《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 10: The Terop Stone


I exited my ‘room’, where I surprised Khel, who was grooming a horse.

“Oh, there you are, Mensal. I was wondering when you were coming out. It’s been 3 weeks since you went in. One day there is one week outside. So, who and what’d you meet in there? And why are you being so morose, with those red and puffy eyes?” Khel rambled.

“I bonded with a dragon, who I named Iris Shiner or Iris. She got pierced in the wing by a Mukoili Yeti, and I need something called the Terop Stone to heal it. I can’t heal her, and even the lightning retriever needs 12 hours in there, or 3 ½ days to retrieve it, while I only have 6 hours, or 1 day. I just don’t know what to do! I need to go to Wfrueia to retrieve it. I JUST DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!” I sobbed.

“Wait, you bonded already?! How did you bond with a dragon, and how did you receive its trust?” Khel exclaimed.

“No time to explain; it would take too long. I need to get the Terop Stone.” I hurriedly dismissed Khel’s question.

“Okay then, I have good news for you. The Terop Stone could have been taken by someone else here and is in the loot pile. Or, if it hasn’t been taken, I know someone who knows where Wfrueia is.” Khel replied.

“THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!” I exclaimed. “Also, where’s the loot pile?”

“Oh, um, let’s just teleport there in our elevator.” Khel nonchalantly replied.


“Whatever. Come on, hurry for Iris.” Khel motioned for me to follow him. We reached the elevator, which I was surprised to discover that it was disguised as a laundry chute. Khel pressed a sequence of buttons, and we arrived at the loot pile. Coins, trinkets, and jewelry were everywhere.


“No sign of any stones.” I sighed.

“Why would we be looking for it? Come on, let’s go to the searcher to look for it.” Khel raced over to a machine that had a keyboard. Khel typed, ‘If TeropStone is not available, transport initiates #2413768 & #5219826 to location #1427682618 in T0101.’ WHOOSH! Items flew past us, with everything not labeled ‘stone’ or ‘Terop’ piling into a giant heap. Soon, some boulders, tiny stones, multi-hued stones, and some random things labeled Terop. We removed the things labeled ‘Terop’.

“Alright, now the system can’t help. The Terop Stone is one of those stones, but you can only take one thing per year. So we can only take two stones in an attempt to save Iris, so let’s make them count.” Khel stated.

I quickly eliminated all of the boulders. “It won’t be that big, right?!”

“Wait a second.” Khel interrupted my line of thought. “If you have the aura seer ability, why don’t you see what aura Iris has and match it against the stones?”

“Brilliant, Khel!”I jumped in excitement, then reached into my memories to see Iris’s aura. “Her aura is rainbow-ish, and the injury is dull green. I assume it is an almost incurable poison.” I looked at the assortment of stones.

There were 3 with a red aura, 2 with a yellow aura, 54 with green, 1 with rainbow, 4 with dull green, and 8 with white.

“Alright, Khel, take that stone that is striped yellow and blue; that has a rainbow aura. I’ll take a stone with a white aura.”

I grabbed a stone that was colorful and had a white aura, then sprinted off to go to my room. As soon as possible, I arrived next to Iris. Iris? Iris, are you still in there? I mentally murmured. Mensal, I told you not to come back. She cried out in pain. Iris, is this the Terop Stone? I held up the colorful stone. No, it is striped in blue and yellow. She croaked. Suddenly, Khel burst into the cavern. “Mensal, your room is amazing!” Then he noticed Iris curled next to me. “So that’s Iris?”


“Yes,” I replied, then communicated with Iris. Is that the Terop Stone?

Her blue and green eyes opened slightly in… excitement?! That is indeed the Terop Stone! Have your friend break it into pieces with his Wedil longsword that he nicknamed Ertyuiop. Then, shower the pieces on my back, then have him chant Hagulohi while you channel your healing magic through the stone.

“Alright, Khel, you want to take after Hyamnai, but today your sword, ‘Ertyuiop’, is going to come in handy right now. Break that stone into pieces.” I ordered.

“Alright, but how did you find out about Ertyuiop?”Khel fiercely blushed.

“Having a dragon has its benefits.” I smiled, then waited for Khel to break the stone. I sprinkled them on Iris’s back, then told Khel to chant ‘Hagulohi’ repeatedly. As Khel did that, I channeled my healing magic, which I found out was greatly magnified by the Terop Stone. Bam! A bright rush of light exploded as we shielded our eyes, and what I saw was amazing…

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