《Blue Screen Blues》Chapter 11: "Karma's A Bitch" (So Is Zephyr)
Feeling a little paranoid, he puts on the song “City of Ocala” by A day to remember again as
Ryan walks out of the bath house and walks all the way over across the town to the Inn.
Inside he sits down and See’s Breanna Talking to a mage her talked to yesterday. He was reading some book written in a weird language.
Feeling Curious Ryan pulls out his phone and Translates the page. The Phone takes a few seconds but translates the Title of the book to: “Living in Palmlandia: Our motherland of blood and dreams”
Ryan reads this text outload, and the Mage reading his book who was drinking his coffee takes note.
“Ah you can read Palmlandian” the mage asks him while picking up his biscuit.
“Not really. My Trinket can Translate things for me. I was rendering what that Backwards “R” on the book meant.
“Ah this is Written in a magical language called Cyrillic. I'm planning to visit the Kingdom Palmlandia sometime next month. It’s a pretty dangerous and unique place” He told him while taking a bite from his biscuit.
“Why is it Dangerous?” Ryan asked while shaking his shirt. He was still wet from his bath and the water felt weird with his wet shirt irritating him.
“It’s just ruled by the evil Tyrant Mriya Bulanova” He said as he picked up his coffee.
Ryan suddenly realizes what those words looked like. It looked Russian.
“Shes like Yulee’s right-hand woman. Shes a complete evil bitch” He said as he puts his coffee down.
“Oh, excuse me I’m sorry my name is Professor Frostproof, what is yours.” He said as he extends his hand out.
“My name is Ryan Glasser” Ryan said while he shakes his hand.
“I heard about that thing that never happened outside. May I get some feathers from it?” He whispered to him.
Ryan smiles and shakes his head “Yes”.
“I am assuming you’re a Mage by how you look.” Ryan said while he looks at him
“Indeed, I am, I am A fire mage.” He tells him.
“Holy Crap a Fire mage named Frostproof, that is Badass!” Ryan thought to himself.
“Hey, I was thinking about becoming a Blackfire Mage can you tell me what I need to do to get started on that?” He asks him
Suddenly Breanna comes up to him.
“Need anything?” She asks him.
“Eggs and Bacon please” He asked. She walks away and writes down his order.
“Blackfire magic is very rare, it’s a hard quest to learn as it’s a Pretty hybrid class of Fire and Shadow, Blood, and Black magic” He tells him.
“I Still want to learn it. I want a Challenge it will make this miserable life fun. Someone told me about that spec, and I am very interested”
“Ah Lady Thickmane I assume?” Frostproof asks.
“Yes, she told me about it” Ryan replied.
“You do it’s a very rare Magic class. No one practices the Spec because it hurts the user to use. But at the same time, it pretty destructive” He warns Ryan.
“I know it sounds pretty Emo, that’s half the reason why I want to learn it”,
Professor Frostproof scratches his head in confusion.
“Bird magic? Hang on I believe that would be the druid class”
Ryan facepalms and laughs.
“Excuse me for my choice of words. I’m from a different time. Yes, I want to learn Blackfire magic. I’m not scared of a little pain to destroy my enemies” He Tells him
Professor Frostproof Looks him in the eyes and smiles.
“I see your level 12” He tells him as he stirs his coffee with his finger
“Wait I am?” Ryan asks as he pulls his phone out. He checks his Stat bar and he is in fact level 12 .
Grinding last night, and Those 2 quests and Taking down a Boss sure did give him a ton of XP last night.
“What do you know I am!” Ryan shouts in amazement.
“What does your stats look like?” He asks him.
Ryan pulls out his phone and looks at a stat card.
His stats were still the same from when he checked them earlier.
Vitality 16 Strength 9 Intel 25 Agility 10 Spirit 15 Spell power: 0 Precision: 0 Armor Rating 0 Mobility: 100
Luck 7 Resistance: 5% universal Skill/Spell Improvement: N/A
Frostproof looks over at this stats and Smiles at him.
You do have a lot of unused points 12 of them actually. Spend them in Intel ,spell power and Sprite He told him.
Breanna comes back with some juice and just hands it to him.
“Hey, no question asked I need some meat from “you know what”. She asked him referencing the bird.
“I don’t care. I don’t even know what I can use the damn thing for go ahead take what you need” He whispered to her.
She smiles at him and gives him a big plate of eggs and bacon.
Ryan turns to Frostproof and shrugs his shoulders.
“Now tell me about these points. I’m still new to this whole world.” He tells him as he picks up a piece of bacon.
“Ok so you get 1 to 2 points each level you gain, and you can spend them in your skill point tree. Sometimes you may get 3 or 4 points as well. It’s all random when you level” He tells Ryan.
The Mage looks at his phone and is amazed at the device. “Your Luck seems to be a little low. Most people generally have like a minimum baseline of around 10 or higher” He pointed out while he stole a piece of Ryan’s bacon.
“You don’t mind, do you?” he asks while laughing. Not at all your Teaching me something so dig in and enjoy” Ryan replied.
Ya, Luck is something that hardly ever changes. But at the same time, you can’t add skill points to it. Most people are start out with 70 or 75 points. I see You just came here yesterday and you skilled up your weapons skill” Frostproof said while munching down on the bacon.
“Ya I had a Horrible day last night, this kind of makes me laugh a little with my luck stat” Ryan said while he takes a sip of his orange juice. Suddenly a Fly comes in and lands in his juice. Ryan shakes his head in disbelief.
“That explains why Zephyr is lucky she didn’t die last night” Ryan thought to himself. He remembers her stat being 20.
“Well Yes I did indeed Train my Melee stats last night” Ryan said while he pulls up his weapon stat. He Notices His sword skill is 754/1000.
“Wow, you really did almost max your tier 1 sword skill. I got an idea. How about You go the Blackfire Battlemage Path? Most mages want to stay at a Rear away from a fight. Battlemages can inflict more damage by using their weapons, and they are just effective then a Staff holder”
“Oh really? Please explain to me more” Ryan asked as he picks up his fork and eats his eggs.
“The only 2 things a staff really is good for is Looking good and Launching something more accurately a farther distance. If the enemy breaks past your tank and attacks you. You won’t have to Pop up your barrier and run. You can stay toe to toe with them. I Mean I will be honest. A lot of mages I train are just lazy to swing a sword, plus at the same time even the most conservative mage knows they will eventually run out of mana in a Fight. Running often leads to a Disaster for your team or yourself. Using a Sword gives you back up choice to save yourself and your allies.”
He said while he picks the fly out of Ryan’s juice. Frostproof incinerates the fly in his fingers and Ryan smiles at him.
“You got me sold. Can you Train me?” Ryan asked the Wise man.
“Absolutely. But remember Blackfire mages are a hybrid spec. I can’t teach you everything. You will learn your fire magic with me, and then head over to Miseryland to learn your Dark Skills.” He told him as Ryan takes a sip of his Orange juice. Ryan normally wont drink this glass with the fly that landed it, but he survived a night with a poisonous insect bigger than that puny little harmless thing.
“When does my training start?” Ryan asked. We can do it Now! He said while he placed his hands-on Ryan’s head. The Old Mage closes his eyes and Transfers some knowledge to Ryan.
Ryan’s eyes Glow Red. He learns 2 skills. [Fireball] and [Detonate]
Ryan see’s spell Instructions in his head and a picture of how to cast it.
“Oh my god that felt so Weird” Ryan said while pushing his fingers into his eyes. He had a mild headache.
“It should. I just turned you into a Mage class. Your mind just opened up room for magic spells and I also just Unlocked a few stats for you. You can add Points to “Precision”, and “Spell power” now. He said while he steals some more bacon.
Ryan opens up his phone and sees he has 12 points he can spend.
It thinks hard about this and Adds 2 points to Vitality, 2 points to Strength, 4 points to agility, and 2 points in Precision, and 2 points to Intelligence.
His stats now Read:
Vitality 18 Strength 11 Intel 27 Agility 14 Spirit 15 Spell power: 0 Precision: 2 Armor Rating 0 Mobility: 100
Luck 5 Resistance: 5% universal Skill/Spell Improvement: N/A
“Hey why do I only get 2 spells?” He asked him
“You taught you 3 spells” Frostproof replied.
“No, I only counted 2” He replied.
“I taught you 3 buddy, go out and try them out.” Frostproof insisted.
“Ok let me pay my bill” Ryan said.
“No, its on the house, the meat we are getting is worth way more then your meal” She tells him across the table.
“Alright then?” Ryan said seeming confused. Frostproof starts digging into the rest of his bacon and bows his head and waves at him as he walks out.
“Remember heavy armor messes with spell output power. You can only use Clothe armor or Enchanted leather. Don’t use Regular leather, it messes with the ability for the spell to leave your body and can Redirect it back at you.” He tells him as Ryan walks out the door.
Ryan then pauses and walks back to the man.
“Hey, I noticed my Resistances are Say 5% universal what does that mean?”
“it means there's something on you which allows you take 5% less Magic damage from all Schools of magic, Poisons and Effects.” He tells Ryan.
“Oh Okay. Well I’m going to Try these things out” Ryan said with a confidence as he walks out of the door.
Ryan walks down the city street toward the market area.
A man Is yelling: “Looking for Pants Roleplay! Need left Pant, Right Pant, Pocket, Skid mark, and Gold digger!”
Ryan is trying to figure out what that was about. It was so random.
Then Suddenly a Woman Runs past him Screaming: “What Is funnier than a Dead baby? A Dead baby in a Clown Costume!”
Ryan Turns around and looks at her and he’s Scratching his head.
“What the hell?” he says out loud puzzled as to where is his.
Suddenly another man Comes running past him Yelling: Jack was nimble, Jack was quick, but Jack still couldn't dodge Chuck Norris' roundhouse kick”
Then suddenly another man comes running Past him Screaming: “Mriya Did nothing wrong! Change my mind!”
Ryan ponders at where the hell he is. He is in the City’s Market area. He feels like he can point a finger at whats going on, but there is no way it can be true.
“Do they exist here in this world too?” Ryan said while laughing and walking out the gates.
Ryan resumes his song: “The City of Ocala” By A Day To Remember.
Ryan gets a tap on the shoulder again and he turns around.
Zephyr was latched on.
“So, you have fire magic lets go Train” She said as she was holding 2 weapons A Small blue Axe and her Dagger
“Alright seems safer that way. Turns out I have low Luck” He tells her with a smile.
“I noticed that yesterday. It was at 7. Mine is at 20.” She said with a laughter.
She grabs his sword and puts it in her bag. She hands him another Axe that was tucked into the side of her pants.
“Use this, I’m Training my axes today, and so are you” She said with a smile.
“Just don’t get me in trouble again like last night” he tells her with a serious tone.
“I wont I promise” She said with a smile.
They both head out into the woods and see another bear. Ryan closes his eyes and focus on the spell’s Instructions that was in his head. He sees a picture of arm and hand positions and a breathing pattern and follows it. Suddenly a flame start coming out of his hands. He can feel the heat, and it’s burning his hand and he stops.
“What happened” She asked as he aborted the spell.
“I burnt myself let me try it again” She reassures her.
Ryan focus’s again and takes a deep breath He brings the flame further away from his hands and it starts to build. He follows the instructions and the breathing pattern set on the picture inside his mind and launches the fireball size of a baseball out of his hand. The ball miss’s the bear and bounces off a tree and comes back at him. He ducks down and the ball homes in on Zephyrs left boob and explodes.
“Mother fucker!” She screams as she puts her hand over it. That hurt dude!” she said with a smile.
She shakes it off and laughs. She heals herself and smile at him.
“I’m not going to kick you in the nuts, don’t let that happen again” She told him in a calm voice
The bear wasn’t paying attention and stayed where it was.
Ryan Tries to fire another blast at it. He Takes a deep breath and focuses on it.
Here creates another fireball and builds up and launches it again. It goes flying down the woods and hits the bear. It hurts the bear and Ryan pulls out his axe. He makes another ball and fires at the bear again and hits it again. Its almost to him. Ryan then Swings his axe and hits the bear on its side killing it.
“Hmm not bad” Zephyr said while Congratulating him.
“Thanks’ sorry for your boob.” He said with Sympathy.
Ryan looks for another target and notices more Wolves. He gets ready to cast a spell when all of a sudden, he feels a sharp pain in his groin. Zephyr just kicked him from behind with a smile.
“I thought you said you weren't going to hit me in the nuts for the fireball incident!” He screamed in pain
“I kept my promise. I didn't kick you for the fireball incident. I kicked you for breaking up with me in the bath!” She said with an evil smile.
“Ok! That’s fair.” He said while getting up.
“OK let's do this again” he said out loud.
Ryan focuses on the fire spell again and builds a fireball. He lets the ball grow for 3 seconds and launches it. it goes flying right at the Wolf and hits it right in the Head.
the Wolf is stunned a little bit then starts charging at home.
Ryan casts another fireball spell for 3 seconds and let's it go. The ball bounces off a tree again and comes hurling back toward zephyr. It's her in the left boob again and pisses her off.
Ryan laughs and winds his axe up He strikes the wolf right in the neck and brings it down, and it gets up. He howls and suddenly a pack of 15 wolfs come charging at them.
“Shit Not my day!” Ryan screams. Zephyr smiles at him and they go charging into battle. Ryan starts attacking the wolfs as Zephyr pulls a pack away from him. Ryan swings at one wolf and hits it underneath 1 hitting it.
“Wait they are Weak on their underside?” Ryan yelled at Zephyr.
“Hang on let me check” she said as she casts [Scan and Deliver]
“Yes, they are weak on their stomachs!” She yells back.
Ryan winds up for another attack and takes another wolf with just 1 attack and zephyr Runs up a tree and Takes out another that was getting ready to bite Ryan.
The two start to get boxed in and Ryan closes his eyes and Focus’s on how to cast Detonation. He Takes a deep breath and Finds a wolf coming at him. He pushes his left hand out and a ignites the thing on fire and it goes down.
“What the hell is the difference between these 2 spells?” Ryan asked himself.
Another Wolf starts coming in and he casts [Detonation] Again.
This one hits the Wolf.
Zephyr turns around and knocks out two more Wolves that were chasing her.
Ryan then proceeds to conjure up another [Fireball]. He launches it down the wood line and hits another Wolf that look confused.
it starts running at him and he tries to cast [Detonate] again. there's just one little problem he can't. His mind feels tired and drained.
He draws his axe an gets ready to go to with it. Ryan feels really tired for some reason and falls over.
“Baby!” She screamed as she notices him fall over.
Zephyr who is alarmed runs over to him and lures away the surrounding 3 Wolves that were headed toward Ryan.
Laying on the ground Ryan who has a really bad headache tries to stands up. Another wolf comes from the rear and bit him on his ass. Ryan Swings his axe and hits the wolf in its weak spot. Zephyr just took out the last wolf and runs over to him and holds him.
“Hitting me in my left boob kinda came back and bit you in the ass didn’t it?” She said while purring.
“Yes, I guess it did. Why do I have a Headache?” he said while pushing his fingers into his eyes.
“You might be out of mana” She told him. Ryan takes a deep breath and pulls out his phone and he looks at his Stats.
Health 75% Mana 3%
“Oh, okay That makes sense” He said as he lays back on her like a pillow
Zephyr just laughs at him and holds him.
“I heard you scream “Baby!” again, please don’t do that. Your Clingy side scares me”, He tells her as she heals him up
Zephyr has a crazy smile on her face. She rolls over on top of him and pins him to the ground.
“So, I been thinking long and hard about this morning. And I made up my mind. You are my boyfriend. You are bound to me, until I say so” She told him while kissing his neck.
“Umm nope” He tells her while pushing her off. Zephyr has another crazy look in her eyes and tackles him down to the ground.
“Hear me out here. I healed you, I payed for the bath, I even almost killed myself saving you from Daytona last night. You own me this. Just let’s do it for 1 week. That’s all I ask” She tells him while biting him a little harder.
Ryan’s mind is clearly screaming HELL NO but shes hitting his spots and it feels really good,
“No! I don’t want to date you” He screams while enjoying the pleasure shes giving him.
“Come on baby! Its my birthday. Just give me just 1 week please!” She said as she kisses him.
“If I tell this Emotional Dumpster fire no, I’m going to be get killed in my sleep!” He thinks to himself.
“Ok fine! Just one week. You and I will try it for just one week. But odds are you’re not going to change my mind” He said in annoyance.
Her eyes glow blue while giving him an excited look.
“Damn it she always levels up at the most awkward Time!” he thinks to himself with her on top of him
If superpowers appeared today, what might the future look like? In a future which has endured nuclear wars, people rarely wake up one day with supernatural powers, transforming an innocent life into a walking apocalypse. Shunned and feared, these Exhumans are often violent, ever misunderstood, and always dangerous. In this world unfolds the dark story of Athan Ashton, an 18-year old with a football scholarship who wakes up to find himself a lightning-powered Exhuman. Following a failed imprisonment and execution, he is exiled to the wilds, ostracized from all he’s even known. Like most, Athan never questioned society's view of Exhumans, buying the public line that they are selfish and a danger, fit only to be reported and dispatched. But living on the other side, Athan begins to discover why Exhumans go bad, and begins the impossible task of becoming more than just his powers. Athan is dedicated to use his Exhumanity only for good, but is that enough to survive in a world where his very existence is a crime? Release schedule: Exhuman updates five times weekly: Exhuman is finished! After 500 chapters, it's come to an end. Thank you for your support through the years that this story ran! More Exhuman: There are over 100 chapters currently posted at my Wordpress site! If you're looking for more, there's plenty of it! Please consider donating at my Patreon if you like Exhuman. I write full-time and can only do so through your generous support. Thank you!
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