《In Life and In Death》Chapter 8


A suit of armor appeared in front of me, it was somehow floating in the air. The armor was mostly black, The edges of the suit were glowing red. There was a glowing rose with a falling pedal over the heart, like the one on my chest. The non-metal parts were just moving pieces of fire. I put on the armor with only a minimal amount of excitement. I'm not excited about the most awesome looking suit of armor that only appears in the tales of bards.

The armor feels, light and comfortable. It feels less like armor and more like an extension of my skin. My vision isn't narrowed to the slits on my visor, instead, I just see as if I hand no helmet on. "Summon sword" The sword flies over and lands in my palm. The sword fits into the gauntlet perfectly. There's no other way to say it, it's just perfect. Everything is just perfect...How? How does the store have my measurements? How does it know what I want? How much does it know about me?

"ALEX" Why does victoria sound mad? "WHAT DID YOU DO?"

"I didn't do anything?" I didn't do anything so I'm innocent...Right?


"I didn't know it would do that." My hands go up as a sign of peace, no, surrender, "all it said was that the suit of armor was being upgraded for the price of 1 CC." Her sight focuses on my armor

"Hmmm, interesting, interesting" I breathe a sigh of relief, "OH, That reminds me. Go to your room, I need to do something."

"Victoria, I am the leader of the best Hunter Team in the whole of the Empire you can't jus..."


"Yes ma'am" Lesson learned, don't fuck with Victoria when she's mad.

I step inside my room, the cold iron door closing behind me. A smile breaks out over my face, it's nice to talk to someone. Even if that person was a gem in a wall that gets mad easily. My mind focuses on something that I've been ignoring. My element, I haven't even used it, yet, its already affecting my life in ways I didn't even know could be affected. Time to train.


So how do I start this? I raise my hand up to eye level and concentrate, My mind concentrates my desire for Fire, I feel a pulse of Power, Warm energy flows from my chest to my hand. A rose, six-inches long from the tip of the tallest petal to the very bottom of the stem, appears in my hand, floating in suspension. The stem is made of a lava type substance, there are thorns made of cooled obsidian sprinkled over the stem, The petals are shaped in the shape of...well... petals, but were made up of a red-ish orange fire. It's beautiful, and it's Mine. There was a connection between the rose on my chest and the rose in my hand. I push and the flood gates open. Power runs through the connection and reaches the rose in my hand.

It Blooms

As the last petal falls into place, the heat comes. I feel so comfortable in its embrace, so at home. But I do also notice the bed catch fire as the heatwave reaches it. The fire spreads, leaving nothing but ashes in its path. Stop, The command echoes in my mind. The fire stops, it doesn't just stop spreading, no, it stops. Not a single flicker of the flame is moving, the heat is still there but it's frozen in time. It's oddly beautiful, but now's not the time to appreciate the beauty of it all. Cease, Th fire disappears as if it was never there. My body falls to the floor with the rose entail, my body is exhausted. My head is covered in sweat. My eyes stare at the Rose in my hand. If I can master this power, I can exponentially become stronger. I will for the Rose to disappear, the rose disperses and flows into my palm. It travels down the connection it has to the rose on my chest. How am I going to explain the bed to Victoria?


(Victoria POV)

How can someone be so hot but such an airhead? How could he just....just AHHHHH I feel like pulling my hair out. Stupid Alex with his stupid blue eyes and his stupid muscles. He's an idiot that can't seem to think before he does something. Couldn't he have I don't know, told me the armor had changed? But I guess he didn't have a chance to...no its definitely his fault.


ANYWAYS, before I get even more distracted, I need to finish expanding the room. My Gem sucks in the ambient mana from outside the dungeon. I feel The dungeon expand little by little until

Congratulations on completing the first floor of the dungeon. This is only the first step in your journey. You may now design it to your will. You will only be able to travel and design completed floors. May you be blessed by the System.

That was...unexpected. But it looks like I can design the floor now, I guess I should par it with a monster? Let's try a Dragon. My non-existent eyes sparkle at the idea. A Dragon guarding my floor. It's perfect, A dragon protecting a sweet girl like me? Nothing could be better. I Push My image of a dragon, I feel the mana building and building. *Ding*

You are unable to Create monsters in a Boss room that's already occupied.

Already occupied? By what? I don't remember summoning a monster yet, In fact, the dragon was the first time I even tried to make a monster. So Who is occupying this floor? There's the red ruby next to me and...Alex. Don't tell me...Alex is the boss of the floor I'm on. Because no way in hell is that stupid ruby is doing anything. *Sigh* Alex better protect me, that stupid idiot. Whatever I guess I'll design the floor, but what should I design it into? It has to fit Alex. What would fit Alex? A smile appears on my non-existent face. A Throne room, He already looks like a prince in armor.

I will for Torches to be evenly spaced throughout the room. I create pillars made of obsidian that rise from the floor and touch the ceiling. I will for a Carpet embroidered with rose petals to be spread from where the door will be to where the elevated throne will be. I raise a semi-circle of the area under me to rise a few steps. I grow an obsidian throne with the top being shaped like a flame and hollow inside. I place a fire in there that makes it sooooo cool looking.

I've always wanted to be an interior designer so I guess my dream is coming true. Maybe accepting offers from strangers over the internet to send you to a different world wasn't such a bad idea...Who am I kidding? That's a horrible idea, Remember kids never trust strangers online who offer you a trip to another world. A low chuckle escapes me before deciding to go back to work.

All I needed now was to place the door down and work on the extra fancy stuff. I raise a large Mana reinforced steel door. I place the design of an Asian-Wingless dragon with a rose made of flowing lava in its mouth, over the outside of the door. After a few long hours of perfecting everything, I was done. I open a tired but proud smile as I look over the throne room. It gives off the vibe of a Serious Midevil Throne room, The king would sit down on the throne looking down on its subjects as they try to convince him of war. The Obsidian pillars were there to add dramatic effect. Everything in the room was reinforced with mana to prevent any of it from breaking. It was perfect. But now I wanted to sleep. I'll just show Alex his other present tomorrow for being my first friend here.

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