《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 25: The Thalássios Drákos


Not long after departing, we heard an ear-shattering roar. “What’s that?” I asked, shifting back into lion form.

“The one thing that we were hoping not to encounter: a Thalássios Drákos. It is bigger than Zwolennicy Island, has a sonic roar, electrocutes anything that comes near its skin, has a spiritual form that can fly at the speed of light, can shoot electricity, and is a one monster killing machine that doesn’t eat or drink.” One lion gravely explained.

Oh no… how will we get past it!

Soon after that thought, the Thalássios Drákos bellowed with its sonic roar, causing everyone to fall from their ride. Seeing their riders in trouble, our rides quickly followed us, attempting to save us. As we neared the teeth, I quickly cast a forcefield around Iris, Khel, and myself. We slipped through the teeth safely, but the lions and griffins were not so lucky.

We watched helplessly as the lions and griffins were shredded by the sharp teeth, as their fur and feathers dropped down, which created a cloak. I took the cloak and thought, Friends, I will always remember you. I will keep this cloak as a memory of our time together.

Then, I realized that we weren’t out of danger yet. We were slowly sliding down Thalássios Drákos’ throat!

“AHHHHHHHHH!” Khel screamed as we fell to what I thought was the Thalássios Drákos’ digestive system.

Okay, Mensal, if we’re going to die here, we’re going to die. There’s nothing you can do about it. The only thing you can do is accept your fate. I gave myself a pep talk to prepare for our deaths, but the moment I finished that thought, a shimmering green circle appeared and teleported us to somewhere else.

I tried to open my eyes, but my head had a throbbing headache. “Wh-what just happened? Guys?” Then I remembered, “Iris! Khel! Are you guys OK?”


“I’m so tired,” Khel groaned, “but I think I’m fine except for my right ankle. I think it’s broken.”

Mensal, I’m fine. Heal Khel. Iris told me.

I walked over to heal Khel, but the healing energy didn’t materialize. “Oh no… my magical energy must be exhausted. Let’s meditate together.”

After tucking the cloak into my bag, I started meditating for a while, recovered my magical energy, and healed Khel’s broken leg.

“Alright, now let’s figure out where in the world we are!” I announced, looking around.

“I think we’re in a cave.” Khel duly stated.

“Thank you, Captain Obvious!” I remarked with sarcasm. “I think that the portal teleported us to a cave on Zwolennicy Island, and… wait a second, I think we’re trapped, the rock just moved itself to block up the doorway! We’re locked in!”

Stay calm, and we’ll be able to think up a plan to escape this cave. Iris announced.

Meanwhile, I was thinking about what combination of magical spells could destroy the boulder that rolled into the doorway.

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