《In Life and In Death》Chapter 6


"Status Open" I look at the Screen in front of my eyes. It's basically the same but there have been a few minor changes. Nothing like what Victoria Said.

Alex Torres Class:???? Level:1 Element:???

"It's changed a little for me but I've never heard of a store. Wait a moment, didn't you see how to do all this in my memories? How can there be stuff I know but you don't?" My eyes narrow, something seems suspicious.

"Wait. That was your memories?! I went through someone's memories?!" Did she not know those were my memories?

"Did you not know? Sir Morning Star said that you would look through my memories to learn the language and know what I was talking about."

"It was like I was being stuffed with knowledge, I just had it in my head. But all I got was the language, I didn't get anything else."

"That's not what it says on the letter," I say with a shake of my head "Look it says that you should get my memories and learn about my World." I hold the letter up to the stone and...can the gem even see? I groan in my head, I feel so stupid right now. I really hope I'm not looking like an idiot.

"That's weird... I can read this language but it's not English. I don't know anything about the world though. I think language is all I know" I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not. It's nice to know my memories weren't rummaged through but now she might not even know what a fiterhog is.

"Hey, it says here that you can choose an element. What'd you pick?" Element? Oh Right, I still had to pick a element....how the hell am I supposed to do that?

"I haven't yet, I bonded with you first," I look over the letter again. It doesn't say how to pick an element, I guess I should just try, "I wish to pick my element" Silence answers me.


"HAHAHAHAHAH" She starts laughing, I can feel my face go red. Even if I can't see her, its never fun being laughed at by a woman. "Hey, I don't know how to do this ok? It doesn't say"

She's clearly trying to stop laughing "haha... sorry you look like the cold prince type who always has everything under control and never smiles or changes expression." I don't look like that...Do I?

"Wait are you a prince? You certainly look the part"

"No, I'm just a Hunter. I was born in a low noble household, I would probably be executed just talking to the Prince"

"Wait, hunter? Like a hunter who hunts animals for food? Why do you have armor then?" Did she think I was an animal hunter? Oh, right she doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"Sorry I forgot you don't know what that is. Hunter is slang for Monster Hunters, we hunt and kill monsters that normal citizens can't even hurt, I was actually the leader of the best hunter team until..." I feel a cold anger flow through my veins. My eyes drift to the red ruby. I finish my sentence in a cold voice, "That thing almost killed my team"

"A ruby almost killed your team? I can FEEL the disbelief in her voice."Yes, it's only a ruby now but before it was a horrific and deadly monster"

I rub my eyes, "We're getting off-topic, we need to figure out how to pick my element."

"Have you tried saying your name and then saying you wanna pick an element" that's no better but I have nothing else to try. "I, Alex Torres, Wish to use my right as a Demi-God to pick my element" I wait....and nothing, "I guess it di..." The shadows from the corners of the room enlarge and cover my eyes. I fall but I don't hit the floor. I keep falling into the emptiness of the void.



How long have I been here? It's felt like hours...days? I don't know anymore. I feel everything and nothing. It feels like my entire body is wrapped in brackets. It's nice to hear nothing.. just silence. I don't mind it, after all that's happened in the last few days.


Who am I? Why am I in the darkness? Have I always been in the darkness? What's light? Where does the light come from? Fire? Yes, light comes from fire. Fire...It's a double-sided coin. It's so beautiful and yet it's so deadly. Like a rose.


Fire rose....Rose fire? Whats a rose? Whats Fire? Why am I here again? I needed to... I needed...what did I need? Did I need? No, I wanted. yes, I wanted something. What did I want? I wanted Fire...yes, fire. I need to be careful of fire...but why? It has thorns like a rose. You can look at a fire, you can appreciate the beauty of Fire. Like you can see the beauty of a rose. But you can never touch it. like a rose fire has thorns. It will hurt you if you're not careful. But I wanted a Rose like fire...Maybe others will be able to see its beauty as I do.

I see light, no... it's not just light its, fire? Yes its fire, shaped like a rose. It's beautiful. I want to hold the rose. I want it to be Mine.


My eyes open as I see the familiar looking stone ceiling. "What the fuck just happened?" I groan as I sit up, My head feels like it has been bashed in by a kunix bull. My chest feels burned?

"Alex you're awake!" I hear Victoria yell from across the room.

"What happened?" I ask with a hand on my head

"Alex you passed out a few days ago!"....What? Days? I was out for days? I look to where Victoria's voice was coming from. It looks further way...a lot further away. I took a survey of the room.

"Is it just me or is the room bigger?"

"Oh yea, I grew a few levels, and apparently when I grow in levels I grow in size." Ah, that must be the dungeon core aspect coming in.

"Status Open"

Alex Torres Class: Knight Of the Flaming Rose Level: 5 Element: Flaming Rose(Red)

So I'm the knight of the flaming rose? How did I get a class without a class stone?

"umm, you should know that your ahhh chestplate got burned to smithereens and you now have a glowing rose on your chest" I have a glowing rose on my chest?

"Can you make a mirror or something?" I'm too exhausted at this point to care if she can or not. "Yea sure" After a few seconds a large full body mirror appears in front of me and proceeds to fall to the ground and shatter...I look at Victoria and I swear I can see a blush. Can Dungeon Cores blush? "Wanna try again?" I say with a smile, trying to hold back my laughter, after all this, it's nice to laugh after my life got flipped around. Soon a mirror grows from the inside of the wall. It's embedded inside and I swear there's an extra-strong frame.

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