《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 16: Paper is Dangerous


I let shock take over my face. This can’t be good… I ran up to the Headmaster. Panting for breath, I gasped, “Headmaster!!!.... Wait up!...” Wow, the headmaster was fast for an old man. “What is it, Mensal?” The headmaster peered down at me.

“Headmaster… I just got a note floating from a bird.”I handed the note over to him.”There’s another thing, Headmaster Cerri, the company, the Purotlinery Urntoypeli Company, both Pyrotlinery and Urntoypeli are Punolitery scrambled. Also, I see the words secret agency erased right before ‘certain area of investigators.’ Lastly, the person who wrote the note described so many things as if he knew Kyodasz. I think they are working together… Wait, headmaster?”I paused, seeing the headmaster deep in thought. “Ah, there’s one thing…”The headmaster took a deep breath. “THROW THAT NOTE ON THE FLOOR AND COMBINE YOUR MAGIC WITH MINE TO DESTROY IT!''He yelled.

“Why? I mean, shouldn’t one person be eno ‒⸺

“JUST DO IT!” The headmaster screamed. I threw the note on the ground, and threw my Fireball, Acid Splatter, Lightning Discharge, and Giant Raindrop at that tiny piece of white paper. The headmaster threw purple energy, some magic bolts, fire sparks, a lightning bolt, a huge water stream, and a few drops of acid. I wanted to use my death magic but didn’t figure out how.

A few moments after we had attacked the note, it tried to explode, which got muffled by the power we used to block it. Unfortunately for us, that wasn’t good enough, as the headmaster’s house caved in, burying us under mountains of rubble.

I called out to Iris, Help!!! The headmaster and I are trapped under his house which we caved in! Rescue us!

Sorry, but there are people shooting arrows at me from the trees behind the house ruins. I have to play a game of dodgeball-er-dodge arrow before I can save you. On the bright side, you can practice your shared sight and I can practice dodging!


I was dodging⸺er… Iris was dodging arrows that came flying from the treetops. She twirled in a downward spiral right after a midair spin and a loop-de-loop. Iris! Roar and most of them will run away! I told Iris, or more like I influenced her thoughts into making her think that. She roared using her sonic roar, making most scatter and the rest cover their ears.

Iris pulled into a nosedive as she spat fire onto the rubble. Then I disconnected. I quickly noticed that most of the rubble was cleared, but the fire was burning on the wood and slowly oozing its way over to us. Iris, stop your fire! I mentally yelled. The fire’s oozing speed toward us greatly decreased. “Headmaster, where are you?!!!”I yelled, putting up a water stream to stop the fire. A purple spout of magic shot up somewhere else. Hmm… I think he thought that my water stream was a signal signifying where I was, and that the purple flare of magic was a return signal. Then it clicked. If the house was like I remembered, I was buried under the attic and the headmaster under what used to be a bathroom.

I quickly got to my knees and started painfully crawling to where the purple magic signal was sent. After a minute of grueling crawling, I finally reached the headmaster. “Headmaster? You in there?” I asked, knocking on the piece of wood that used to be a bathroom door.

“Mensal… heal me. Quickly…”The headmaster croaked. I rushed in and used Healing Discharge, not sure what to expect. Then I saw it... a giant wood golem that was burning.

The golem was smashing into the ground with its wooden fists, catching the ground on fire. Every time it smashed, smaller wooden golems grew and overwhelmed the headmaster. I quickly cast Forcefield over myself and the headmaster, then quickly cast Hurricane. I cast all of my boosters on the headmaster before remembering that I had the spell “Teleport”.


“Headmaster, get ready…” I stated, then cast Teleport on him. Then I teleported myself. We appeared outside to people throwing javelins, shooting arrows, and throwing swords at Iris.

“Everybody, calm down!” The headmaster boomed.

“Why should we, there’s a giant rogue dragon here blocking us from reaching the headmaster and one of his pupils!!” Someone yelled. “Wait, is that the headmaster and his pupil?!!!

“Yes, that’s us. That dragon is my pupil's dragon, so you better get away from her.” The headmaster commanded. “Also, if that were a rogue dragon, you wouldn’t stand a chance.”

I hopped onto Iris and started meditating to regain magical strength. I was weakened by spending lots of magic rescuing the headmaster and me.

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