered a conversation between mr sherman and Jack.
“Sherman what do you think we should give the beta testers for the upcoming game next year?”
“We should give them a title, Right ?”Sherman replied .
“true but waht else? How about the stats they train aside from levels, we can let them keep those after the test?”
“that might be a great reward for those who work hard to get them, but i think we should give them a limit i think, if not we could get a level 1 player with 200 str or something.”
“how about +100 ? “Jack replied and sherman nodded.
'something like that would be great, ill have to work hard to reach +100 in my stats' i thought after remembering the conversation and sped up my blacksmith training. After 2 more hours i was exhausted and nearly fainted, Smith told me to go back to the inn and come back in the morning at sunrise...
When i got back me and vexia talked about our experience and i found out she also got a stat raise but in agility and she got the stat 'dexterety' after that i told her about how we should train all stats as much as possible because we could keep them after the beta.
After that we went to our rooms and i got up before sunrise and went to the blacksmith earlier because i wanted to learn more and raise my stats.
This routine went on for half a month ( game time ) at which i had leanred a multiple skills and even learnded the blacsmiths rare skill: refinement. All in alll i learned : blacksmithing- Forging- blade craft- repair- Refinement- mining and breaking.
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:BlacksmithingCommonBeginner -5-57%The art of blacksmithing is the general way to craft and repair weapons and armor. blacksmithing is hard to learn but it can save you a lot of money when you can do it.
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:ForgeCommonBeginner -5-57%You know how to handle a forge and can bring it to the right temperature .Effects: (passive)+10% increase in success rate for blacksmithing
weapons made by you have 5% more durability
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Blade CraftUncommonBeginner -4-67%You can craft blades better than anything else, and sharper than usual.Effects: (passive)+20% succces rate for crafting bladed weapons
Bladed weapons crafted by you deal 30% more damage
Bladed weapons crafted by you have 10% more durability
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:RepairUncommonBeginner -9-70%You know how to fix and repair items as long as you have an anvil and hammer you can fix itEffects: (Active)You are able to repair equipment of Common Grade perfectly
Durability decreases by 10% for equipment of Special grade.
Cannon repair rare or above
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:RefinementRareBeginner -9-40%You have learned the secret art of refinement from your teacher and can now refine ores and make weapons of better quality.Effects: (Active)You are able to Refine metals and ores to a higher purity increasing thier rank by 1 if refinement fails the material is lost
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:MiningCommonBeginner -3-12%You can use a pickaxe to mine ores.Effects: (Active)You are able to mine ores from ore veins in the ground.
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:BreakingUncommonBeginner -6-45%You can re-use (failed) items by breaking them and melting their metals to create something new.Effects: (Active)You are able to mine ores from ore veins in the ground.you can get 50% from the ores used to make an item.
I also got a total of 20 vitality and 40 strenght.
As i checked my stats i was startled by how strong i am due to my Physical boost.
Status WindowName:White ShadowAlignment:NeutralLevel:10Class:??Race:HumanGender:MaleTitles??Fame:-Infamy:--Health:500 / 500 (300+200)Health Regen:0.3 / SecMana:100 / 100Mana Regen:0.1 / SecStamina:50 / 50Stamina Regen:0.1 / Sec-Strenght:100Agility:60Vitality:30Intelligence:10Wisdom:10-Luck:5Unallocated points:50-Attack:L: 1-15 / R:1-15Defense:15Elemental ResistancesFire:??Water:??Wind:??Earth:??Light:??Darkness:??-Physical boost:
(special bonus from your actual body)
+20 Hp * level ( 200 )
After Checking my stats i checked my new daggers that i made for myself and vexia.
Refined dagger[td] Type:1H / DaggerDurability:20 / 20Quality:UncommonAttack:10 - 30A Uncommon dagger made of refined iron by a beginner blacksmith.Extra:+5 Agi they were really great 10 – 30 attack added with my strenght of 100 would deal an average of 130 damage if i break the defense of my oponent ofcourse. After checking my things i told Smith i'd be going to my friend and he said “Wait i still have a gift for you since you are the first to stay and help me after learning the blacksmithing skill.” as he said that he handed me a book arcane forging was the title. “You might not be able to learn it but it alllows you to use runes on your equipment and strenghten your weapons even more, I couln't comprehend the skill myself but maybe you do so i'm passing it on to you.” he said as he looked at me in the eyes. I thanked him and told him if i do comprehend it that i would craft him an amazing sword with a flame enchant on it.
After i left i went directly to the inn and rented a room and waited for vexia who's still learning the art of tailoring and out of boredom i started to read the book, it was quite interesting as it showed how to add 'runes' to the enchantments, most runes are made from either monster blood, mana or special ores some of the weaker ones are made from silver or gold too. After reading the whole book i suddenly got a system notification.
* Ding *
Due to reading a book you have gained 2 Int (intelligence)
“ hahahah “ i suddenly started laughing due to the message and boredom.
After another few hours of waiting as the sun started setting vexia entered the room and told me she finished her training and got a special tanning rack from her teacher so she could tann the hides for leather equips anywhere.
I told her that maybe she could also learnn to use the runes but i told her to try it after we maxed the int stat and that we could do it by reading books in the library.
One month later ( 1,5 months in game have now passed ) we both exited the library with smiles on our face as we learned alot of skills just reading books and maxed our Int and raised our wis by 74 points. I also got the dexterety stat and maxed it. we are now the strongest level 10 players, we also caught up to waht had happend on the server in the time we were reading.
Some players had reached level 50 already and there was even a legendary grade weapon found. One player unlocked a pet and some dungeons had been unlocked but no one had found the way to increase stats yet or just didn't post it on the Exlusive beta forums. There have also been players that unlocked new races, so far the unlocked races are : lizardman, naga, werewolf, cat kin, dog kin, elves, dwarfs, demons and vampire's.
As me and vexia were just focusing on our stats we hadn't discovered much so our money reward would probably be very low but atleast our stats would be OP!
Suddenly we heared a sound of bells ringing and a World Message popped up.
* Ding Ding Dong *
Congratulations Player, Lindo has unlocked WerePanther As a starter race and recieved a reward of 10Gold coins and +500 Fame.
“ Whoaaa that sounds amazing i want to be that race after the beta! “ Vexia suddenly shouted next to me. Then i said to her “ I'm Going to choose Werewolf “ as i said that she looked at me with a Bright smile and said “ Then we are both going to be Were Beasts ! “ and started jumping so i joined her and then told her we should try to raise our agility by 100 points now and so we ran to the moutain range nearby and started running,
After 3 hours we were both dead tired but we did get more stamina due to our vitality increasing. And some agility. Vexia also learned the cooking skill from the tailor woman and she started to cook some wolf meat we harvested from some mountain wolves that were attacking us.
After another month ( only 2 weeks left for the beta ) me and vex were still only level 10 however we had all our stats at atleast 100 points muahhahah! We are going to be gods when the beta is over i joked to vexia who also joined in by laughing and saying we will kill every player so they can't even get past level 1.
in the last month aside from sgility and other stat training i also leanred how to use the runes and as promised gave Smith a sword with a flame rune, though it drained mana like crazy, 50 per 2 seconds it llooked cool. My blacksmithing got upgraded to 'Arcane smithing' the long lost art of making magic artefacts. The last two weeks we spent exploring more land but we found nothing really special. On the last three days most beta testers held a tournament seeing who was strongest, we naturally didn't join in fear of exposing our godly stats. We did watch and the player who was first to get a class 'Andrex' won as he was the highest level ( level 78 ) while the others were all around 60 or so.
The last days flew by.
* Ding *
The beta test has now ended all players will be logged off automatically and the rewards will be sent based on the information you found and posted on the forums, please note that only the first to post the info will be rewarded for it, also all beta testers will get a title {Pioneer} upon logging in with their beta accounts Once the game truly starts.
Hello everyone, this was a long chapter but that was because i put the full beta test in this one chapter, i hope you guys enjoyed it. if you find any mistakes please tell me and if you need something explained also tell me. I would love to get some reviews if possible to know what i can improve and what i am doing right. Tanks guys!! Advertisement Previous
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