《Blue Screen Blues》Chapter 9: "Welcome To Hell Son, Dont Drink The Water"
Wondering how the hell She was able to level up with just taking selfies, Ryan notices something grabbing his legs.
Ryan jerks back and Zephyr helps keep his balance. The earth is shaking, and the dirt is moving.
It just got cold again.
Around them they can see undead coming from out of the ground.
Rising up around them are ghouls. Not 5. Not 10. Not even 50. Hundreds of them. The dim light makes it hard for him to see them all. Zephyr on the other hand is quite worried.
“Let’s get the hell out of here!” She screams. She grabs his arm and pulls him into the woods again. She Kicks a rising Ghouls head right off as it comes out of the ground and Ryan is getting annoyed.
He can’t see anything, and they are headed right back away from the city’s Barrier.
Ryan pushes her arm away and takes out his phone and stops.
He must have something in here to at least help him see in darkness holding his phone with the flashlight is not going to cut it tonight He doesn’t want to impair Zephyrs night vison all night.
Ryan swipes through his apps and then notices his widget page
He scans through the page and finds something labeled “Illumination”.
He reads it and it says: “Grants user night vision” for 1 hour. 6 hour cool down.
Ryan doesn’t hesitate. He activates the widget. His eyes glow red and he can see the world in a super clear Amber-orange color
She tries to grab his arm and pull him away, but he just stops and smiles at her.
“Dude lets go!” she screams.
“I can see now” he tells her.
10 ghouls come charging demonically toward them and Ryan draws his sword. He takes the first one out with 1 strike.
These demons are just bones held together with thin rotted skin.
Zephyr takes out her daggers and stabs one 8 times before it does down.
“Damn it!” She screams at him.
“Whats wrong?” Ryan screams while taking out another ghoul with 1 swing.
“My daggers are ineffective against these things. Stabbing them won’t bring them down easy! You got a sword you can slice them up better than I can!” She tells him.
“Is that good or bad?” He asks while slicing down another ghoul through its Open Ribs.
“Good for you, but bad for me. Damn it I should have leveled up my Axe skills this morning instead of my daggers!” She said while rapidly attacking another Ghoul.
“Hey, more XP for me!” he said while slicing down another ghoul.
“These things are weak against fire, Ugg I wish you were a Fire Mage!” She shouts in Frustration.
“I was going to do that before you drug me out here!” He screams while taking down another ghoul.
“Oh, that’s right” Zephyr said while pausing; realizing She fuck up.
A Ghoul comes behind her and bites her tail.
She turns around and punches the thing. Then stabs the monster in the head 10 times.
Ryan stands his ground as more and more approach him.
Damn its Zephyr! I wish you Didn’t put us in this situation! He said while swinging his sword at 2 ghouls.
“I wish I didn’t Either!” She screams as she takes down another ghoul.
Ryan pulls out his cellphone and checks his buffs. Resilience was still up for 5 hours, and his night vision will end in 1 hour. He then swings his sword and takes out 2 more ghouls.
They Attack Ghouls for about 1 hours and Get a Routine going.
Before Ryan’s Night vision expires, He pulls out his phone He remembers skimming through a song that had a Refresh buff on it.
He looks for that song. He finds the Song: “Half-Truism” from The Offspring He takes his eyes off of his phone and notices Zephyr is about to be over ran. He comes to her aid and puts the song on.
The song provided a time Refresh and an extension for the current buffs they had by an extra 75% and increased agility by 10% It also gave them something to listen to while they fought.
“You’re playing this song on purpose aren’t you!” She asked him.
“If we don’t make it alive, it’s a hell of a good day to die” He said with an evil grin. While taking out another Ghoul.
Suddenly the earth starts to shake under their feet again.
More and more of these things start rising up out of the ground. There is already 60 of them around them.
The two feel hopeless and back up closer to each other.
“Oh, you gotta Be kidding me!” Ryan screams in frustration.
“Ryan, I believe in you dude, we need an Idea.
“I have an idea, but its crazy” He told her as he slices open another Ghoul.
“What is it?” She asked as she takes out another ghoul. She managed to take this thing out in 2 hits somehow.
“Survive!” He screams while he screams and charges up to the hoard of Ghouls. Ryan gets bit on the arm but kicks the thing away and chops it head off.
Zephyr follows suit and dives into mosh pit of Ghouls.
“Tonight, We Grind in hell!” Zephyr screams manically.
The two-start clearing a path ahead.
Wave after wave they keep knocking them down
They gain ground, and lost ground. They are pushing hard toward the woods.
“Let’s get to the woods Lets get our ass’s up a Tree!” He screams as he assists taking out a huge Fat ghoul with Zephyr.
For 20 minutes the two of them keep clearing a path and Until Ryan gets himself bitten in the back. Ryan turns around and gets bitten by another ghoul in the leg.
Zephyr uses [Throwing Knife] and hits the Ghoul that’s attacking Ryan’s leg, and gets it right in the eye. Ryan uses this to disengage and cut down the Ghoul attacking him from behind.
Ryan then goes for a finishing move and takes out other one.
Zephyr notices the amount of skin that Damn thing took off Ryan’s leg and Ryan doesn’t pay it any mind.
The Two keep fighting through the circle of undead and manage to make it into the Woodline.
Zephyr Hugs Ryan, then starts Purring and starts healing his wounds. As she does this, he can now start to feel the pain he has been ignoring.
Zephyr is 10 seconds in the spell, then She stops casting her Healing spell. She hears a familiar sound.
Out of nowhere a flood of Demonic Shade’s come flying in formation through the Woodline.
Ryan quickly takes out his cellphone and takes a picture. The demons Burst into sparks again.
More of them are flying in. Zephyr closes her eyes she can hear them and it’s a Massive group.
She doesn’t hear any screeching, but she hears the air making a distinct noise as the blades they are carrying slice through the air.
“I hear more of them coming in baby!” She screams with a scared tone
Ryan holds his cellphone and notices the next song that’s coming up. He takes a picture of the shades that are flying in and more sparks fall from the sky.
“Remember when you said you promised to never my side? Well I won’t leave your side until this battle is over.” As he puts on “The Guillotine” From Escape The Fate.
This is a song he heard that played at his funeral.
This song granted a one-time use of 100% more Agility and Strength and Mobility. This buff overridden the Agility buff of the last song. The song plays on Global Volume and shakes the whole Woods.
Ryan and Zephyr Start taking on the Ghouls and Shades. With this Agility boost Zephyr can score a 1 hit kill on her targets.
Ryan starts taking Pictures in one hand and Starts slicing up ghouls with the other as the Area blasts with this song. As the sparks start to fall, he notices a Small fire starting.
Zephyr starts one hitting ghouls and starts massacring them in large numbers.
They are getting tired but refuse to give up.
The two fight back to back.
The whole battle seems endless, but they can focus on a consistent rotation of Ghouls and Shade waves.
They keep up their spirit until Suddenly there is a large Disturbance in the remaining Ghouls.
They start Rising up even more from the ground. There are like 70 of them left, but now a Mass spawn just happened. 300 new battle ghouls are coming out of the ground with weapons now.
The Battle looks lost to Zephyr. She feels like both of them are going to be finished tonight and this is All her fault.
“Don’t give up!” Ryan screams as he notices the new Ghouls arriving with Battle axes is demoralizing Zephyr. Suddenly a bright shadow is cast over them.
The Phoenix they didn’t kill earlier flies over them and dives toward them. It lands on the ground and bursts into flames. This Scares the ghouls.
Ryan pulls out his phone and scans the Birds stats.
Its still at half Health from the battle earlier, and its afflicted with -50% accuracy Debuff.
“This has to be when Zephyr stabbed it in the eye earlier!” Ryan thought to himself.
the incoming shades Run in terror due to the amount of light this thing is putting out. The ghouls on the other hand try to get away from it, but the ones that are close to it burst into flames.
The Bird not being able to fly when its in its fire stage, Starts charging at them on the ground.
The music is pissing this thing off, but as it slowly charges to them its running over Ghouls in Its Fire form and causing the Ghouls that are caught near it to burst into flames.
“Do you see that?” Ryan asked Zephyr as she takes out a Ghoul.
“Of course, I do! It’s a big fucking monster that’s on fire! How can I NOT see it!?” She replied Sarcastically.
“No, its flame form is Steam rolling the ghouls. Let’s Kite that thing and take them out! Its blind on the Left side where you stabbed it. Use that to your advantage!” He screams as he starts to run toward the Mob of Ghouls that are trying to run away from the Phoenix.
The song ends and Ryan keeps Kiting the thing to the mob of undead. They are extreamly Terrified of this pissed off thing. Ryan runs past them and they don’t even attack him. The beast starts taking down large numbers of Undead while Ryan leads it into the middle of the hoard of undead.
Large number of ghouls start blowing up from the heat of this thing and Ryan keeps his eye on the Prize.
The Undead are running toward the city’s Magic barrier. The bird stops chasing Ryan and then decides to go after Zephyr. Zephyr uses [Throw Knife] and hits it and the Activates her [Sprint] ability.
She takes off charging past the thing and tries to kite the Beast on the left wing of the undead Wall of Ghouls. She breaks through the Wall and Massive numbers of Undead start blowing up when it gets near them. They already took out 80% of the mob at this point.
The rest of the Undead decide to call it quits. They look at each other and They Disintegrate into ash on the Ground. The undead don’t want to deal with that beast. 100 Ghouls just turn to ashes, and Ryan and Zephyr think they won.
Again……….. NOPE.
The Flaming hot Bird was pissed off and was still trying to attack them even after the music quit.
Then it looks at the city’s Barrier and starts charging toward it.
Suddenly a red message flashes into Ryan’s eyes again.
Zephyr gets the same quest warning in her head as well
“It’s going to destroy the city if we don’t stop it!” Zephyr shouts.
“I Thought that barrier was rock solid!” He asked her.
“No, it’s only meant to Deflect Undead and Possessed Sentient life for a short time at night. Its not at all fireproof or able to hold back the rage of that thing.” She screams at him while running after it.
“Do you have any Fireproof buffs? We are going to need it. I’m not letting that thing destroy my home away from home!” She screams.
Ryan pulls out his phone and remembers something from earlier. He saw a Legendary tier song that granted Fireproof for the first half of the song and Reduced Fire damage by 90% for the last half of the song.
Ryan looks for the song and noticed a Song that had an Orange color around it.
“Into The Fire” by Asking Alexandria: USE: Grants A temporary fireproof shield for half the song, then a reduction in fire damage for the Remainder of the song. Can only be used once and Will Remove all active buffs from user/Party and Grants 50% Strength or Spell Power boost instead.
“I found it!” He shouts while running with her.
Zephyr casts [Throwing Knife] and hits it again. She draws its attention toward her.
“Prepare yourself. This is going to wipe out all our current boosts!” He screams.
Zephyr Sighs. “I’m going to miss this God level Agility boost” He Said while Smiling at him.
Ryan puts on the Song and This song blasts the world like the last one did.
Both of their bodies start glowing red and Ryan Loses his night vision. But the bird is so bright He doesn’t need it anymore. They Charge at the beast and start attacking it.
Zephyr Climbs back on top of it and starts stabbing it in the Head while Ryan Starts taking out the legs.
The thing gets pissed and Emits a Fire wave from its body.
The heat from the body by itself is hot but doesn’t hurt them at all. The wave that passed over them is extreamly hot and stings just a little bit. But they don’t take any damage.
Ryan jabs his sword in through the bottom of beast’s leg and cuts a tendon. It brings this bird down on the right side and onto its right wing. Ryan hops out of the way and Zephyr hangs on to its neck for the impact.
The thing gets extreamly pissed off and Emits a Super Heatwave that stings a little bit more but still no damage. It sets everything within a 50-yard radius on fire.
“It’s a sitting duck Lets focus our attacks on the neck! Zephyr screams.
Ryan hops up on the wing and joins Zephyr as they attack the Neck of this bird.
They keep attacking and then the bird rolls over on its back to try and Crush them. Zephyr pushes Ryan off and she rolls out of its the path.
This massive bird shakes the ground when it rolls over and then the bird realizes it messed up. It can roll back over, and its stomach is exposed.
Zephyr casts: [Scan and Deliver]
She Learns that the bottom of the bird is the most weakest.
“The Stomach it’s exposed! I’m so stupid! attack that instead. It will Amplify Damage taken by 20%!” She screams.
“Why didn’t you cast that before we started!” He shouts.
“I forgot I had it, look I make mistakes deal with it!” She screams as she charges toward the beast’s stomach.
Ryan and Zephyr put all their strength into one spot of the beast’s belly, and it roars in Pain.
Suddenly the song points to almost being at climax.
“Prepare for Heat damage!” He screams!
Suddenly the bird lets out another fire wave and this time they can feel pain. It hits them for 5% of their health.
“Damn it that hurt!” Ryan screams while attacking the underbelly of the beast.
The heat of the bird is now putting an AOE debuff out that damages them 2% health every second. He notices the bird is about to Fires another Heat blast. Ryan grabs Zephyr and pulls her away from the bird and pulls her to the ground. The heat wave goes over their heads, and Ryan checks his phone. The beast is at 10% health.
“Its almost done! Let’s Finish this thing off!” He screams.
Zephyr looks at him and hugs him. She purrs and brings both of them back to 80% health.
The two look each other in the eyes and kiss while she heals them. They then Pick themselves up and Attack the stomach again. The Area of Effect damage is stinging them, but the song is almost over. They need to finish it of before then. They get in 20 strikes in then Ryan notices another Flare up coming. He grabs her again and pulls her away and they duck down. The flame wave passes over their head again.
They get up again and the bird fires another Flame wave at them. Zephyr saw this second attack before he did and dove down. Ryan takes critical damage since he was standing up.
Ryan Screams in pain. This blast was really powerful and knocks him down to 30% Health.
Zephyr wants to heal him but the Tempo of the song indicates its about to end. She had no time.
Shes pissed off now.
She takes off running into the belly of the beast with her daggers ready. She attacks as hard as she can into the skin and cuts open a hole. She slices the hole open wider exposing this thing’s beating heart.
“NO ONE HURTS MY BABY!” She screams as she reaches her hand in and stabs the heart of this beast.
The beast was at still at 3% health and she keeps stabbing its heart repeatedly. Ryan notices how pissed off and dark she is getting.
The thing lets off another Fire wave in self-defense, but she doesn’t care about the critical damage shes taken. She reaches in and cuts out the beast’s heart and throws it on the ground.
The beast lets out a death stare at her, Then Bursts into a blue color flame and the flame suddenly goes out around its body.
Zephyr brought the beast down with just 2% health left on her health meter.
When the dust settled, she was standing up with her eyes closed and purring. When she opened her eyes, she is giving Ryan a Deathly Haunting smirk.
She slowly walks over to him and lays down next to him. She starts Cuddling with him. She starts purring and looks him into his eyes as her red eyes Glow blue. She and Ryan just leveled up. Suddenly Inside there head a quest message appears.
Ryan pets Zephyr head and hugs her tight.
Suddenly the heart of the phoenix Bursts into ashes. The two turn around and look at it, and suddenly a Baby Phoenix rises out of it and flies away Screeching.
“What do you know, they ARE reborn from the Ashes” She says while trying to clear her head.
The two walk over to the body of dead bird and check it out.
The feathers of it were extreamly soft and the wing was laid out in such a way it looked like a tempting King sized mattress.
The sun was slowly rising over the horizon. They have survived the whole night.
Ryan grabs Zephyr without saying a word and brings her down on the Wing of the dead bird with him. The feathers were extreamly soft and warm. Ryan cuddles with her from behind her in his arms.
“I can’t believe we survived the night. Thank you for staying by my side till the end Zephyr” He tells her while holding her tight.
She could tell he was scared and tired like she was. She turns around in his arms and hugs him.
“It’s been a hell of a night. You kept me alive and I returned the favor I am so sorry I caused this whole mess.”
She told him while digging her head into his scorched Scarlet red Shirt.
“I forgive you. Look I want to take a Nap. The sun is coming up so we should be safe” He told her while playing with her hair.
“Do you know how much I really like you Ryan?” She askes him in a Sincere Romantic Tone.
“How much do you like me” Ryan said with a yawn.
“I Like you so much I walked through the fires of hell just to bring you back a Dead bird” She told him in a very cute sarcastic tone.
Ryan laughs a little bit, and smiles. He hugs her tight.
“Thanks for the gift, I don’t know what to do with it. But Anyway, Happy 18th Birthday Zephyr” He told her with a Yarn
“Goodnight Honey” She told him while closing her eyes and listening to his heartbeat.
“I’ll be here in your arms in the morning” She told him while closing her eyes.
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