《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 14: Stories are Told


“What am I doing here? I was just playing with Barry, Carey, Ferry, Gary, Harry, Jerry, Kerry, Larry, Mary, Nerry, Perry, Terry, Very, Cherry, and Sherry!” Lujas yelled, then realized who was there. “Oh, sorry, sir. Didn’t mean to disrespect you.” Then she noticed Kajun, Khel, and me. “Oh, hey Kajun. Oh, you two are here too!” Suddenly, Iris roared, startling everyone but myself.

Hey Mensal, can I eat some of that girl’s sheep? Iris mentally asked me.

“Hey Lujas, Iris is asking if she can eat some of your sheep.”

“Umm… tell her that she can eat Nerry, Kerry, Very, Ferry, and Perry.” She pointed at a deformed sheep with one ear, a fat-looking sheep that was kicking another sheep, a sheep with its tail flicking into everyone, a sheep that was carrying smaller sheep from one hay bale to another, and a sheep that was staring at nothing in particular. Iris gulped them up, then expressed her satisfaction by breathing fire into the air.

“Kajun Yusoleert, why have you brought a sneairirow here?''Headmaster Cerri questioned.

“Oh, that sneairirow, whatever that is, is my pet, Lopert,” Kajun stated. “We bonded when he saved me from a pride of lions and I saved him from boredom.'' When it got untangled, it had a snake’s head, a bear’s paws, a horse’s fur coat, a bird’s wings, and a cow’s tail.

“How did you bond? Sneairirows are naturally evil!” The headmaster nearly screamed.

“Really? Then why did Lopert save me from that pride of lions?”

Headmaster Cerri calmed down. “There’s one possibility, although it’s very obscure. You are descended from the great Hutor Yusoleert, who was friendly to the snearirows, but his line was thought to be lost when he died of old age and his brother supposedly died in battle before they had children.”


“Oh.” Kajun looked surprised and mildly confused, then stated, “Well, that might be true; my last name is Yusoleert as well.”

After everything was cleared up, everyone told their stories, saving mine for last. “When I arrived at the MLD, I was surprised to see that I had a magic level of 175. I discovered that I knew 40 spells, all having to do with fireballs, pressurized water, healing, boosters, acid, and protecting. I could have up to 233 spells. Then, when I went into my room, an automated voice named Kloproi told me that the MLD prepared a good room for me, and it was all grassy with animals everywhere. But what I didn’t know was that a pride of lions was waiting in ambush. They pounced on me, but right before they touched me, Lopert flew in and knocked them with his cow tail. It didn’t do much, but it gave him time to bite them and then slam into them with his bear paws. I threw him some food, then when I missed by a lot, he bounded after it. I thought it seemed like a game of fetch with a dog, so I threw some more food, missing purposefully.

He chased happily, then I heard this voice in my head: ‘Hi, what’s your name? I’m Lopert! Would you like to bond with me and be my friend?’ Of course, I accepted, and we played for a while, then we got teleported/transported here.” Kajun finished.

“After discovering my spells, having 10, all related to befriending animals, I discovered I had a max of 93 spells. When in my room, I discovered that it was all made out of furry sheep, beds, and bouncy houses. One-third of the area were sheep, one-third were bouncy houses, and the last third were beds. I went straight for the sheep, and befriended some sheep; Barry, Carey, Ferry, Gary, Harry, Jerry, Kerry, Larry, Mary, Nerry, Perry, Terry, Very, Cherry, and Sherry, I named them. I rolled in their fluff then bounced for a while in the bouncy houses. I was feeling sleepy, so I went to sleep in the bed section. Barry, Carey, Ferry, Gary, Harry, Jerry, Kerry, Larry, Mary, Nerry, Perry, Terry, Very, Cherry, and Sherry were cuddled up around me, and suddenly I got teleported here.” Lujas curled up in her remaining sheep.


“I already knew my spells and magic level, so I just did it to show Mensal. We were both surprised when his magic level showed 253. We walked over to the headmaster’s, where he teleported to the Council of Magic & Mages. Then I told Mensal about stat screens. He has 13 in strength, 75 in luck, and 114 in creativity. He also has 16 elements, with the 16th called pure. I think that he is the One that The Prophecy mentioned. He also has 4 special abilities; the other two being invincibility and meditation boost. Then Headmaster Cerri teleported back, but Mensal was getting hungry.

Then his stomach started playing Yorky Light. When the headmaster told him where the lunch hall was, he ran there and ate so much that I thought I would be sick just from watching!

He said he was getting hangry. Then, we raced for our rooms. Klopros introduced me to my room, where there were tons of horses. There were illusionary fans and an illusionary announcer watching horse racing, where all the horses were real.

There was a giant sign saying, ‘Khel, you can take one horse free, but if you take two or more, you’ll be my new enemy!’ So I thought about which horse, then felt like although it was not leading the pack, the brown horse in the middle would be the best horse for me. I picked it, and then exited my room. I waited there for a long time, sleeping, grooming my horse, Tieron, eating, snacking, grooming Tieron, attempting to learn new magic spells, sleeping, until Mensal finally came out. I’ll let Mensal explain the rest of the story.”

So I did. I explained everything that happened, including what happened for Kajun and me in the beginning; getting discovered for having magic. I included seeing that speck, and then explained the relationship between that and the assassin. I included the feeling of bonding with Iris, and how it felt when her wing got pierced by the Mukoili Yeti. I explained how we searched for the Terop Stone, how we saved Iris, how Iris got extra powers, and how many spells I had, and how powerful they were. My friends and the headmaster hung onto every word.

After explaining, their eyes were as huge as bicycle wheels, and their jaws dropped so low that I thought they could fit an entire watermelon in their mouths. “You know how to cure guroting?!!”Headmaster Cerri nearly screamed.

“You bonded with a dragon?!!” Kajun shrieked.

“YOU WHAT!!??” Khel yelled.

“What’s going on?” Lujas looked confused, as she looked back and forth between everyone as if she were watching an intense ping-pong match. She paused, then stated, “Oh, okay. Got it.”

“Wait. If you are confused, how do you know?”Khel raised one eyebrow.

“Oh, the lead sheep, Gary, is intelligent, has a great memory, and talks to me.”

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