《Heart Of A Servant》Chapter 20 : Killing seventeen billion beasts


It was indeed too much to ask a non-magic caster to fight a Magus God whose cast time of spells could be counted in single-digit milliseconds.

"My body!" Kyle was almost close to fainting after seeing the state of his body.

"He underestimated the Magus Gods. This was bound to happen sooner or later. We can only hope that he can survive long enough to use his Runic law to counter the siphoning spell cast by that short Magus." I said.

In the few minutes that Kyle's body had been pierced through by the lances, I could feel that he was no longer a 2nd tier Soul Whisperer. His soul energy was being siphoned at an amazing rate; the same for his vitality and essence.

It was so alarming that even I was worried trying to think about possible countermeasures.

It was then that an idea came to my mind. It was daring, but it seemed that at the end of the day, we didn't have any choice but to be hailed as devils.

What I wanted to do was upgrade Kyle's body to a higher tier as a Blood Igniter. For that to work, I had to find and refine blood from powerful beasts and if I initiated a Greater Blood Call spell on a planetary scale, it should be possible.

I had more than enough mana to use that forbidden spell. It was a spell that simply called blood from its target. I would have to push my soul to the limit to scour the whole planet and put a mark on every beast alive on the planet.

We didn't need to act reserved anymore as our lives depended on it. If killing every beast on the planet turned out to be useless, I was prepared to kill every human on the planet to eat their souls and become even stronger. I reckoned that billions of souls would make me strong enough to beat even a thousand Magus Gods should they come for me.


It's just that I didn't know what tier Kyle's body would reach after absorbing all that blood, but it should be enough to heal his mangled body, heal his pierced organs and keep him out of harm's way. Even with the lances siphoning his vitality, even at that speed, it would take at least a year to siphon the vitality he was about to receive to the last drop.

I exited Kyle's dream world, and as time was of the essence, I immediately pushed my soul sense to the limit as it covered the entire planet.

I activated the Greater Blood Call spell with the mana's support.

In total there were seventeen billions of beasts that were suitable for the blood harvest. They ranged from tier 1 to tier 8. Below tier 1 beasts were unranked and weak beast whose vitality was negligible. The unranked beasts could count themselves lucky as they would be spared.

Above tier 8, there was only one beast at tier 9. My guess is that that beast wouldn't be too happy after seeing billions of its comrades die. I should expect its retaliation in the near future. Chances were that it would become crazy from losing its family. Many of the high-rank beasts I was going to kill shared the same bloodline as it.

My tier 8 soul wasn't strong enough to compel a tier 9 beast to give up its blood and life through a spell. That beast would then be the only ranked beast that would survive. If it came down to a fight with that beast, I only hoped that the Shadow could handle it. If he could weaken it and give me enough time, I will then be able to sacrifice it and create a clone for Kyle. A tier 9 beast was more than suitable for a sacrifice because a beast of that tier had to have consolidated its main ability to its highest level, giving the clone a chance to inherit it.


Every beast that my soul mark landed was transformed into an empty husk by the Greater Blood Call spell, leaving an orb of blood on the top of their bodies. I then teleported the orbs of blood inside the copper ring where I would then immediately refine it to its purest form.

I was done in three minutes, from the killing of seventeen billion beasts to the refinement. What remained of the red blood was now a few grams of a milky white liquid which I assumed was another kind of blood.

All that was left to do was transfuse it into Kyle's body so the Shadow could heal and continue the fight.

I teleported the blood into Kyle's body and then the Shadow started spasming. To help it further, I removed the lances inside its body by teleporting them somewhere far away.

The result of my efforts seemed to have been seen through by the Magus Gods as they eagerly waited to see what would happen next, but I imagined they already knew it.

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