《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 9: Meditation, a Memory, and an Injury


Pain. Sore. Tired. Stretched beyond limits. Shattered. These thoughts went through my head. I rubbed my eyes briefly, trying to clear the fogginess from my eyes. My armor, glowing purely. I tried to sit up. My leg flared in pain. I winced and lay back down. I tried to summon my healing magic. They all ran dry. Something had sucked my magic. I tried meditating. A person appeared in my head, saying, “Meditation is used to calm one’s body. You have ‘meditation boost’, which is from the old land of the ancients. Meditation boost is only used in circumstances where one needs to restore one’s magic. You will be in a time lock when you meditate. Would you like to enter State of Meditation?”

I, while tired, needed my magic to heal myself, so I entered State of Meditation.

A foggy landscape appeared. I walked closer. The image clarified: My house burning. I saw my father, tossing my sister and me out of the window. My mother caught us. However, my father was too late. The fire consumed him. Up to this point, I thought it was mages and dragons that burned my old house, with my teachers convincing me it was just that mages and dragons were evil and they were the ones who did it. Now, I noticed that a person was stealthily sneaking away, holding a barrel of lamp oil. He set my house on fire! I thought. I zoomed in. It was the face of… Jormunder. I realized the irony of the situation. He’s supposed to protect me, but he tried to kill me…

I saw my mother whisper, “It’s okay Mensal. It’s okay Melodia. Come on, we need to move.” That’s it! So that’s my sister’s name! However, why don’t I remember her? I don’t remember going to school with her, although she’s my age. Hmm…


After that scene disappeared, I found a meditating spot. Peaceful and calm, with a certain serenity to it, I sat in a cave behind a slowly flowing waterfall. I meditated, noting how my magic levels and the magic inside of me seemed to expand, giving me extra power. I exited State of Meditation. I healed my leg, then my ribs. I had broken my leg, ribs, arms, and wrists, which I all healed. I grunted at the effort, then stood up. I ran over to pick up Kosmar and Revanis, then stared at the Mukoili Yeti.

“Hey, you! Yeah, I’m talking to you, the one that’s as hairy as a mukrielin! You’re as ugly as a blobfish’s insides! I’m not done yet! Come at me!'' This time, it was different. I noticed that it liked to just charge, burying its horns in the wall.

Iris, come down and let me get on. I have a plan. Iris swooped down, then flew me to a rocky ledge on the side of the cavern. The Mukoili Yeti charged. When it was about to puncture me, I jumped off, landed on Iris’s back, then jumped off again, landing on the Mukoili Yeti.

It thrashed, but I realized its mouth was open. I summoned a poisonous Puritious, then threw it into the yeti’s mouth.

The Mukoili Yeti’s mouth foamed. It gurgled, then toppled onto the ground. I cheered. Iris, we did it! Iris limped over. What’s wrong, Iris? I asked, concerned. Nothing. Iris winced, which I felt through our bond. I checked for injuries.

Iris, you are not okay! Your wing is broken! I mentally yelled at Iris. Yes, but you cannot help. The Mukoili Yeti’s claws pierced it, and you would need something special in the next 6 hours to heal me. We need the Terop Stone, which none of us have possession of. Just leave me be; try bonding with a different dragon. I'm dying, and I don’t want you to see.


I blinked back tears. My core was rattled. Why is Iris giving up like this!? A tear slid down my cheek.

Iris, if you can still hear me, I’m going for the Terop Stone. Where do I find it? I asked.

I don’t want you going for it, but it’s in Wfrueia. She responded weakly.

Where is Wfrueia? I questioned.

Exactly. I don’t even know where Wfrueia is, and you only have 6 hours. Also, Wfrueia is dangerous, and I don’t want you taking that risk. Iris lay down, and I sobbed mentally. I attempted summoning the Terop Stone, which failed. I tried to summon a lightning retriever. I got through, but it said that it would need at least 12 hours to retrieve it. I sent it anyway.

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