《Blue Screen Blues》Chapter 28: Hail The Apocalypse
Who the Hell is that!" Ryan asked while looking at the ship.
"That's "Ponce the Terrible" a Ruthless Warlock Tyrant we sealed away a Long, Long Time ago" Breanna said while sitting down calmly.
Suddenly another barrage of Cannon fires upon the City.
Manic screaming can be heard coming from the ship.
"Did anyone else get that Emergency quest?" Ryan asked sarcastically while looking at the ship.
Everyone awkwardly nods their head.
"Well looks like we got a boss fight to deal with" Ryan said while watching more of the island sink.
"He's Destroying my Home!" Liz cried in anger.
"Ya I know, he's about to take the city. Didn't you just hear him?" Ryan replied.
"No Dumbass! This Island! This is my home! I'm not allowed back on the mainland! I Killed one of Warrens Deputies almost 3 years ago. If I lose this island, I lose it all!" She cried to Ryan.
"Calm down, Let’s just survive the night okay?" Ryan told her while hugging her.
Zephyr sees this and Glares at Liz and almost lunges forward at her with her sword.
"If I kill her while we are on this PVP Contested Island while it still exists, I can walk out Scot-free and not worry about being charged with murder" She thought in her head while he sees him hug her.
"But I am going to lose everything Ryan!" Liz Cried.
Suddenly They fire another Barrage at the city, and they can hear an Alarm going off from the city.
"Look Let's get our ass on that ship and take them down. If we don't, we won't have a home to go to. Look Liz I have an idea and know somone who just might be able to help you. But we need to stay calm and deal with that Demon right there in front of us now!" He told her while pointing to the ship.
"I agree, we started this mess, and now we need to clean it up before me and Zephyr lose our home too!" Breanna said while taking a sip of water.
"Why are you so damn Calm?" Liz shouted to her.
"Because. I know him and his first mates weakness. Look I joined a cult that tried to summon him back into this world, but Vedra's Unholy Aura kept him buried under this Island, along with that those damn inhibitors that were placed under water around the Island" She replied with a smile.
"What do you mean inhibitors?" Zephyr asked.
"Me and Vedra had to periodically charge some Crystals around the island. It was a condition she told me about when I moved into the island. King Henry a long time ago when they surrounded Ponce ended up assisting with all the mages burring him and his ship under this island and put Magical inhibitors around the water line of the island to keep him trapped under. Vedra agreed when she got this island to keep them charged since men were scared to come out here and charge them with her around and nearby. I would have to go diving every 6 or 7 months and charge up these damn things." Liz explained.
"When was the last time you charged them?" Zephyr cried.
"4 months ago. They are still fairly charged I don't know why or how he broke out. I charged them when we took a trip up to Ala-Ash during that Stationary front that brought a lot of rain and tons of fog last year" She said.
"Why did he get buried? Is he Immortal?" Ryan asked.
Breanna takes another sip of water and smiles. "Well he's a Warlock. He steals souls and gets stronger. He at the time of capture was extreamly well fed. He was almost god like. He's a Very experienced captain of the "Yuleeian Dark Goddess Navy" Or the YDGN. They don't exist anymore since the Faterra and Gnillàf Civil wars ended in a ceasefire when Gnillàf finally broke off became its own independent country" She explained to him as she took another sip from her bottle.
"Wait is he still fed now?" Ryan asked.
"It's been over 40 years since he last fed on some souls. He has to have been starved to death by now, but It doesn't mean he's harmless at all. He's still an undead demon that's been blessed by Yulee herself. So, if we do this, we need a plan" She said as she stood up.
"Wait so that's what YDGN stands for on the ship? I never heard of that Country before" Zephyr asked looking hard at the sails.
"Yes, look a long time ago Faterra was a happy nation till some politicians did some stupid shit, and got reckless and caused civil unrest within this peaceful nation. One thing lead to another and people died, and all hell broke loose. The parliament voted to kick out their leader, who was a devout Yuleeian follower and after his removal from office tons of people still followed him and still considered him in power. There was a Strong divide against the Yuleeians and the newly elected Bunnellian leader who came from a totally Different country. Then All hell broke out and Lead to a bloody Civil war. The Yuleeians called them self YDG and had their own militia and rose up and attacked and seized Faterrian city's. When they secured a large enough amount of Territory, they split Faterra into 2 two nations. They named them self Gnillàf Territory after the last city they conquered. Technically they are a part of Faterra in a way, but it’s complicated. They have their own Government and crap, but there is a DMZ and PVP buffer Warzone between the two. The two nations still are kind of at war with each other, but a Ceasefire treaty is all that preventing them from killing each other. That And the evil dictator "Mriya" from Palmlandia threatened them to be nice or she will get involved" Breanna explained.
"Hmm you really do know you history sis" Zephyr said while looking up at the ship.
"Look I know his weakness's. My cult worshiped Ponce like crazy. He controls all the Undead around here at night. But at the same all those undead are souls he's exhaled out of his body. As long as he hasn't absorbed any more souls, we should be able to take him down quick.
Now his First mate Dahvie Is way more scary then he is. That sadistic maniac will fuck with your head and induce mind control on you. You won't be able to resist any of his commands if he locks onto you and the things, I have heard him do is just incredibly freaky and scary. He too is a warlock, but I think he may have a few succubus's as pets. We woman should be fine, but Ryan will be shit out of luck if he encounters them" Breanna said as she stands up.
"Well then let's get to it. Let's defend our home" Zephyr shouts.
Breanna Casts [Hover] On everyone and they all start to rise up into the air.
'Let's go!" Breanna screams as she looks at Liz being confused.
"Hang on. I got an idea we are not running over to that ship. Let’s just fly there" Liz said.
"Fine with me I don't want to really run at all" Breanna said with a sigh of relief.
"You Run?" Zephyr said sarcastically.
"Just gather around me" Liz said while she holds Ryan hand.
"Hold on to each other's hands. I'm going to launch us!" She said as Zephyr breaks her grip with Ryan and gets in her way. She grabs her hand and makes Ryan hold Breanna's hand instead. The 4 make a tight circle and Liz casts [Air blast] toward the ground. Then launches the team up 400 feet into the air and then casts [Airblast] behind her thrusting the team forward. With Hover still in effect they glides down slowly and adjust course by leaning left, right or back.
While in the air Ryan was excited. This was like being a Paratrooper, or an ODST in Halo.
They glide for 25 secs and then lean back and land on the ship.
As soon as they land Ponce yells "FIRE!" again and the 10 cannons fire at the city again.
Zephyr sneaks up behind the Pirate and stabs him 4 times in the back and jumps back.
He turns around and laughs at her.
"Oh, welcome aboard. Thanks for releasing me" The man said bowing his head.
Ryan looks hard at this Man and notices he looks exactly like Johannes Eckerström from the band Avatar he was wearing a black navy Clothes and a Red and gold stripped overcoat and had makeup all over his face. He wore a demonic smile just starred at them all.
"How are you free? Also Leave our city alone!" Zephyr demanded.
"Ahh, you're the one that killed that vampire. Well her dark soul when she passed, I absorbed, and it gave me so much power I was able to rise out of that cursed tomb. Thank you very much. Also, this town used to be mine, I'm merely taking it back!" He said while tilting his head and giving her a Demented smile at her. Suddenly he blasts a purple beam out of his hand, and she starts screaming in agony.
"Ah fresh souls. I'm hungry!" He shouts
Zephyr falls over screaming in agony.
Ryan Immediately casts [Detonate] On him and interrupts his spell casting.
"Leave that bitch alone! You want a soul come get mine! I'll kick your ass!" He screams as he starts casting [Fireball].
Ponce gets up and turns around.
"Oh, this is going to be fun" He screams as Ryan shoots the fireball forward.
Ponce steps out of the way, casts [Drain soul] on him. He falls down and screams, then Breanna casts [Holy Blast] On him and sends him flying backwards off the ship.
"You okay" She an Asks Ryan while she casts [Heal] on both Zephyr and him.
"Yes, never been had my soul sucked out like that before. If feels like a big giant needle the size of a brick was stuck in me" He described to her.
Ryan gets up and pulls out his phone and scans him in the water. He pulls up his stats.
"He's at 25% Health, he has a shit tone of mana, and looks like..." Ryan said as he avoids a purple flame ball getting thrown at him. The purple fireball explodes behind him and he turns around and sees purple fire burning on the deck. When he turns around, he can See Ponce flying out of the water and hovering back on top of the deck.
"Give me that!" Captain Ponce shouts as he casts a spell and teleports Ryan and his phone into his hands.
He grabs his phone and looks at it. He then goes through his music and Plays the song "Hail the Apocalypse" By Avatar The song plays on Global
"I Don't know why but when I read through your soul and this song seems to stick out and pleases me." He said dementedly
"Give that back you son of a bitch!" Ryan then recalls his phone and it teleports into his hands. He puts it in his pocket and with the song playing the boss fight starts.
Zephyr jumps back on him and starts stabbing him. He Picks her up and throws he at the wall.
"Come and get it little kitty! I don't have any blood this demon body, so your attacks are not affecting me at all!" Suddenly Ryan and Liz start casting [Fireball] and [Arcane Blast] and Focus a Crossfire path on him. Ryan launches his spell and he dodges but Liz Connects and knocks him down.
"Oh, you want to play now Do you?" He screams as he casts [Drain Soul] On Liz. Liz just stands there and laughs at him.
"That tickles!" She said while laughing. Suddenly Breanna Casts [Holy Blast] On him and knocks him off the ship again. She then casts [Heal] On Zephyr and casts [Regenerate] on Liz.
"Are you serous that doesn't hurt you?" Ryan screams at her in disbelief.
"Meh I've felt worse" She said with a Smile.
Captain ponce comes back onto the ship pissed.
"Will you cut that out!" He demands while pointing at Breanna angrily. He then casts [Drain soul] On her and she pops up [Holy Shield] on herself.
Liz floats above the ground and starts channeling [Arcane Hailstorm]
She lets loose a massive amount of Arcane missiles and they all detonate on him with great effect. Ryan can see holes in the Deck from the detonation when he falls on his ass. Below him were ghouls that were manning the Cannons. They look like they were filling up the canning with some sort of magic like powder. Ryan looks at the load master and casts [Detonate] on him and sets the ghoul on fire. The heat of that ghoul exploding causes the 3 ghouls next it to burst into flames and they in turn set off a barrel of unopened blueish powder and it explodes and causes a fire under the deck and freaks the rest of the ghouls out.
He then picks his head up out of that hole and sees Zephyr on Ponce's back beating him with her battle axe.
"Will you please get off me miss?" He said as he ignores her blows. He then charges at the wall and turns around at the last minute making her take most of the impact.
She falls off and casts [Drain Soul] On her and looks at Breanna "Don't you Do It!" He screams at her.
Breanna smiles at him and casts [Holy blast] And Sends him flying off the ship.
"This is getting Annoying!" He screams as he flies backwards off the ship again.
Breanna then heals Zephyr and she gets up. And feels better.
"You guys got it from here I am running downstairs and going to disable those cannons!" He tells them as he runs downstairs.
Ryan gets below deck and sees a ghoul and takes out his sword and cuts it down. He then casts Detonate on the ghouls that were transporting crates down the hallway and runs down the next level of stares. He sees battle ghoul and it goes to attack him, but he ducks and counters it with [Detonate]. He then starts running all the way to the other side of the corridor and sees the cannons. Before he gets inside the cannon bay, Liz casts [Arcane Hailstorm] again and the missiles come crashing up through the floorboards and explode in front of him and sets off another explosion of That magical powder. The ghouls freak out and try to put out the fire, but Ryan starts to cast [Fireball] on them while they 7 of them were huddled around in a tight group getting ready to throws buckets of water on it. Ryan takes them out and they all explode with ease. Ryan then runs into the gun hold and starts rolling 8 barrels of That magic gunpower into 1 spot and runs back upstairs. He casts [Detonate] on one barrel and it explodes and blows a big giant hole in the Side of the ship. Suddenly he hears a familiar sound. He hears Breanna just fire {Holy blast] and him screaming "Will you fucking stop that!" as he flies off the ship. Ryan can see flying off through this big giant hole in the hull, but it wasn't low enough to induce sinking. Yet.
"Looks like I need to get lower" He says to himself. Runs to stair well and sees a the underhold of the ship. It was dark, so he decides to cast fireball for 3 seconds and randomly shoot it into the dark.
This shot hits a massive supply that Magic power on the other side of the room and blows a hole in the wall. Water starts flooding in, and Ryan gets a glimpse from the flames another storages site just concentrated with this power. He fires [Detonate] on this pile against the hull and runs away. The pile explodes violently and sends a 60-pound crate flying into his back. This knocks him over. Now water is Rushing in. the create was on his leg, but he catches his breath and flips it off of him. Then starts running upstairs.
He gets back up to the 2nd level and sees more ghouls running away from the flames and he takes out his sword and kills them. He then makes it back up to the top deck and notices Zephyr and Breanna are on the ground exhausted. Liz was getting her soul sucked out and was just sitting there smiling at him.
"Are you done yet? Is your soul needle even in me yet? I don't feel anything" She told him sarcastically
"I got a hold of your soul are you really not in screaming agony?" He asked her.
Ryan then casts [Detonate] on him and interrupts the spell.
"This ship is going down! Let's get the fuck out of here!" Ryan shouted. Ponce then looks through the holes in the floorboard and sees his cannon room is on fire he turns around and starts summing more Ghouls. Ryan casts [Detonate] on the lead one and with it being so close the other 6 ignites the others.
"Oh, you are resourceful aren't you young man! No matter!" He said as he summons 80 shades outside the ship.
80 shades come out of the water with their scythes in hand and start charging toward Ryan.
Ryan just smiles and pulls out his phone and with burst mode on starts turning them into sparks.
"How are you doing that! Shades are supposed to be hard to kill without holy magic!" He screams.
Ryan thought it would be funny to take a picture of his paranoid face, and suddenly he falls to the ground screaming in agony.
"What did you do to me that Really hurt!" He screamed. Suddenly a few holes burn through is stomach and he can see sparks flying out.
"Oh, wait that's right your full of demonic souls, aren't you?" He said with a devilish grin.
He takes another picture of him on the ground and he screams in even more agony. The souls inside him were bursting into sparks and were burning him from the inside out.
Ryan takes 6 more pictures and he is screaming in agony and a fire hole starts to get big enough suddenly millions of dark souls start flying out of him like a swarm of bats. Ryan and Liz look at him and notice he doesn't look so scary right now. They Start casting [Fireball] and [Arcane Blast] together.
"You actually defeated me? How is this possible! How can I be defeated by such low-level Contenders!" He screams in agony as more and more demented souls leave his body. As they leave him his body's flesh starts to turn into rotten flesh. After the last soul leaves his stomach cavity he looks like a big giant ghoul. Ryan and Liz Release their spells on him and scatter him into a million pieces.
"That's one problem taken care of" Liz said with a sigh of relief.
"That boss fight was easy; can you Imagine if he was fed full of souls?" He asked her jokingly.
"Ya, but at the same time I don't feel so good!" She screamed as she threw up blood.
"Whats wrong?" Ryan said while grabbing her.
"I don't know what he did to me, but I don't feel so well" she told him. Suddenly the ship starts to tilt under their feet.
"Guys are you ready to get back to shore?" Ryan askes Zephyr and Breanna.
Breanna gets up and casts [Blue Light] on herself, and Zephyr.
They get up and feel better.
"Ya he just infected us with some weird poison . I just cured both of us" Breanna said while picking herself up. She then casts [Blue Light] On Liz and she gets up and feels better. But When she gets up, she sees the blood shes coughed up and looks like it’s turning silver. She ignores this but Ryan freaks out.
He grabs her hand and looks at the top of it where she punched Vedra. It looks infected.
"Oh no you didn't do what I think you did?" Ryan screams at he takes out his sword and stabs her arm with it mildly.
"What the fuck Asshole!" She screams. Suddenly Ryan Zephyr and Breanna are shocked.
Her blood was red but was turning milky silver.
"I saw you punch her fang out! You infected yourself didn't you!" He screamed at her angrily.
"Oh my god I did!" She said as she looks at her blood. She then starts crying.
"I love her, but I don't want to go what she went through! Breanna can you fix me! I don't want to become one of them! Please!!!" She screamed as the boat starts to lean further.
"I Know how to heal you, but It’s not with magic alone. Somone one's going to have to suck the poison out" She said as she casts [Blue Light] on her.
"Okay then?" Liz said while calming down.
"Ryan will you do it for me? I don't want to become cursed like her. I'd rather you kill me first!" She screamed.
Zephyr smiles at her and pulls out her blade.
"I'll put her out of her misery if you want" She said with excitement.
The blood flowing out of her arm is still red but is slowly turning silver.
"I don't really have a blood kink, but I know somone who does" Ryan said while looking at Zephyr.
Suddenly Breanna smiles at her too.
"Why are you all looking at me like that?" Zephyr said seeming confused.
Suddenly she gets it.
"Oh, hell no! I am not sucking out that fucking bitch's blood! I'd rather just stab her and lick it off my blade that way!" She screamed.
"Look Zephyr we are literally all in the same sinking ship here because of you" he said sarcastically.
"Fuck that! She tried to kill me!" She screamed at Ryan.
"I tried to kill you too, but you ended up helping me before she cut off my Nuts," He shot back.
"That's because I love you, and I want those intact so in the future we can have kids" She said calmly.
"Look Zephyr we are never going to be together, that ship set sail and currently its sinking so Tick Tock, fix her please" He told her.
"Fuck no! Look I love you! Shes been holding on to you and flirting with you like she likes you. Shes trying to steal you away me and its pissing me off!" She screamed with distress and anger.
"Excuse me, hang on. No, I don't like him. He stole my Girlfriend and got me kicked out of my house. He's come into my life and has done nothing but destroyed it. Ya sure he saved my life when I wanted to die an hour ago but all I see him as is a little brother I still want to kill. But at the same with certain things I been through in life, I don't like men. I don't swing that way anymore" Liz shot back to her.
"Look Ryan shes not going to do it Do it for me now I'm starting to feel weak" Liz said while sitting down.
"Fine I'll do it" Ryan said feeling guilty about ruining her life. Ryan walks over her and cuts a small hole in the side of her neck with his blade. He then gets ready to go in and start sucking her blood out. Suddenly Zephyr losses it and pulls him back.
"Fine! I'll fucking do it! Your such an asshole Ryan! I don't want you tasting her blood and getting infected. Look I have Fangs like Vedra and at the same time my race is immune to vampire venom. Something we inherited when were evolved from werewolves. I swear you owe me in the future for this!" She screamed.
Suddenly in rage and anger Zephyr shoves her down on her back growls at her in anger. She then Exposes her small fangs and Clamps on the side of her neck with extreme anger.
Ryan is laughing at this and takes out his phone and takes a picture of Them doing this.
Then Ryan wanting to be an asshole, he puts on the song "Teenagers" From My Chemical Romance on and sits back and enjoys the show while the ship slowly starts to lean over more and sink.
"Hey Zephyr take is extreamly easy! That feels good and hurts at the same time" She said with pleasure clearing being broadcasted in her tone.
Zephyr pulls back off of her and smiles at her and then her tail starts waging. He ears pull back and she bites down on her even harder.
"Zephyr I said take it easier! That's not going easy! that Hurts!" Liz said with a little bit of distress.
"Wait did you say Bite harder? Okay!" Zephyr said sadistically .
Liz then starts screaming in pain.
Suddenly Zephyr spits out a bunch of silver blood and gets back to torturing her.
It was obviously that She was taking her anger and jealousy out on this chick and Ryan was just sitting back and dancing on this sinking ship and Breanna is just shaking her head appearing amused.
They both watch Zephyr get even more aggressive with Liz. She spits out even silver blood and goes for round 3.
"Zephyr Please Stop!!! Your hurting me!" She screamed while exhibiting signs she was also enjoying this.
"Forgot the safe word I See. This is going to be a fun night" She shouted as she grabs her hair and pulls it.
Breanna and Ryan fall over laughing.
Suddenly Zephyr stops and spits out regular red blood.
"Yep I struck normal blood" Zephyr says while going back for another round.
"If you flirt, or touch Ryan again in any way that I don't like we will have issues okay hun?" Zephyr whispers in her ear as she spits out some more red blood.
Liz grabs Zephyr's chest and pets her head feeling an overwhelmed emotion of ecstasy and joy.
"That was Amazing, if you’re going to punish me like that again I will go over there and kiss him right now" She whispered back to her with a flirtatious look.
"If you do that, I'm gonna Tie you up" She whispered back to her in her ear with a flirtatious tone.
"I'd like that very much!" She said while gently running her hand down Zephyrs side.
"No, I'd tie you to this sinking ship and walk away" She said with a Threating tone. She then throws her head down on the deck of the ship and stands up.
"Shes clear!" Zephyr shouts as she opens up a bottle of water and washes her mouth out.
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