《In Life and In Death》Chapter 9


I open my eyes to the gentle voice of victoria waking me up

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE BED?" Ahh yes, the bed that I brutally burned yesterday for getting in the way of my endless conquest for power. a quick chuckle escapes my lips.

"It was an accident, I was practicing my element" I croak out, still groggy from waking up

"Why did you practice here? You could've gotten hurt you, idiot!"

"Nice to know you care Victoria," It warms my heart to know there are people I can depend upon after being separated from my team.

"whatever you stupid idiot"

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it. Hurry up and come outside I have two things to show you" I stand up even though my body is screaming for me to stay still. My feet move slowly as they are being dragged across the floor. The Rose on my chest pumps a little Power into me. I instantly feel more awake, I feel more alert and strong. My confidence rises as I start carrying myself in a way that a Hunter should. My chin up, my shoulders back. I walk with confidence in my step and a strong gaze. This is a blessing and a curse, It's nice to get some power but if I get reliant I'll to degrade into a weakling. I step through the iron doors with the elegance of a King and the will of a Hunter.

My feet stop cold as my eyes process what I'm seeing. The pillars of Obsidian are giant structures that looks like it could support the dark void of the night sky. The standard plain stone walls are replaced with elegant looking stone brick walls. The torches that were just sticking out of the wall with now being held by an elegant but sinister-looking support. The Carpet was a beautifully embroidered piece of artwork that should be placed in a Gallery. And then my eyes fall on the Throne. It looks as if it was carved from one giant piece of obsidian. Its edges were smooth but solid, within the obsidian there were flecks of a golden flame. The top of the throne was a carved piece of artwork with a moving flame inside the carved flame.


"Wha...What is this? Victoria it's beautiful" My mind is so jumbled from the power that the room excludes.

"This is your throne room, Alex, You're my first boss apparently, so I based my first floor around what you would fit you. This is my first creation But that's not all." Not all what else could there be?

"This is a skill book, It's supposed to help you integrate your element into your fighting style." A Large tomb appears by my feet. Its golden edges and sharp presence let me know that its nothing to be played around with.

"Do..do you like it?" Silence answers her

"Alex?" Tears start flowing from my eyes, My mind was so overwhelmed by the suddenness of it all. After everything, this is the first gift I've received. My mind is riding in a violent storm of emotions as I try to make a coherent sentence.

"Thank you Victoria," I use my hand to wipe my tears away, with my eyes still puffy and swollen, "This is the first gift I've received after my life got kicked around life a haystack, Thank you Victoria, thank you." Silence enters the room as we both are processing what just happened.

"My life has been pretty wild even before the incident." My mouth starts rambling before my mind can take control again."When I was five my mother was killed during a monster hoard on another Noble's property that was pretty close to ours. My life changed then too, I couldn't make sense of what happened. But I knew one thing. I knew I would grow up and become a Monster Hunter. My life changed when I fought against that abomination, I was going to die. So I traded my life for my friends my life, I would fight to the death just to give my friends a chance to escape." I take a deep breath, "Victoria, Thank you for being my friend, thank you for talking to me, thank you everything you've done for me. Thank you." I heard a small ding but I ignored it. This was more important. Stunned silence ensued after my declaration.


"No, thank you. My life before I came here was awful, my parents gave me up when I was 9, I had bullies from elementary school all the way through Highschool. Throughout all that I had 1 friend, she was my lifeline. My life was a black void but I had a star...until I never saw her again. After that my life went to ruin, I wanted to leave my world, my life. I wanted to escape, no, I wanted change, I wanted a life worth living. And you became the second person in my life to become my friend and my first friend here. in a world where I know no one, where I didn't know anything" Another ding appears in my mind but this wasn't the time to check. I walk over to the throne, to the right was Victoria and to the left was the monster. I would sit on the throne, My purpose would be to guard monsters and protect the ones who matter.

"Vic..." *BOOM* A large explosion happens as the large irons doors open. A large warm gust of air rushes past my face. As the door opens I see the doorway is filled with a strange crimson substance flowing in a counter-clockwise direction. As the red substance is filling the doorway a shiver runs down my spine. As substance finishes filling up the doorway, it lights up in eerie red glow. A Large malformed hand reaches through grabs the doorway, It pulls itself through and I can see the door start to bend. Its large body comes through, Its body is covered in random size lumps of muscle, its eyes were pitch black, no pupil or iris, just black. It had 2 large tusks coming out of its mouth that looked almost golden. It had little patches of hair over its mostly bald head. Its skin was a shade light grey with little streaks of green. It was carrying a large Warhammer, that had traces of blood splattered over it. The monster was easily two and a half meters tall.

It opened its mouth and I could ree 2 rows of sharp yellow teeth top and bottom, "Name's Glork, king said to fight you, Put on helmet, us fight." Shit, How did he get here? What is he? "Who's your king?" I ask as I pick up my helmet and hold it by my side.

"King is king, He leader. He God. Put on helmet We fight"

My mind raced to try to figure out who sent this thing. My hands lift my helmet up. Nothing comes to mind, but I may not need to figure out this now. I can figure this out when I win the battle. Either he would tell me who sent him by force or peace, it's his choice. And if necessary... I would kill.


He jumps toward me. This'll be my first fight after the battle with that abomination. A sad smile appears on my face, no one could see it due to the visor hiding my face but I could feel it. Confidence rolls off my body as the Rose pumps Power into me. Glork's large grotesque hand swings his Warhammer. I raise my sword to meet it.


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