《Starvation March : Voidborn》Chapter 8 - Banging Ganging


When I woke up, I found myself on a harder-then-usual pillow, only to realize that God hadn't moved away. Thankfully, nobody else lives in this house, or I might have needed to erase the sight from their brain...

I snicker at my own attitude. Since when did I need a reason to torture things? Oh yeah, that's right. I never did.

I turn a bit from my sideways position and look up at God, whom was sitting and had his head flung back, deep asleep. I silently got up, but before going away, I turned to look at him one more time.

He had changed his hair to a deep black and had a fairly attractive face, albeit not perfect. He was, however, seriously tall and had some very compacted muscular.

Getting closer to him, bit by bit, I slowly reached for his face with my own, looking at his closed eyes with an intensity dense enough to drill a hole through him.

Then, as we were almost touching, I headbutted him as hard as I could.

He was sent flying deep down into the earth, reaching at least a mile or so underground. I had locked down the noise in the area, so no sound escaped, but still, that looked painful.

A groan resounded from deep inside the hole, and I began laughing cheerily.

God flew back up as the hole under him magically closed up, and by the time he was out nothing remained of the event.

He scoffed at me with an angry face and yelled out "What in the multiverse was that for?!"

I scoffed back "What? You thought I didn't know you were faking sleep? Don't try fooling me. Besides, my neck hurts now, and it's your fault for being too hard."

Ignoring his murmured remarks about 'Ungratefulness', I left the house. Why should I be the ungrateful one? It was him whom had the possibility of enjoying this beautiful and merciful me, after all. At least, he should be thanking me.

With a clear goal in mind... sort of... I turned into a light streak as I raced through the streets, silently and fast enough that nobody would notice me even if I passed right in front of them.

When I finally reached a 'shadier' part of the city, meaning the poorest district, I put on my Maniac mask and slowed down to a normal walk.

Naturally, as a being whom can rival God, I'm not limited by mere human limits. If I truly wanted to, this whole world could be erased by a snap of my finger, and that's not the extent of it.

Power comes in many forms: Authority, strenght, endurance and psionic powers. However, in my opinion, the truest and best power of all would be information.


Now, would it make sense for a world-destroying being not to be able to gather information easily? That's right, it doesn't. And that holds true for me too, although I limit myself quite a bit.

As I slowly walked towards a seemingly abandoned warehouse, I considered my options. Although I'd like to command my own villain group, simply joining one would be fine as long as I would be in a high enough position. Besides, I'm not much of a planner, so someone else doing all of the boring work would be better.

I entered the warehouse and glided through the empty hallways until I reached a locked door. Grinning slightly, I put my hand on it and began to devour the thing through my Laws and my core. A good combination, truly. The door simply disappeared without any big scenery. It's as if it was never there

Grinning widely, I climbed down the hidden stairs. Well, not so hidden now, I guess.

As I reached one final door, I began hearing voices from behind said door.

"So, what do you guyssss think of thissss?"

"Hm, a feasible plan. My only worry is that new Overseer guy..."

"Pfft, are you a pussy? So what if there's a rank SS hero going around? As long as we're fast, we can get the money and safely escape."

"You're right, of couse, but that doesn't ease me..."

"Guys, something's wrong..."

Oh? They found me out already? That last voice must have some sort of danger precognition, although my plan isn't exactly to kill them. Having minions would make spreading chaos easier, after all...

I punched through the metallic door like a hot knife through butter, my hand coming out of the other side. Then, putting my other hand in the hole, I tore the door in half and entered through the gap.

Inside of the room were 6 people. All of them had weird, evil-looking masks, and most of their genders were hard to tell.

"Kekekeke, I heard someone mentioning a certain pain-in-the-ass... Could it be, you're scared of some run-off-the mall shitty bastard? How low has the Impentuum group fallen?" I asked in a mocking tone filled with malice. The voice that found me out screamed out in an extremely girly voice and fell on her behind. Welcome to Earth, kiddo. Detection can prove detrimental when your chances of winning are absolute 0, you know? Besides, what's this planet's name anyway?

I walked up to a random chair and picked the guy sitting on it by the throat before uncerimoniously throwing him away, then I sat on my newly, legally aquired chair. The guy couldn't even move, nobody in the room could, I made sure of that.


Throwing my legs on the table, my tail swishing to the sides and my ears perked up, I looked at my newly aquired minions and began speaking "Overseer is almost guaranteed to catch you, easily too, if you cannot even withstand this much power. He's looking for reputation, and where else to get it then catching a group of unsuspecting villains without any casualties? Kekeke, you kiddos truly don't know how the world works. Rejoice, though, as from today onwards, you shall all become my little slaves."

I laughed maniacally as tendrils of darkness came out from my mouth and exited from the sides of my mask. Then, each tandril shot into the hearts of the 6 villains.

Retreating back the darkness inside my mouth, that was a mid-tier [Soul Mark], a necromancy/demonic hybrid spell that I found on a random book some time ago. It's not much in truth, as the only thing it does is tell me where the marked person's soul is.

Now, Kaiser, was it? The big guy with two huge guns strapped to his back? Yup, that should be their leader. "Now, slave, speak up about what your plan was and I might just correct your obviously shitty plan. Speak!"

Gritting his teeth violently enough to bite through metal, he did as I said. "K-keh, we were going to assault a complex that we found is actually a hidden money deposit..."

"Kekeke, you retards. And where did you get this information from?" I laughed at their idiocracy. Of course, I had done my own investigation beforehand. I hadn't just come here on a whim like God had surely assumed.

These guys had been throughtly tricked by an information broker that was actually the son of a hero. Most likely, a whole bunch of heroes is waiting there, knowing that should they enter all they could do would be to roll over and die.

"Well well, correct me if I'm wrong, but this team looks quite ragged by now, no? Did you lose a gang war? Kekeke, so pitiful. Oh well, it's better for me anyways. Now, become mine!" I said and my already glowing red eyes turned into two miniature suns.

The 6 people's gazes turned blank, although it would be hard to see because of their masks, for me it wasn't any trouble whatsoever.

To specify, what I was using couldn't quite be called magic. That I cannot do, as my core would simply eat it away. Instead, by using a strange mixture of Laws, which as explained, are essentially Authority, and using my own Core. Yes, I spent a lot of time studying myself as well. After all, I'm me, so if I don't know my own powers, that'd be a waste.

Laws are kind of like magic, but they don't use mana, and each Law specifies in a certain action or attribute. For example, the Fire Law can control fire, whilst the Gardening Law can help with doing gardening stuff. However, the Fire Law can also be used to move water or help plow a field, whilst the Gardening Law can make and redirect fire. What that means is that Laws aren't absolute, and they can be used for essentially anything, but they are naturally thousands of times if not millions of times better in their own respective categories, as should be obvious.

As the idiots eyes regained focus, they all looked around confused and lost like the poor little puppies they are. It almost makes me want to kick them.

The leader, Kaiser looked at me with fear and rage in his eyes and screamed "What did you do to us!?!"

I laughed even harder and began explaining "Oh, forgive me, I now have absolute right over your life and death. And some other things too, like what will happend to you after you die, what you can feel and I can even access your memories!! Keke, ain't I a genius for being so creative?"

"You creepy bastard!!" The guy that I had thrown before screamed and rushed at me, only to fall down screaming hard enough to rip his vocal cords.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you... I said I control what you feel, right? So I don't even need to move to make you experience hell..." I said, trailing off.

Another person spoke up, probably a small, young girl. Makes you wonder what they're doing in these groups, really. "Monster..."

"Kekeke, that's an understatement. I consider myself a Voidspawn, or Hellspawn as some might call us. Not that I ever met another of my... 'race', but who cares!? Besides, 'monster' is such a cliche word."

"Now, let me tell you, my dear slaves, what our plan will truly be. Kekeke, I can't wait to see the corpses pile and pile up till they reach the sky..." I said, almost in a moaning voice. Of course, I wasn't that obsessed with killing, but I gotta keep up the idea of 'brutal maniacal killer'. Actually, have they even recognized me? Probably not, or they would've pointed it out... I don't feel bad about my unpopularity... not at all...

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