《Blue Screen Blues》Chapter 6: "Which Leads To Kissing"
Dirty, Bruised and tired the two Lean on each other as they enter the Inn.
The two just got done Wrestling each other for about 10 minutes.
They walk into the Inn and take a seat at the counter.
“What can I get you!” one of the Inn keepers ask.
“I’ll take a Bowl of rice, and some juice” Zephyr asks her.
“and for your friend?” She asks
“I’ll take hamburger” He tells her
“A what?” She replies to him in a confused tone.
Ryan thinks hard. He needs to remember he’s not in the year 2020 anymore.
“I will have some smoked meat” he tells her.
“Alright I’ll get that coming your way” he tells him.
“Other then the fact that we disturbed the whole town that was a fun grinding run” he tells Zephyr.
“I’m Still pissed at you” she tells him.
“Ya, ya. It was fun wrestling a little bit. You’re really fun”
“I swear to god I need some excitement tonight. Are you sure you don’t want to go mess around upstairs?” She tells him in a very distressed tone.
“The answer is still no.” He tells her while petting her.
She growls at him and puts her ears down. And lowers her head.
“Hey I noticed something. Every time you kill a Beast you lick your blade why is that?” He asked her.
“Its another racial Ability I have. Me being part wolf Tasting Blood replenishes my energy. I’m also very resistant to the cold.” She tells him.
Zephyr gets up and pats his head. She licks the side of his neck where he got a cut while they were wrestling in a very sexy way and walk away.
Ryan turns around and looks at her. That was really cute, but he wished she was just a normal human.
In through the Door walks 4 people. 3 girls and a boy. Around the ankle of the boy was a Girl dressed in all blue who was crying, and on the back of the boy was a small young girl.
“I didn’t mean to press the button! I’m SOOOOO sorry!” The girl in blue screamed while being drug by the boy.
The other 2 girls take a seat at the table all the way across the room. Ryan turns around and pays them no mind.
Zephyr comes back and sits next to him.
“I don’t know what Class I want to become” He tells her while slowly turning his head and staring at looking at the girl in blue. “Oh, wow this chick is loud!” Ryan thinks to himself.
He watches the Crusader of the group snatch a device from the young Mage and she presses the button. All of them disappear in the blink of an eye.
“What are you at with your skill levels?” Zephyr asks him.
Ryan pulls out his phone. He opens up his app and sees His skill level in swords is 120/1000
He scans Zephyr and notices her skill in daggers are 500/1000
He shows her the stats.
She looks at his phone and reads his stats
Vitality 16 Strength 9 Intel 25 Agility 10 Spirit 15 Spell power: 0 Precision: 0 Armor Rating 0 Mobility: 100
Luck 5 Resistance: 5% universal Skill/Spell Improvement: N/A
“You have a high intel stat; I’d say go and try to aim and be a mage” She tells him.
Ryan then decides to scan her and sees:
Vitality 14 Strength: 22 Intel: 3 agility 24 Spirit 15 Spell power 0 Precision 5 Armor Rating: 13 Mobility: 110 Luck 20 Spell Improvement: [Execute] 2 [Throw Knife] 4
Ok. I think I will do that!” He said while petting her to annoy her.
She smiles.
“Where did that disgruntled party go?” Zephyr asks him.
“Which one? The one with that loud blue girl?” he replied.
“Yes. I wanted to compliment that little girl’s hat.” Zephyr said while scanning the room
“I don’t know they just teleported out” He explained.
“Oh well” she tells him as their food arrives.
“What is the rarest mage class? He asks her.
“That would be a Blackfire mage” she explained while taking a sip of her orange juice.
“What are those?” Ryan asked while being amazed by the sound of that name.
“They are very destructive. They are a hybrid between a blood mage, A black magic mage, a Fire mage, and Shadow priest.” She told him as she takes a bite of her rice.
“Whats a Blood mage?” He asks her.
“Somone to stay away from. They Sacrifice their own health to damage others” She explains.
“Kinda sounds like an Emo class” He tells her while eating his meal.
“No that’s a Druid. Only Druids can turn into birds” she replies.
Ryan thinks hard to himself. Did she just think he said Emu? He brushes it off and laughs.
“Wait a minute. You have druids here? I would love to be one of those!” He told her in excitement,
“Chill. Sadly, you can’t be one. You have to be either an Elf, or a Lyieku like me.” She told him while slapping his back.
“Kinda Racist you think?” He told her with a smile.
“Oh, I will turn this around on you quick” she told him with a mischievous smile
“Hey Breanna, I have a question” Zephyr asked the Waitress.
“Sure, whats up Lady Thickmane” The Server asked.
“So, hear me out, I saved his life in the woods, I bought him a sword, I trained him in basic combat, healed him again, saved him from Warrens size 14 boot, and I’m paying for his lunch. Yet he doesn’t like me because of my ears and my tail. What do you think about that?” She explained to her with twisted smile.
The Waitress’s mood changes. She grabs Ryan’s plate with one hand and Grabs him with the other. She drags him outside the Building and places his meal on the ground.
“Racist people eat outside you ugly animal” she said with an Authoritative tone.
Ryan looks at zephyr and Shoots her the bird. He sits on the ground, cross’s his legs and eats his Smoked bear flank on the ground.
He pulls out his cellphone and puts on a Song. “crushcrushcrush” from Paramore. The whole world doesn’t shake when he does it. People pass him and wonder what the noise was
He eats his meal and goes to his offline internet app.
He types in the band Paramore and pulls up a picture of Hayley Williams; the bands singer.
“Zephyr looks Just like her!” He screamed in amazement.
He eats his meal really quick and heads back inside. Through the door he can see Zephyr and Breanna laughing.
“You done playing games?” Ryan asked while taking a seat next to her.
“That meal will be 2 gold” the waitress said. He assumes Zephyr isn’t paying for his meal, so he pulls 2 gold coins out of his pocket and puts them on the counter.
“You know how many people would kill to Grind with me?” She asked in a jealous tone.
“The same amount of people who want to Grind ON you” he said sarcastically.
Breanna jumps into the conversation.
“How dare you not respect Lady Thickmane! Shes the most caring person in the world. You should be honored that she saved you” She screamed at him.
“Look lady, I am honored she saved me. I am also honored that I have somone to quest with in this world. I like her and will follow her into the unknown, but my friendship with her will be no more then platonic, shes just not my type. If you want to bang her be my guest” He tells her with a stern tone.
The girl looks at Ryan in disbelief.
“Well, shes not exactly my type either” Brenna said awkwardly.
Zephyrs ears pull back “Traitor!” she screamed at Breanna.
“Look I kind of get where he is coming from my lady. You are kind of odd and can be annoying. Maybe just doesn’t like you because of that, and is blaming your appearance instead”
“I used to date Emo chicks, I can handle extreamly Indecisive, over-emotional, self-destructive, and just unexplainably crazy people. Look I think shes cute. But at the same time, I just met her. I need to get to know her better. Does that make you feel better? He asks while petting Zephyrs messy blood-soaked red hair.
“Wait you used to date birds? Then why are you judging her for her ears and tail?” Brenna Asks.
Ryan facepalms in shame.
Zephyrs Tail swings in excitement.
“So, you mean it? There’s a Chance you might like me?” She asks him in a Hopeless romantic tone.
“Maybe” He replies.
She grabs his arm and Smiles at Breanna. “Thank you so much sis!” She screams as she pulls Ryan out the door.
“Hey where are we going? He asks her.
“Going to keep grinding” She tells him as she pulls him out of the city. They walk to the forests edge and she lets go of his arm.
Zephyr Kiss’s him on the cheek and he feels awkward but doesn’t say anything.
They walk into the woods and come across the dead bears they killed earlier. They step over the carcass’s and keep going deeper into the woods.
“Do you feel awkward about killing wolfs?” He asks her.
“Not really. They are a Burden here to the town. Even where I come from, they are a Nuisance. Sure, we came from them, but we don’t care. You either Evolve to get along or evolve to Get Recked” She told him.
“Genocide much?” He said in a sarcastic tone.
“Actually yes. My people rule with an Iron fist remember?” She told him as they spot a pig.
“Where is your home?” He asked.
“Wyzonia” She whispered as she uses [Lurk]
“You will have to show that to me on the map when we are done here” Ryan said while pulling his sword out of the sheath.
As she nears the pig she uses [Throw Knife].
The pig runs toward her and she leads it back to Ryan. He takes his sword and takes a swing at it. He hits it but doesn’t do much damage to it. He really pisses it off. Zephyr stabs it in the back, and it turns to attack her. Ryan Slams down on the rear of the beast and its not effective. It Redirects its attention to him. The Bear lowers its head and charges at him. It gores him through his stomach against a tree.
Ryan screams in pain, and Zephyr Licks her blades. She goes for its neck and slits its throat. The pig goes down and Zephyr Immediately tends to him. Ryan is bleeding bad. Ryan’s phone is beeping, and an alarm is going off. He reaches into his pocket and sees his health meter. He’s at 10hp and bleeding out.
Ryan is screaming in pain and is shaking.
She lays him on the ground, lays on top and starts casting [Purr].
She looks into his eyes as he’s screaming in pain and she just smiles.
He sees her Red eyes and her devilish smile and feels her purring.
Ryan closes his eyes and tries to distract himself from the pain.
He can feel her healing him on the Cool wet ground.
With his Eyes closed she smiles.
She kiss’s him on the lips and bites his bottom lip gently.
Ryan’s Eyes pop open and he pushes her off of him.
“What the hell are you doing!” He screams while still in intense pain. His wound isn’t healed yet and is still bleeding.
“You said in the Inn You need time to get to know me, So I thought this is the best time to kiss you” She said with a smile.
“This is NOT the best time to kiss me! Trust me!” he screamed at her.
“How can a Girl even be THIS Remotely Awkward?” he thinks to himself.
He looks at his health on his phone and he’s up to 50 hp and still bleeding.
“Get back over here please and heal me” He demands.
“Hang on, I can use this to my advantage” she said with a Dark twisted tone.
“Zephyr please heal me!” he said as he watches his health drop 3 points every second.
“Make out with me and I will” She said in a Crazy tone.
Ryan is extreamly pissed right now. He’s dying, in pain and about to be forced to do something he doesn’t want to do. This was really a Bad time for this.
“No” He said in anger.
“Okay then Nice knowing you Goodbye Ryan” she said as She turned her back and started walking away.
“You Gotta be kidding me! This bitch is Fucking crazy!” Ryan screamed in his mind.
He is freaking out inside his head right now. He knows if he dies now its Over. He’s going to be going to hell at level 5.
Ryan Ponders on the Crossroad here. He can bow down and make out with her and lose his pride, or Just die. He thinks about this Quagmire for a hard second. The Choice is clear immediately. He doesn’t want to go to hell because he didn’t kiss this bitch’s ass. He is very scared right now and feels all alone here.
“Zephyr! I surrender please don’t let me die!!! I think you are cute! Look I will make out with you! Please don’t let me die. I’m so scared right now!” He screams in fear and distress. He was crying his heart out right now.
She gives him a Fucked-up smile and turns around. She grabs his cellphone from his hand and lays it on the ground. Unaware how to operate the phone, she taps the screen and Somehow manages to open his playlist. She looks at the phone and the health meter was gone. Confused about this she puts the phone down. She puts it down in such a way her palm randomly hits the “Shuffle” button on his music app.
Well what are the odds the song: “That girl” From All Time Low coming on?
Because it did, and Ryan Did NOT want to die to this song.
She Gets back on top of him. She starts purring for 10 seconds and stops. This Regenerates just enough health for her to mess with him.
“Oh, I am going to have Soooooo much fun with this!” she said in Excited tone.
She just sits for 5 seconds looking into his eyes. Ryan right now he is terrified. She on the other hand is going to make him bleed out and make a game out of while she does it.
“Shes playing a Sadistic game with me!” he screams inside his head.
These 5 seconds of her just staring at him feel like the longest 5 seconds of his life...
Not wanting to die, and not being able to look at his health meter he feels the world getting dark. Fighting the urge to die he makes the first move.
Ryan both his hands up and pulls her by her shirt to him. He puts his lips on hers and can feel vibrations coming from her.
When he kisses her lips and he notice’s her lips are extreamly soft. He didn’t notice that just a minute ago when she kissed him.
Her lips were not hard or rough. She had normal human lips like the rest of her body. Her lips felt like his last girlfriends. This right here dispelled another big concern he had with her.
He places his tongue inside her mouth and starts wrestling with hers. He can taste blood that lingered in her mouth from when she licked her dagger earlier but ignores the taste.
He can feel her purring at 100% enjoyment.
He starts to feel extreamly better and his pain amount from when he got gored earlier is going away. Its still hurts like hell but shes making the pain go away slowly.
She closes her eyes and places her hands up his shirt and runs her sweaty hands up his chest.
Ryan then rolls on top on her and he runs his hands through her messy blood red hair. Her eyes shoot open with excitement and start glowing blue.
“Did This bitch just level up?” Ryan wonders. This of course is a BAD and AWKWARD time to gain a Level.
Excited She starts contributing to the Kissing. She bites his lips gently. Ryan feels comfortable making out with her now for some reason. He runs his tongue over her teeth and can feel her 2 sharp fangs. Her Crazy eyes giving him a Very Excited look.
Ryan decides he’s going to mess with her.
He knows shes turned on, but shes not getting past First base tonight.
He keeps running his hands through her hair messed up hair and he feels his wound close.
He Grabs his cellphone while still kissing her and checks his health stat. He is at 60% health and he’s not afflicted with Bleed affect anymore. He smiles and Puts on the song “The Sex Is Good” By Saving Able to set the mood of what he has planned.
“Oh, let’s do the Light switch maneuver to her” Ryan thought to himself with an Evil smirk.
He Stops kissing her and starts kissing the side of her neck. She Starts breathing really hard.
She is shaking really hard right now. He holds her and starts kissing her shoulder, and Slowly keeps kissing toward her neck.
She is going crazy right now. Ryan smiles and Slowly starts kissing down her body. He ignores her breasts completely and decides to lift up her shirt and kiss her stomach. To his surprise this chick is almost completely human. No fur on her stomach! He pulls up and gets ready to kiss her again.
Ryan looks into her eyes and shes loosing it. He Connects with her lips and pulls back. and slowly gets ready to kiss her again. He throws his arms around her neck and leans in. And leans out at the last second. He can feel her body shaking even more now. He smiles at her and pats her head. He picks up his sword and walks away from her.
Zephyrs Ears fly up and her pleasure induced smile goes away.
“Hey Where are you going?” she shouted while laying on her back.
“Back to the city” It’s almost dark.
“No, the Hell you’re not! Get back here and finish what you started!” She shouted in an angry tone.
“I got my Revenge. Now I’m headed back” he told her while walking away.
“How is this revenge!?” She shouted.
“I turned you on, Now I’m walking away. It’s Called the light switch maneuver where I come from”
Zephyr Hops up in one quick motion and runs after him. She Grapples him from behind and brings him down with a Smile.
“You’re not going anywhere!” She said while holding him down.
“Oh Really?” He said in a Flirtatious tone.
Suddenly They hear a Bell ringing outside the wood line.
Ryan pulls out his cellphone and Checks the time. Its 5:30pm And the sun is almost down.
He pushes her off of him and Runs out the wood line. Zephyr Intercepts him again and Brings him down again.
“Where do you think your going Honey?” She said in a clingy and Excited tone.
“They are about to shut the gates!” He tells her as he rolls over and Stands up. Zephyr Holds his leg and prevents him from moving. Shes Laughing manically.
“Come on Dude!” She said while pulling him down to the ground.
“Zephyr Cut it out. You’re not getting laid tonight. I don’t even like you that much. I only kissed you because you were going to let me die. Now Grow the hell up and let me go!” He told her as he rolls away from her. He gets up and runs to the gate, and Zephyr catches hum again and brings him down again.
“Oh, honey I know you’re kidding” She said while rolling on top of him again. He pushes her off again and darts for the gate. Suddenly he hears the gate close 50 yards away.
Ryan pauses and feels a Strong energy presence approaching from somewhere. Zephyr pulls him down again and Suddenly a Blue Bubble Shield Lights up over the city. The sound of the electrifying Shield is loud. He also feels the echo of the shield firing up. It roars loud for 10 seconds and quiets down.
With Zephyr on top of him he looks at the city. The sun is about to go down.
Ryan can’t believe this. He’s locked out of the city. He’s going to be out here all alone with her.
“This Crazy Bitch is going to be the End of me!” Ryan screamed inside his head.
He throws his cellphone down, and the next song on the list plays.
He Rolls over and places his face into the grass and Screams in Distress while the song
“Heart Heart Heartbreak” From Boys LIke Girls Starts playing on max volume.
- In Serial20 Chapters
Revised version now available! Amazon paperback, ebook, audiobook, Kobo, B&N, Google In the war-torn land of Cyraveil, four heroes strove to overthrow an empire. By cold steel and elemental sorcery, they brought peace to a warring land on the brink of destruction. As the flames died, the realm needed strong leadership, and who better than the champions who had saved the kingdom? But when the people sought out their saviors... they vanished. Matt, Blake, Jen, and Carl: the four mysterious companions, who together had deposed an insane ruler and saved countless lives, were gone—spirited back in a whirlwind of magic to a sleepy suburb in Mellbridge, Oregon, never to return. The friends found themselves home in the real world, exactly as they'd been the night they were taken, as if no time had passed... except only three came back. Hi there! This was my entry for National Novel Writing Month, because why only write one series at a time? The more the merrier! (meanwhile, my keyboard bursts into flames...) I'm also the writer of The Last Science, an ongoing low-fantasy/speculative sci-fi series. If you're familiar with that, you know what to expect here: lots of character-focused drama and dialogue, not a whole lot of traditional action. However, I'm writing a bit differently than usual here, and in a very different structure, so there should be some surprises for returning readers. I hope you enjoy it! [Discord] — for those of you who want to hang out and chat. Cover art (fullsize): Path of Revelation, by taenaron (Tobias Roetsch), modified by Etzoli. Normally I like to do my own cover art from scratch, but I was in a rush for the contest. Might be replaced down the line if I get time. [winner of the NaNoWriMo Royal Road 2018 challenge—Most Favorites]
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