《Avaritia》Chapter 8: Nostalgic


Chapter 8: Nostalgic

"To have a friend." I haven't heard of those words in a long, long time. Garren was once again in deep thought.

What's this damn girl saying all of a sudden? Didn't I just tell her that I killed millions in the past? and I'm planning to do so once again for revenge.

Why is she looking at me this way? To even suggest that we are friends? Seriously there's something wrong with this girl.

I was able to witness countless smiling faces from my subordinates before, but I know those smiles are given in order to please me, due to the fact that they fear me, trying their best to get on my good side for I am their ruler. The smile Yuna gave me reminded me of the way Nessera used to smile. Full of warmth, no trace of fear. A smile whole heartedly given.

That's why when she asked if are we friends. All I can muster are those words.

"Fine, whatever. Just don't bother me." The words from my mouth came out of nowhere.

I regretted my answer the moment I gave it. I should have told her to leave and never come back.

She looked so glad hearing my answer, part of me undeniably feared her character, yet some part of me also yearned to see her happy.

Garren decided that he will leave it as it is, the girl can do what she want. If she wants to say that they're friends, then let her, Just as long as she does not hinder his plans. Whatever makes her happy and contented.

As for Yuna, Her face brightened the moment she heard Garren's answer. She was allowed to become his friend. Anyone in their right mind would advise her to stay away from this boy, but it was her decision to make and she will stand by it.

Now that the matter has been settled. Yuna wiped the tears off her face, then drank a cup of water given by Garren.

"By the way, I know the your main reason to come here was to once again steal some weeds. Don't worry, I had them relocated west of Nessera, I figured those weeds might come in handy one day. If you do plan to keep stealing them you should go see Vorjis, and help him cultivate those precious weeds of yours. You can't just keep stealing them and expect nothing in exchange do you?" Garren said.

Vorjis was one of the orc elders in the clan. What's special about Vorjis was that he's a very good orc shaman known for his healing skills, and vast amount of knowledge with regards to making potent potions using herbs found in the wilderness. Garren tasked him to supervise the youngsters in relocating and cultivating the herbs found on the glade to a spot of land just west of the base. The land could also provide as a space for planting their own crops to aid in adding to their food supply.

"So Yuna, I have another job for you aside from helping Vorjis. When you get back to town I would like you to purchase seeds sold in the market for us to use in planting crops." After stating his request, Garren then pulled out the remaining coins Yuna gave him, to be used as payment for the seeds.


"Sure! I'll buy them tomorrow before coming here!" Yuna replied without hesitation. It made her happy to be needed, and to be able to help Garren.

"Garren." Yuna muttered.

"What is it?"

"Umm.. I know what you aim to do, but could you assure me that Hansel would be safe?"

"Sure." In his usual cold tone.

His answer just brought a smile on Yuna's face, no additional words were spoken about the topic.

After a few seconds of silence Garren spoke.

"Follow me, I'll show you where Vorjin is. I'm sure you can learn a lot from him."

They both descended the tower and started to walk towards where the shaman and the younglings were tending the herbs. Upon passing some of the orc's, Garren could hear snickers and muffled laughter from them, seeing that beside him was the previously captured girl and was following him with a flushed expression.

Upon reaching the site, Garren called for Vorjin and introduced Yuna, then proceeded to instruct him to take Yuna as his apprentice, to teach her all the skills that he could pass, and informed that Yuna would be allowed to harvest her share of weeds that she was able to cultivate, which the old orc complied without resistance.

Garren then left Yuna in the care of the old orc and went his way to survey the area that had already been cleared of trees, trying to determine whether the area was already good enough and if should he order the halt of cutting trees and start building walls.

"Hmmm. Just a little bit more." Garren thought as he stood at the center of his base while observing the current borders.

When it was about to get dark. Yuna approached him and bid farewell, but before Yuna could go, Garren called for two orc warriors who were now currently resting from cutting trees and ordered them to accompany her, and make sure to leave just before getting to town. It would certainly be a huge commotion if they would be spotted by the people of Hansel.

Nothing special happened that night. The two orc's who he tasked of guarding Yuna returned and no incidents were reported.

As Garren was about to sleep, He still wondered if He had made the right choice to accept her friendship.


The next day construction of the houses still went as planned. Majority of the orc's no longer lived in their shanty tent's but in sturdy wooden houses, which pleased them very much.

His scouts once again headed out into the wilderness to explore and map the area as instructed by their warchief.

Just before lunch Yuna came back, bringing with her the seeds Garren asked her to purchase. Vorjin was very pleased of this and started instructing younglings to prepare the soil the seeds would be planted on. Whenever Vorjin was free he would educate Yuna with regards to proper appraisal and management of specific herbs. Though Yuna was already educated by the town's herbalist, she would often be surprised by the new knowledge the old orc shaman imparted on her.


Surgug also reported regular update's regarding to Nessera current growth.

Garren was almost satisfied by the area cleared around Nessera, but concerning his previous statement, he needed more workers, more efficient workers to be exact. Not to complain, the orc's followed each of his commands as he had hoped, but it took them quite a while. They do have their limits. He needed a bigger work force.

On the past Garren had acquired assistance from stone golems summoned by demon warlocks to perform manual labor, like carrying huge chunks of rocks or trees. He could always try looking for cyclops, but remembering he slept for 400 years he's not even sure if the giant race were still around and where to find them. Sure the orc's could also carry big rocks, stones, and trees but it would take a lot of them to perform the task and would also take more time to do so.

Garren just let the issue slide for now. I'll worry about it when the time comes. He said to himself once again.

When it got dark, Yuna was once again escorted by the two orc's who led her home the previous day. She had learned that their names were Ormus and Gregar. She enjoyed chatting with them yesterday so she pleaded Garren to assign the same orc's to bring her home. Garren saw no wrong in it, accepted.


It was after two days, Garren finally decided that the increase in territory around Nassera was enough. He halted the cutting of trees and began the building of walls. The clan was already getting used to their life in Nessera and performed their tasks efficiently.

Each morning a group of female orc's would go to the river and fill buckets of water to store in huge wooden containers in the base to use for necessities like cooking and such.

A group of hunter's would check traps left in the forest for any captured prey, sometimes the hunters would encounter monster's and slay them in order it to provide more food for clan. Garren advised a work rotation, If the orc was on hunting duty that day or gathering duty, then he would be on construction duty tomorrow, so they would all gain experience and to not feel dull with the same repetitive roles.

Garren would casually walk around the base, his clan would greet him every time they had the chance to do so. Looking at the progress made on the fields, he was pleased. The land seemed fertile. The seeds planted previously began to sprout. Yuna was doing her best to learn from the orc shaman, and Vorjin had also informed him that he had started teaching Yuna minor shaman healing magic.

Garren chucked, who would have thought. A human girl learning orc magic.

It was after lunch when the usual peaceful environment was once again filled with commotion.

The orc scouts retured, but insted of five only two came back. One was bloodied while being carried by the other.

Garren immediately called for Vorjin to tend to their wounds while Yuna assisted. It would provide her with good experience. He thought.

While the unconscious orc was being carried off. Garren questioned the orc survivor.

"Got surrounded chief. We follow mountain path, not long we see small troll. We decide to follow troll up mountain. After following troll, troll run fast to some trees, then suddenly lot of trolls around us. Tried our best to fight, but too many and too quick. Only us two make it out." The orc summarized his experience.

Garren dismissed the orc and ordered him to get his wounds tended.

"It seems the troll that attacked Yuna previously was not a fluke that just happened to wander in this place randomly, they will be a problem in the future, and upon hearing the scout's story, a bunch of troll's setting an ambush like that. It would suggest that they have a base hidden somewhere in the Beyruit mountains, He learned the name of the place after Yuna told him previously. Most likely they would once again find their way down here to hunt."

Troll's unlike orc's are more mischievous like goblins, although the mountain troll Yuna came across earlier was very strong and much more aggressive, it was just a foot soldier. Trolls are more cunning and smarter than orc's. The big troll's are considered as grunts while the smaller more agile one's were the ones in command. It would seem that the larger the troll, the dumber it gets.

Garren once again thought of a clever plan. "That's it, the answer to my problems. If I could get some of the big mountain troll's, building the wall's would be much easier. I don't care if the smaller one's would join my cause or not, all I need are the big ones. If their leaders would object I'll just eliminate them and take control of the big ones." Garren thought, displaying a wry smile.

Unlike orc's. He had no sure way of obtaining a troll's loyalty and obedience. It was the cursed Lucious who he had instructed to subjugated the troll tribe's before, to which he had done successfully. The thought made him bite his lip.

Well whatever happens I'm not going home empty handed. Either the troll's get eliminated or join his cause, those were the only possible options he has for their species.

That night. Garren once again gathered the darkpath's, and informed them about the troll situation. They were eager to avenge their fallen comrades, bloodlust in their eyes. Garren had informed them about his plan to subjugate them, although he cleared that there will be some trolls who would certainly oppose him and granted the orc's to kill without restraint to those who were not willing to submit, Which brought cheers and smiles upon the orc's.


Dusk came. The sound Garren has not heard in 400 years rung in his ear once again. The nostalgic sound of war drums.

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