《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 11: Power Revelation


Iris was back to full health with no tear in her wing. However, I saw that a mystical feeling was surrounding Iris.

Iris, why do you have such a mystical feeling?

Oh, just your healing and the stone would be enough to heal me to full health, but your friend over there chanting “Hagulohi” caused me to gain extra powers. Would you like to hear my powers? Iris’s eyes twinkled.

Of course! I excitedly exclaimed.

Alright, Mensal. My fire, flight speed, and scale armor are 15 times as strong, and I can breathe acid. I can also create a firestorm, or erect a forcefield that can also be used to cloak a group of people. I can project my mental voice into other people’s heads. Additionally, I now can seat three riders. Um… my claws are sharper by three times, I have a sonic roar, and I can also change color to camouflage. Iris listed.

Wow, that’s amazing! My eyes opened widely. Can you do a scan of me to see what things I can do?

Yes; um… in that battle against the Mukoili Yeti, your invincibility ability charged the armor’s enchantment, allowing you to survive a deadly blow every 8 months. You know the spells Fireball, Acid Splatter, Forcefield, Firestorm, Lightning Discharge, Giant Raindrop, Hurricane, Invisibility, Physical Combat Booster, Healing Discharge, Speed Booster, Defense Booster, Shift, Teleport Lvl. 1, Summon, Meditation, Growth, and Infuse.

Although it may seem you are very powerful, you are only able to know 20 spells at a time.

You may find some arcane tomes that can add a spell or replace one of your spells with another.

Got it, Iris. Can you tell me what some of them do? I asked, impressed.

Infuse is permanent; such as infusing a weapon. Healing Discharge is a HOT (healing over time) spell, while Lightning Discharge, Fireball, and Acid Splatter do DOT(damage over time). Speed, Armor, and Physical Combat Booster last a certain distance of time depending on how much magic you use. Furthermore, Firestorm, Summon, Growth, and Hurricane all last for some time, with all but Summon using natural forces.


Shift, Invisibility, Teleport, and Meditation all happen with mental force. With Shift, you can transform into an animal, but the more powerful, the more magic it costs.

At this point, I fainted, realizing that I was so powerful. Khel shook me awake. “Dude, what happened?”

“It’s ironic, now you’re waking me up! Anyways, my dragon just got some super upgrades from you chanting Hagulohi. I have discovered that I am very powerful, and can only know 20 spells at a time.” I exclaimed.

“Whoa.” Khel’s jaw dropped so low that I thought I would have to go to the other side of the world to retrieve it. “What spells do you have, and what do they do, Mensal?!!!”

I repeated what Iris had told me to inform Khel.

“Whoa. I haven’t even heard of a couple of those spells. What does Teleport Lvl. 1 mean?”Khel wondered.

I asked Iris, then responded, “The higher the Teleport level, the farther I can teleport and the fewer energy points I will spend.”

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