《Avaritia》I once had a friend [End]


I once had a friend [End]

It had already been a couple of hours since they dragged Pietro out of the room where we were kept. I keep glancing at the entrance full of expectations, that he would emerge out of it.

"Pietro.. Be strong, we've gotten out of pretty bad situations before, we can also make it out of this one." I keep repeating that to myself.

But he never did come back, like the boy who was taken before him.

The sound of footsteps were once again heard, I prayed that I would be the one taken. Hoping to be reunited with my companion.

Hooded men once again entered the room. If there was such thing as a god it had finally answered one of my many prayers. They were approaching my cage, then unshackled me from the chains that binded me and dragged me out.

I'm going to where Pietro is. I thought.

I was towed through the dark tunnels, I really don't have any strength to resist at all. I focused my eyes on the floor, observing the pebbles and cracks that I would pass by.

Then we finally stopped, in front of me was a large wooden door.

The door creaked open and the light escaped out of the room, illuminating the dark tunnel.

The room was basically empty except for the podium by the center, on the floor was a drawn circle with multiple strange symbols, at the center of the circle there was a wet red patch on ground and a couple of chains attached to the floor.

As I was being dragged in, I looked at the right corner of the room, it was not visible earlier as the door was opened. Then I saw him, I saw Pietro. My eyes were wide open, like they were gonna pop out of their sockets. I could not describe the feeling. How could they? I never hated someone like this in my whole life. I started to convulse. With whatever strength I have left I yelled and screamed, my saliva dripped from my mouth.


I was gnarling towards my captors like a beast. For Pietro was, Pietro was dead. He was at the corner of the room, on a mound of dead bodies. His eyes are all white, his chest was wide open, like something burst out of it. His limbs were all in the wrong places. My tears began flowing.

What have they done to you Pietro! I keep screaming those words inside my head.

Futile. You can call my last effort to resist futile. They bounded me to the chains in the center of the circle.

Both of my hands and feet had a chain attached to it. As I stand in the middle of the room, I tried to break free. I applied all my might in all of my limbs, hoping the chains would break and I could bash the faces of the hooded men who stood in front of me, brandishing their wicked smiles.

One of the hooded figures signaled the others then proceeded to stand on the podium, He opened a thick book and began reciting chants.

The circle then started to glow red. The man continued to chant, while his companions watched. The more he spoke the brighter the circle had become.

Pain, pain unlike I have ever felt before surged through my body. What is this? Why does it hurt so much? The clasps of the chains that were attached to each one of my limbs rattled as I trembled violently. I writhed in pain, crying in agony. The hooded men did not even flinch, showing not even a hint of emotion.

How could they allow such a thing? How could they do this to a fellow human being? Is man really capable of such evil? The words rung through my head as I continued to be tormented by the intense pain.


An unfamiliar voice began speaking in my head.

"Submit your body boy, offer it to me, and you shall have power." With a ghastly tone.

"You want the pain to stop right? You desire power? All the other's gave in, why should you resist?"

"Unfortunately they were unworthy to become my disciple, are you capable boy? could you handle it?"

"Submit boy!"

I was in a trance, the pain was gone and I noticed that I am no longer in the room I was in, It was like I was on a different plane of existence, and in front of me was a massive dark figure, it had no body. The only thing to note was its large red eyes glaring at me.

"I desire revenge. I want to kill them all, that's all I want." I replied.

"Hahaha! Such dedication! Very well, we shall see if you are worthy to be called a disciple of the Dark God Hevris!"

Then I was pushed back to reality. The intense pain came surging back. I bit my lip, blood leaked through the corners of my mouth. I grinded my teeth, I endured it all. My body was on the brink of breaking but still I kept my eyes straight, focused on all of them. A bright light engulfed the room.

I lost my humanity that day. When the light dispersed, there I was seated on the center of the room. Silent, motionless.

I can hear them rejoicing, to finally succeed after so many errors.

So that's what Pietro and the other's were. Just errors.

One of the hooded men approached me, smirking.

Without hesitation I grabbed his throat, and with no effort I crushed his larynx.

I can hear them shouting. I can see them panicking.

"What's going on!? He should be bound to us!"

"Maybe the summoning was wrong!?" Screamed the other.

"That can't be! We followed everything on the book!" Said another.


The sounds of my chains breaking.

In an Instant two of the hooded men's heads collided with the wall, blood dripped down the stone wall. The remaining men were in awe. The last thing they were able to see before getting crushed, was my palm in between their eyes as I drove their heads through the wall.

As I observed the room, about to leave. I once again saw Pietro's mutilated body along with the pile of bodies .

But I no longer feel anything. It was like my emotions were locked away. In my heart I want to grieve, I want to shout on top off my lungs. I wanted to cry for Pietro, but not a single drop of tear was shed. Not a single word was given.

I climb the stairs towards the main hall of the mansion, as I passed by a huge mirror, I saw myself. A face I could not almost recognize, my once brown hair had turned to silver, and now instead of hazel, my eyes were blue, cold blue eyes.

As I left the mansion. Not once did I looked back. In my mind there was nothing else that I desired than to rule over all.

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