《Blue Screen Blues》Chapter 7: "Which Leads to..."
With the song playing Ryan feels doomed. He picks up the cell Phone and turns the song off.
“Why the hell did you do this we're going to die out here now!” he screamed at her with his face on the ground.
With Zephyr still on top of him she just holds him tight. She doesn’t want to let him go.
“Oh my god I should of saw her being Clingy a mile away! ” He screams in his head.
“Oh honey, we will be fine. We have each other. I'll protect you from the undead tonight” She replied while hugging him tightly.
“How are you going to do that? I’m level 5 and your level 6” He said in a hopeless tone.
“Actually, I'm level 7.I leveled up when you were kissing Me. You’re such a very good kisser! I think you may have given me an Experience boost or something” She said while biting his ear in a sexy way.
Ryan pushes himself up and runs toward the Barrier leaving his sword behind and cellphone behind.
Zephyr just knells down and watches him run away from her.
Ryan Charges at the barrier as fast as he can. He does not want to be left alone with this nutcase.
with the assumption he could pass right through it and other creatures not being able to he runs right at it. He closes his eyes and prepares to pass through the barrier.
NOPE. The shield is solid. He Basically charged into a brick wall. He hits it face first and falls backwards.
With him laying on his back he could see this red headed demon slowly walking to him with a Smile.
She is laughing at him.
Zephyr kneels down and touches his face. It's a little red from the impact, but she's openly laughing about what she just saw.
“why did you think you're going to be able to get through? she asked with an annoying giggle
“I got desperate” he cried in pain.
“Like I said you're stuck with me until morning” she said while helping him up on his feet.
Ryan Sighs really hard. Not really wanting to accept the truth she's right. He has nobody else to fend off any attacks with tonight besides her. Even at such a low level thresh hold level 2 people are still stronger than 1
“Let's go sit on the seawall and watch the sun go down” Seattle tells him while Dragging him by his hand.
Ryan does not know what to do right now. He just blindly follows her lead
She leads him to the seawall outside of the barrier and they sit on it.
Zephyr throws her arms around him and leans into him.
He really wants to push her over the wall but he's going to need her tonight.
Her warm clingy hug she Is giving him actually feels really nice.
“I know you're really pissed off at me, and I'm sorry, look I've never kissed anybody before. you are my first one. I know it was awkward how I achieved it, but it was so much fun. Tommorow is my 18th birthday and I am so grateful to have my first make out session with somone” She said while hugging him tight.
Ryan is surprised by what her heard
“Awkward is putting it Lightly. It was either kiss you or die. I’m never going to forgive you for that stunt” He tells her in a Stern tone.
“Look Ryan I’m very sorry. Look I been a fuck up my whole life. Like I said I have a really nasty case of being Socially Awkward it’s like a second curse to me.” She told him while letting go of him.
As she said that, Ryan started Thinking in silence about how he died, how he acted before he died and how he handled the events that day he feels this heavy feeling in his heart.
“Why did you wait this long to have your first kiss? I had mine when I was 14” He asked seeming puzzled and trying to think about something other than that day.
“Unfortunately, at home I’m kind of different. I’m unattractive to a lot of the guys at home. I’m Cursed by that damn bitch Bunnell. Shes supposed to be the good one in the world but shes got an ego the size of her boobs and put a curse on my mother before I was born” She said while sliding her hand down Ryan’s back.
“Look you’re not ugly by far. You really are cute, but you’re just not my type. If it makes you feel better, kissing you was fun. I kind of really needed that too. I been stressed out and that Make out season on Deaths door was kind both exciting and Stress relieving I Really fucked up in my last life.” He told her while grabbing her arm and putting it around him.
“So, what did you do?” She said while rubbing his leg.
“I killed my self after a bad day at school. It started all over a girl and ended over a girl. I feel like a relationship is the last thing I need this soon” He tells her.
“I’m sorry to hear about that. That’s kind of tragic and Sweet at the same time” She told him while she put her ears over Ryan’s heart. She listens to his heartbeat.
“Ya I’ve been condemned here until I learn my lesson” he told her
“you got a pretty sweet deal. I heard suicide in other worlds is like punishable to hell or something like that” She said.
“How do you know about that?” Ryan asked seeming Curious .
“We have people spawn into my kingdom time to time. I hear stories about their past lives. Its really cool” she told him.
“In my last life I didn’t take life serious. I treated it like a Game with no meaning, I was told if I died or something, I’m going to spend 5,000 years in hell” He told her with a very Firm tone.
“Oh, I see. I scared the living shit out of you when I did that whole Kiss me or you die thing” She said while thinking really hard.
“If I didn’t kiss you, I was going to burn in hell of course you see how Irrational that was. That’s why I really don’t like you now. Look you are cute, but I just don’t like psychotic Furrys.” He told her.
“Look I was born this way, I like humans more then my own kind, and I want to date one someday. No one else from my own race will touch me. I’m more human than anything else bud” She told him with an Irritated tone.
“Look even if I forgave the whole Ears and Tail thing, your still fucking crazy, I love Crazy to a certain extent, but I just feel like you are going to be the death of me somehow. You’re already calling me “Honey” after just a Kiss. Your Clingy side is whats scaring me the most right now” he told her in truthful tone.
“Look I know I am fucked up. This whole world is about finding out finding yourself and making your own destiny. I feel like I am destined to be with you.” She told him while softly biting his shirt in a cute way.
“Oh god shes Imprinted on me!” Ryan screams silently in his head.
“Plus let’s back up a little bit here, you kissed me, and I healed you. You then proceeded to Do more then kiss me, its like you had other intentions for me. I may be Naïve, but I’m still a Woman. I noticed You were enjoying it WAY TOO MUCH when you were kissing me all over” She told him with an Evil smile.
Ryan goes silent.
“I uggh was trying to punish you for that make out…session on Deaths door. I knew I could……… punish you by doing that…. An..d kissing…. You… like” Ryan is stuttering. He doesn’t know what to say. There was no valid excuse he could use right now. True he was scared of dying and did what he had to do to survive, but He could have just walked away after it. He didn’t have to go into full foreplay with her. He didn’t think this through at all.
“Look You are stressed, and So was I. It was magical how you kissed me and turned me on like that. I am still very much pure and Innocent Baby” She said while now laying across his lap.
“This Cold hard bitch, Pure and Innocent? My ass!” He thinks to himself.
The affection she is giving him right now is negating how pissed off he is at her. Ryan needs to change the Subject. They watch the sun slowly go down to the west over Horizon.
“I keep hearing “Yulee”, and “Bunnell” being mentioned in town a lot what is that about?” He asked her while playing with her messy hair and rubbing mud off her cheek.
“We have 2 Primary Goddess’s in this world. One of them is Yulee, the dark one who Represents destruction, black magic, War, Chaos, and Demons. And then we have that bitch Bunnell. who stands for White magic, Healing, and Faith Sacrifice and Unity ” She explained.
“Hang on how does the goddess of Healing put a curse on you?” He asked out of curiosity.
“No, it wasn’t me, it was my mother. You see I come from A Race that is purely Yuleeian. My mom wanted to convert to Bunnellian before I was born, and That bitch smited her with a Curse. It made me 80% human. My family kind of is a laughingstock because of it. The bitch Preaches Salvation for all, and to defend your neighbor before you defend yourself, but only if you’re either a dwarf, an Elf, or Human. She hates Lyieku’s with a Passion. It’s because of her why I can’t live at home in my kingdom without causing disorder. Being out here is perfect for me because I’m not too judged by my peers. Religion is a Cancer in my eyes.” She told him while Snuggling into his stomach.
“I understand the whole Outcast thing. Trust me I was one before I died” He told her while thinking of the whole Halo Suit idea he had before school.
“I don’t believe in any of them. There is a 3rd god that’s not really Talked about. Shes neither extreme like Yulee , and or Judgmental like Bunnell. Her name is Arcadia. Shes the one I look up too. Shes the Neutral one in this chaotic world I look to the most in dark times” She explained to him.
“Ahh I see.” Ryan said seeming Satisfied.
“You see its kind of ironic that their Followers Improve their hilarious Egos. Yulee is a Short evil Bitch, so the more followers she has the bigger her ass gets. And Bunnell is this Big judgmental like Mother figure so the more Follows she gets the bigger her tits gets” She tells him while getting up.
“That’s is Fucking Hilarious!” Ryan said while laughing.
“Legend has it that Yulee is 5-foot-tall on her throne. Shes lived her whole life not being able to reach the top shelf, and that has made her a fucking Flat chested Evil bitch. Her Big ass gives her followers something to kiss and stare at while she leads them into battle” She said with a Smile.
“Ok what about Bunnell?” He asked her while recovering from laughing.
“Oh, Bunnell is the complete opposite. She is a Tall Blonde MILF with a Large frame and Huge Knockers and no Ass at all. She has big boobs because it gives her Followers to look up to when they are on the ground praying to her.” She said with a Giggle.
Ryan falls on the ground laughing. He can relate to this,
“Okay look that is good” He said while grabbing her and pulling him into her. She sits on his lap and he hugs her like a teddy bear. He is in a good mood now after hearing her story.
“I wonder where my cellphone is?” He asked while looking through his pockets.
He thinks about it really hard
“Oh, you left it by….”
Ryan thinks hard about his phone and Suddenly his cellphone teleports into his hand.
“Oh, that’s right its Soul bound. I can recall it” he said while opening up the screen.
“What is that thing really for?” She asked.
“In my world we use it to look things up, talk to people and listen to music. I Absolutely love music. I was not going to get sent down here without music from my world. It’s something that gets me through life. No matter the ups or downs I have a song to get me through” He told her.
Ryan opens up his screen and looks at his music. He notices a Tab that says “Buffable music” and He sees a Whole selection of songs that were grouped into buffs.
He had Strength boost, Magic boost, Agility Boost, Experience boost, Immortality, Healing, Spirit, Mobility boost, and a ton other music in the Miscellaneous category. He reads some of these songs and notices theses Songs can most definitely turn the tide of battle. For Example, some of his Rammstein songs grant a One-time use Immortality buff throughout the song,
Some My Chemical Romance Songs can reduce Magic damage taken, or Increase magic damage caused, All Time Low Grants Resilience, and Experience over time buffs for some songs, and Bring me the Horizon has Area of Effect (AoE) Buffs, and so does some of his EDM music like Skrillex. Each song has their own weird buffs.
Curious about a Few things, Ryan opens up his Game guide on his phone and Looks up Stat Definitions.
The list read:
Strength: The Measurement of Physical Attack Damage output. If the user is using a Shield this Stat Helps Reduce physical damage taken. This stat also helps Increase Mobility of those who are wearing Heavy Armor.
Intelligence: A Stat that Increases Mana Reserves, and Casting Speed. Increases Efficiency of Certain Spells
Spell Power: The measurement of overall Magical Damage Output.
Vitality: A Stat that Increases Health Reserves
Agility: Increases Attack speed, increases chance to Physically critical hit a target, and the ability to Dodge attacks.
Spirit: Reduces Magic damage Taken, Increases Mana Regeneration in Combat.
Mobility: Determines How fast the User can Move
Armor Rating: Reduces Physical Attack damage taken. Certain Thresholds reduce mobility. Does not Reduce Magic damage.
Precision: Increases the chance for a Ranged attack to hit its Target. High Thresholds increase chance to do critical Damage.
Resistance: The ability to Slightly or completely, ignore an Element of damage or effect.
Resilience: The Combination of Spirit, Agility, Precision, Strength and Overall Defense.
Swiftness: A Combination of Mobility, Strength and Agility
Dedication: A combination of Intelligence, Spell power, And Precision.
Luck: Success or Failure brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.
He goes over songs he’s played last today. The first song “City of Ocala” by A Day to Remember Provided 20% Increased luck for 30 minutes. He tremors a little bit thinking without the song That bear would have killed him.
Ryan then looks over at the “In the Dark (Ft.Halsey)” song by Bring me the Horizon and it grants a 20% Experience boost to him and his party. He notices the song doesn’t have a limited buff amount.
Ryan then Looks at the song “That Girl” By All Time Low. The buff said “When activated translates emotional experience gained into Physical Experience earned.
“Well that explains the level she gained during her first kiss” He thought to himself.
Being curious Ryan opens up his Stats app and looks at his Experience bar.
Its at 90% full right now. He remembers before heading out that it was at 10% before almost being killed by that Boar. That emotional Rollercoaster really did translate into a lot of experience for him.
He then looks at the song: “Mississippi Moonshine ” By Saving Abel. “temporarily Grants 10% increased mobility, at the cost of 10% Intelligence. Lasts 5 minutes.
“That explains a lot!” Ryan says inside his head.
Zephyr stands in front of him, and smiles at him with her hands behind her nervously and fidgets her foot around.
She grabs his arms and pulls him to her.
“Tommorow is my 18th birthday like I said. I honestly want to thank you again for my first kiss. May I please get another one?” She asked in a nervous tone.
Ryan thinks really hard about this. Shes been nothing but Rise, Fall, Up and Down. For the past 6 hours.
Stilling being distressed from being locked out the city, He does realize that kissing her last time did take away a lot of pain emotionally.
He just holds her tight He doesn’t say yes or no. He says nothing. He just holds her in his arms and sways side to side with her. She closes her eyes and Sinks her head into his chest.
“Its going to really hellish tonight. If I die tonight, I can die happy” She told him in a happy tone. As the sun finally went down casting a dark shadow over them.
Ryan thinks really about her, then Realizes this whole day can be summed up into an All Time Low Song.
While swinging around with her he takes his free hand and pulls out his phone and puts on the Song: ‘Canals” The song Provided a one-time boost of 30% Resilience for 6 hours.
Ryan puts on the song and Kiss’s her. The two Slowly start to feel each other, but Ryan keeps telling himself to Keep her at first base. Shes Clingy and this could end bad if he lets her advance further then this.
He starts to think she is cute, and she keeps trying to get him to touch her breasts. He just keeps his hands on her hips.
Shes not Turned on, she is Taking in these new Feelings of pleasure and Emotional bonding shes never had with anyone before. She closes her eyes and Ryan Decides to Take a little bit of Aggression out on her a little bit.
He Pushes her down on the ground and leans her back against the seawall. He Gets down on his Knees and pushes her head into the wall and Decides to bite her neck softly. And kiss her again.
She pulls him close to her and decides to bite his neck back.
Ryan feels an Intense amount of pleasure from where shes gentle biting him. He doesn’t let her move away from this position. “If this is what I did to her earlier then I need to be ashamed” He thought to himself. While enjoying this Destressing moment.
Suddenly they feel a cold presence around them. Ryan keeps letting her kiss him and shes shutting the world out. Ryan looks into her eyes while she smiles at him and Behind them from the back of the Seawall a Shade demon rises up from the water with a Scythe in hand.
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