《In Life and In Death》Chapter 10


The surrounding air exploded out from the point of contact. Glock's Hammers was locked with my sword. While he tried to crush me with a hammer with the size of my chest, I desperately tried to knock his weapon away. My eyes locked with his, what I saw was not calm, or stable. I saw the gaze of insanity, his eyes overflowing with the sediment of meeting a challenger. We stood there for a few seconds not moving, The rose on my chest pumped even more power into me. My strength rose and the stalemate ended. We both moved to different directions, we were once again across the room form each other. My body was filled with energy and strength, I ran to him with speeds not possible with normal human beings. I swung my sword at his waist. My blade made contact but only made a negligible cut. My eyes were in disbelief at what I had seen before I could anything else I had a hammer moving toward my head. I had no time to block so my legs bent and the hammer went over.

Then his left arm, the one not holding anything, made contact with my stomach. I flew toward the east wall, my body crashing into the wall. My armor could protect me from many things but flying and suddenly stopping was not one of them. My mind was dazed as I tried to do anything except standing there. Glork was Walking toward me, with the glee of a child finding his next toy. I limped as fast a possible, I raised my sword. Only to find it not there, it was on the ground where I had landed. "Summ." I stopped myself. What if, I summoned the sword when Glork was in its path? I needed to distract him.


"Come you lump of muscle, come face your doom" I shouted in hopes my acting was up to par.

"HA, Glork meet doom? No glork is doom" He starts casually swinging his hammer from side to side. The air seems to be being pushed out of the way. If that hit my head, my head would explode like an overripe melon. I put my left hand behind my back as I summon a rose. As he crossed the path between the sword and me, I raise my right arm "Summon sword!"

*Woosh* The sword flies to me, but gets blocked by Glork's humungous body. My sword embedded itself into his abdomen. He stops and looks down, confusions in his eyes but soon anger and pain replace his almost childlike confusion.

"AAAAAARHAHAAAAA" He bellows, his voice laced with bloodlust. He makes no move to remove the sword before charging toward me. My left-hand raises the rose, it had bloomed in the time it took Glork to realize what had happened. Heat explodes from the rose as I keep pumping more and more power into it. I could see his skin starting to melt, his hair started to burn, Heatwaves were visible a full meter away from the rose. The gray skin peels off and starts to char. He bellows in even more pain. his wound starts to cauterize, his flesh starts to sizzle. The sickening smell of beef fills my nostrils. He slows down, but I keep pumping even more power. I was taking no chances, He bellows one final guttural yell before falling to the ground. His skin turning black as he starts to char.

I fall to ground with beads of sweat traveling down my face. My rose disappears as it gets reabsorbed. I limp over to his body, I place my hand on my sword before pulling it out. It was covered in a sickening green color. I turn from the body, I needed to sleep. the moment I turn around Glork's charred body moves, I could hear the cracking of the black husk. He grabs my left arm and twists.


"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" Pain flooded my mind, I can't think, my mind can only focus on the pain. But that wasn't the end. Before I can escape his grip, he grabs my forearm and one on my side. He then pulls, my armor was desperately trying to stay together. Soon the armor tears like a piece of paper and my arm along with it. Golden blood splashed across the room, it hit the carpet and covered the pillars. I couldn't comprehend what had happened. My mind was numbed to point I could feel nothing. No pain, anger, fear, nothing.

I had killed him, he was a charred stump. But here he was, with my left arm in his mouth, eating as is he has been starved for days. I finally get enough sense to summon another rose with my right hand, I drop my sword as I flood as much power I could into the rose. A rose forms but its different, the edges of the petals were blue, the obsidian thorns seem to suck in light and the lava seems more to be barely holding itself together.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" I scream once more as I keep pouring more power until a petal separates itself from the rest of the rose. This petal moves toward Glork as if the wind itself was carrying it in its hand. Glork looks up before he could finish eating my arm. For the first time in the battle, I saw fear. No, not fear, Despair. I saw despair. He tried to run but the petal became a flash of light. It reached him and entered his body. For a few seconds, nothing happened.

"HAHAHAHAHAH" He starts laughing, my heart drops. I could feel the hand of death holding my heart in its palm. I had no more power. I was finished, that was until Glork started screaming and withering in pain. He fell to the floor, on the ground squirming in pain smoke started to exit his eyes mouth and nose. From the sword wound, I could see what was happening, the petal was burning from the inside. More and more of him started to burn, The wound was becoming bigger. His grey guts started to spill out of him, His voice cut off as a small hole filled with smoke appears from his throat. I watched as he crawled toward me, wanting to get one last attack. I stood there not moving, I wasn't frozen from fear I just stood there watching. His lower body was ash, burned to nothing but grey ash. He managed to reach my feet before finally succumbing to the flames and turning to ash. I stare at the large trail of ash, that was the monster that took my arm. Darkness covers my eyes.

I really need to stop passing out. That was my last thought before falling to the floor and losing consciousness.

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