《Bright Night Online》Chapter One - The Lost Woods
Chapter One – The Lost Woods
Mr Sherman-
*triingg tringg * I wake up from the ringing of my phone.
“ hello ?” i say in a groggy voice as i just woke up.
“ Sorry to wake you at a time like this Mr.Sherman im Jack from Sunlight coporation” a man answers as if i'm supposed to understand who he is. Annoyedly i reply “ Could you call me back ? It's too early to be talking about things “ to which the man falls silent for a while and when i was about to hang up he said “Mr.Sherman we would like your cooperation in making a new virtual reality game system” which caught my interest and i instatnly woke up. “w-w-wWhat did you just say ?!”i replied stuttering from excitement. “I would like to meet you in person to explain it all to you sir, would you be able to come out of your house? We have a car outside waiting for you” the man said unaffected by my sudden excitement. “i'll be right out sir just wait a minute!! “ i said hirriedly thinking he might change his mind.
I hastly put on the first clothes i saw which were a t-shirt with a wolf head on it and a normal pair of jeans, plain black sneakers and a gray jacket. I walked out of my house and saw a black limousine standing infront of it which gave me quite a shock. 'i expected a cab or something' i thought to myself.
As i walked closer the drivers door opened and a 50-60 year old man stepped out and asked “ are you Mr.Sherman ?” to which i nodded, still i was quite surprised by the limo and stared at it until the driver opened the door for me and told me to get in.
Inside there were a few bottles of liquor but i merely glanced at them as i didnt't drink any alcohol.
Across from me there sat a man of about 30 years old, he looked at me as if inspecting mmy clothing and then chuckled. “good afternoon Mr.Sherman “ the man said. “good day sir, who might you be ? “i asked skipping all politeness as i was quite suprised by all that had happened.
“i am CEO of Sunlight Coporation the worlds biggest vrmmorpg game distributor world wide, Jack Gales” the man -jack- said “ … “ i couldn't even utter a single word as this man was the man i admired the most i just asked what his name was to sound cool and important hahaha. . . this man made all the famous games the world nowadays played. He wasn't the first to make a vr game but he made the first 50% real feel game called 'sunlight' which has been the most populair game for the past 5 years.
After a few minutes of silencce the car started driving without me noticing due to being in a daze from excitement. 'this is so amazing … i am sitting infront of the most famous person alive!!'.
After regaining composure i asked “ you said something about wanting my help for a new VR game on the phone if i remember correctly ?” “yes we have read your files and we figured you would be one of the best people to invite as you have been the best hacker and graphic designer i have ever seen” he said looking at my facial response to see if i showed any discomfort which i didn't as i am very proud of my hacking skills. I also own a small desinger company which doesn't run well due to being to far away form the city but my customers are always 100% satisfied with my results.” thankyou sir for your compliments “ i said a bit humble and a bit prooud. “ we want you to help us make our game 100% secure and unable to hack aswell as your help designing some of the maps” Jack said to which i replied “ i dont think 100% secure is possible for any system but i can make it 99% as there will always be a way in any system no matter how secured it is, as for the maps i would love to but … how will i profit from this ? “ all i thought about was profit, altough i am not a greedy person i would never help anyone for free as money is what keeps people alive and living .. no? Upon hearing me talk about profit the man smiled wryly as he hadn't thought that would be the first thing i'd bring up, but well yeah im a direct kinda guy as i don't beat around the bush.
Jack piked up a cheque block and wrote down something on it and showed it to me. I almost chocked at what i saw there and asked “ ill get that much each year ?! “ to which Jack laughed and said slowly “ no Mr. Sherman you get this each month … “ I litteraly fainted from excitement this time … the number he wrote down was 2.000.000 $ that is two million dollars !! each month!!
After about an hour i woke up again as the limo stopped driving. The driver opened the door and asked me to leave the limo. As i stepped out we were in the city and standing infront of a tall building of which i couldn't even see the top.
Once inside i was once again shocked at how big it was. The bottom floor had a f*cking pool with a water slide that went up 3 floors … i was speechless 'is this a playground or a company building ' i thought. Jack had already walked ahead and waited at the elevators for me.
Inside the elevator i saw this building had 146 floors … 146 floors that f*cking crazy i tought.
We were going to the top floor which was as i assumed Mr.Jack as he's called by everyone's office. … i was wrong, he said this is the meeting room where he has the important decisons about the company. He told me his office was in the basement of the building as he was afraid that a building as tall as this one would someday fall over or something.
After entering the office i was offered some coffee or tea but i askked for water. After recieving the glass of water the meeting started.
“so as you know we want you to make a safty system aswell as some maps four our new game which has been in development for 10 years now” Jack started with this shocking sentence. “we have been developing a special pod much better than the one we are currently using as the new one will be able to sustain body funtions for a whole month and even make your body stronger like the ingame character due to new nano tech we have been producing. Tough it is not perfect yet and we would probably need 5 or more years to finish the tech to be availeble for the public we are making great progress. We are about to start making our game content for the new pods but we don't have enough staff and programmers like you just yet. We are going for a 99% realism in the game and no limits for the maps so that even level 1 players could enter a level 100 area should they have the bad luck of stumbling upon it. and we want the enviroment to look as real as possible adnd we have seen the things you make. So hereby we would like to officialy hire you under the condition you do not disclose any ot the information of the game and things we make here” j/ack explained his goasl and i accepted as i truly love games and am now able to make one myself ( and with other people obviously)
7 years later,
'whoaaa its almost done i just need a few more things like the ' lost rose ' but i have never seen one and only heard story's of them, I must go to the 'lost forest' to find one and use it's design for my forest in the game!!' its the company rule : only use what you have seen in real life and make it look lifelike. So i told Jack that i wanted to go to the lost forest to find the rose and he laughed at me and told me to forget about the damn rose, but i was persistent so he gave me a jeep to go into the forest to look for it.
Some months later in the forest.
“i have been searching for months why cant i find the damn flower... maybe i need to go even deeper into the forest.” shivers ran down my spine as i tought of the horrors deep within the forest but i really wanted to find the 'lost rose ' it's one of the rarest flowers in the world, it has a black stem white veins on it and the rose itself is white with a rainbow colored light around it at night.
After a few days driving my car suddenly brokedown and i crashed into a tree.
'is this the end ? Am i going to die now? NO!!! i cant die yet.... I HAVE TO SURVIVE” i tought in my head and crawled out of the burning car and dragged myself to a tree to rest.
*Rustle * * Rustle * i heard something coming closer and felt a warm breath on me 'this is it imma die, it's gonna eat me!' i tought but it left again and i sighed a breath of relief but after half an hour it was back again and this time not alone, there was a big black wolf with white eyes infront of me looking at me with a strange kind of expression in its eyes, it was not hostility though...
A long time passed, i woke up with a comfortable feeling but it was still dark. Restless i looked around and saw four bright white eyes staring at me. I quickly tried to stand up but hit my head on something hard, i realized i must be in a cave or something... then i heard a wierd sound it sounded like one of the wolves was trying to speak...
“grr gghh hrro “ one of the wolves turned its head but i just looked at it dumbfounded as i didnt understand what it said “ hrrlo “ the wolf sounded like it said hello i think. . . .'did i go crazy ? Sinds when can wolves speak' then the wolf cxam closer but what i felt wasn't a hairy paw but more something like a hand as it dragged me out of the cave, what i saw shocked me so much. It was a kid of about 15 years old or something a KID!! in the Lost woods ? HOW, I tought. “hello i am Sherman” i said to the kid. It looked at me in surprise as if it understood, but then ran back in the hole and came back with a big black wolf. I litteraly pied my pants from the scare and tried to run but when i turned around there were more wolves on the other side of me.
“hrllo shrmn” the kid said and growled at the other wolves who then backed off a bit.
“can you understand me kid” i said. The kid nodded and then said “me shadow wolf” the kid said. 'is that his name?' i tought and asked “is that your name ?” to which he nodded. “i alphr wolv, whr r shrmn herr” white said walking around me. * grumble* my stomach rumbled and all wolves were suddenly on edge and stepped closer to me. “Do you have food ? “ i asked and white ran back in the cave and came back with a rabbit with some bitemarks on it and ripped a piece off and dropped infront of me...
White Shadow-
The creature me and mother found woke up a little while ago and i could speak with it tough i don't think he understood it that well. After a while the creatuer's body made a grumbling noise and it asked “ do you have food? “ and i ran back in the den and brought a rabbit and dropped it infront off it. it looked confused so i ripped a piece oof and ate it to show it what to do... i asked mother what to do and she gave me a great idea ' use telepathy my son' she said trough telepathy. Ofcourse why didn't i think of that so i used telepathy ' hello sherman this is rabbit for you.' i said and he was shocked and said out loud “ you can use telepathy ?!” and i nodded thinking it was normal. 'you won't eat the rabbit ?' i asked looking at him with a tilted head . “ c-can i use fire to roast it ?” the sherman asked ' what is fire and roast ' i asked as i never heard of those things which aperently surprised the sherman as he looked at me confused again and grabbed something from inside his skin.... it was a small square thing and as it made a clicking sound a small sun came from it so we all( me and the other wolves ) backed away from the small sun. Mother told me sun is dangerous. Looking at our actions the sherman laughed. After a few seconds nothing happend and the sherman asked “ can you give me some pieces of wood? “ to which i nodded and ran off and came back 5 minutes later with a tree as mother told me a tree is made of wood or wood is made of tree. And the sherman laughed again and asked to meke smaller peices of it so i broke the tree with my claws and gave it to the sherman who piled it up and grabbed some leaves and put the sun on the leaves and a bigger sun was made … we all backed off and stared at the sherman who put the poor bunny in the sun. Looking at us the sherman he said to me “don't worry the fire won't hurt you “ to which i looked surprised and asked ' why are you putting the bunny in sun ? ' to which he replied “this is fire not the sun, the sun is in the sky” me and all the wolves looked up in fear but all we saw was the moon ' but in the sky is the moon? ' the sherwod started laughing again and sait that at noght the moon is in the sky and at day the sun and that he was roasting the meat which is basically putting the meat in 'fire' to make it taste better. 'so the bunny will be more goood now ?' i asked as he took the bunny off the stick in the 'fire' and started eating so i asked if i could have a piece of the bunny and he gave me some and it was truly much better after which i told all wolves to get some bunnys to 'roast' themselves. That night the volves learned a new thing, 'roasted bunny is wonderfull'.
After eating the sherman asked me what i was doing amongst the wolves which surprised me greatly as i replied ' i am a wolf mother raised me, why would i not be amongst my kind' to which mother and the man both looked at me strangely. Mother came closer and said something that shocked me 'son i haven't told you this before but you are not a wolf, i have found you when you were still a human baby' i asked what a human was and she said that the sherman was a human. ' the sherman is human ?' i asked mother confused and said that sherman is probably the huans name so i asked the human ' what are you ?' and he said “ i am human ? “. i looked back at mother and asked ' why am i wolf if i am human ? ' to which mother said ' humand left you in the woods and i found you and choose to raise you' 'so i am not wolf … then i am human ? ' as i asked mother why i was left she said she didn't know. Then sherman the human asked something off topic “ do you happen to know where i can find the lost rose ? It is a white rose with colored light around it” which made me think and i said ' you mean the rainbow night flower ? ' as he heard that name he looked reaally happy and said “ Yes! I think so “
I led the human together with mother to a fieldd of rainbow night flowers and the man started kneeling and crying while looking at the flowers... 'what is wrong human ?' i asked, he said he was fine and asked if he could take one flower with him to the humans so i asked mother if she could and she said only if he offered something to the fields. As i told him that he ran back to what he called a bag and showed it to me and mother *sniff sniff * me and mother inspected it, it smelled like seeds for yellow seedd flowers which are often taken by the birds so we accepted it and he took one of the flowers.
After he got the flower he asked the way out of the woods to which mother told me ' you should go with the human and live with other humans ' i replied ' NO! I want to stay with mother!'
'I know kid but i will still live for over a hundred years so go try being among your own kind for a while, if you do not like it you can just come back here' mother reasurred me so i asked sherman if i couldd come along to the human territory and he looked really happy and asked if i'd be fine living with him to wich i said yes as i didn't know any other place i would go to anyways.
A week later we finaly got to the edge of the forest and said goodbye to mother while crying and told her to find a good new alpha for the pack. And now we were waiting for a 'car ' as Sherman called it.
After several minutes of waiting i got bored so i asked sherman to tell me about the human world and what it was like. He told me that there were a lot of 'machines' which were things made mostly out of metals that can ddo a lot of things like build, farm, help with healing people they can even walk your pet. So i asked what a pet was and he told me humans keep animals like dogs and rabbits in their homes to feed and touch them for fun.... i think that is cruel but he said the animals are okay with that... atleast he things so.
He also told me humans rely on this thing called a mana net wich powers all thier machines like cars and 'lights' whatever that is. He also told me about houses wich are like caves but above ground and they can become really big and can even reach the sky he said. I am getting interested in this thing called a city which is like a lot of very big and tall houses together...
Hello here is the first real chapter i hope it's long enough and that you enjoyed it. I am still getting the story started and might have a really slow start but i hope you all can bear with it and .. i hope i can keep myself motivatedd and inspired lol.
Have any suggestions ? see any mistakes ? please notify me in comments below also if you have tips on better words to use in some situations please tell me as i would like to improve my writing to make it better for all of you.
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