《Godling》Chapter 2


For the next couple of days the man was just working, he got up in the mornings and left for work only to rexurb home and quickly and fall asleep.

And for those couple of days the game godling was like a faint memory, he neither cared nor worried about the game and he quickly forgot about the game.

His planet was left unattended for those days. Influenced by [Summon asteroid] many asteroids set their corse for the planet. Each asteroid held a wide verity of materials that now belonged to the planet.

After multiple collisions with the summoned asteroids the planets rotation increased and it moved slightly closer to the chaos star increasing the difficulty rating to [4 Stars]. The temperature also rized significantly from the surface being covered in volcanoes spewing lava that covered the planet.

Time flowed differently for godlings, and when one sleeps time flows at an even faster pace.

Over the days that he forgot about the game not only did the planet go through many years of slowly restabilizing itself, but the seed opened a portal large enough for a couple of chaos dragons to get through.

It was a small group of five chaos dragons and their size was relatively normal. Their scales were a deep grey and they released a chaotic energy that curropted the surrounding space.

After crossing into the mortal plain they split up and went to different planets, one chose the frost planet while another decided to make its home within the flames of the chaos star. The remaining three chose to make a home for themselves on his planet.

After making their homes, the surrounding areas slowly became curropted from constant contact with chaos energy.

Over the years they breed and laid a couple of eggs but they didn't seem to care about them as most of the time they would just eat the eggs, but a few were able to survive after being forgotten, and or lost by the chaos dragons.


For reasons unkown four of the dragons quickly regrouped and flew in random directions, almost as if they were fleeing from the solar system. The last dragon was caught in a deep slumber, she would not wake to anything and just slept inside a volcano.

As she continued to sleep the gray color from the her scales slowly faded away to show a deep crimson hidden beneath. As the color of gray faded away to a deep crimson the surround temperature of the planet continued to rise.

Throughout the whole transition she slumbered, she would stir every now and again but would quickly relaxe and return to deep slumber. With her transformation complete the volcano she made her home progressively became taller and wider. The lava that escaped from it stayed a deep crimson for a couple of years before cooling down.

"Maybe I should check on it now, it's already been a couple of days..."

Turning on his pc he was greeted by a black screen, after a bit of searching around he found the prompt asking him if he wanted to "wake up".

When he clicked yes the current state of his planet shocked him.

"It's only been a couple of days and now it's completely covered in volcanoes..."

He took a look around his planet and everything seemed normal besides the giant volcano that towarded pretty high compared to the others.

Moving his cursor over the volcano just told him it was mysterious volcano. Looking at his options he saw that he now had a couple more options to choose from.

• Summon asteroid

• Mineral rich asteroid - asteroids that carry a wide verity of minerals in varying amounts

• Ice asteroid - chunks of ice floating through space

• Purify - this will help clean the chaos energy that find its way towards your planet


• Sleep

"Welp, nothing i can really do about it besides maybe summoning some ice asteroids."

After using [Summon asteroid - ice] a couple of times as well as [Summon asteroid - mineral] he took some time to think before confirming [Purify] just in case before activating sleep mode.

[Purify] has a wide range of effects but took a long time to reall make a difference. It slowly healed the damage done by the chaos dragons as well as effect the crimson dragons transition.

The fading rate of gray to crimson increased slightly and she no longer stirred every now and then. It also had a stronger effect on the unborn dragons within the dragon eggs. They were slowly cured of their corruption and their shells seemed to shine a bit brighter then before.

It was also able to filter the chaos energy released from the chaos star that found its way to his planet. It was a long process but as it continued the chaos energy continued to be filtered and changed into other kinds of energy.

News channels around the world were covering the story of unnatural power outages all around the globe happening around the same time during the night.

Some believed it may be terrorists planning something and others blamed it on curropt organizations, but after a couple more days past it was quickly forgotten.

On the other hand the internet was abuzz with the new game taking the internet by storm. The game couldn't be installed online but overtime more and more people turned on their pc to find it already on their computers.

Those who played it quickly got attached to the charming game that allowed you to look after a planet and it's inhabitants.

It didn't take very long for some simple guides and dedicated website to be made form users of the game.

Theory's about the game was also circulating around the internet, like why did it just show up out of no where, and why could it not be installed online.

Their were even a couple theory's connecting it to the freak power outages happening around the globe.

For those who didn't have the game, it was hard for them to understand all the buzz about it, and for some reason no one is able to get any recordings or screenshots for the game causing more suspicion.

After a couple of years a group of asteroids summoned by [Summon asteroid] found its way towards the planet. This time it was different, too many asteroids were hitting the planet either at the same time or just seconds after.

From constant collisions a piece of the planet broke off and was stopped from flying away by the gravity of the planet, instead it now orbited the planet.

This time a bunch of the asteroids carried single celled organisms within them, many were frozen inside the ice asteroids and quickly died, or had already been dead and became food for the others. Because of the high temperatures many of them ended up dying in the end.

Even so, many were still able to survive the temperature or adapted quickly multipling while aand thriving in places where they could survive. With the addition of a bunch of gasses from the evaporated ice asteroids a basic atmosphere slowly formed.

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