《Blue Screen Blues》Chapter 18: Lead Sail, Paper Anchor
Figuring out what the best song to put on, He decides on the song “Leave it All behind” By A Cult to Follow and Hops back on his Board.
The music was not playing on Global, Just Speaker. He Dives his kite and sails down to the other side of the island again on his board. He enjoys the song and just thinks about his life and relaxes and just sails without any animals coming out and attacking him. He sails for about 7 minutes and stops at the end of the island.
He sits down and let’s go of his bar. He holds onto the flag line and the kite flutters down slowly. He walks up to secure the kite and puts sand on it to keep it from flying away. He can see the mainland.
He lays down and relaxes with his hand in the Sand. He ends up Letting the next song “Left Behind” By Half an Orange play. His Suspicions were right. This was a Bass boosted Dance song. This song was on Mandatory Global. He Lets the song play and enjoys the View. This song fills the hole in his heart. Its So perfect for the Scenery, his Death, his bad luck, and where he is, and Him slightly missing Zephyr.
He realized this new world is his Home now, and the Lyrics were dead on.
A Few Giant Yellow Jackets the size of traffic cones, Come Swarming out of the woods, and Ryan stands up and smiles.
“That Didn’t last long” He said in the middle of the song.
Ryan starts Casting [Fireball] and lets it go. He hits 1 Yellow jacket and the heat coming off of it ignites the other 2 next to it. Ryan then looks at the 3 behind it and Casts [Detonate]. This takes out the group of 5 with ease.
Happy about knowing what Triggers Global Volume. Ryan just smiles and looks for another song.
He finds the song: Dr. Dre – The next Episode (San Holo Remix) and hits play.
The Whole Island is shaking with the beat, and Ryan Quickly Launches his kite back up and Hops back on his Board. He Dives the kite again and starts moving forward again.
He Starts attracting Extreamly Angry Wildlife and Starts Killing them off. While holding on to his bar he practices Launching spells through his sword. Wave after Wave of Boars, Wasps and bats come after him. He’s sailing at a good speed and Just cuts theses Mobs down with ease. When he arrives at the other end of the island, He turns around and heads back. The Yellow Jackets were extreamly weak, and fire were their main Weakness.
When the song ends Puts on the song “Natural”- By Imagine Dragons This song played global as well but He made sure this Buff was off. It had a pretty epic buff on it he could use later.
More and more boars come out chasing him and he just Knocks them down. The bats got smart and decided to attack him head on, but [Detonate] was so much easier to cast ahead of him then it was behind him. He was able to master using his sword as a Wand. All while keeping his balance and holding onto a Kite. He had 1 problem, however. The Dead bodies of mobs he’s slaying are in the way of his runway path. This is making him now have to swerve around them. This adds more fun to his “Kiting” Routine. Leaning forward and back while controlling his kite with one hand and casting spells would be an extreme challenge for anyone who’s never done this before.
However, Ryan took up this sport at age 15. So, he’s got a massive amount of skill behind him. He is just so excited how bad ass this is. With the wind Kicking up even more, He is able to sail even faster down the Beach. He gets his Rotation just right. Detonate, Melee, Kite Repeat. This was the best Mana Saving Rotation he could get to maximize his Mana Reserves. After an Hour of doing this he notices the tide is coming in, and his Runway is getting smaller. He Stops pulling the mobs by turning off his Global music and runs back to his sailboat. Before getting back to his Sailboat A Giant Yellow Jacket was hovering in his path. He pulls out his sword and gets ready to strike it in the head. But his kite line Slices through its wing and makes it collide into him. The stinger stabs him in his arm, and he falls overboard in pain.
Still holding onto the kite with his other hand his momentum drags him about 20 feet. And holding onto the kite the kite drags him another 20 feet. However, his dragging path is directly into the water. This means he reaches the water line, and the kite Keeps pulling him out. The pain in his right arm is so intense he can’t move it. But the kite is still pulling him. Further and further out.
Now Anyone whose Kiteboarded before knows the kite is your best friend when you are hurt in the water. He is in extreme pain but doesn’t want this kite to come down. This Kite will not be relaunchable if it touches the water since it’s a Ram Air open Cell Kite.
He just lets the kite pull him out Focuses on his breathing. He’s already been pulled out about 50 feet, and still getting Dragged out. Somehow the Song “Live for Today” From Escape The Fate. Comes on. This song was on Global somehow, but wasn’t didn’t fit in the EDM or bass boosted songs. He doesn’t have time to Think about why. He just wants to Survive this situation. He holds on tight for about 3 minute and lets the kite just take him out to sea. 5 minute later the painful sting has slightly gone away and he can move his Right arm again.
He Pulls the Kite to 12’ o’clock and stops being dragged. He is all alone in the Ocean. He can see the Island but it’s like 1 mile away. Using his kite’s pull to keep him afloat he tries to move his arm out.
“Damn It I’m going to need to Body drag back to shore!” He said with Scared tone. He takes a deep breath and exhales.
He tilts the kite to his right and lays his right arm out. The starts body Dragging himself back to shore. This song was stuck on Repeat, but it gave him some motivation to get back to shore.
“At Least I got a chance to Go swimming” He said while trying to remain Optimistic about this whole ordeal. It takes him 7 minutes to get back to land. When he sets foot back on land, he sees the injured Yellow jacket that Sent him swimming; alive and still moving but unable to fly. He casts [Fireball] for 3 seconds and blows that Motherfucker up.
His arm is throbbing, but he feels weak. He pulls out his cellphone and is excited that The Waterproof spell works for Saltwater too.
He checks his Health. He was at 30%. That Thing must have inflicted Critical damage on him.
He looks at this box under his health and clicks it. It shows combat history. He’s been Afflicted by the poison Affect “Neurotoxin” since he’s gotten stung. He notices something that makes sense now.
When He met Professor Frostproof the other day, he answered his question about Resistances and why he had a 5% reduction to all affects. That’s when he realized this Cellphone was also serving as a Defensive item for him. That 5% reduction in Poison effects saved him from complete muscle paralysis out on the water. Sure, it hurt like hell, but at the same time Suffering from Major pain is way better then drowning out on the water because you can’t move. He Becomes thankful for that.
He scrolls down to his Phones Widgets and Selects the Self-Healing Spell. This affect Regenerated at a rate of 3% health every second but could only be used once every 30 minutes.
He sits down and notices a dead boar. He gets up and then looks for his sword. He looks around and starts walking down the beach while flying his kite over his head. He finds board, and then finds his Sword Stuck in the side of a Tree. He pulls the Sword out and grabs his Board. He sails back to his Sailboat and brings the Kite down. He Folds it up, then then wraps the Lines around the Control bar.
Then places all the items into the boat. He notices a big Deer just staring at him, and Fires [Detonate] at it. This kills the creature, and he goes over to it and drags it back to his boat.
The way he saw it, He’s had a good morning, and 1 bad event, but with the tide coming up and his Kite season ending, he wants to bring back a Deer for Breanna. He noticed that the only thing they have on the menu is bear meat, Chicken, and Boar. He noticed pig meat was slightly more expensive, then the others. Putting what he knows so far together there has been a huge meat shortage due to the “City Planning Commission” Disrupting the Hunters jobs. So, assuming pig is a Delicacy, then bringing back a Deer would make Her even happier. He knows Phoenix meat is booming right now, but they only have so much of it.
He lifts the Deer into the Boat, then Grabs 2 Small boars and throws it in with it. He sets up his Sails and then pushes the boat off the beach.
He Puts on the Song “Rip Tide” from Sick Puppies and smiles and Sails downwind back to the mainland.
The way the wind was blowing, he was able to Sail with a “Running” Course downwind back to the landing area. He sails for about 15 minutes and listens to some more music, before he gets to the landing area, he needs to Gybe, He Ducks down quickly keeps his balance as the sail sweeps to the other side of the boat. He then gets close to shore and pulls out his Dagger board again and prepares to land the boat on the soft sand.
When He arrives, there were 5 people just sitting on the sea wall watching him.
“Nice day for a Sail ain’t it?” One of the Men asked Ryan.
“Oh, it’s been a Super fun day by far for me. So much excitement!” He told him as he hops down and helps Ryan drag the boat out of the water.
“Oh, hey where did you get these?” The man asked while pointing to the Deer and Pigs.
“Got them from that island over there” Ryan Replied.
“Oh, you’re brave enough to go over there aren’t you? Well good for you!” The man said with a scared strange tone.
“Ya its like my own little island. Can you help me get these out and bring these into town?” He asked the man.
Ryan picks up one side of the dead Deer, and the other man picks up the other side. Another man hops off the wall and supports the middle of the deer. They walk up the Sea wall Stairs, and a man with a Horse and empty wagon directs them to put it on the back. Ryan then goes down the seawall and picks up a small dead boar, and the other man picks up the other one. They both come up the stairs again and place the pigs on the same wagon. All three of them hop on back of the wagon and Ride to the center of town.
They pick up the Deer and the pigs and throw it down on the street and Immediately the Skinners come and get to work on the dead animals. They take the skin and the Hide and Breanna gets her cooks to come and butcher up the Deer and one of the pigs.
“Looks like you just earned yourself a Free night again buddy!” Breanna told him with a smile.
“Hey, I had a good day. Just spreading my joy.” He told her.
“Deer is extreamly rare around the coastline of Tourterra, I’m gong to make you something special tonight!” She told him while patting his back.
“I miss Zephyr” He tells her.
“Oh dude, she misses you too. Why do you have such a change in heart about her right now” She asked.
“Grinding alone sucks” he said while thinking about his other close call with death in the water today.
“I thought you just miss the drama” She told him with a smirk,
“That too. But Mainly I just miss having somone to watch my back. I’m headed back out there tommorow, so I’ll Bring more meat again” He told her.
“Well alrighty then” She told him as He watched them butcher up the Dear.
Ryan Felt good about today, and noticed he’s been out all day. He walks into the bathhouse and buys a bath. He takes off his Teal shirt and blue pants and just Lays back and relaxes.
He washes up really quick and Changes into this Scarlet and black clothes.
Not being Drenched in saltwater, this feels great to him. He walks out and then notices something is wrong.
People are lined up outside and somone is screaming over this earlier version of a megaphone.
“Citizens of Staug City! We have an emergency! Combat Ready Persons Please Report to your Class Trainers immediately! WE have a situation outside the city!” People suddenly look at each other and arm themselves with armor and weapons, and head on top of the fort walls.
Everyone heads to their Trainers and Get briefed. Ryan reports to Frostproof, and He tells them there is a Small Disturbia Division outside the city that consists of 2,000 Troops and they were advancing in on the city.
Ryan’s heart was beating. He can’t believe he’s going to be involved in PVP combat at such a low level.
“Mages and hunters will provide support on the walls, while the melee class heads out and faces them head on” Frostproof said facing his 30 fire mage students.
Ryan was a little scared, but at the same time a little excited. At least he can fight from way back here.
Suddenly an Emergency Quest pops into Ryan’s Head: “Defend the City from the invading Disturbia Forces!”
Suddenly the air got cold and something weird was in the air. Music was in the air.
No not Ryan’s music, but Lone Cowboy music was radiating from somewhere. A man with red hair and beard dressed in cowboy clothes slowly climbs the stairs while drinking a beer.
The Air was getting cold and it was hard to breath.
This man had a cowboy hat on, and a Shadow covered his face. Everyone got quite as he slowly walked toward the front of the wall. The Cowboy music radiating from him was getting louder the closer he got. He doesn’t say a Word. Everyone was looking at this mysterious man.
Wolfs from the woods were howling. This man just picks up a stone on the ground and looks at invading army advancing on the city. The man Throws the stone. He throws it with such force you can see it fly like a missile a mile away. He turns around picks up his beer and takes a sip.
The Rock hits the Ground and an Explosion the size of the army itself can be seen in the distance. It took 3 seconds for the Shock wave to reach the city. The man tips his hat and walks away slowly. 5 seconds later that Rock Exploded.
Everyone watches quietly as this man just slowly walks down the stairs and walks out of the city into the sunset.
Suddenly everyone on the Wall Gained a Level. Including Ryan.
Ryan could not even explain or believe what just happened. But at the same time, he got A Quest complete Message in his head.
“Emergency Quest: Defend the City from Incoming Disturbia Forces! Quest Complete”
The cowboy music still lingered in the Air around the town.
Little did Ryan Know, He Witnessed history get made today, and that mystery man was said to have never been seen again.
Ryan just throws his hands up and walks down the stairs. He was a little sad, yet a little happy no PVP combat had to take place today. He could just resume normal activity.
He walks down off the Fort wall and goes inside the Inn. Breanna had a beer ready for him and some Deer stew with mixed vegetables. He eats his meal in silence trying to Figure out what the hell just happened.
While he just eats, and watches Kannell Get shit faced against other men in a drinking contest. After he finishes his meal, He picks her up off the ground.
“What room is she checked into tonight?” Ryan asked Breanna
“Oh, she is not checked into any rooms I think she said something about teleporting to “Ala-ash Territory” after the battle tonight.” She replied to him.
“Well shes in no condition to teleport tonight I will put her up in my room till morning” He told her as he Walks up the stairs with her.
He enters the Room He and Zephyr were in before she left to go home. He places her on the left bed and tucks her in. He lifts up her Dress, undoes her bra, and pulls it off and sets it on the Ground. He then puts her dress back down and Sits in his bed on the other side of the room. He pulls out his phone and Looks at the map of this world.
Tourterra kingdom Sure did look a lot like Florida, and Above it was the Ala-Ash Territory.
He looks out west and sees a Place Called Wyozonia. This must have been where Zephyr is at. He notices an Island to the south of it that looks a lot like Cuba that was called “Cheetoechhi”. To the north of Wyozonia was a place called “Palmlandia Federation” and to the east of that were a few other Countries.
Ryan looks really hard at the map and notices a Red Box between a land bridge between the top half of Tourterra and the lower halve. He wonders what that meant.
Ryan falls asleep while thinking about that question and wakes up the next morning at 5am with Kannell in his bed again laying on him.
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