《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 23: History Lesson


I rushed through the headmaster’s door without knocking, then began, “Headmaster, I just fought off an entire squad of Uminoli to save friends from the human world but then the “hostages” disintegrated into dust that formed a note that was another ticking time bomb but I quarantined it and copied down everything written down on it and then--

“Mensal, slow down and begin from the beginning. First of all, why in Tyronius’ name would you bring humans into the magic realm, sir?”

“They were part of the Zwolennicy Magii, which seems to-- what, Headmaster, what’s so surprising?” I asked.

“The Zwolennicy Magii… were our saviors… which was formed of mages, humans, and dragons. Mensal, since you have an unnaturally high magic potential and have already encountered the Zwolennicy Magii,” Headmaster Cerri took a deep breath. “I think it’s time you learn about our history.”

“A thousand years ago, the world was completely controlled by magic haters. The ruler of every single human nation was corrupt, and the leader of them all had allied with the demon king, Zloty. But, some brave humans sailed to the island of 500 dragons and sheltered mages there. They built a near-impenetrable base, and they named the island Zwolennicy Island, the base of the Zwolennicy Magii.

“There was one particularly brave young man named Tyronius Exypnos who arrived later, and he rode upon the deadliest dragon of that time, Thiro, killing demons, shades, and all monsters of the such. They even killed a Thalássios Drákos. They were the deadliest team of all time.

“Eventually, they were able to rise up and kill the demon king and Malkallam, and the dark forces crumbled. However, after the war was thought to be over, Tyronius and Thiro disappeared. To this day, nobody knows whether they are alive or dead, or even where they are. There is only one book that could tell us what happened: Tyronius’ diary. Anyways, after they disappeared, a new demon king arrived, and the dark forces once again ruled the world. Zwolennicy Island’s base was destroyed, and slowly, the Zwolennicy Magii was thought to not exist anymore. To this day, we do not know how to defeat the darkness, and we continue to research until we find the way. We hope to find Tyronius and Thiro so they may help us defeat the darkness.”


I stood in silence, comprehending what the headmaster had just revealed to me. Suddenly, the carefree days of my youth seemed distant. I started thinking about how I could help, and then, I had an idea.

“Wait a minute. My last name is also Exypnos. Does that mean that Tyronius and I are possibly related?”

“Possibly...yes. There was a prophecy about the diary too.

He who saved the magic race,

Shall leave a clue of his new base.

Only his blood may find the book,

That holds the place to find and look.

For he has an intelligent brain

And only the worthy shall find his remains.”

“Headmaster, is it ok if I go on a quest to search for Tyronius’ diary?”

He considered the question, then replied, “Well, I was going to say no, but you are my superior, so I can’t stop you. You may proceed.”

I thought to Iris, Tell Khel to come with half a year’s worth of supplies, as well as potions. We’re going on a quest to find Tyronius’ diary.

Very well. After a short wait, she continued, Khel was notified. The journey may proceed.

I walked halfway to the exit of the magical realm, then stopped to hesitate. Am I sure about this? I inhaled deeply, then proceeded to exit through the portal and reenter the world of the humans. Wait a second… I forgot about my friends! I need to go to the Griffin’s Den. Wait, it’s in the world of humans too. We will search there as well. Perhaps the Uminoli or the demons currently possess the diary.

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