《Blue Screen Blues》Chapter 30: Facing Your Demons


With Him dying and giving them a demented smile Vedra was screaming in pain.

“Please kill Me!” Vedra screams.

“Enough, I am the master, you are my puppet. Kill them!” He orders her as he waves his arm out.

“I don’t want to!” She screams in agony.

“Do It!” He screams with anger at her.

“No!” Vedra Screams

Dahvie still sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, closes his eyes and reaches his arms out.

“Well then, somone stepped out of line I see” He said while summoning a spell.

Vedra then gets Struck down by a Black Arc of magic and screams in pain.

Liz was sitting back Crying at this, But Ryan takes a deep breath and starts crying too. He Fires [Detonate] at Dahvie. But he doesn’t move a muscle, or flinch. Suddenly Vedra becomes Charmed by him.

“I can’t Control him! Please kill me!” She cried.

Suddenly Vedras Shadow hollow body turns into Human flesh and her eyes Glow Red.

She sets her eyes on Ryan and Casts [Ice Blast] at him. He sees this and grabs Liz and they get the hell out of the way.

“Bella! I don’t want to Fight you!” Liz screamed.

Ryan knowing exactly what he needs to do Fires back at Vedra with a [Fireball]

“Listen to me! As long as I am here, he can’t Die! You need to do it! The longer you wait the more I suffer! Please Help me! I know you miss me, but you need to Put aside your emotions and fight back!” Vedra Screamed as she Fires [Ice Missiles] at Ryan.

“Liz fucking focus and do what shes asking! Things we love in life Die! I miss her too, But I’ve only known her for almost a day! Help me out!” He screams as he gets hit with her attack.

The attack knocks him down and cuts him up, but he gets up and Fires back at her with [Detonate].

“But I don’t want fight you! I’m Broken without you!” Liz screams.

Suddenly Ryan pulls out his Sword and Charges it with fire and Runs at her.

“I’m sorry Vedra, but this is going to hurt!” He screams as he stabs her in the chest. Ryan then Injects [Detonate] Into her and suddenly her human form turns back into a Shadow form.

“I said Kill them! Use 100% of your Spell power! How dare you Disobey me! You witch!” Dahvie screams as he Zaps her with that Black arc spell again.

Suddenly Vedra Goes quiet. Dahvie Merges his form with hers and disappears.

Liz is on the ground Crying and doesn’t see Dahvie Controlling Liz from within. Vedra starts casting a Charm spell and strikes her with it. He takes control of Liz and She is Crying still.

Ryan sees this is 3 vs 1 now and takes a deep breath and clears his head.

“Bella, I love you and miss you so much! I don’t want to fight you because this is not how I wanted to say goodbye! I never got a chance to say goodbye after she Killed you! I feel so Embarrassed and dead inside that the last words you heard me say is I hope you die alone!” Liz said while fighting through the Charm Spell.

Vedra fights to stop the spell casting but Cant.

“I know! But I still love you! I saw this day coming in my Dream! I’m Finally Free from that damn curse, but Now I am a Slave to this Asshole Please Kill me and Set me Free!” She screamed as Liz starts to cast [Arcane Hailstorm] At Ryan.


“Oh, you Gotta be kidding me! Alexandria, I swear to god I never signed up for this!” Ryan screams up to the sky.

Liz then Casts her spell at Ryan, and he takes off running to them dodging the Explosions of spells coming from the sky.

“I almost killed myself today without you! That’s how dependent I am on you! My life has been nothing but a sad story until you came along! I just can’t let you go like this!” Liz screams while being under Dahvie’ s control.

“Look honey I taught you to be fucking strong! I promised you and Ryan I would Prepare you for the Real world and So Far, I kept my promise. Look Ryan is right, you have to sometime kill things you love. Look Honey I will always be in your heart if you kill me, but You need to let me go. I wish you would help Ryan out! He’s already moved on. He has more Trauma then you do, but you lived a harder life than him. You both are broken, and you both need to band together and Kill this fucking beast!” She said while Liz looks at him and fires [Shockwave] At him.

“Fuck this shit! I know what you fucking need Liz!” He said as he gets hit by her.

Ryan gets knocked down pulls out his phone. He looks at his health and was at 70% Then puts on the song “Oh No” By Bring Me the Horizon. He Charges at her and knocks her down to the ground and Kiss’s Her. Vedra and Dahvie see this, and Suddenly Vedra takes this Moment of Distraction to take control of herself.

“How Dare you Resist me Bitch!” Dahvie screams while Vedra puts up a fight within her very own body.

“You can Punch me later, but you need a wakeup call, and reminder that somone here Cares about you!” He said as puts his tongue in her mouth. Liz fights really hard and is manages to break loose of the Charm Spell on her and smiles at him. She Pulls him in violently by his shirt and Aggressively Kisses him back.

“Cool your back. Let’s go kick his ass” Ryan said Awkwardly.

Zephyr on the other end of the Island sees this and starts Crying inside.

Ryan Picks her up and the two Start casting [Arcane Hailstorm] and [Fireball] and Focus on Vedra.

“I Promise you Vedra I will not let you down, But This hurts so much to do to you!” She screams as she launches her spell at her.

Both their spells connect to her, and Dahvie losses connection with her body and appears back on the ground.

“Oh, fuck no! The broken one, Broke my Charm spell!” He screams.

With the Song playing, Ryan Charges forward with his Sword and ignites it again. Then with a tear in her eye Liz Summons her Arcane Energy swords and They both charge toward Vedra.

Ryan Injects [Detonate] Again and Liz pierces her chest and Injects [Shockwave] and the Recoil again launches them back but leaves a big gaping hole in her chest.

“This hurts so much! But Finish me quickly!” Vedra Screamed.

“Okay Bella. You will always be my best friend. I will never forget you!” She said as she Runs back up to her while Summoning her Arcane Energy Swords again.

She Stabs her in the chest again and Kisses her on the cheek and Starts Crying.

Ryan gets back up and Ignites his sword again charges at her also. He stabs her in the Chest and Also kiss’s her on the cheek and the two of them cuddle with her for 3 long seconds and Inject their spells into her.


Vedra was crying.

“Ryan, Before I go, promise me you will take care of Liz I don’t care if you Quest with her or not, make sure she is taken care of. Can you do this for me?” She said while in pain and crying.

Ryan was crying a little bit and responded with “Yes Ma’am”.

Dahvie stands up from his sitting positions and Can’t believe whats happening in front of him.

“It’s time to finish me and send me out with a bang and Destroy this Fucking Sadistic asshole” She screamed while she hugs them with their blades in her” Vedra said while trying to fight through the pain and lighten up the situation.

“Goodbye. Vedra. Goodbye my little dark princess” Liz said with tears flowing down her cheeks.

“No! What the fuck are you guys Doing!” Dahvie Screams.

Ryan and Liz fire their charged spells into the chest of Vedra, and She screams knowing this is it.

Her Shadow demonic body blasts into a Million pieces and the first thing Liz does is Grabs onto Ryan tight and Weeps on his shoulder. Ryan drops his sword and grabs on to her and holds her tight. She is Crying her heart out. He starts Crying too. He can’t believe this woman was able to Teach him a life lesson about throwing your life away over a woman. He can’t believe how he had to kill somone who did absolutely nothing wrong, but was forced to suffer, and die at his hand. This was the most fucked up Tragedy he had to pull the trigger on.

Both of them look over at Dahvie and his Dark-Red Void in his chest is getting extreamly bright and growing extreamly huge.

“Oh, I’m not going out like this You fucking Cunt! You are meant to Remain broken! And you fucking Emo kid you can go die alone and go to hell!” Dahvie screams as he casts a Dark magic blast at them. Ryan grabs Liz and moves her out of the way. But the Blast that aimed at her was now heading toward him.

Zephyr suddenly comes out of nowhere and Takes a Direct hit for Ryan and goes down screaming.

Ryan sees this and is stunned.

Both of them look at Dahvie and he was casting another Spell. The mortal wound he had in his soul looked like he was about to blow up after this last spell cast.

“You know what Dahvie Go fuck yourself! As Far as I know I AM in hell and that’s all right because I’m going to rise up from my problems and Conquer this place. Have fun where you are going you!” Ryan screams.

Suddenly Citra Comes flying back, and with her Whip She strikes Dahvie with the spell [Silence] and then interrupts his spell casting. He looks at her and tries to cast [Enslave] but it was too late. Citra Grabs his arm and flies him out into the water and drops him into the water as his mortal wound reached super nova status. She fly’s away and suddenly like a Torpedo in the water, a massive explosion sends water flying 50 feet into the air, and you could hear his last scream.

Citra then comes flying down and lands beside them and grabs Liz and hugs her tight.

“I can’t believe it! She really is gone!” Citra said while crying and holding her tight.

“She told me to be strong, Citra You’re the only friend I have left besides Ryan now” She said as she held her tight and cried into her arms.

Citra Ran her hand through her messy hair and looked into her Green watery eyes.

“She told me she predicted this was coming. I didn’t know this was going to happen today” She said as she comforted her in her arms. Citra took her shirt and Wiped away dirt and blood from her face, and then mopped up tears from her face with it.

“Listen to me. Shes not Suffering anymore. She hated that damn curse. She gets to enjoy the freedom of death that shes been trying so hard to get a taste of. Shes not damned to that monster anymore, and now shes in a better place. Shes happy right now. Shes not trapped in that Monster body she hated so much her whole life. You’re going to be alright. Your stronger now then you were when she found you. You’re going to be alright Liz” She said as they held each other tight for an awkward 5 minutes in silence. Liz was crying the whole time, and the island was still Slowly sinking around them.

5 minutes later Citra lets go and rubs her back.

“Look I have to go. We can talk tommorow at my place Liz” she said while giving her one last hug.

“Ryan do you have this under control?” She asked him.

“Yes ma’am. I got it from here” He told her while looking around. He walks up to Liz and holds her from behind and throws his arms around her shoulders and cross’s them, and Kiss’s Liz on the cheek Platonically.

Citra smiles at them and Flies off the island.

She could feel his warmth from that comforting kiss, and she felt safe with the His arms crossed around her chest in a “X” pattern. She was still crying but she remembers him saving her life in the middle of the ocean when things got out of hand earlier. She thinks really hard about today, and tonight.

Getting kicked out of her house, her teleporting to Ala-Ash mountains, Her taking a Hike up Mt. Michelle, Meeting some Hikers her own age, them taking down a Chimera, Her helping them butcher up the meat of the beast, Assisting them set up camp and helping them cook up the meat on the Firepit they made.

Then she remembers her enjoying the free delicious lunch she helped make, then walking away and jumping off the mountain side with [Glide] active and flying through the air and enjoying the scenery and landing 15 miles away at the base of Mt.Cheat. She remembers finding a little girl who was lost and helped her find her parents, just like Vedra did in that story she told her a long time ago.

She remembers taking that little girl to the top of the mountain and jumping off with her and taking her Gliding. She also remembers seeing a camp site from the Air that the little girl said looked familiar. Liz remembers landing at that camp site and her parents being so happy to have their kid back, and her being awarded with 50 gold. Then she remembers Looking at the sky, and it getting Dark and teleporting back home, to find Vedra Kissing Ryan to the song “Popular Monster” and her saying those famous last words “I hope you die alone” to Vedra before Zephyr came out of nowhere and Assassinated her without warning.

With Ryan’s arms around her she feels like shes in her mom’s arms again before everything got taken away from her. She doesn’t know if he’s a Curse or a Blessing. But She starts thinking about what he said about how he killed himself in another life and didn’t want her to suffer the same regret he is going through right now when he Rage quit life when everything went to shit.

She still hates him, but at the same time greatly respects him right now. He looks around at Island and can see it still sinking. She thought about this philosophically. This place was Vedra’s own “Little Kingdom”. Now that Shes gone, her Empire is slowly crumbling; or in this case Collapsing into the sea.

There was a lot to be learned here. But at the same time a lot WAS learned here in the 3 years shes almost been here. She was happy to been given the chance to start over and work on herself, and not have to be alone in the process.

She walks out of his Arms and walks away into the middle of the island alone. Ryan just sits down on the ground and cross’s his legs. He looks at the cut Zephyr left on his leg from when he almost dodged her and looks at all the Cuts that are Clotted up from Vedra’s very weak and very controlled Ice attack that hit him. He’s not in pain, but he is happy she was in control when she launched that attack at him, if not at her level she could have killed him with 1 hit.

While he looks at his cuts, and his bruises She comes walking back from the woods with 3 Vials of Vedra’s ashes and her Spiked Purple Tiara on her head.

She hands one Vial over to Ryan and sits in his lap.

“Ryan, I am taking this all in. Look my mind is in philosophy mode. Can you tell me an inspirational quote right now?” She said as he Throws his arms around her.

“Ah you’re a deep thinker as well” Ryan said while thinking really hard on what to say.

“Yes, I read a lot of books in my spare time in the daytime since she was night person. I’m smarter than people lead me on to be” She told him while she looks at the waves in the distance crash into the shore.

Ryan thinks really hard. He looks out into the water facing Staug City and can see the ships mast still Slightly above the water. The boat sank, but it wasn’t deep enough to totally submerge the Mast and the sails since it moved into shallow water. He Looks at the Letters on the ship again.

“YDGN” was what they read. Ryan smiles at those letters. It reminded him of a Of Mice and Men Song he has on his phone. But He didn’t want to play it right now. He wanted to enjoy the silence.

Suddenly something hits him really hard. A memory before winter break.

“Before I killed myself at school, I did know a girl. She was almost like me and was sweet as could be. I was dating a bitch that ended up cheating on me, but This metal girl became my study partner for a book report we did before school was out for winter break. We wanted to be smart ass’s and we did a book report on “Of Mice and Men”. Now that book is also the name of a Screamo band, and since we were into that music style everyone laughed their ass off in class when I read the report, and she stood in front of the class wearing her Band shirt. Now that book inspired the band’s name, and at the same time that book was inspired by a quote from a poem itself.” He told her as he reaches up fixes her hair and evens out her Tiara.

“What was that quote?” She asked as she thought about her last hour with her mother and father.

“But Mouse, you are not alone,

in proving foresight may be vain,

the best laid plans of mice and men often Go awry

and leave us nothing but grief and pain”

Ryan said while holding her tight.

He thinks about that quote.

Then he thinks about him waking up crying, taking a sad shower, throwing on his halo suit, cheering his friends up at the bus stop, cheering up his friends and other kids at school with his halo suit, Chad lying, and setting the wheels of his fate into motion, the Motorcycle crash, the first time he got mortally wounded with Zephyr, Them getting locked out of the city, him making his kite, getting a Free sail boat because of Kanell’s drunk accident, him coming over to this island for a little Rest And Relaxation, and everything else that has lead up to this moment.

“The best laid plans Of Mice and Men often go awry” he said out loud while Reflecting on all this.

That quote hit him really hard in the heart.

Liz just thinks about the quote for a few seconds and smiles at him.

“Thank you, I needed that” She said as she stands up.

Suddenly in the water where Dahvie was dropped, a huge Purple spirit shoots out of water and lights up the sky like a Flare.

Ryan and Liz turn around and see this and are mesmerized. The Spirt like flare just stayed in the night sky lighting the landscape up. Ryan then looks at the Island and it was still Slowly sinking. He knells down and checks Zephyr and she was still breathing from that hit she took; she was just Knocked out.

“I know how we are going to get back to shore. Is your teleportation spell ready?” Ryan asked her.

“No, it’s not. The only thing I can teleport are small items right now” She told him.

“Go into your house and teleport all your belongings to the city” He told her.

She smiles at him without saying a word and then runs into the woods.

Ryan looks at all the ship Debris that’s washing onto shore and grabs a Big huge piece of Plywood and drags it on shore. He then take’s Zephyr and Breanna and lays them onto of the board, and then carefully he blasts 5 small holes in the board with his [Detonate] spell at the lowest power like a Plasma cutter. Then with rope from the debris he feeds the rope through the holes and ties them to the board, and then attaches a Tow line.

Ryan then walks to the other side of the beach and grabs his kite. The beach on the east side of the island didn’t appear to be sinking fast at all, but on the west side it was moving quick. The Giant Yellow Jackets already were flying out in mass’s off the island toward the mainland. The wind was blowing North West at about 15 knots, and he lays his kite out and looks around. 80% of the northern edge of this 1-mile island is almost gone.

Liz comes back and gives him a bottle of water she made.

He takes it and drinks it.

“Ready to sail back to shore?” He asks her.

“Yes I am. I’m ready for whatever comes next in life” She asked

“Hop on my back then” He tells her.

She hops on his back and He picks up his bar and pulls back on it.

The kite launches on the side of the wind window, and he brings it up over his head slowly. He then walks over to the makeshift Life raft he made the other 2 girls, and picks up the tow rope, and hands it to Liz. She ties the rope around his Waist then he walks into the water. He then pulls out his phone and selects a song to play.

He puts on the song “Nobody's Home”- By Avril Lavigne then begins to start slowly body-dragging everyone to the other side of the harbor.

With the song playing and looking at that Huge bright Purple Flare in the sky, Ryan uses the light to plot his course.

The first 25% of the journey was easy, but when they got out into open water the seas were getting rough. They look around and can see 10% of the Island left. This Island as it sand opened up a big whole in this protected cove and water was rushing out back to the ocean. This provided a lot of Resistance for them to pull against. But Ryan hung on and slowly made progress 1 mile to the other side.

After 10 minutes of Dragging. Ryan sees a sand bar in the middle of this harbor and aims for it. He was 75% to the other side. When he gets out of the water, Liz hops off and helps him land his kite, and also pull the life raft with the girls still attached onto this small sand island.

Liz sits down and makes him some water and he sits down and drinks it. Then she leans into him.

“So why did you kiss me?” She asked curiously.

Ryan feeling embarrassed stops drinking the water and tries to not answer the question.

Suddenly he takes a big chug of water and smiles at her.

“Alrighty lets go” He said while standing up.

Liz grabs his arm and pulls him back down to the ground.

“Nope Answer the question. Why did you kiss me?” She asked seeming interested.

“I just did what I had to do to break that Charm spell he had on you” He tells her.

“You could have done a lot of things to break that spell on me. You could have Critically damaged me, shown me my Reflection, blinded me, Ejected the Mind controller out of range, or Killed me. But you chose to kiss me. Why is that? She asked him with a serious tone.

“Because I was scared, and I knew you felt alone like me in that heated moment. I thought maybe kissing you would snap you out of the charm spell and you would punch me in the face. I’m glad it ONLY broke his mind control over you. Because after you came back into control, that kiss calmed you down and you were able to focus on the task at hand.” Ryan explains while finishing the bottle of water.

“Oh. I thought you liked me or something like that” She asked him seeming satisfied in his answer.

“Whoa hang on here. When your trance broke, you went to town on me during deadly combat” He said with an evil look in his eye.

She starts to blush a little bit and doesn’t say anything to him.

“Look let’s just say I did what I needed to do to have you by myside in that battle. I know what it’s like to be stressed. Some people take it out with sex, some people take it out with violence, some people take it out with exercise, but I take it out with music, and Affection. I am just weird. I wear my heart on my sleeve if you haven’t noticed that already” He told to her as he stands up.

“Yes, I know that, and I find it kind of cute” She replied.

“Ya but with how we met, and how I destroyed your life, your home, and how my Socially Awkward-Clingy-Stalker “Girlfriend” killed our favorite hero, There is no way we could date you with out not feeling guilty all the time around you” He tells her.

She takes a breath and looks at Zephyr. She kneels down and pets her.

“I understand that and agree 100% that there is no way we could date each other. The best thing we can do is just be friends or have a Brother and sister like relationship and that’s about it” She said while seeming understanding.

“That Kiss was just to clear your mind. Honestly with that Fight I had with Zephyr I don’t really want a relationship anymore. I just want to play this game we call “Life” and when the time is right find somone to call my own.” Ryan said while petting Zephyr too.

“Zephyr may she seem like a Total bitch, but did you know Lyieku’s are some of the most Loyalist races in this world?” she asked him.

“No, I didn’t know that” Ryan replied.

“Well they are. I mean yes, they are extreamly harsh, to one another and you don’t want to fuck up and break any laws in some of their towns, but They are the most Loyalist soldiers You can ever find. When Lyieku’s go to war they show no fear, they seem almost like suicidal when they are carrying out their orders or missions in battles. They never give up until the job is done, or they are dead. I am so happy she saved my life today on that ship. You do know she loves you right?” She said while teasing him.

“Ya, I know. But at the same time, I don’t love her. She has an extreamly hot body, and all that but we never really got off to a Good start. I mean it’s weird I love woman who are crazy, or have issues, or in Vedra’s Case Things that can Kill me, But Shes like not completely human. The tail and the ears kind of freaks me out. But at the same time her style Is fucking dead on to what I am used to from my world. Shes like a mix between Scene girl, and she has the emotional state of an Emo girl” He explains to her.

“I don’t know what those are, but you shouldn’t judge her by her race. I know shes a Thickmane and that means she is Royalty over in her kingdom. You don’t want to piss her off or Her family will find you and kid nap you and you can say goodbye to these guys” She said while lightly tapping his nuts.

“Ya I heard Males don’t want to fuck up over there. I also heard shes cursed by Bunnell and no one within her own race wants to Date her” He replied.

“Yes, They can get pretty violent, and that helped curb down a lot of the violence down there with that being a capital punishment for a lot of things like Not paying your taxes, being rude to a noble, Committing Adultery, and a lot of other things. Now with her not fitting the norm, they can be pretty judgmental over there.” She explained.

“I know She told me about this. But Look case in point, after we reach the shoreline and take a short nap, I am leaving her party for good and I am going to go on my own adventure by myself. We have an unhealthy relationship and I just want to be happy. She can survive on her own, and I will continue on my quest to become a Blackfire Battlemage.” He told her while he ties the raft life around his waist.

“Look I know how much she likes you. I’m not going to say what you want to do is Right or Wrong, this is your life after all, but I’d let her down easy instead of Abandoning her like how Vedra did to me this morning” She told him as she crawls onto his back.

“I really just want to drop kick her out of my life, but I want to let you in on a little secret just between you and me” He said as he walks into the water.

“What is that?” She asks.

“I’m mildly Clingy Like she is. She was my first Questing partner, and at the same Time the first one I shared a kiss with here. It wasn’t the best Circumstances at all when we did it, but at the same time she did keep me alive though it all when Shit hit the fan when we got locked out of the city. I have a very confusing Love/Hate Relationship with her” He said as he drags the Life raft into the water.

“Sounds like my Relationship with Vedra. I can’t offer any advice on that. I am still broken myself over how she left me” She told him as they go deeper in into the water.

“I’m just going to take this 1 day at a time then” Ryan said calmly as he pulls back on the bar and launches the kite into the air. Liz just holds on tight and then Ryan Puts on the song “Edge of Tonight” From All Time Low and then sets sails to the other side of the Harbor.

Zephyr opens her eyes when they depart into the water but doesn’t say anything. She looks behind her and sees the island is 95% gone. She looks at Liz on his shoulders and starts crying again. She listens to them talking about his past life, and his own World he came from. Liz also talks to him about her life and goes into detail about how she lost everything as a little girl. Zephyr just remains silent and closes her eyes.

She falls back asleep silently Crying from jealousy .

He sails for 15 more minutes against the tide and then lands in front of the city’s Seawall. When he gets close to shore Liz hops off.

Ryan puts on the Song “Broken Hearts and Torn up Letters” From Lostprophets and runs ahead and lands his kite on the beach. Then he runs back out into the water and helps pull this Life raft to shore. Zephyr wakes up again watching them pull them off the sandy beach and Pretends to remain asleep, but this song is pissing her off. When they pull them into the grass out of the tidal zone of the beach, Ryan takes his sword and cuts the Restraint ropes off of Zephyr and Breanna.

He then Takes his sword and stabs it into the ground beside him and lays down on this board Laying his head on Zephyrs chest and listening to her heart. Liz makes herself Comfortable and lays on the other side of Zephyr as well, but she lays her head on her Hip.

Her being awake and seeing her lay on her, she Really doesn’t know how to handle this, but at the same time she can hear her whispering how thankful She was that she saved her life. Zephyr closes her eyes and thinks about this whole ordeal.

She wants to Stab this Chick, but realized her weapons are not on her. She looks up at the island and realized her weapons are probably somewhere at the bottom of the ocean with that Island.

She takes a deep breath and exhales and realized this Actually feels very comfortable having two people cuddle with her. With Ryan laying on her left breast as a pillow, and Liz laying on her right hip she sort of feels loved.

She will take this as a Win and not complain for tonight. Even though she secretly has a burning rage for Liz when she saw Ryan Kiss her with the intent to break that charm spell on her.

She thinks really hard about this ordeal and starts plotting a Revenge plan as the last bit of the Island finally goes under in the distance. She looks over at his new sword and wonders how the hell he was able to afford all that gold to buy that sword.

She closes her eyes, but suddenly all four of them get Quest Complete! Messages in their heads.

[Emergency Quest Complete! Defend The city from Attack!]

[Quest Complete! Defeat Ponce the Pirate]

[Quest Complete! Defeat Dahvie the Terrible]

Suddenly Ryan and Liz and Zephyr gain a Ridiculous amount of XP. Everyone eyes glow blue and the sit up quickly feeling this Ecstasy like feeling, Except Zephyr she doesn’t want anyone to think she is awake.

“Holy shit I just reached level 21! Ryan shouts in amazement.

Liz smiles and says, “I just reached level 26!”

Breanna was still out cold, but they saw the blue light coming from her eyes. They know she leveled up as well.

Zephyr Just smiles and doesn’t say a word. She knows she just reached level 23.

Suddenly a Blue notification box appears in Zephyrs head.

Achievement Unlocked: “Troy Fell Because of a Woman”

Mission complete: Slay Lady Bella Anya Vedra

Reward: 2 Million Gold. Redeem Reward with Mayor Max or Sherriff Warren

Seeing this bounty amount Zephyr wants to scream in excitement, but at the same time feels bad shes cashing in on somone else’s Tragedy. She closes her eyes and forces herself to fall asleep as the other two lay back down on her. She shuts the world out and just falls asleep feeling extreamly proud. She can hear the other two talking but doesn’t care. She starts thinking about what shes going to spend all this money on.

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