《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 13: The Headmaster's Confusion


Then, we left to go to the Headmaster’s house. When we entered his house, he immediately turned and entangled us in a web of golden light. Then he saw that it was us. “Sorry, I’m just tense because there is a new group of assassins dressed fully black called the Umonoli. They all have gauntlets to self-destruct, so we can’t hold them hostage.”

My eyebrows narrowed. “One of them approached us, asking about Subject 2413768, which is me. He surrounded us with a green dome, and when I asked him to let us out, he did, then we took him out. I gave our names as Lensam Dunderbirl and Helk Yuanag.”

“Very clever. Also, how did you survive? I could barely take on one, while you aren’t experienced with your spells.”

Iris made a grand entrance. “AHHHHHHHHHH!!! ROGUE DRAGON! HELP ME DESTROY IT!!!” Headmaster Cerri screamed.

“Um… Headmaster? That ‘rogue dragon’ is my dragon.” But the Headmaster had already launched a magic bolt. Iris erected a forcefield, but the magic bolt was too strong. Luckily, I had also created a forcefield behind it, deflecting the bolt into a magic-absorbing plant (that I created). The Headmaster sighed, “Sorry Mensal, I didn’t know that was your dragon. Sorry about killing it.”

“Um, she’s alive,” I stated, looking confused.

“Wait what? No way!! That was the strongest bolt I could have summoned! How could your dragon survive that?”Cerri furrowed his bushy eyebrows. “Alright, young man, how many secret powers do you have?”

I repeated the information for the second time. “Say, can you record that for me? I hate having to repeat it over and over again.”

“Only if you say it again,” Headmaster Cerri replied.

“Argh! Fine!” I repeated what Iris had told me. By now, my mouth was as dry as the desert.


“Got it. Alright, sonny, I have some questions to ask you. How did you bond with a dragon, what happened with the assassin, what powers does your dragon have, and how many friends do you have and who are they?”

“Umm…. why?”I asked.

“Wait, never mind, tell me your friends first. I’ll teleport them over. If they have a pet, it’s teleported with them.”

“Okay. My friends other than Khel are Kajun and possibly Lujas.”

“Okay, they’ll be here in 5...4...3....2...1…” Khel, Kajun, and Lujas appeared, along with a herd of sheep and a… a… what do you call a hybrid of a snake, a horse, a bear, a bird, and a cow?

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