《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 3: Making Friends


Ghandeev roared, which woke me up. Suddenly, a gate formed in front of us. “Wow…” I was speechless about the shimmering green gate that seemed to be a portal. Then Ghandeev announced, “It is I, the great Ghandeev, delivering two new students with potential and no idea of what they are doing.”

“Hey!” Kajun shouted. “We have some idea of what we’re doing!”

“Quiet, you puny little girl! You are nothing compared to our might! Shut your muzzle and have respect for us! Ghandeev should destroy you for your impudence!” A guard yelled from the gates.

“Jormunder, you should respect them, instead of the other way around. They are not just puny little humans; I don’t care about those, I sensed them nearby. Not only did I sense them, but I took a liking to them. I will take them as my disciples and will teach them the way of magic. Anyone who argues with their power will be taken care of personally by me. Do I make myself clear?”

By then, the guard, probably the head guard, Jormunder, had turned as white as a sheet. “Y-Yes, sir!” He squeaked. As we strolled into the base, we saw many wonderful things; people flying around on incredible animals, kids casting magic spells, talking animals, and dragons and other beasts. A man handed a scroll to both of us, which were our room and class assignments.

“We have Ghandeev who took us as his disciples, so—what?! Why are you looking at me like that?” The man’s eyes were looking like they were going to pop out of his skull. “But he hasn’t taken a disciple in 2000 years, let alone two! Anyhow, you have class assignments. You only train with Ghandeev after classes. I’m pretty sure you will only train with Ghandeev after the class season starts, which will be in about 1 month or so.”


“Ok. Do we still have the same room assignments?”

“Yes, of course. Boy, your room assignment is room 416. Go to the dormitories and go to floor 4. After going out of the teleporter, walk or transport yourself or whatever to the left side of the hallway, look for room 416, and that’s your room. Girl, you are in room 431, go to the same floor as your friend and transport yourself to the right and look for room 431. You’ll also both get roommates. You’re lucky you got Ghandeev as your mentor, which automatically gets you an upgrade. Oh right, take this. It will alert you when the class season starts. Welcome to Yadurige!” He handed me a watch-like object, and I slid it onto my wrist.

As I headed to the dormitories with Kajun, we saw a boy losing control of a flying sheep. I ran over to help the boy catch the sheep, thereafter I introduced myself to him. “Hi, I’m Mensal. Who are you, and what were you doing?”

“Oh, I’m Khel. I was practicing levitation magic on that sheep. I assume that you’re the new recruits?”

“Yeah, we were taken as disciples by Ghandeev,” I replied.

“What?!” exclaimed Khel, surprised, “ He hasn’t taken a disciple, for like, 2000 years!”

“I know. Jormunder was in awe, and he was very rude to my friend back there.”

“Good, you put him in his place. Psst, did you know that the guards don’t know magic?!”

“What?!” It was my turn to be surprised, “Oh well, are you part of the training too?”

“Uh… yeah. I’m in room 416. What about you?”

“Cool! We’re roommates!”

“Awesome!” We both did a fist pump, then I headed back to where Kajun was, but she was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, I saw a figure riding down a hill on an object that came to a stop in front of me.


“Oh, hey there, Mensal! Kajun told me about you. I’m Lujas Lunderbird, nice to meet you!” She rambled.

“Okay?” I replied. Suddenly, Kajun came down sliding on a wooden board, screaming her head off.


“Ugh, she’s overreacting again. Come on, let’s go help her with her landing.” Lujas sighed.

After we gave Kajun a soft landing, she explained to me that she was roommates with Lujas, then asked what I did. I told her that I made friends with the boy who was making sheep levitate. After jogging to the dormitories, we trotted over to the teleporter. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Then, I walked in.

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