《Starvation March : Voidborn》Chapter 7 - Consequences


When I woke up, feeling dizzy for some reason, I went downstairs to watch the TV and see how I did. I brought my cleshire plushie with me, too.

Jumping on a sofa with my whole body finally free after putting on some clothes that actually fit me (My tail wasn't confined in my pants anymore), I turned on the TV and skipped a couple channels until I arrived at what seemed to be a news channel.

There was the tipical reporter guy, and he seemed to be around the area of our fight. I watched with interest as he spoke.

"And so, the great hero team [Justice Eagles] quickly arrived at the scene upon hearing of the attack. However, what they found was far beyond what they expected! Never did anyone think that the attacker could actually be an S-rank criminal, and some claim that she may even be an X-rank, since if Overseer hadn't come in time, many more might have died! We now will give word to a survivor!"

Oh, I remembered that man! T'was the guy that hid under some debris and played dead. "*Coffs*, hello people. Yes, I am indeed lucky to have survived Maniac's attack. How I survived, I would rather not tell, as it was..." He shivered a bit, obviously traumatized. Ops. "... I was one of the few unlucky ones to be in the shop at the time. At first, when she suddently appeared, she didn't seem much. However, she quickly killed all those who didn't obey her... and... that included a mother that just... wished to defend her child..." He began crying and broke down. How weak, seriously, it's just a bit of gore...

"Ahem! As you may see, our interviewed may not be able to tell us much more. Let us switch instead to the savior of the day, the great Overseer!"

God appeared on screen, wearing his weird-ass mask and acting all high and mightly. A vein or two might have popped when I saw him like that.

"Hello, people of the world. I am a newly appointed hero, and I merely did my duty. It was my honor to be able to defend a nation, no, a world as great as this. I have talked with the leader of the Hero Association, and we have come to an agreement. An order has been sent out to be on the ready for Maniac, and I have told them of her powers. I personally consider her to be an X-threat, however, depending on the situation, she might even be an H threat."

"Great Overseer, what do you think of Maniac? Why is she doing this?" A random reporter asked, earning a chuckle from God/Overseer.

"Well, it's a long story, but I think I can share it with you all. Although I cannot and would rather not go into detail, it goes like this. She was, unfortunately, captured by a villain scientist whom experimented on her due to her already very high strenght. She was locked up in a cage, fed with drugs and essentially left to die for over 40 years. However, an opportunity arose for her to escape, and now she has vowed revenge on the world." He said with a sad tone. Hey, I almost seem like a righteous girl here. Almost.


A miriad of questions were asked in the span of a couple seconds by countless reporters, whom stormed around Overseer, asking him all sorts of private and strange questions. He calmly answered every question with style, albeit some responses were rather... no, it's better to say they were completely shameful.

"Sir, do you support the Gay and Lesbian association?" One asked for example, and he answered "No. I support the Bisexuals." After all, God was sexless in a term. That fact didn't bother me at all. Nope.

Finally, after placating the storm that were reporters, one random person asked "But, sir Overseer, how do you know so much about an unknown villain that only appeared now?"

He chuckled sadly and began narrating "Well, as I said before, she was captured. Well, the truth is, I was the same as her."

A round of gasps escaped from everyone around him. I raised an eyebrow and kept listening to the TV "I too was captured, albeit later on then her. We were quite close friends whilst inside that hell. And although we only saw each other every year or so, we still made the most of it. When that fateful day came, I vowed to never let anything like what happened to me happen to anyone else. She wasn't like me. I tried convincing her, but it was no use. And that is why I made it my mission to stop her, no matter the cost. I shall bring show her the light of the world!" He said with a determined face.

I began laughing extremely hard at his rather good acting. If I hadn't known otherwise, I actually would've believed him. After all, he himself often joked that light was more often then not more dangerous then darkness, as light can kill, darkness can, but only indirectly.

As I kept watching the show, laughing every now and then, someone said from behind me "You know, you should really keep your tail in check. If you wave it so hard, something might break."

Yelping in suprise, I jumped away from the intruding hero. "S-since when were you even there?"

He gave me an odd look and sat down on the couch next to me, picking up the controller and going through a couple channels before answering " Since about the time you began laughing weirdly. Really though, it was hard making them believe we were not accomplices. I had to make up some evidence, or those people might have arrested me right there and then. Seriously, what's with them? Oh, and here's all the things they made up about you."

He passed me a strange paper. As I unfolded it, my eyebrows quickly turned frowning and I let out an angry voice "... What the hell?"


Name - Unknown

Nickname - Maniac

Disposition - Villain (Kill on sight order)

Classification - Brute 10+, Mover 9, Shaker 8.

Location - Suspected to be somewhere inside Washington. Exact location unknown.

Personality - Due to the intense experimentation performed upon her, she seems to have an excessive hate towards other humans. She also appears to be an extreme sadist and likes to toy with her opponents before brutally crushing them. Despite her seemingly easily prone to anger attitude, that may very well be just a facade to hide the intellect underneath.

General info - Has been observed to either wear easily distinguishable cat-like ears and a black mask with two blood tears. She is about 160cm tall, but exact measures are unknown. It has been judged that it is not worth it to risk taking her measures. Her hair is purely white, probably due to the heavy drug consumption and her skin is just as white. Overseer claims that although she is insane and he agrees that she has to be either killed or heavily detained, he also claims that detention would be very hard due to a trauma she developed and asks that the Hero Association let him deal with her whenever possible.

Powers - She has been observed to weild two heavy warhammers easily, as well as complete immunity to small and medium class firearms. She has also displayed impressive speed when needed, although exact limitations are unknown. Another thing to note was the strange black hole that she used to suppress Overseer's [Justice Rain]. More information is to be collected.

Notes - It has been hypothesised that sweets may be able to distract her, and it is raccomended to bring them along during battle.

Raccomended strategies - Flee on sight. She has shown Shaker power similar to a black hole, capable of eating away even at metal. It is raccomended for Thinkers and Tinkers to collect information on every opportunity, as strategies are currently being devised. Only present feasible strategy is the use of heavy artillery suppression during retreat.

My head snapped towards God and I immediately began yelling "What the hell?! Why is this thing... It's..." I couldn't quite find a reason to be angry, as this was necessary and all information was basically fake, but still.

"What? Are you angry at me? You looked to be quite happy at the tale I spun up?" He questioned with an annoying smirk. Ah, how I wish I could tear off his face and stick it up his butt...

"Errr, I don't really want to know what you're thinking with that face. Whatever, rather, I will need to definetly help you with your Devouring Law. You're... decent at it, but you're not applying it correctly right now." He began in a lecturing tone, and I groaned sadly.

Hell, I spent the last 100 years studying and refining that Law. Laws are essentially the same as Authority, just more specific to a certain subject. My own Laws are Devouring, which I thought I was good at, Death, which I am trying to refine into the Law of Carnage or Destruction and finally Gravity. Gravity and Devouring are my two main laws which I hoped to fuse whilst Death would serve as some sort of boost. But of course, what's a couple Laws when you're rival is literally the incarnation of all Laws in the multiverse...?

As he lectured me, I felt a some sort of rope snap inside of me. Getting up from the couch, I slowly walked towards him. He continued lecturing, not even looking at me.

When I was right in front of me, he finally tore off his eyes from the TV and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Wha..?"

He didn't get to finish his sentence as I slapped him straight in the face. It wasn't a hard hit or anything, but I hoped the meaning behind would get across.

Rubbing his face, he glared at me. "What was that for?"

"Revenge for being a jerk to me for the last century and for stealing my villain moment." I simply said before sitting right on him.

"... What are you doing?"


"... You don't need sleep, though?"

"And you don't need to question me about my habits either, right?" I retorted without even looking at him. By now, I was completely leaning on him, my head touching his chest.

My need for revenge and something else partually fullfilled, since he obviously wasn't comfortable having his archenemy right on him like this (I think?), I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off. Yup, it's as in those books I read, other people are the best pillows.

Yey, for once it ended on a happy note! (Is it happy? I think so.) Sorry for short chapter, next one will be longer.

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