《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 24: Diary Quest


A few weeks after we departed, we arrived near the Griffin’s Den. I teleported us into a hiding place on the ceiling, and we heard a person complaining: “Argh, why did this Tyronius dude write in this strange language as clues. Man, no one could understand this language.”

“Khel, I think he has Tyronius’ diary. We need to get it from him.” I whispered, and he nodded.

I teleported down, then yelled, “Hand that diary over.”

“Ah, hello there Mensal. I see you fell for the bait. Are you ready to give yourself up to save your pathetic friends?” He chuckled.

“Of course!” I pretended to be willing to trade myself in.

“Well okay,” The man turned around, then yelled, “Jeroriah, bring in the prisoners!”

A man pulled in a cage that held all 12 of our friends. “Here ya go! Mensal, time to hand yourself over.”

“We exchange at the same time.” I bargained, and they laughed, then agreed.

“3… 2… 1… Exchange!” They unlocked the cage and I rushed in at the same time. But what they didn’t know was that I could teleport. After Khel had brought our friends away, I teleported out of the cage and knocked both of the cackling maniacs out.

I then jogged out and casually waved at my friends. “Hey guys, can you get on Iris so that you can go back to the magical realm? Khel and I are on a very dangerous quest, so stay safe!”

As soon as they were out of sight, I pulled out my map, which was marked with places the diary could be.

“Hmm… let’s search for the Phoenix’s Feather first, Khel.”

“Got it.” He responded. He summoned Tieron and I summoned Talon the griffin. When we arrived, we found a clue saying that was written in my family’s secret language. When decoded, it read Enam S’noil Eht Ot Og. We figured out it was Go to the Lion’s Mane backward.


After a couple of days of trekking, we encountered a pride of lions.

“Mensal, how should we handle this?” Khel asked.

“Khel, all I need you to do is keep up some wind to distract them. I’m going to shapeshift into a lion and talk to them. I have a feeling that we need them to help us.” I responded, then shifted into a lion. When Khel cast Cold Wind, the lions all turned to him, while I snuck around and over the hill. When Khel stopped, the lions turned to me. Then, in lion language, I spoke: “Hello. I am Mensal.”

“Who are you? We know everyone around these parts, so we know that you are a stranger. So I ask, where are you from, and why are you here?” A lioness growled.

“I am Mensal Exypnos, and I am here on a quest to find Tyronius’ diary. I came here from the Phoenix’s Feather, where I decoded the message.” I announced.

“Exypnos? Decoded Tyronius’ message?” The lions muttered amongst themselves, then informed me, “It seems you are a descendant of Tyronius, so we will reveal the map that tells you where the map that leads to the diary. But be warned, the path is long and dangerous, so follow it at your peril.”

The pride of lions led us to a carved stone path that led to the center of the mountain. All of them stood on a specific spot, which unlocked the door. The door slid open, leading to a frail-looking piece of paper sitting on a pedestal. It was old and had a musty smell. “Is that the map?” I questioned.

“Indeed, but we do not understand the language written upon it.” A lion responded.

When I took a closer look at the paper, I realized that the map’s secret language was my family’s secret language! The map directed us to Zwolennicy Island. “Lions and lionesses, I thank you for helping us along our journey to search for the diary. However, there is one more thing I would like to ask. Was Zwolennicy Island destroyed? After I decoded the map, it told me to go to Zwolennicy Island, but Headmaster Cerri told me that the island was destroyed.” I asked.


“Ah, but your headmaster only has a small understanding of what actually happened. The fort was destroyed, but Zwolennicy Island still exists; it’s just that it is guarded by the sinkana, sapa, klimaka, tasodufi, sabuja, aguja, darila, skela, rupaka, and agyu. The cave is also guarded by spirits who will let nobody except people related to Tyronius through.” A lion responded.

“Oh, okay. Will you accompany us there?” I asked.

“Yes, we will provide griffins to get there.” A lioness replied.

“I don’t need a griffin, you only need one for Khel. I can just call my dragon.” I pointed out, and the lions nodded.

“But first, Mensal, let us rest and have refreshments.” The lion called.

We rested there for a few days, laughing and becoming friends. Then, it was time to leave.

After a lot of shape-shifting to provide communication between Khel and the lions, we were completely ready to go.

Shifting back into human form, I asked, “Khel, you ready?”

He nodded, and we all flew off on our respective rides.

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