《Blue Screen Blues》Chapter 10: "The Sharpest Lives Are The Deadliest To Lead"
Ryan falls asleep for the first time ever in this new world.
He dreams of a void that is dark and full of flames. He also pictures himself standing in front of his own coffin back in his original world.
In his dream he feels heavy and can't move his feet. He sees his dead body after his motorcycle crash, then the world turning black and going blue.
He sees the blue screen of death again and Remembers standing in front of Alexandria with her violet and black hair.
This whole day flashes before his eyes. But slows down when he meets Zephyr.
The bear that attacked him, that she killed, the make out session before he was about to bleed out, and then the scary part she when he was joking around with her and she ended up holding a Knife to his crotch.
The chick was crazy. He then Remembers Her charging into the Flames to take out the beast before the protection buff expired. Almost killing herself in the process.
He Focuses on how she stabbed this beast’s heart over and over again and cut it out. Ryan’s heart ran cold. She was an Efficient killer and great Ally to have on His side.
He knows just by whats shes told him she hasn’t been dealt a very fair hand in life, and shes been getting by being all alone. Maybe this is why shes so clingy and such a Hopeless romantic.
It’s kind of Hypocritical that the catalyst for his suicide was sparked by a girl, and the events were set in motion by the same girl that broke his heart by showing interest in somone else besides him, and yet he has a girl he just met that is crazy over him for some reason he just wants to push away.
Realizing all of this He Really miss’s his home and feels like he royally messed up.
Even at his funeral that Metal head chick even said she always wanted to date him. Hell, they probably would have had more in common then the one he fucked his life over.
He can’t date her now, he’s dead and gone. His ex-girlfriend on the other hand she still remains on earth living life, and getting somone else’s love and affection. This was a dark and fucked up fact he realized and made no sense why he didn’t think about this before he did it. I mean they do call Suicide a Long-term solution to a temporary problem.
He doesn’t know if this world he is in is Either Hell, or just Hell disguised as fun game.
He owes so much to Zephyr for staying by his side tonight, but at the same time he’s focusing at what shes done wrong to make him Need her by his side in the first place.
The whole rape-y “Kiss me or you die” thing should have been the thing he walked away from in the first place. He should have given her what she needed and walked away from there. Not turn her on to the point her Repressed Clingy-Horny side would drag both of them into situation that led them fighting for their lives.
Ryan does likes Crazy woman but they have to be “Fun” crazy. Zephyr had some of those quality’s but at the same time he doesn’t see her as datable material.
Sure, the whole “Being a 80% human hybrid” was a major turn off at first but He can’t forgive her 100% for starting this mess.
Kissing her was an emergency emotional dump for him. He’s very much stressed out in combat, and today was just his FIRST DAY in this new world.
At the same time the foreplay and satisfying stimulation they get by going beyond just making out also helps keep a focused mind in battle. He noticed when shes scared shes going right for affection to clear her head.
But for somone who never kissed anyone before she sure does know what the hell she wants and what shes doing.
Ryan wasn’t a Player in high school. He had a few relationships and remained loyal to them.
The only problem was he was a nice guy that always lost what he built to other people. Hell, his Emo stage was from his first heart break. He got into the lifestyle and managed have fun and never become Introverted.
Hell, his Cosplaying hobby started as a Bet to get his mind off his first heart break. He thinks long and hard about why he was never an asshole when he had so much rage built up. People always liked him and knew his sad days were somone else’s future good day with a Fun stunt he would pull.
This of course is all in the past now. Being dead meant he can’t go back and make other people happy.
Thinking hard about the situation in front of him, maybe being single is the best thing for him right now. Maybe the best thing he can do is just keep Zephyr around as a Friend with Benefits. He’s not going to sleep with her, but if she wants affection, He’ll let her give it to him. I mean whats the worst thing that can happen?
Ryan sleeps for about 4 Hours with Zephyr in his arms when he wakes up to a Familiar song.
Zephyr woke up about 15 minutes ago and wanted to keep her promise about remaining in his arms when he woke up. Being bored she grabbed his phone and played around with it and noticed the music app. She searches around for a song that sticks out to her
She plays the song “Birthday” By All Time Low.
Ryan hears the music and slowly wakes up. When he opens his eyes shes still got her head buried into his chest listening to the song with his phone in his hand.
“Please tell me you didn’t use this songs buff. It’s got a Resilience buff on it” he tells her while stretching.
“Oh, I been going through this thing and Found an option to turn off buffs and just play the songs. It’s a slider thingy in the top left corner” she said while jamming out to the song.
Ryan listens to the lyrics a little bit and realized it’s her birthday.
“How was your nap honey?” She asked him while sliding up and gently biting his ear. She was being cute, and that tickled him a little bit.
“It was good. But Hey we need to talk…” He said as he notices Sherriff Warren coming down on his horse Dressed in Gold and black Trimmed armor.
5 other people from the Town were with him.
“What the hell?” he says as he notices this Massive Dead bird being used as a Bed by Zephyr and Ryan.
They were laying in zone that was ground zero of a blast. The grass around them was Jet black and it had a 50-yard radius of fire damage. Hell a few trees were still on fire.
“Hiya Mr. Warren” Zephyr Said while jamming out to the song.
“What the hell happened here?” He asked seeming shocked.
“We got locked out last night, and all hell, kinda broke loose” She said with a smirk.
“Oh, shes funny” Ryan said inside his head.
“Are you both all right?” one of the Healers behind him asked.
“Yes, both of us are fine” She insisted.
“What are you guys…. Is that DAYTONA?!” Warren asked in disbelief.
The group runs over to the bird and inspects it.
Oh, my lady Bunnell! Did you two bring down this beast by yourselves?” The Mage behind them said while feeling the soft feathers of the dead bird.
“Daytona? It had a name” Ryan asked.
“Yes, its Lady Vedra’s minion” Warren said with a little bit of concern to his voice.
Zephyr who is jamming to the music stops and feels a little worried. But she doesn’t say anything.
“Well how the hell did you guys bring that thing down at such a low level? Without being cremated to ashes?” The mage asked.
“Support spells. Lots of them!” Zephyr said with a distracting tone. She wanted to change the subject.
“Well okay then. I’m glad to see you all are alive. May we look at your Kill real fast” A Tanner near the mage asked.
Ryan and Zephyr get up and let them look at the body of this thing.
“Can we buy the meat, the hide, and the feathers of this beast from you guys?” One of the local shop keepers apart of the group asked.
“Sure, I guess” Zephyr said with a Confused tone.
“It’s just Phoenixes are so rare. There is a lot of material we can use off of it. Thank you so much!” one of the Tradesman said.
“Hey Phil, go get little Timmy, tell him we are skinning a Phoenix!” the man says to his colleagues.
A he jogs off and heads into town.
Warren pulls the tow aside and talk to them.
“What exactly happened?” He asks Zephyr.
We almost got over ran by Demons and Ryan had to use his trinket a few times to save us.
She said as Warren takes a look around the Jet-black grass all around him.
“Zephyr I hope “you know who” doesn’t find out about this. We are disposing of the Body as we speak” He said with a Deathly stare at her.
“I thought you knew about it when we attacked it last afternoon” She said with a Hint of confusion.
“I along with quite a few people just found that out last night it out from Elder Patlaka” he tells her while looking around.
“Look I will take care of this. It’s still uncertain if she knows if her pet is dead or not” Warren Tells her.
“Ok, we will just pretend this never happened” She assures him
“Good, if waves get made, I have to uphold the Peach agreement we have with her” He told her with a dead serious tone.
“wait whats going on?” Ryan asked.
“This bird never died. It never existed, and we never saw it” Zephyr told him in a Crazy tone.
Ryan picks up on the Vibe and understands they shouldn’t have killed this thing.
“Still can’t believe you guys took it down by yourselves.” Warren said in amazing.
“I thought this never happened” Ryan said sarcastically.
“That’s the spirit!” Warren replied.
They Two walk back to the city by themselves and wonder about the night they had.
“I’m hungry how about you?” Zephyr asks.
“I am too. But let’s take a bath really quick, we smell like “Undead and Selfies”
He tells her.
Sounds good to me!” She tells him while leading him to the bath house.
The two walks into this building with a lot of rooms.
“Welcome to the bathhouse just you two this morning?” the lady at the counter askes.
“Yes” Zephyr said seeming excited.
Alright go to room 3. Your bath is ready, and the fire mages just got done heating up the water there.
Zephyr pulls out 4 gold and puts it down on the counter and smiles at her.
Ryan runs into the room and takes off his scorched clothes and gets in this large sized concrete bathtub and lays down and relaxes. He grabs some soap that was up on the shelf and starts lathering himself up. He lays his head back and looks up at the celling. He looks at arms and his legs from where he got bit last night and he doesn’t see any scares.
He stands up and looks at his shirt again. It does need to be repaired by a tailor. It’s the only one he has. He sits back down in the water and then turns around. Zephyr was sitting Completely naked in front of him in the water.
The sight of her mysteriously popping up like that scares him and makes him panic.
“How did you get in here? Why did I not hear you!??” Ryan said while scared and a little anger.
I got undressed and Used [Lurk] and snuck in here. She said while propping her legs up on his.
He can see everything, Shes pretty human down there too. Not that he wanted to know this, but he stands up and walks out of the bath.
“Where are you going dear?” She said in a playful tone.
“I thought we were getting separate baths.” He told her as she started starring at his manhood.
“Get back in here I payed for it, its cheaper just to get one” she told him while getting up and grabbing his arm.
“No Look Thanks for saving my life last night and all that but I don’t like you like that. But even then, this is moving wayyy…. tooooo fast”
Not wanting to take no as an answer she yanks him back into the water.
“Let go” He orders her.
“Nope. Your mine. She said while pulling him in close to her.
“I don’t like you like this; we are just friends okay? he tells her.
Zephyr’s ears go down and she tilts her head in a confused state.
She lets him go and he turns around and gets ready to explode on her
She sits down and looks depressed.
“So, the kissing, the Foreplay, and the Cuddling was just as friends?” She asked him to seem confused.
“Well yes. I learned to just let what ever you want to do just happen. Last time I said no, you almost let me die. I’m smart and learn from my mistakes Zephyr” He tells her while sitting down.
She just thinks really hard in silence to herself.
“But I almost died to save you last night, doesn’t that get me anything?” she said in an upset tone.
“It gets you Respect. Look I don’t want a relationship right now. Kissing was exciting when you were healing me, or when I or you were scared. Lets just keep our friendship at that level for right now.” He tells her in a Sensitive sounding tone.
“This really upsets me, but alright We will take it one day at a time” She told him.
“Look we can take a bath together but that’s about it. No sex, no touching, no kissing. Okay?” He said while trying to find a middle ground.
“Alright fine asshole” She told him while rolling her eyes.
Zephyr takes the bar of soap off the ledge and cleans herself up with it.
They take a quite bath without talking and Ryan relaxes a little bit in the warm water.
He Stares at her chest and looks at her frame as she lathers up.
He won’t lie to himself shes really hot and wants to do something with her. His body sort of “Expresses this accidently.
“Zephyr with her Wet and messy Bloody red hair smiles at him and looks down.
She dives under the water to get the soup off of her. When she comes up, she stands up and gets out of the bath she grabs her towel and smiles at him. She grabs her clothes and dips them in the water real fast and rubs soap on them and quickly wash’s them. She leaves her Leather armor alone and only puts cleans her black shirt and pants.
Ryan stands up and his excitement is plain and simple. Shes been waiting for this moment to come for the past 5 minutes.
“Well at least I know what was poking me this morning” She said with a playful tone.
“Zephyr!!!” Ryan shouted in an embarrassed tone. While grabbing his towel.
“I can still see the outline dude” she said playfully.
Ryan shakes his head in annoyance and gets dressed. He walks out of the room while she laughs.
Ryan brushes this off, and heads to the Inn.
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