《The King of Snipers》Dwarfs ?


I wake up inside the van, in the day before i was making my armor, i make an shin guard, forearm guard and a big piece of devilsaur scales on my chest and abdomen, and in my side is DeathClaw, he is trying to eat a big piece of meat that once was a mouse, i put my armor and my robe, i feel more safe now that i have this inpenetrable armor.

- Lets go.

And so we do, we get the street and begin walking, after some minutes we were already out of town, the only place i could think to go was the other city, after 3 hours we get into other city but this time, there was an pack of sand wolfs, they looked to be looking for something, some were smelling the air and others were looking around.

One of them begins to move and the others too, i decided to follow them, they could make us found the others, and so we follow them, they were getting inside the city, slowly following them we hear a whistle.


Thats when i see a group of small people, they looked like dwarfs, but smaller almost to the point i tought they were kids, but they have beards and use leather armor with an mask, i wanted to talk but i dont even know if they were human.







- ....what

Somehow they could hide their status, not even the name was there, the wolf then get with them, some of them pet the wolfs, but it didn't make me want to see them, they could be more stronger than me, i cant let my guard down.

Thats when i see behind them was a something strange, something red, there was a group of little devilsaurs, i just wait, its not like i will do something, the group of wolf tries to protects them but the devilsaurs really deserve that name, they were bigger than the wolfs, the wolfs tried to bite their necks, the scales was really tough and the devils retaliate.


The wolfs were weak, and were easily pushed back, the dwarfs were using guns, but it didn't penetrate the scales of the devilsaurs, they obviously cannot win, would i help them or not, maybe i can trust them to find others survivers.

- Lets go Death Claw - Michael

I get up and walk, the dwarfs were looking at the devilsaurs and didn't see me, i was bigger and more intimidating, i get my slingshot and shot in the head of the 4 devilsaurs, their heads burn an roar with pain, they could be immune to bullets but never to fire, they look angry and when one of them charges at me, i shot close to its eyes, it roars with pain and i kick his head, only looking at the others as if daring to let them get closer, Death Claw is behind me and stand proud as if to show superiority against the others.

All of them get out of the place like cowards, i look back and see the dwarfs pointing theirs guns at me and Death Claw.

- Oh shit - Michael

- Oh shit indeed - ???

All of them were pointing their guns at me, some were angry and others anxious, the one who looks to be the leader looks at me, and to Death Claw.

- you will make a good slave - ???

One of them throws a net trap at Death Claw, i was going to help him but the leader gets an dart and throws at me, i get my slingshot and shot at the eye, the last thing i remember was him yelling in pain.

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