《The King of Snipers》Wild Lands


I was captured, the dwarfs were actually slavers, i look around and see that is night, we were still in the plains, they are around a bonfire, me and DeathClaw are tied, how could i be so careless, i am in a fucking apocalypse of course that making slaves will happen, there is no police or laws to protect me, my armor and items were with the dwarfs even my firestones were being used as toys, thoses bastards.

- We have seen many humans before you know, when we get into this world there was some, but theses days we have find so few. - ???

- Oh dont look like that to me, i have a wife you know, i need this money, hunting slaves are the most dangerous but this brings food to our bellys, and looking at your status...

So 2 things were off my list, there are fantasy creatures on my planet and that they have a system too, this getting too dangerous, not only monsters are in my world but even other intelligent races from fantasy too.

- Hah you are an user of fire eh, but if you were more competent you could burn the ropes in you hands HAHAHA, what a loser. - ???

The only thing i do is to look at him, even if i wanted to talk there is no point in it, i was only focused on the ropes, i could transmutate the ropes to burn but it will take some minutes, fortunatly thoses stupids dwarfs were drinking wine while looking at my items, the only thing i can do is wait.

The rope was getting red, almost to the point of explosion, but i need the perfect time, i wait and see that they were too drunk, they were only drinking and talking about how much i value, that was the time, the ropes burn, i sprint and get behind a drunk dwarf, get his bottle and break in his head, still with the broken bottle in hand i thrust it in his throat, the pathetic dwarf tries to yell but only blood get out of his mouth.


The others dwarfs gets surprised by it and point their guns at me i get the dwarf as a meat shield and charge against the dwarfs, they shoot but it was ineffective, i take them down, i get an knife and strike one of them in the heart.

The last one was running, he point his gun at Death Claw, i just walk at him slowly, and behind him was the group of sand wolfs, he looks more confident and say.

- Get him boysh - ???

The wolf charge, but i still walk slowly using my meat shield, the wolfs walks and get around me, but still they didn't attack, they tried to attack but they are intimidated, thanks to my skill of intimidation, the dwarf see the scene and point the gun at the head of Death Claw.


I just walk at the drunk dwarf, he shot the head of my Devilsaur and looking at this opportunity i dash and cut his throat, he tries to contain the cut but it was futile, he falls drowning at his own blood

- Stop it boy, i know you are still alive. - Michael

Death claw open its eyes, the bullet could hurt him, but not kill him, i use the bloody knife and cut his ties, i look around, it was a carnage, but there was still one dwarf alive, he was unconscious, even with the sound of the fight he still did not wake up.

I slap his face that have a mask, he looks at me confuse, after looking at the cowardly wolf and his companions killed he begins to shake.

- Listen to me, if you want to live, tell me everything i ask you understand, BITCH. - Michael

I ask him many questions and he answer all, the system is part of the universe, it helps all the races to surpass its own limits, and in the part of the universe were the system reside is called Wild Land, every planet that is connected to the system will be part of Wild land, its called like this because everyone tries to become the strongest and aquire the title of king, and only war is caused because of it, the weak races will be enslaved and the strongest will feast.


The dwarfs could only get here because of a machine created with essense to teleport to other worlds, their mission was simple, bring slaves, and my planet was being invaded by many kings, and will become another battlefield, after all a king must conquer.

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