《Bright Night Online》Chapter Four – Official Launch
Chapter Four – Official Launch
Buzzing sounds could be heard as the 'Dive Pod V2' opened and i exited.
The first thing i noticed when i got out was Mr. Sherman's face as he was standing right next to the pod waiting for me. “ Sooo?? How was the beta test? “ he asked in an exited tone.
“It was fun, me and Vexia, my friend got all our stats to +100 by training “ I said with a big grin on my face, Sherman looked quite startled when he heard me say that and asked “ Why would you waste so much time doing that in the beta, your character will be deleted right? “ I looked him in the eyes and told him about how i remembered him and Jack talk about the rewards and that we could keep the stats after the reset. He was quite startled by it but still confirmed that, that was indeed the case.
“tomorrow will be the official launch, so I'll tell you somethings you might not know about the game that are not classified information but also not open to the public. In the game you can use your own magic cultivation technique to gain unique skills and you can also use that to raise your int stat more, also you can get wings for any race at level 50 when you complete a quest given by special NPC's and you can then actually fly.”
“Whoaaa i can fly in the game !?!?” 'So coool i really want to get to level 50 asap' i thought.
“also do you know what each stat does? “ Sherman asked and i said no so he explained it to me. Basically without a class the stats are :
Vitality(1) : 10 Hp, 0.5 Defense and 5 stamina.
Strength(1) : 2 Attack, 1kg Carrying weight .
Agility(1) : 0.1% Move & Atk speed( basic is 100%)
Intelligence(1) : 2 Magic Attack & 10 Mp.
Wisdom(1) : 0.1 Mp Regen /sec, 10 Centimeter increase in magic range.
Dexterity(1) : 0.5% Attack speed and accuracy in hand movements.
Fame / Infamy : Makes you more know to random NPC's Good or Bad.
It was quite useful to know. Some classes increase the things you gain like knights gain more Hp for 1 point in vitality and warriors gain more attack power from strength.
After he told me this info i called 'vexia' to tell her what time I'd log in tomorrow and start our adventure, she told me she would change her character name to 'Violet Shadow' in Bright Night Online and change her hair from blue to violet so that we would both have an unique look or something.
After the conversation with violet which turned out to be her real name, i went to the nearby forest to hunt some small animals and have a nice meal.
The next day at 1 AM me and violet started our new game adventure.
* Ding *
Welcome to Bright Night Online.
Due to this being a Beta Account you will get the Title “Pioneer' and all stats you gained through physical activities and special stats like your dexterity will be kept. Would you like to change anything about you character?
“i want to change my race to werewolf please”
Race change success
WerewolfWerewolves are the descendants of the Ancient wolf god ' Lycaon ' and are often used by parents to scare their children saying things like "If you don't eat your food a werewolf might come and eat you" and things like that, however werewolves don't really leave their forests much and only do so to trade things with humans to get food in times of need.
Werewolves have a stronger physique than humans and that is why most humans are afraid of them. The only time a werewolf is forced to transform is during the full moon, otherwise it is an active choice to do so. It is said that Sacred l werewolves can transform into a 'real wolf' but those haven't appeared in the last 1000 years.
Race traits:
+10% stat boost at night ( 20% at full moon )
+15% stat boost in forests. (30% at full moon in forests )
Race skill " Transform "
Silver weapons deal 50% more damage.
After the confirmation of my race change I choose 'Beast forest' as my starting area.
After I appeared in the beast forest I got a nice system message.
* Ding *
Due to you being a beta tester you can import one skill or item from your beta account.
At the message I instantly replied “ I want the skill Arcane Smithing “
After the confirmation I checked my skills by thinking 'check skills'
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:TransformRare--You are of a special race that can shape-shift.Effects: (Active)You change form into a werewolf. Strength and Agility doubles and Intelligence and Wisdom halve.
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Arcane SmithingLegendaryBeginner -1-0%You have done the impossible and learned the long forgotten art of Arcane smithing by adding magic runes to the weapons you forge.Effects: (Active)You can learn runes from breaking magic items.
You can add runes you have learned to items you create.
Next I checked my status screen by thinking 'Show Status'
Status WindowName:White ShadowAlignment:NeutralLevel:1Class:??Race:WerewolfGender:MaleTitlesPioneerFame:100Infamy:0-Health:1120 / 1120Health Regen:0.1 / SecMana:1100 / 1100Mana Regen:11.1 / SecStamina:550 / 550Stamina Regen:0.1 / Sec-Strenght:115Agility:115Vitality:110Dexterity:100Intelligence:110Wisdom:110Luck:5-Unallocated points:0-Attack:230Defense:55Attack speed:161.5%Move Speed:111.5%Elemental ResistancesFire:??Water:??Wind:??Earth:??Light:??Darkness:??Special ConditionPhysical Boost: ( RL Body )+20 Hp * level (20)+5 Agi * level (5)+5 Str * level (5)-
I bet many people would accuse me of cheating haha.
As I was enjoying the thoughts of my stats I got another message
Violet Shadow would like to add you to her friends list
I immediately accepted and send her a message:
{ Hey, where are you ?}
{ I'm at the inn, you ?}
{ on my way to the blacksmith}
{ I'll meet you there }
{ Ok }
Friend chat sure is convenient.
After a few minutes a purple haired girl about the same age as me with bright purple hair and nice proportions walked up to me and greeted me. “Heey did you wait long ?” so I replied jokingly “yeah I waited hours~” to which we both laughed a bit.
Inside the blacksmith's store I asked the man behind the desk if he sold any pickaxes for 5 copper as that was all I had, the man said he sold a rusty pickaxe for 3 copper so I bought it and then me and violet left the store to look for an iron mine.
Outside of the village were hundreds of players killing those poor little rabbits and dogs. Me and violet continued walking ignoring the dogs and rabbits until we reached a small mountain that we started to climb, half way up there was a small platform which surprisingly had a small iron vein so I immediately took my rusty pickaxe from my inventory. Checking the stats of the pickaxe I was quite sad but I had to deal with it.
Rusty Pickaxe Type:ToolDurability:8 / 12Quality:CommonAttack:1 - 2A Rusty pickaxe made from low quality iron.
After 30 minutes of smashing the pickaxe on the ground I finally collected all the iron ore. I got 5 pieces which was enough to make a better pickaxe so we went back to the blacksmith and I asked him if I could use his forge to refine the iron and to make a tool and he said “ sure go ahead but don't break anything” he even lent me a hammer, once I was done making my new pickaxe the blacksmith was dumbfounded because I gave it a durability enchant and made it from uncommon quality iron( refined iron) also I got the skills : forge, Refinement and Tool Craft.
After being done making the new pickaxe I tried breaking the old one and get the materials from it but I failed, I did get the breaking skill though.
After I finished up in the blacksmith I went back to the mountain as violet had found an actual mine.
When I met up with violet I saw a huge hole in a mountain and when I looked inside I saw three giant spiders.
Giant Spider | Level: ? | Rank: ??
We pulled our swords out of our inventory and headed into the mine.
The spider had a long aggro range, as soon as we entered the mine they turned to us and spat out green acid, we didn't even bother to doge as we both had over 1000 hp due to our stat grinding in the beta test.
Damage notifications kept popping up.
Due to poison you have taken -10 damage
Due to poison you have taken -10 damage
Due to poison you have taken -10 damage
It was quite annoying so I turned the notifications off and quickly hit a spider with my sword instatly slitting it in two.... violet had the same situation, we looked at each other and laughed. A few more slashes and all the spiders were dead.
When we walked in a little deeper we got a system message:
You have found a hidden dungeon : Lost mine.
This long lost mine once belonged to the beast kin village but due to monsters showing up deep inside the mine they abandoned and forgot about it.
For finding a hidden dungeon you are rewarded with:
+100 fame
+100 EXP
First Kill will Drop best loot possible.
x2 EXP for 24 hours
Ignoring the message we continued and found more spiders but no ores yet.
After walking for one whole hour we finally found an ore vein but to our surprise it was not iron but silver. I hastily took out my new pickaxe and admired it's stats for a second before starting to mine.
Durable Refined PickaxeType:ToolDurability:80 / 80Quality:MagicAttack:10 - 15A strong and durable pickaxe made with enchantment runes : Durable, Strong-Arm and LuckyBonus Effect:+10 Strength+10 LuckDurability decreases slower.
After mining for 2 hours on this one spot I got 30 silver ores and 4 iron ores.
We continued deeper into the mine and encountered undead zombies.
Name: Zombie | Level: 9 | Rank: Normal
just like the spiders they were easily killed but as we continued deeper we encountered more and more of them. We also found more silver and iron. My whole inventory was already full and I started to fill violet's inventory now.
After a whole day we reached the end of the mine. A big open space with what seemed like gold ores and a huge skeleton dragon sleeping in the middle of the room, me and violet also reached level 12 on our way through the dungeon.
As I saw the boss monster I suddenly wanted to fight it on my own so I asked violet “ can you let me solo this boss? Ill leave the next one for you “ while smiling at me she agreed and so I drew my sword and calmly walked up to it.
As I came within 3 meters from it, it woke up and stared at me thinking I was a fool trying to attack it on my own. When I was 2 meters from it I could finally see its name and level:
Name: Bone dragon | Level: 20 | Rank: Hidden BOSS
It looked quite intimidating but I still sprinted towards it and slashed at it with my sword and 3/10 th of it's HP bar disappeared with that one hit.
'so this is a hidden BOSS when I'm OP huh... not much is it ?' I thought to myself as I was quite disappointed my next two hits were the same and with only 1/10 th of its health left it suddenly exuded strange black smoke and started to glow, the next system message gave me some new hope:
Hidden BOSS. Bone Dragon has mutated into Special BOSS Black Bone Dragon I was happy reading this, looking back at the dragon it now had 50% health again and was black of color. As I slashed it this time it only dealt 10% damage and enraged it.
The boss used its acid breath on me but I evaded and slashed it 4 times in quick succession slaying the BOSS. After I killed it the dragon fell apart and dropped a treasure chest which I assume contains the loot.
Walking up to the treasure chest I saw some gold and copper coins laying around it. As I opened the chest what I found were three pieces of Dragon leather ( even though it was a bone dragon) and 5 small dragon scales and a book 'Forge your Path' after giving some of the iron from my inventory to violet I stored the book and scales in it and gave violet the leather because she is a tailor and can use a rare grade material.
After collecting the loot I picked up the gold and copper from inside and around the chest, all of it added up totals 5 gold and 65 copper coins, quite a nice sum for the first day online don't ya think ? Anyway afterwards I mined all the ores in the big room and I also picked up the dragon bones.
Because our inventory was already full I asked violet to use some animal leather to make a big sack for the ores. After 40 minutes of waiting she finally finished making the bag and I threw all the gold silver and iron in it. I got a total of 100 silver ores 130 iron ores and 30 gold ores.
After killing the dragon and taking all ores we headed back to the village and rented a room in the inn and went to sleep ( on separate beds ).
Hello people, I hope you like chapter one. There is not much talking but that is because I am not good with words and that makes talking quite difficult and I hope you guys understand. Also I would like to hear your opinions of my story and also would like some ratings so I can see what to improve on and stuff. I quite enjoy writing this story, tough I may not be really creative and all but it's still fun right ? Anyway hope you liked the chap. Advertisement Previous
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