《In Life and In Death》Chapter 7


I look at myself in the mirror. It's my usual self but not. Everything seems to fit more. The deep blue of my eyes seems to glow, My black hair somehow got darker; it seems to suck in the surrounding light. My eyes wander to the rose on my chest over my heart. If you look closer the red glow is actually a barely contained flame. It moves in the shape of a rose with a falling petal.

My skin seems fairer, I no longer have the red tint normal humans have. My skin glows with a dim golden light. the muscles on my body seem to be more defined but not bulky like a normal knight. I wonder what else has changed. My mind wanders down but I can't check with a woman in the room.

"Victoria what does your Status screen have again?" I ask after checking to make sure nothing major has happened to my body.

"Here just look" My eyes widen with surprise as her status appears in front of me.

Dungeon core name: Victoria Johnson Class:???? Dungeon Core Skill List Store Currently unavailable

How was it possible to see someone else's status? "Victoria...It's not supposed to be possible to see someone else's status. Be very careful who you show this to"

"Ok but no one else is here but you"

"True but be careful. Whats a skill list?"

"you don't have skills?"

"I'm skilled at swordsmanship but I don't think that's what the list is for"

"Here look, skill lists are things I can do. It's like a video game"

"Whats a Video Game?"

"Its... it's a... you know what nevermind, here's the skill list"

Skill list:

Mana Eyes Lvl N/A

Mana Life Lvl N/A

Mana Control Lvl 8

Dungeon Maker Lvl 3

Monster creator Lvl 1

Namer Lvl 1

Summon Riches Lvl 1


Life-giver Lvl 1

Imitator Lvl 1


"What the hell are these?"

"These are my skills, I can do these things and as they level up the get stronger" I still don't understand what any of this is but I also need to know what the store does. I'll figure all this out some other time.

"May I see the store now?"

"Sure" Another blue screen appears in front of me but, it only has one line of words.

Store You are not the host, You will not be able to interact with the store.

"It says I can't use the store because I'm not the host" That's relieving, even if someone managed to trick Victoria into showing her store screen to them, they wouldn't be able to use it.

"Well, its an auction but I'm the only buyer and the prices don't change."

"So not like an Auction at all?"

"...ANYWAYS, It shows the item name, a description, and then the price."

"Price? what does it charge?"

"It charges something called CCs, but everything here is either super cheap or stupid expensive"

"How do you get CCs?"

"I get like 10 per level"

"What can you buy?"

"I'm not reading all of this, there's a lot of things."

I rub my eyes, Even though I've been out for days I'm still tired. I'll just ask all this tomorrow.

"Victoria can you make a bed? And a room if you can" I really, really hope she can make a bed.

"Sure," I see the wall to my right rumble. It shakes and the stones on the wall cave in. An Iron Door appears where the stone just was. There's more rumbling, after a minute or two it stops.

In a tired voice, Victoria says, "its done, I'm going to sleep. That was exhausting"


"As am I. Good night Victoria" I walk to the iron door and push past it. The low groan of iron greets me as I open the door. I look around, it's a bare room. There's a simple-looking bed with white sheets, covers, and a plain white pillow. There's a small lantern on the wall to my left, I can see a simple wood rack to the right of the door. I take off what remains of my armor, I'll have to ask Victoria if she can make some armor for me. I lay down on the bed, As I stare at the plane stone ceiling I wonder what happened with my friends. I think of all the times we've barely survived a hunt, only to rest for a few days and find another contract. I wonder if they know I'm alive, I wonder what happened to the team. I lay there for a few more seconds, soaking in my thoughts before my tiredness overwhelms me and I fall asleep.


(The next day)

I blink my eyes open, I look up and see a stone ceiling. "haha", I give a low chuckle. I think about how many days I'm going to wake up to the same stone ceiling before I can see the sun again. The lantern is still somehow burning, it must be some magic of the dungeon to keep it forever burning. Would it go out if it left the dungeon? I lay there in deep thought for a minute before I get up and put on my armor....or what's left of it. I look around the room and realize my sword is nowhere to be found. "Summon Sword" I call out. I hear a whoosh and then *BANG* something just hit the door to my room.

"ALEX SHUT UP I WAS SLEEPING," I chuckle, I just woke up the resident dungeon by trying to summon a sword. That should be the start of the tale you hear at a tavern. "Sorry, I was trying to summon my sword" I open my door and find my sword at the foot of the door. Why didn't it just appear? I pick up the sword and place it under Victoria's gem and then proceed to walk to the other side of the main room. "Summon Sword" as soon as the words come out of my mouth the sword flies toward me. I raise my hand and the handle falls into it perfectly. I guess it just comes to where ever I am.

"Woah, That was at least match 1" Mach 1? What's that?

"Victoria, Whats Mach 1?"

"Its a measure of speed from my world" Huh, So they've seen speeds like that on her world? Interesting.

"Oh, is there any chance you can make armor? Currently, I'm running around half-naked"

"I don't know, I haven't made armor yet. I can try though," After a few seconds of waiting, nothing happens.

"I don't think I can make armor. but I might be able to buy it!" Seriously, if I had a Store in my status, I would've become the most powerful person in Empire many years earlier.

After a few seconds, a prompt appears in front of me.

Victoria Johnson wishes to buy "Full Body Steel Armor" for (Alex Torres). Do you accept it?

"Yes," I say with only the most minimal amount of hesitation. It's still weird being able to see a status screen that's not My own.

Due to the recipient's Special Constitution. Changes have been made to "Full Body Steel Armor". One Extra CC consumed "Full Body Steel Armor" Has become "The Armor of The Burning Rose(Red)"

What. Just. Happened.

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