《Blue Screen Blues》B2: Chapter 82: "A Little Bit Paranoid"
Up at the house Ryan meets Arcadia and Liz and is briefed on everything that Arcadia learned from her secret spying mission.
“When I got to a township outside of New Boss City, I learned of their evil plot to win the election. They secretively acquired over 600 people that they are going to bring in to vote before the election. They already have them all registered to vote, so all they have to do is show up. This is bad and will mess everything up we’ve worked so hard on. We need a plan to counter this.” Arcadia explains feeling worried.
Ryan takes a seat and at the table and smiles. “Where are the sisters at? I have an idea” he says with an evil smile. Arcadia lays her staff on the table and leans forward to listen. Liz takes a seat and listens intently to his plan. After the plan was explained, Arcadia and Liz suggest additional ideas to make his evil little plan work. After a Rock-solid plan was agreed on, Ryan and Liz head to bed. Arcadia on the other hand teleports out of the house and proceeds to roam around the world and carry out her duties as the fabled Green and Blue “Guardian Angel” people are starting to gossip about in the world.
For the rest of the night, she roams around the world resurrecting fallen parties in a variety of dungeons and providing that life-saving healing cast to all the lone wolf’s that were on a dangerous late-night quest or adventure, before disappearing like a ghost into thin air.
Ryan and Liz however head to bed, but something odd occurs in Ryan’s Room. Liz for some reason has acquired a “Murder Free Guarantee” cuddling pass from Zephyr to sleep next to Ryan in their bed. Ryan who tried keep his distance from her, started questioning her motives.
After a little bit of whining and trying to explain everything that “Supposedly” Zephyr agreed to with her about Ryan, He ultimately refuses to trust what she was saying. For fear that she may get released from jail, and might come home, and wake him up with a decapitated bloody head of this poor girl next to him he ultimately rejects her advances tonight to cuddle. This ultimately angers Liz and she openly displays her frustration with balled up fist and a downward strike on his arm.
“Why are you being a Dick!” She yells at him.
Ryan who pushes himself backwards toward the headboard sits upright towards it and looks at her.
“I need Zephyr to physically tell me it’s okay Liz. Look I like you but, I’m just playing it safe” He replies to her.
“Oh, come on Ryan. Zephyr let me sleep next to you last night. With your history of pushing her away and getting caught cheating on her, that’s one rare privilege I have earned from her, Something I should be damn proud of. You know Any other girl who even touches you is at risk of getting their hands chopped off by her. I have been granted this amazing gift by her to use you as my pillow. So come on! Let’s get to it.” She says as she pats her hand the empty bed space next to her. “Look I’m tired, and you still owe me a vampire girlfriend” She replies with a temper.
“I don’t know if that was a onetime thing. Look when she gets out jail overwatch duty, I’ll gladly do this with you. But how about I set you up with someone who is… a little more safer?” He suggests.
Liz huffs and crosses her arms. “Like who?” she asks.
Moments later both of them are knocking on Alex’s room door.
When Alex answers it, her hair was still damp from her bath, and she smelled nice. The fragrance of her shampoo was strong in the middle of the doorway where she stood there confused.
“Alex do me a favor and to cuddle with her”. He says while he tosses her his phone. As she catches the phone in a hurry Ryan says, “She likes Avril Lavine, why don’t you tell her some trivia about her, and maybe do karaoke with her too” he says while he pushes Liz into the room. “Well anyway Thank you, goodnight” he says in a hurry as she shuts the door and hurries back upstairs to his bed.
The two girls look at each other all confused and just stand there in the room awkwardly in silence.
“Pickles” Alex randomly says out loud to break the silence.
Liz suddenly smiles and giggles.
Ryan when he gets back to his Room silently celebrates and whispers: “YES, I have my own bed for the night!”. He then takes off his shirt and hops on the bed and spreads his arms and legs out wide and gets extremely comfortable. The feeling of having the whole bed to himself felt soothing mentally and physically. He was happy he wasn’t forced to and confined to one side of the bed. As he enjoys this, he falls asleep when suddenly he wakes up to music playing from the floor below him.
He expected Avril Lavigne, but he was hearing a Lady Gaga song. The music was at this point has appeared to leave the room below him and it sounded like it was coming up the stairway. Suddenly the door opens up and in comes Alex and Liz singing the song: “Bad Romance” at mild volume using hairbrushes as microphones. The girls proceed to jump on the bed like little kids and sing the song while also stepping and purposefully landing on Ryan. Suddenly both of them ambush him and push him off the bed and giggle and get back to singing and jumping on the bed. As he sits on the floor, forced to watch their performance he feels like he’s being punished for something.
When the song ends the girls randomly leave the room.
“What the fuck?” He says as he gets up and climbs back into bed. Suddenly both girls rush back into the room and hop on the bed.
“Were sleeping with you tonight” Liz orders.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He says feeling annoyed.
“Tomorrow is the first day of Spring. It’s always cooler than normal the night before. Just roll with it dude. Don’t make me play the “It’s my house” card. Liz says playfully.
“BUT I wanted to sleep alone tonight!” Ryan cries.
“Nope. You get to suffer tonight!” Liz chimes back at him.
“Oh, fucking come on!” Ryan moans. Suddenly both girls hop into bed next to him and start talking about miscellaneous topics that females only understand that he didn’t care about. He soon falls asleep way before they even they finish their gossip.
In the next morning the sun comes up and both get waken up by Liz leaving the bed and exiting the room.
Alex who now had bad “bed head” hair, wakes up and leaves the room to use the bathroom. When she was finished, she goes back to her room and fixes her hair and changes from her nightgown to one of her lovely dresses and decides to meet up with Liz outside and go for a lovely stroll through town. They leave Ryan all alone to sleep.
However, when Ryan wakes up, he starts screaming in pain.
His body hurt all over and was sore as hell from his volcano stunt yesterday. Unaware that Arcadia casted a pain reduction spell on him that reduced all his pain by 75% before he jumped inside the mouth of the volcano, that spell had worn off some time after midnight. Now it wouldn’t have been that painful in the morning if he was able to sleep alone, but the girls choose to rough him up, then sleep on him and apply pressure on severely bruised areas all through the night. Him moving his arms and back the wrong way really woke him up in the worst way possible.
Misty came charging into the room when she heard the screaming and crying coming from him.
Misty when she sees his bruises, feels sorry for him and gets to work on healing him. She carefully conjures some ice for him and places them on his huge dark blue and purplish bruises. He lies in bed pissed as hell, but Misty gives him the newspaper to read. His stunt from last night was on the front page.
As he read it, he learns something interesting.
“As the Ash cloud incinerated the terrorist anarchy members, and chard one side of the island, The Lava flows flowing into the ocean are projected to grow the size of the island by 18% when it stops sometime in six months. A new bay is also predicted to form after the land expansion is finished, and Emperor Jimirushi is planning to name the bay “Glasser Bay”, after the hero that came to his aid in his darkest hour”
Ryan then fists pump his arm into the air in excitement and suddenly regrets his choice. Pissed off he slowly get up and limps downstairs to the bathroom and starts filling it up and warming it up with his fire magic. When the bath was ready, he hops in and leans back. He gets so relaxed he soon falls asleep, only to get woken up by Zephyr hoping in with him.
When he wakes up upon hearing her splash in, he immediately asks: “Hey what are you doing here? Are you supposed to be guarding Breanna?” He asks her.
“Alex is taking my place for the day. Liz had her “Arrested” and freed me as planned. God that girl is a such a team player. Real glad you met her. Zephyr says while scrubbing off dried off from her shoulder.
“So how did you, Alex and Liz Sleep last night?” She asks while dunking her head into the water.
“Wait how do you know- Wait she told you didn’t she? Well, honestly, I was a bit terrified. You said no close intimate contact with other girls and they kind of forced me to cuddle with them last night” Ryan tells her.
“I heard. Don’t worry about Liz, she has been feeling lonely lately, I gave her permission to sleep with you, and ONLY sleep with you. I strictly defined “Sleep” as in cuddling. I’m not sharing you anytime soon. So, she can snooze with us anytime she wants. However, that Alex girl kind of crossed a line last night. But I will deal with that at a later date” Zephyr says as she lathers up her hair with shampoo.
“You should have seen them last night. They got along so well. They talked way too much though while I was trying to sleep, but they got along great it seemed” Ryan explains.
“I’ve observed that when I left them alone to guard her. Last I heard they were talking hot and heavy about “Memes” and pickles” Zephyr says while pushing off the stone bench seat and slipping under water get the soap off.
When she comes up, she gently glides over to Ryan and examines his bruises and gives him a kiss. They then talk about last night a little bit and Ryan fills her in on his scheme to counter the corrupted Deland officials.
Later on, they all get out of the bath and dry off.
He gets dressed and chooses to go outside and talk to everyone. Upon reaching outside, Ryan suddenly hears clapping and cheering from his camp. He had not realized that Everyone had read the newspaper article this morning about his heroic actions yesterday. The man who was doubtful about that happening was quick to change his mind. Ryan is swarmed by people eager to hear his side of the story. So, feeling in the mood, he showed everyone his bruises and explains the whole story to them with great enthusiasm.
After he told them this 10-minute story, He gets up and finds the “Rogue sisters” He pulls them into their tent and asks them for a quick favor. The girls agree to his request and attempt to pester the nearest Teleportation mage in the “village” for a teleport over to the Eyefore PVP zone border. Once they secure transport over there they start getting to work on their part of Ryan’s plans.
For the rest of the Day Ryan talks to everyone in his mini-Village and then chooses to head downtown with Zephyr.
Downtown Ryan heads to the jail and visits Alex. Upon the door swinging open, Alex quickly throws Breanna behind her defensively. But at the first sign of seeing Ryan and Zephyr Alex breaks away from her defensive stance and stands up. When she stands up, she appeared to have blood all over her dress.
“What the hell just happened? Where is Warren?” Zephyr asked her.
“Wait, even better question is where is Liz?” Ryan asks looking around.
“She had to take Warren to a healer. He’s hurt badly! Someone tried to break in here and assassinate Breanna. Luckily Warren gave me the only key to the cells ahead of time when he noticed things weren’t just right in the city. A rogue burst right in and stabbed him and attempted to steal his keys to get her out, but when he couldn’t find them, he attempted to pick the lock himself. I grabbed his arm and yanked it through that section of rusty bars and sliced his arm open. He attempted to stab me with his free hand, but I managed to get him to drop his dagger, which I picked up and jabbed him in hand several times with” Alex explains while showing her the dagger she still had.
Zephyr looks at the dagger and takes a few sniffs of it. She then gasps in fear.
“That dagger is poisoned! Where did they take Warren too?” She demands.
“I suggested to Liz to take him to Mid-town Mary. I mean I did try to heal him, but there was no effect whatsoever. The poison explains a lot” Breanna says.
“Okay, I’m on my way there. Ryan, you stay here!” Zephyr shouts in a hurry as she darts out of the jail and sprints down the road. Ryan then takes up a defensive stance with his friends and takes a look around him. He looks at the small empty room, and notices dust flying around the room. He relaxes and looks at Breanna. But out of the corner of his eye, sunshine coming into the room from the window seemed to illuminate some dust in a super weird outline. Not thinking twice, Ryan charges up [Ball Lightning] in Lightning mode and lets it loose in the room near the door.
Alex, and Breanna who were in the shock zone get hit, and also so does a hidden assassin who was armed with a cocked crossbow that just sneaked into the room the minute Zephyr left. Ryan who now was unarmed, and in a hurry to do something grabs the stunned assassin’s crossbow and fires it into their chest. When Alex’s stun Debuff wore off, she darts toward the door with a key, unlocks the cell and throws Ryan inside. She then grabs a random 2-handed sword from beside his desk and stabs the assassin through the heart.
“Ryan, that was some superhuman intuition. Holy shit dude. You know what, It’s your turn inside the cage. I’ll stand guard over here” She commands.
Ryan nods at her and gets defensive. Suddenly they can hear someone approaching the door. When the door swings open Alex leaps forward and gets ready to strike whatever came through that door. As she leaps forward, she scans who came through and skillfully redirects her swords momentum toward the wall. Narrowly avoiding striking Liz.
“What the hell!” Liz screams as she slams the door.
“Were in the middle of defending ourselves. Sorry Liz. Knock next time!” Alex says while letting go of the sword that was now stuck in the wooden wall.
As Alex walks over to the body and kicks it over, she bends down and notices the man had a vial of poison and a check for 10,000 gold.
Liz collects all the evidence and motions Alex to follow her. “Alex, I need to all this over to Warren. He is stable, but I’m not traveling alone. Come. Ryan you good here?” She asks him.
“Yes, Breanna is safe in my hands. He says as he starts to summon Citra to him. When Citra appears, they depart in a hurry from the jail. Ryan looks at Citra and points at the dead body. “Do I need to brief you on what’s going, or you “up-to-date”. He asks her.
“Mildly Up to date. I felt you cast that spell via our soul-bond. Let me guess Assassins?” She asks.
“Yep. Just stand guard and monitor the area for hidden rogues using your Succubus powers” he tells her while pointing to his arms. “I’m not really in the best condition to fight. I’m tore up from last nights Epic purge” He explains to her.
“I can do my best, but remember dude, not every assassin is Male. I can only detect Male souls” she tells him while taking a seat at Warrens desk. She reaches down into her summoning void and pulls out two daggers and places them inside her knee-high boots. She then transforms into her human form and her disappearing succubus wings free up some space in her corner.
Meanwhile Zephyr who was by Warrens side sees Alex, and Liz come into the room. She had a Throwing dagger ready and relaxes when she realizes everyone here was friendly. As Mary, an old aged grey-haired woman, continued to heal him of his ailments and top off his health with her magic, Liz pulls the items she collected and hands them over to Zephyr to inspect.
“What is this, and Who makes it” Liz asks.
“Wow now this is a nasty neurotoxin. It’s made from poisonous fish, and spider venom. It’s mainly made in Palmlandia. So, it’s safe to say this guy has connections there” Zephyr explains.
“Palmlandian hitman. Got it. Okay so with 1 day to go those cowards are getting very desperate. Tell you what. We are getting out of here”
Suddenly Zephyr shuts her eyes and sends a Prayer request to Arcadia. “Arcadia! I need you here. Where are you! I Need a Teleport halfway around the world! Come to me when you can Please? Thank you” she says inside her head.
Zephyr when she sends her little message to Arcadia, looks at Warren and Mary without saying a word nods at Zephyr. Zephyr then crotches down underneath the table Warren was laying on and pulls him onto her back. She then darts out the door with Alex and Liz covering her. As they travel up town to the jail, The girls spot Arcadia leaning down and smelling some Roses. As the girls rush into the Jail, Arcadia casually walks her way there. When she knocks on the door the girls let her in and yank her inside in anger.
“What took you so long!” Zephyr demanded.
“Not trying to draw attention. So, then, where do you want to go Zephyr?” Arcadia asks.
“Back over to Cheetoecchi. She needs Royal protection till tomorrow” Zephyr whispers.
“Alrighty” Arcadia responds as she snaps her fingers. Suddenly a portal opens up for everyone in the room. Ryan takes the keys and opens the jail door and grabs Breanna’s hand and pulls her through the portal. Everyone else then follows them.
The group all arrives in the royal palace, in front of the Royal guards and Ryan requests a hasty chat with the emperor. The guards without asking any questions escort them to him and immediately get an audience with him.
“I know I was here yesterday, and saved the day in all, but I need a favor. I need you to protect this girl for 24 hours. She’s caught in that mess with Deland. She’s got a bounty on her head, and we adverted 3 attempts so far.” Ryan asked.
Emperor Jimirushi smiles at him and nods.
“I’ll give her the VIP treatment” He replies as he stirs his tea.
Ryan and the others feel relived and look at Breanna and feel like a ton of weight has been lifted off their shoulders.
“So, I’m assuming you heard about the island’s “Natural” Expansion” he says to Ryan.
“I indeed did! I heard you are naming the New Bay after me” Ryan replies casually to him.
“More than just that. I’m designating a large plot of land over there just for you. You will have your own land to relax and do what ever you want, Within the law of course” He jokes to Ryan.
“Wow I didn’t expect that!” Ryan proclaims loudly.
“It’s the least I can do for you. For all the headache you saved me, and my people.” He tells Ryan.
“Can I go ahead and Pre-order a house?” He asks him.
“No need. I will see to it the plot comes with one. Free of charge. Now, you all go and enjoy yourself here while I look after your friend. I do have some important things I need to do. So please forgive me since I can’t stay and chat.” He said while rushing out of the room.
Ryan looks at the guards coming out of the room next door and see them instruct Breanna to follow them. The crew follows her to her room, and One of the female guards asks if anyone was hungry.
The group then proceeds to the dinning room and gets an amazing meal for free. After eating the group teleports back home, All except Zephyr. She chooses to stay behind and guard her stepsister.
Upon Arriving at the house, Ryan, Liz, and Alex, and Arcadia head to the lake in the backyard and brief the “Village” on what’s going on in town. After Ryan gives his speech, He looks around for Kannell and realized she wasn’t here. He goes inside her room, and upon opening the door rustles some wine, and whisky bottles that were scattered all around her room.
Ryan gently sits on her bed and notices a Drawing she made of Joseph when they were together. She had it framed close to her bedside, and it looked tear stained, almost to the point of the picture being severely distorted. He thinks about this picture and feels really sorry for the pain he has caused her. He thinks to himself and asks himself: “If I were in her shoes, would I really forgive me? And HOW could I forgive myself from her perspective for lying and getting him killed.”
He than realizes she forgave him because she is Stronger than he is. Plus, she has had a tough time in the military, and this may have not been the first time she has had to say goodbye to a friend or loved one. As he ponders why she is still his friend after the tragedy he caused, she wakes up.
“Ry---Ryan what are you doing in my room.” She asks in a groggy, yet alarmed tone.
“They sent assassins to kill Brenna. They also attacked Warren. We had to Relocate her to “Another” place. When you have time could you go alert Queen Lake about this whole ordeal? Maybe take Warren with you? He’s outside at the lake recovering.” He informs her.
“Sure thing. Let me take a quick bath, and I’ll do that right away” she tells him while she starts getting out of bed.
“I left the water left over from our last bath. I’ll go heat it up” Ryan tells her as he walks out of the room.
He proceeds to the bathroom and starts heating up the water. When she enters the bathroom and starts undressing, he heads out and meets with Arcadia.
Outside in the woods away from the village of visitors, Arcadia was eating a carrot she took from the “Garden” and sees Ryan approaching her.
“So, what you are about to do technically violates your neutrality moral compass. But what ever happens I still love you. You just do what needs to be “Done” and I’ll handle the rest” he tells her.
“Okay Ryan. I won’t let you down” she tells him while changing her hair color back to Blonde. “I’m going to go talk to the “Sisters” first and let them its on for tomorrow. After that I’ll do relocate” she tells him as she opens up a portal.
“Take care, were counting on you” Ryan says while he turns his back and walks away.
As a gust of wind blows past him, she stares at him and watches him walk away. She then walks through her portal and Arrives in the middle of the Eyefore PvP zone……
Right in the middle of a PvP fight that the sisters were losing.
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