《Avaritia》I once had a friend part 2


I once had a friend part 2

"What the hell are you doing!"

Yelled Pietro as he screamed his lungs out, trying his best to resist. A guard punched him in the stomach to silence him, though it did not just silenced him, it knocked him out. Come on we were just boy's, what do you expect? A full swing like that would even knock me out cold.

All I can do Is keep my mouth shut as Pietro's limp body was getting dragged before my eyes.

Two guards were escorting me as well, one guard on each of my arms. I did not offer much resistance though, I wouldn't want a punch in the stomach as well.

The cold wind brushed against my face as we left the building. It was almost winter, so the cold air was expected. I remembered how we use to snuggle together in our small hovel. Me, Pietro, Anya and Kiara. Trying to keep warm during those cold nights.

I saw a black carriage parked outside, with two horses in front. The guards placed a thick cloth in Pietro's mouth to gag him, to prevent him from screaming as soon as he regains consciousness, and with a loud thud he was tossed inside.

I was next, although I did not scream or shout when they applied the gag on me, my eyes showed deep anger towards the guards, and like Pietro I was tossed inside the carriage.

Before the hooded man took his seat in front, I saw him hand a large pouch to one of the guards. I guess it was payment, we were worth that much huh.

Then we drove off, unknown of our current destination, I just stared at the stars as I look through the bars inside the carriage. Anya and Kiara, they must be worried sick, we should have been back hours ago, but knowing Pietro he always had a plan. We'll get out of this mess I'm sure, I assured myself.


Pietro was still passed out, I admired how his face looked so calm. Not long after I myself dozed off.

Someone slapped my face, it was painful. As I was forced to wake up from my slumber, I saw a couple of hooded figures pointing daggers at me, all their faces were covered. Pietro had already woken up and like me can't say a damn word. Our mouths were still gagged.

We were ushered out the carriage and inside a huge mansion. Where the hell are we? I can't see any nearby houses, all I could see were a bunch of dead trees. It was still dark, a flicker of hope shined within me. If we managed to escape we might not be too far from town.

Upon entering the mansion I observed how lavish it was, paintings and sculptures everywhere, but it had a grim ambiance. Sweat was starting to form on my forehead. The group who was escorting Pietro entered a door that seems to lead downstairs, and most likely that's where I was headed too.

Great another dungeon, I said to myself. What do they want from us? A couple of orphans? I begin to wonder what horrors were awaiting us. I remembered hearing tales about young boys being used for sexual pleasure. Yeah, I'm young but I grew up on the streets, I acquired a bit of knowledge about those things. I swallowed my saliva as I thought of that.

Indeed the door leads to the basement. As we descended to the lower level, I observed that there were a lot of dark paths that lead to somewhere, but we went through the one on the left. At the end of the tunnel were a bunch of cages with iron chains connected to the floor. The room was lit up by a bunch of candle holders latched on the walls.


Then horror filled my eyes, I saw Pietro became agitated as well. Some of the cage's contained children just like us. They were bound by the chains. Some already too thin you would mistake them as skeletons.

Pietro what have we gotten ourselves into. I was shaking, sure I felt fear so many times before. The fear of being caught by the butcher as I run off with some of his wares, the fear of going home bringing nothing seeing their eyes and starving, but this kind of fear, it was different, it was surreal. I'm about to piss my trousers.

The hooded figures unbounded us, we were free for only a second because right away we were restrained again by the iron chains. Pietro was placed on the cell opposite of mine. Rage was on his eyes, I've known Pietro for two years now, but that was the only time I have seen him so angry.

One by one they left, I was talking about those hooded bastards.

"Pietro, what's going on? How do we get out?" I said in a hushed voice.

"I don't know, but don't worry. we'll figure something out" Pietro replied.

Then a voice entered our conversation.

"You won't escape, no one will. Not until your next.. we're all going to die.. are you next?"

I looked at the cage beside me, it was a boy just about our age, blond hair with bloodshot eyes.

"Just pray that you're next so it will all end.. all end. I wish I were next.. Then It will end.. Am I next? Oh please let me be next.. to end.. I'm next.."

The boy had gone mad. He keeps muttering jibberish.

About an hour later. Pietro was trying to loosen his chains or picking it by using a small bone he found when a group of hooded men once again entered the room. The mad boy beside me began muttering once again, saying that he should be next. But he wasn't.

The cell farthest from me they took out boy, he had brown hair. He did not resist at all as he was taken out, and the boy never did return, that was the last we have seen of him.

A day had seem to pass by. Me and Pietro still haven't given up hope, although we were both tired, hungry and dehydrated, we still yearned to escape this hell hole. We need to get back to our sisters.

The sound of footsteps once again echoed through the tunnel. They're back, this time they did not take some boy that I hardly knew, this time they took Pietro.

I screamed and shouted as they dragged him out his cell, Pietro resisting with all his might, but he was too weak, what could he do? We were just boys. Tired and hungry boys.

As I catch my final glimpse of Pietro as they continue to drag him out of the room, He saluted me with his right hand, looking at me with the same look as the first day I met him, gesturing me not to lose hope, to keep on fighting, but how could I, Pietro was in more ways better than me, If he can't fight them off. How could I?

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