《Blue Screen Blues》Chapter 19: "Right Back At It Again"
Ryan Wakes up with Kannell in his bed. She was naked and in his bed. Ryan woke up first and noticed this and was alarmed. He woke her up with a few shakes.
“Wake up! Its me Ryan, your naked and in my bed. DO NOT TELEPORT ME!” he told her as he shook her.
“I know that dude!” She told him as she rolls over and brings his arm around her. Ryan turns on his Phones light and shines a light over at her bed. She threw up last night in her bed, and her dress was dirty. The Mystery was closed.
He lays down and her hair was in his face again. Her hair smelled like Apples this time.
She was holding onto his arm and he ended up getting a little excited. She could feel this even though she as half asleep.
“You still haven’t taken care of your little problem have you” She told him while grabbing him down there”. Ryan’s mind was elsewhere. He was thinking about Going to the second island today when she grabbed him.
When He noticed, he just let her leave her hand there. If it was Zephyr, he would have slapped her hand by now.
“Want me to help you out with it?” Kannell Asked him.
Ryan thought about the offer. He wants to say yes, but suddenly the words of Citra popped into his head. He doesn’t need this yet. He thought long and hard about this. She was going to be leaving in a few hours and who knows if he will ever see her again? This was the perfect time to destress on somone cute. But at the same time Ryan had some morals. He doesn’t do one-night stands.
He places his hand on top of hers and just rubs her hand back and forth with his thumb.
“No not yet. I don’t need sex right now. Look your very tempting right now, but I don’t want a one-night stand. I know your teleporting somewhere today and I may never see you again or at least in a while” He told her as he moved her hand off his crotch.
She looks him in the eye and smiles at him. She boops his nose and pats his head.
“Such a gentleman” He told her as she kissed his cheek. She gets up and casts a small spell on the lantern. It ignites the wick and lights up the room. Ryan can see her naked body in the dim flame. Her hair was a mess, and she was well groomed everywhere. She pulls out a bucket under her bed and casts a spell and fills it up with water. She then looks over at him and smiles.
Come here, can you do me a favor? She asked him.
He gets up out of bed and walks over to her.
“Grab your sword” She told him.
Ryan grabs his sword and pulls it out of the sheath.
“Do you know how to cast fire spells through it?” She asked him.
“Kind of, I been training on using this as a wand. Why what do you want?” He asked her. His eyes were staring at her boobs.
“Channel [Fireball] through it but don’t launch it. Warm up my water for me in this bucket I need to clean my dress” She asked him.
She takes out a bottle of shampoo that was in her bag and pours it in the water.
Ryan does what she asked him and Focuses casting Fireball through the blade. He holds it underwater and the water starts to heat up. He holds his focus on the spell and the blade was heating up big time on him. He holds it underwater and this small 3 wooden 3-gallon (11 liter) bucket is now steaming. He pulls his sword out and clears his mind of the spell.
“That is Cool!” he told her while still staring at her boobs.
“What, the fact you can heat up water with your sword or my awesome boobs?” She said sarcastically
Feeling embarrassed he’s been caught he just sits on his bed. He leans on his sword and places the tip of the blade into the floorboard. Suddenly the sword snaps.
Alarmed he goes to grab the tip of the blade, then realizes it could still be hot, and doesn’t touch it.
“Damn it” he said as he looks at his broken sword
“Oh, looks like That sword wasn’t rated for spells was it?” She asks him.
“What do you mean?” He asked.
“Oh, there are Magical swords that are meant to withstand high temperatures and be used for attacks and everyday spell usage. I’m assuming that was a training sword?” She asked as she dunked her dress in the water.
“Well yes, I didn’t think about that” He replied.
“When the sun goes up ask Ernie for a Spell blade. Its pretty pricey, but it will last you. She said while pulling her dress out and turning it inside out.
“Oh okay” Ryan said feeling a little upset about breaking his first sword.
He lays back down on his bed and throws the hilt end of the sword down and feels bad about this.
Kannell wrings her dress out and casts an air blast spell on it and helps it dry for 30 seconds. She then hops back in the bed with Ryan and grabs his arm.
She places it on her boob and flirts with him.
“Does this make you feel better?” She said with a smile.
“A little” he told her in a flirty tone.
Ryan wants just a little bit of fun right now, so he does what Zephyr did to him. He bites her neck and feels her body lock up. He smiles at her and gets up.
“Well, it’s not nice to tease” She tells him.
“Says the woman who made me wake up to a Succubus that told me I need to focus on myself” He replied to her in a flirty tone.
“But anyway. Where are you going today?” He asked her
She gives him a weird guilty face. “Got a date with a guy, its complicated, but There is something very big in it for me” She told him while getting up and putting on her bra.
Ryan’s intuition was right.
“Good call not sleeping with her” he thought to himself.
“Well anyway, I need to teleport to Burn then walk 10 miles to Rale I might as well start my adventure now” She tells him as she puts on her dress.
“Wait I thought you mastered Teleportation magic. Why can’t you just teleport to just that town?” He asked in confusion.
“I’m only Level 18. I can only teleport so far away. I can teleport a greater distance at level 30, but even then, 1 teleport has a 5-hour cooldown and that time goes down the higher I get. The town I’m going to go to puts me the closest I can get to this man’s house” She explained to him.
She grabs her back and puts it on her and then hugs Ryan.
“I won’t tell your Semi-psychotic girlfriend what we did for the past 3 days if you don’t tell my future boyfriend” She told him while kissing his cheek. Ryan smiles then notices something.
He left a huge bite mark on her neck. His eyes open up wide and he smirks.
Well Goodbye my friend. Take care! She said as she backs up. She looks at him and pulls her hands apart. She waves at him and disappears into this Teal colored light.
He sits down on his bed and laughs.
“Oh, If I Ever see her again shes going to kill me!” He said while laughing really loud.
After he collects himself, He gets up picks his broken sword up and walks out the door.
Ryan makes his way downstairs and can see the sun coming up.
It was 6:08 AM and he knew he needs a sword before he goes grinding again today.
He walks over to Ernie’s Place and goes inside.
“Hello Ernie” Ryan said while placing his broken sword on the counter.
“Hello, my Friend what can I do for you!” He asked him while drinking a cup of coffee.
“I need a Spell blade. I broke this blade using it to cast a spell this morning” He told him.
Ernie Looks at the blade and notices the heat damage and Fatigue its been through.
“Ahh yes I see. Another fire mage stepping out into this world I see” He said while scratching his beard.
“Whats your Intended goal in life son?” he asked while picking up the two pieces of the sword and placing them in the forge.
“Blackfire Battlemage” He told him.
Ernie looks Ryan in the eye and gives him a crazy look.
“Are you Crazy?” He asked him.
“In a Way yes, I want a challenge, and I heard it’s a hard and very rare class to become” He replied to him.
“You know you’re going Destroy yourself, right?” He warned him.
“The way I figured; Sure, I will be digging into my Health to Obliterate my enemies but I’m not worried. It’s just Tangible Empathy in a Karma form” Ryan told him.
“Well then if that’s the case, then let me get you a Spell blade” he told Ryan.
Ernie goes in the back and comes out with a Black orange and Red sword.
“This blade is called “Night Fire” It’s perfect for your Shadow and fires spells” he said as he places it down on the table.
Ryan picks up the sword and it feels really Natural to him.
“With you being a battlemage, I assume you’re going to be getting up and personal with your enemy so with that being said this blade is Reinforced a little bit more in the middle and on the tip. Its also Enchanted with a +20 Spell power boost and +10% Spirit. He told Ryan.
“What is the difference between this sword and let’s say just a regular Warriors or crusader Sword.” Ryan asked.
“Their swords are much heavier and longer and are designed for extreme use. This sword is just a little weaker than theirs, but still it gets the job done. You just need to keep up with maintenance on it. It will glow dark Yellow when it needs to be repaired but other then that If you take care of it, it will take care of you” he told him.
“How much for this blade?” Ryan askes. Its pretty Pricey. But I will make a deal with you. That deer at Breanna’s last night was Excellent. It normally would go for 50k. But with you being a hero around here and Helping us out how about 9,000 gold? He Tells Ryan.
“I’ll be right back” he tells him. Ryan walks over to the bank and Pulls out 9,000 gold.
He gets a receipt telling him he only has 550 gold left in his account.
Suddenly Ryan realizes how fast he spent 14k. He ignores this weird feeling and just heads back to Ernie. He places the money on the counter and Ernie shakes his hand. The sword was his.
The Black Orange and Red sword looked awesome to him. And with his Black and Scarlet clothes it matched him perfectly.
He Walks back into the Inn and grabs his Kite, and his board and walks out toward his sailboat.
He Sets up his main sail again, and double checks everything. Then he drags the boat into the water. He gets his feet wet and pushes off and hops in.
He takes a seat on the side of the boat and Pulls in his Main Sheet line. He then Sets sail for the other island.
Wanting to try something a little different, he is craving a mellow 70’s song this morning.
He puts on the Song “Ride Captain Ride” From Blues Image on and enjoys the ride.
It was a little bumpy out, and every wave he cut through matches the mood of the song. Ryan was going to have another great day today. He made it his mission to let it lose and not Go swimming today.
The wind was blowing the exact opposite today. It was blowing out of the West. So, this sail to the Island was A Run-Down wind. He lays back and just enjoys the straight shot to the other island.
He sails for 15 minutes and reaches the other island. He does the same thing he did last time when he sees the shallow water, he lets down his sail, gets out, and pulls it into shore. Then Ties the bow to a Tree.
He can see the main land on this side of the island, and Since Wind shadow would be a problem for his kite on the other side of the island near the ocean side, he decided he’s going to ride on this side of the island back and forth.
He pulls out his phone and remembers he leveled up from that mysterious guy that visited the town before the battle. He checks his stats.
He had 2 skill points to spend. He spends both points on Intelligence. Then he notices the new stats his Night Fire blade provided. His updated stats were
Vitality 18 Strength 11 Intel 29 Agility 14 Spirit 18 Spell power: 20 Precision: 2 Armor Rating 0 Mobility: 100
Luck 5 Resistance: 5% universal Skill/Spell Improvement: N/A
He still had 1440 Health, but now with 2 more Intelligence points added to his stats her had 2900 Mana now.
He takes out the phone and plays the Song “In The Dark (ft.Halsey)” By Bring Me The Horizon and gets his 20% Experience buff. He leaves his kite alone for now and the island starts shaking. Mosquitoes the size of Stop signs come flying out and try attacking him, but He just pops [Detonate] on 1 and the group of 4 behind it go down.
“Holy shit They have Mosquitoes the size of Small Tires here! This place is really like Florida isn’t it?” He asks as he Starts casting [Fireball] at the incoming group of pissed of Insects. He takes them down in 1 hit and he feels a little underchallenged this island was way smaller than the other one. He walks back to his Boat and sails back to other island. He sails for 7 minutes and lands on the other island and tires his boat up.
He sets up his kite, and then pulls out his phone and looks for a good Pulling song. He settles on the song “Good stuff” By DJ Gollum Feat DJ Cap. He launches his kite and steps on his Board. He Starts rolling forward and she island shakes. Just like clockwork the bats, the Yellow Jackets, and the Boars come after him. He Charges at them and obliterates them while Kiting them from one end of the island to the other end. He Is having so much fun right now. He pulls out his new sword and gets ready to strike another a Boar that is catching up to him. He takes it out and likes the feel of this new blade.
He Kites back and forth and kills more and more Irritated Animals and takes in the Experience. When the tide started coming in, he was tired and knew he couldn’t ride anymore. He sails back to his boat on his board, and then loads up 6 dead pigs into the boat and sails back to the mainland.
He lands his ship like he did yesterday, strangers help him carry the boars to the middle of the town, Breanna gets her cooks to carve up 3 pigs, Ryan gets a free meal, and then He spends 20 gold on a room for the night. This is basically how his routine goes for the next 3 days.
Wake up at 5:30, Sail to the island, cast his experience buff song, Then Play EDM music all day and kill mobs, bring back a few Dead pigs, get a Free meal, Pay 20 gold for a Room, Rinse and Repeat
It was the most Relaxing plan to follow every day until Zephyr gets back.
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