《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 15: A Mystery Unfolds


“Wait… Hold on… If Jormunder burned your house down, he probably knew about your potential. How? He doesn’t have magic. There are only two groups of arsonists with magic: the Ilonimu and the Liumoni. That means Jormunder is either part of the Ilonimu or the Liumoni.'' The headmaster pondered.

“Um… Headmaster… I think I have a clue.''I stated. “‘Ilonimu’ and ‘Liumoni’ are both ‘Uminoli’ scrambled. I think the ‘Ilonimu’, the ‘Liumoni’, and the ‘Uminoli’ are related. Maybe they are the same!”

“Interesting thought, Mensal. I’ll have to fire Jormunder after this. Perhaps even use light forms of torture to get information out of him. Maybe Jormunder is the reason why the arsonists seem to always be one step ahead of us.”

As we headed off in separate directions, a note came fluttering down from a bird flying above. It said:

To whom it may concern,

I am a person from a secret agency certain area of investigators. I have heard that you are investigating the Ilonimu/Liumoni/Uminoli case. I am here to warn you: Do not investigate it. Investigating that case prompts Uminoli assassins to assassinate you. We believe that the Ilonimu are the magical tech coverage, the Liumoni the magic decoders, and the Unmoli to be the assassins. In our beliefs, we think that they all have one leader: the Punolitery Company. The boss of the Punolitery Company is a man named Kyodasz. He is like the devil himself, as he is vicious, cunning, excellent at decoding with magic, excellent at assassinating, and excellent with technology. So beware, DO NOT CONTINUE THE INVESTIGATION OF THE ILONIMU/LIUMONI/UMINOLI CASE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. DOING SO WILL MAKE YOU A TARGET OF THEM.


Inominul Minibowul of the Purotliney Urntoypeli Company

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