《Blue Screen Blues》Chapter 29: A Bullet For My Valentine
Liz gets up, off the ground excited, but also a little scared of Zephyr.
“She is Clear Breanna!” Zephyr tells her.
Breanna Casts [Blue Light] On her and then Casts [Regenerate] on her to help her get back her lost blood.
The ship was still leaning and sinking and then they noticed the ship has drifted closer to the island.
“Let’s go back to Villano island. Look I am really weak right now. I need to grab some things before that island disappears forever” Liz said while holding her arm out.
Everyone grabs her hand and she blasts them off the ship in a hurry.
“Wait I didn’t….” Breanna shouts as she gets pulled into the air with them.
In a hurry Breanna tries to Cast [Hover] on everyone but was only able to get it cast it on herself and Zephyr before they became separated. Ryan holding onto Liz’s arm clings on tight as soon realizes she forgot to buff them with [Glide]. Ryan grabs on tight and she buffs herself and they come flying down out of control and land in the sand pretty hard. The two get up and brush off this hard landing and laugh.
Meanwhile Zephyr and Breanna were laughing at what they just saw. Laughing and not paying attention they crash into each other, then when they try to push off each other in midair they crash into a tree and fall to the ground pretty hard. Ryan gets up and then runs over to them. They were laying on the ground laughing at themselves.
“Oh, that was an Epic Fail” Zephyr tells her.
“Yes, it was” Breanna said while picking herself up.
The three of them walk over Liz, and the thunderstorm started to dissipate pretty quick. They could see the moon coming out over the sky, but the air around the Island started to get Cold and cloudy.
Ryan feels weird. He feels this heavy calming presence aura in the air. He’s felt this before, but he can’t pinpoint what he feels exactly. He walks away from the group while Liz runs inside Vedra’s home, and the other 2 girls stay outside and talk.
Ryan keeps walking deeper and deeper into this foggy mist and the deeper he goes, the more he feels calm and relaxed.
Meanwhile at the house Liz is lighting all the candles. When she is done, she grabs her enchanted Amethyst colored Robe out of the closet, then she changes into some fresh clothes. She puts on a dark blue tank top, and a pair of wine-red colored pants. She then grabs her Staff that had an enchanted Ruby colored Bloodstone. She then proceeds to go into Vedra’s room and lays down facedown on her bed and screams and starts Crying.
“I miss you so much! Everything is falling apart without you! I fucking miss you and I hope I can get through this night. You Taught me so much, and that right there is keeping me from giving up. I hope your not suffering, and I hope someday we will see each other again. I really wish you were here right now; I miss you so much Bella. I just can’t believe this night. Its such a Roller coaster. You will forever be in my heart, but it hurts that I am going to have to let all this go and let you go as well” She cried into her pillow.
Suddenly the door behind her closes. She starts to feel relaxed and feels a calming presence around her. Suddenly she feels a Hand on her back. She turns over and an Unknown man is standing beside her.
He was tall and wore black leather boots, black pants, a Red Shirt, and Dark thick Overcoat. He had tattoos all over his body, had Rainbow striped Emo looking hair, a dream catcher clipped into his hair like Zephyr, and had heavy eyeliner on with Thick tiger strips drawn on his face.
He was holding a Bone scythe looking Staff in his hand. The man Resembled Dahvie Vanity but in warlock form.
“Cheer up kid, you want to talk to her? I control her soul after all”
The man said with a demented tone
“Who the Fuck are you!” She screamed as she grabs her staff.
Meanwhile in the woods Ryan was in the middle of running away and dodging attacks from 3 Succubi with the song “Bad Girls Club” From Falling in Reverse unintentionally playing.
“How Do I Get myself Dragged into this shit I should of Knew that was the Aura of a Succubus!” He screamed in annoyance as he dodges a magical attack coming from the Blue one in the back of the pack.
“Stop playing hard to get!” The blue one screams with a Horny tone.
The red one behind him leaps up and with her wings start gliding over him. Ryan pulls out his sword and casts [Detonate] on it and then notices the fault line in the distance and the water rising over it. He stops and turns around and casts [Detonate] On the other 2 and with them stunned he runs past them. The blue on in the rear Casts another spells and hits him and brings him down. Ryan pulls out his sword and casts [Detonate] On her as well and gets up. But He’s gets tackled by the Red succubus with green hair.
“The Chase is half the fun you know!” The Red one said as she flips him over.
Angry and pissed off Ryan pulls out his sword tries to cast [Detonate] with it but messes up and somehow starts Casting [Fireball] from the blade. When he notices this, he stabs her in the chest finishes the spell. This shoots a fireball out the other side of her and kills her. He pushes her off his body and starts running again, but the blue Succubus grabs him.
“You just killed my Sister! You Fucking asshole!” She said as she conjures a whip in her hand. Ryan in a hurry casts [Detonate] on her before she brings her arm down on him.
Ryan rolls out from the side and then tries to recreate that last spell. He stabs her in the chest and then tries to cast [Detonate] instead of the other spell. This attack is effective and does massive damage to her.
“Ahhh you’re a little sadistic one, aren’t you? Okay lets playboy!” She screams as she hits him with her whip. Ryan gets hit hard and the pain was excruciating. He then casts [Detonate] on her again and stuns her. He grabs his sword and goes in for another [Detonate] Injection on her.
He stabs her in the heart and casts the spell and blows her up into ashes.
The Blonde one was no where to be seen. He looks around and can’t see her then out of nowhere she charges him from the air and takes his sword from.
She throws his sword into the water and then turns him over.
“Ignore those two, they are stupid. They didn’t know they needed to take away your toy first before punishing you. Let’s get this over with honey” She said as she kiss’s him.
Meanwhile back at Vedras home the 3 girls were at the defense of Liz.
“What are you doing you fucking Incubus! You are not welcome here!” Breanna shouts.
“Merely tending to a shattered soul.” He said with a dark tone.
“Who are you!” Liz cried
“Oh, I’m just your new master” He said with a demented tone. Suddenly he casts a spell on all of them, but Breanna Suddenly Casts [Holy Canopy] on them separating him from them on the other side of the room.
“ladies, he’s not one to be fucked with. That man is “Dahvie the Betrayer” He is worse than Ponce. We need to get the fuck out of here!” She screams.
“Oh, it appears your friend has defeated all 3 of my succubus pets. Oh my! this is going to be a fun night! Dahvie said while placing his hand over his forehead focusing on something.
“Wait where is Ryan?” Zephyr shouts in confusion.
“Wait I thought he was with us when we entered here?” Breanna said while looking at the open door.
“Great we lost our Emo Mage” Zephyr said sarcastically.
“Wait he is a Bird?” Liz asked seeming confused.
“Gah its hard to explain. I need to show you something on Ryan’s phone and your get it” Zephyr said as a joke.
“Ladies focus! Let’s get the hell out of here!” Breanna said as she drops down her shield.
They run out the door and Dahvie casts a dark spell at them but misses and takes down the wall.
The 3 run outside and meet with Ryan who was all bruised, bloody and holding his sword. Behind him Citra was there holding a whip.
“Where the hell did you go!” Zephyr asked him while they look at the succubus behind him.
“Curiosity almost killed me, lets just leave it as that” Ryan said in anger.
Suddenly Dahvie comes out of the door and sees Citra.
“I just saved his ass, Good thing I was out flying around tonight. Hey where is Vedra I want to talk to her” She asked Liz.
“Shes gone” Liz said with regret as she looks at Dahvie.
Dahvie casts another black magic blast at them and they all scatter.
“Shit that’s a Warlock I need to go!” Citra said as she pats Liz’s back and flies off.
“What a shame a Lone Succubus, would have made a good replacement to the 3 you just killed” The man said calmly.
“Who is this Fucking guy!” Ryan screamed as he casts [Fireball] at him.
“I don’t know who that Sexy man is! But he’s not good!” Zephyr said while checking him out.
“Wait is that Dahvie Vanity from Blood on the Dance Floor? How did he get into this world?!” Ryan said seeming alarmed.
Suddenly Dahvie Casts another black magic spell at them and they run out of the way. The attack Blows up a Tree.
“Stop running. You just Destroyed my Ship you little shits!” He said as he tries to Track them as they scatter.
Breanna being the slowest runner, He sees her and locks on to her. He casts [Seduce] on her and Zephyr jumps in the way of the beam and takes the hit for her.
Suddenly Zephyr Falls onto the ground and screams.
Breanna Casts [Blue Light] on her and then casts [Holy Shield] on her.
However, the spell [Blue light] didn’t cure her of her Charm Status. She was under control of Dahvie and he reads her mind.
“Oh, this little girl loves you it seems like. Hmm ashamed you don’t like her back, Ahh I see here too you’ve led her on multiple times as well. Oh, you’re such a naughty naughty boy. Well, Karma is a bitch, Kill him. I’ll be your new best Friend Zephyr” He said in a calm and dark tone.
Dahvie! I swear to god! I used to be a fan of yours in the real world! But you’re such a fucking monster! You betrayed so many people who were fans of you! I swear to god You hurt Zephyr I will kill you and kill your soul too!” He said as Zephyr pulls out her Dagger and her battle axe.
“Hmm you’re from earth too? Nice I don’t have to feel alone now. But it’s a shame you’re on the wrong side here, Zephyr End him my love!” He demands. He looks at the phone in Ryans hand and Casts a spell and steals it from him.
“I wonder how you were able to bring one of these into this game. But no matter. I got a good song just for this!” Dahvie puts Cruel Pornography By Blood on the Dance Floor on Global and the scene starts to get dark.
Ryan gets angry and Recalls his phone and puts it in his pocket. Will you mother fuckers quite touching my phone!” Ryan screams.
Zephyr then takes off and charges at him, and then Ryan raises up his sword and gets ready to defend himself. Zephyr goes for a stab between his legs, and Ryan dodges out of the way.
“Will you all Fucking stop trying to attack me there! Its getting Annoying!” Ryan cried in Annoyance.
Zephyr under trance then looks into his eyes and throws herself at him and knocks him down and gets on top of him. She pulls back her battle axe arm Ryan Lifts his legs up and kicks her off of him backwards and rolls back onto his feet.
She growls at him, and then charges again. Ryan casts [Detonate] on Dahvie and hits him, Suddenly Liz picks up on the cue its time help and Starts casting [Arcane Hailstorm].
“Zephyr stop this! I am not your Enemy! Snap out of it!” He said as he parry’s an attack from her. He then runs away and casts [Detonate] on Dahvie again as Liz launches her spell. 30 arcane missiles come flying out of the sky and Explode near him, but he was unphased.
Breanna then casts [Holy Blast] and sends Dahvie flying 40 yards into the water. But Zephyr was still Attacking him.
“I Loved you, and he’s right, all you do is treat me like shit! I have had enough of it!” She screamed at she continues to try to stab him.
“This isn’t You Zephyr snap out of it!” Ryan screams at her. Suddenly Zephyr uses [Disarm] On Ryan and steals his sword from him and throws it away from him.
“You die right now! You don’t Fuck with my emotions! I keep getting hurt by you and all I want to do is be loved you son of a Bitch!” She said while under a Trance.
Breanna sees this isn’t Zephyr that’s in control and Casts a [Holy shield] on Ryan as she lunges forward and tries to strike him, she hits and shatters his Bubble in 1 shot. Ryan then runs away and Pulls out his phone and scans her.
Her stats read she was at 2000 hp, her energy was at 40% and her Charmed Debuff Granted her 50% more Strength but at a cost of 50% more energy during attacks. Ryan then notices the Spell Buff he put on her before the fight with the Ghouls and the shades. The “Hollow Bodies” by Blessthefall Song buff granted her a Regeneration buff. He thinks fast and comes up with a plan. He needs a song that will clear them of all the buffs he’s given her. If he can get her energy down to 0%, she will be forced into AFK mode for 10 minutes.
As he is running away Zephyr casts [Throw Knife] at Ryan and hits him in the back. Ryan goes down in pain and drops his phone. Breanna then looks at Zephyr and casts [Holy Blast] on her and ejects her away from the fight just for a little bit. Breanna runs over to Ryan, and pulls out the knife, and then casts [Heal] on him.
“That fucking hurts!” Ryan screamed.
“First time being stabbed huh?” She said as she helps him up.
“No, I’ve been Gored before” He tells her. He picks up his phone and scans through the songs for a Debuffing song.
Ironically The first song he finds was a Bullet For My Valentine song. As Zephyr charges up closer to him, he plays “Bittersweet Memories” By Bullet for my Valentine. On Global
The song erased all the Buffs from everyone, in his party, including himself.
Suddenly Dahvie comes out of the water and casts a Black Lightning spell at Breanna and does critical damage to her. She did not see the attack coming and screamed. She goes down to the ground and passes out. When Ryan saw her go down, he was scared. He knew now he that he was alone without a healer fighting with a Pissed off Zephyr.
She starts chasing after Ryan, and Ryan runs to his sword and picks it up.
“Zephyr Snap the fuck out of it!” Ryan screams as she goes to hit him in the leg.
“No fuck that! All you want to do is Use me for my Melee skills! All you want to do is Fuck with me and Fuck a Vampire chick! You are a fucking asshole!” She screamed as goes for another attack on him.
Liz meanwhile is in a 1 on 1 fight with Dahvie and holding her own. Ryan Kites her to him and Casts [Detonate] on him and helps bring him down. He knows if he can either defeat this fucking Crazy lunatic or get Zephyr down to 0% energy his ass will be saved.
Dahvie in the mean times casts another Black lightning spell on Liz, but her enchanted Robe Reflects 50% of the damage back to him. This stuns him, and Ryan scans him again.
He was at 10% health and Zephyr was at 20% energy.
Zephyr leaps forward and tries to stab him again but Ryan casts [Detonate] On her and blows her back.
She gets up again and runs at him and he focus’s on her and she goes to stab him in the chest, but he parries it and runs away from her again. His heart was pumping with adrenaline and he was scared. But at the same time still blessed by fact He can still read her attacks by the Direction of her tail. He stands in one place and puts out his sword.
“I Saved you from Daytona! I killed that beast! All you did the next day was push me away and friend zoned me! I even payed for the Bath and your Sword! Why do you not fucking love me!”
She screamed as she Lunges at him again. He pays attention to her tail and gets ready to dodge that way. He knows with every lunge that’s energy shes wasting.
She launches forward and Ryan moves out of the way but her axe hits him in the leg and causes a small cut. He ignores this and gets ready for another dodge.
“I did so much for you and then you wanted to Kill me on this Island! You and That Liz Chick! I have done nothing wrong to you! All I have done was protect you and You keep trying to push me away!” She screamed over the music.
Suddenly she Casts [Disarm] on him and throws his sword away.
“And On top of that on that ship you thought it was funny to laugh and watch me go to town with her as I saved that bitchs life. I know you fucking like her! And that’s whats tearing me inside! I want to kill you so bad right now!” She screamed as she charges at him again.
Ryan gets ready to dodge but steps into a hole and falls over. She adjust’ s her course and Can be seen lunging at him Getting ready to stab him in his chest while he’s lays down flat.
Ryan looks into her eyes in slow motion as she flies through the Air. Suddenly he realized this is it. He’s going to die.
Suddenly Breanna rolls over and casts [Holy Blast] On her and sends her flying into Dahvie with her swords in Stab position. She unintentionally Stabs him in the chest. She pulls out her Dagger and then Casts [Sprint] and runs toward Ryan. Ryan isn’t paying attention and sees Breanna is in pain and smiles at her for saving her life. When he turns his head back, he can hear her charging at him, 10 feet before she reaches him, she collapses.
She ran out of Energy. With her laying on the ground She screams. Ryan can see blood coming out of her. Cautiously He rolls her over and sees she landed on her dagger, and it pierced her heart. Freaked out he calls over to Breanna.
“Breanna! Shes critically wounded! Can you heal her!?” He shouted seeming extreamly worried about her.
“I only have 1 spell left in me! I’m in so much pain!” She screams.
Ryan picks her up in her arms and carries her over to Breanna. He pulls out the dagger and she casts [Heal] on her. Zephyr screams at the feeling of the dagger being removed and starts crying.
“Why do you always have to aim for my heart! Why can’t you love me!” She screams as she is bathed in white light. She screams and sobs she gets healed up. He doesn’t say anything and just carries her over to a tree and lays her against it and takes her axe and her dagger from her and walks away while shes crying.
He doesn’t know if shes under his charm still or not but doesn’t care it’s time to kill this monster he knows personally.
Ryan joins back into the battle with Liz and he notices shes almost out of mana when he looks at the battle Data app on his phone. He takes a bottle of water out she gave him and chugs the water. The water was great and brought him from 30% mana Back up to 100% mana. When he finished it, the bottle vanishes, and he notices her Mana climb back up to 70%
“I charged your mana back up Liz!” He shouts.
Dahvie gave this chick an evil look and then looks at Ryan.
“Oh, it’s just you two left. Haha. This is going to be fun. You two are the last lovers of Bella Anya Vedra are you not?” He said sadistically.
Ryan notices his health was at 2%.
“How do you know this!” Liz shouts in anger as she starts charging [Arcane Hailstorm]
“Because I possess her soul. Kill me and She goes with me” he told her.
Suddenly Liz’s eyes open wide. She powers down her spell.
“Want me to show you?” He said with an evil laugh.
Suddenly his chest goes dark, and he reaches into it and pulls out bottle. Inside that bottle could clearly be seen Vedra in a glass prison; she was in agony.
Without even thinking Ryan Charges forward and snatch’s the bottle out of his hand and hits it with his sword.
This shatters the Prison she was in and Liz powers up [Arcane Hailstorm] again while Ryan powers up [Fireball].
They cast their spells and damage him severely. Then in anger and rage Ryan channels these emotions from his sword and his sword catches on fire. Liz then summons her Arcane Energy swords and the two charge at him. Ryan stabs him in the chest along with Liz and They channel all their rage into him. Ryan then Injects [Detonate] into Dahvie and Liz injects [Shockwave]. This rips a Dark-red Glowing light tear into his demonic body and the Recoil of Liz’s [Shockwave] Spell pushes them both back 10 feet Away from him. Dahvie just sits down as the hole in his chest starts to get bigger. With is hair over his eye he just smiles at them.
“Ah yes, this seems to be the end doesn’t it? Oh well Vedra dispose of them or I am taking you to hell with me” He orders her. Suddenly Vedras soul that was only 4 inches tall grows quickly back into 5’11.
“Please kill me!” Vedra Screams in agony and torment as Dahvie just sits down with his legs crossed as the void in his chest starts to get even bigger.
“Let the Show begin!” Dahvie screams with excitement
“Please kill me! I don’t want him controlling me! I am in so much pain right now please Help me! If you love me, please Kill me!” Vedra screams
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Infested (Crossover of The Forest and Goblin Slayer)
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Chronicles of Xod (returning from hiatus)
After a long recovery over a chronic motion sickness issue, I feel I'm ready to return to writing this book. It might be slow at first, but I'm hoping to pick up where I left off. I apologize again for the long hiatus. The pages following are a true account. An account of how I, Josh--a teenage nerd from modern suburbia--ended up in a strange world filled with fantastic magic, bizarre creatures, and terrifying dungeons. Despite the troped-up fantasy feel of the world, this is hardly an ordinary tale. For one, don’t expect a happy ending. With the trials I’ve been through, the horrors I’ve seen and the atrocities I’ve committed, believe me when I tell you, this is not a happy tale filled with friendly rainbow bears or teenage flying unicorns. It’s more likely you’ll finish this book mentally scarred as I will not spare the details of my unfortunate adventures. With the help of my trusted companion Gui, I gain an insight that no one else in the world has. This knowledge allows me to exploit and, for lack of a better term, metagame the system which gave me a clear advantage over its residents. “With great power...,” someone might begin to quote to me. In my defense, I think maybe even you, reader, might have acted similarly with how this reality changed my view of good and evil. This story will be updated regularly on Wednesdays around 6 PM. There will only be about 1000 words per update. The focus is to finish the story before doing any major changes or editing. Please read as if this is a work in progress, not a finished product. Feel free to let me know if you see any error, whether glaring or minor. If you help me out, I'll be sure to add you to a thank you list at the front of the book when it is published. Chronicles of Xod is a first-person fantasy novel that follows the adventures of a young man from Earth. Through unknown circumstances, he finds himself in a fantasy world where life is not all wonders and happy endings. The story takes common fantasy concepts from my favorite video games, books and movies and gives them an adult edge. It also introduces some taboo concepts often glossed over by stories written for broad audiences. The style is meant to be immersive and heavily detailed. The short novel will be written in a way that attempts to bring a sense of realism to an unrealistic genre. Where there are realistic consequences and dangers in a world populated with violent monsters, cruel demons, bloodthirsty undead, and immoral bandits. In this fantasy world, the inhabitants are essentially gender blind as far as sexuality is concerned. There is also more variation amongst male and female physiology. This isn't meant to be any kind of promotion or demotion of social behavior in reality. Just a concept I thought would be an interesting idea to have in a fantasy setting. I highly discourage anyone from reading this material if you are personally concerned with being offended or traumatized. Both violent and sexual content will be graphically detailed. All characters involved in sexual scenes are mature and of the age of consent(18+).
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