《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 2: Ghandeev


I was rudely awakened by the sound of roaring. “Kajun, stop making bear noises to scare me.”

“Stop playing dumb, Mensal, you’re the one making bear noises!” Kajun retorted. We both opened our eyes to see a large, dark shadow at the entrance of the cave.

“AHHHHHH! WHAT IS THAT?!!!!” I screamed in panic.

“I DON’T KNOW… BUT I THINK IT WANTS TO EAT US!!!!” Kajun panicked as well. We both started running towards the cave entrance, and that’s when we realized: the dark shape was a dragon.

“Oh god oh god oh god!” Kajun muttered. “Please don’t eat us! We are supporters of magic who ran away from the cops because we have magic!”

I am Ghandeev, one of the greatest dragons in existence. I am not here to destroy you; rather, I am here to help you. I was attracted to this cave by a powerful pull of magic. You have extreme magical powers. I will burden myself with you and bring you to the magical realm of Yadurige. Ghandeev spoke to us in our minds.

“Hold on, hold on. We have extreme magical powers? We didn’t even know we had magic until yesterday! How could it be possible that we have great magical power? And also, who in their right mind would name a realm Yadurige!” I asked Ghandeev.

It is a certainty you have powerful magic; otherwise, I would not have been drawn here. I feel the mark of an unknown deity on you, I think you have been blessed. In addition, our realm is named Yadurige because our ancestors, who had a penchant for weird names, named it that. Ghandeev replied.

Kajun and I were silent for a while, and then asked, “How will we get to Yadurige?”


You may climb on my back and ride me there. Ghandeev spread his wings so that we could climb on.

Kajun and I climbed onto Ghandeev’s back. He took off, and the wind rushed past my ears. I looked below: big mistake. We were high up. My hands got sweaty, and my hands started slipping. “AHHHH!!!” I screamed as I fell off of Ghandeev. Luckily, Ghandeev caught me in the nick of time, and we kept flying.

I took a look behind me, and I saw a speck in the distance, but I blinked and looked again, but I couldn’t see it this time, so I dismissed it as a hallucination.

I smiled as I relaxed from flying through the air naturally; as I could still feel the gentle wind and see the ground below us, after I adjusted to the height, of course. (I may or may not have thrown up on Kajun…)

Rain started falling, and Ghandeev escalated so that he could fly above the clouds to avoid the rain. On the way up, he punched through a cloud, leaving Kajun and me drenched.

“Hey, what was that for?!” Kajun complained.

I was trying to get above the clouds, the cloud just moved into the way. Ghandeev explained.

We kept flying, and then I fell asleep.

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