《Blue Screen Blues》Chapter 5: "It Starts With a Thought"
Ryan looked around he couldn't see her anywhere good the bear notices him and comes towards him. Ryan draws the sword and gets ready to swing. Out of nowhere zephyr appears. She stabs the bear 5 times with her daggers and looks at Ryan. The bear turns its back tries to bite her Ryan leaps forward and tries to attack. He drops his sword it's flew right out of his hands somehow. Zephyr looks at him in disappointment.
“Butterfingers much?” she shouts as the bear starts to go after her.
She runs up a tree kicks off of it and does a backflip right onto the back of the bear. Ryan runs to grab his sword Zephyr finishes the beast off with another attack to the throat. The bear falls down and she licks the blood off her blade.
“First time using a sword huh? She asked him as she Pats the Top of the dead bears head
“You could say that, I don't know why it slipped out.” he Said while swinging around. OK let's see something really quick. Try to hit Me” She ordered him.
“I don't want to hurt you” He told her seeming concerned
“I have a racial ability I can purr and heal myself if you hurt me. It heals up cuts. But odds are you will never hit me. I’m part cat so my agility is above Par Compared to yours. Along with my Rogue class, your going to have a hard time hitting me. She said while smiling at him.
He shrugs his shoulders; he throws his sword at her and hits her in the Breasts.
“Hey!!! That’s not fair!” She screamed at him. The blade didn't cut her, but the tip of hilt just bounced off her left breast and left a bruise.
“You said I could probably never hit you, yet I hit you.” Don’t get mad at me.
“Your Sooooo funny! Let’s try that again” she said while giving him his sword back.
He smiles at her. She ready’s up her daggers and Ryan gets ready for a Strike on her. “Give me your best shot” She told him.
Ryan smiles at her and gets ready to swing to the left and throws the sword at her again. He hits her in the left breast again.
“Bro come on!” She yelled in anger.
“That’s 2” he tells her.
She shakes her head. She picks up his sword and hands it back again.
“Dude Hit me with it!” She demanded.
Ryan Ready’s his sword again.
“She gets in a defensive position and Ryan charges at her. He tries to swing low she hops up and jumps back. He advances towards her and tries to stab her in the leg. She Parry’s it and he gets ready to go for a slice blow. He slices upward and she jumps to the left. Her tail and her ears show she is excited. He keeps trying to hit her and she parries every hit.
Attack after attack she eithers parries or dodges. He’s having fun with her. He picks up the tempo and keeps up trying to land an attack on her. Rustling of bushes and stepping on Twigs they are both having a blast. He really wants to land a hit on her. He thinks of something. He studies her movement for 5 minutes notices her tail points in the direction shes preparing to dodge.
He fakes a swing in one direction and adjusts to anticipate her dodge in the direction her tail is pointing. He reads her intention and leaps that way and lands a hit on her.
He hits her left boob again.
He smiles, and then notices where he connected her at.
She shakes her head in disbelief.
“You hit me?” She said in defeat.
“sure did” He said as he pulls the sword back. He cut her just a little bit and she shoots him a smile.
“Again, another contact with my left boob, why do you always aim here?” She said with a Smile. She Purrs and the small cut goes away.
“Lucky hit, I guess? Its unintentional.” He replied while smiling at her.
Still can’t believe you hit me though. That’s pretty good for someone who’s 4 levels below me.
“I kinda, Read you. You know your tail gives away you dodge direction? He told her.
“Oh really? Let’s try that again. Hit me again.” She said in a challenging tone.
Ryan smiles. He throws his sword at her hitting her in the Left breast again and he laughs
She charges at him with her daggers drawn and bash’s him with her shoulder.
She knocks him down on his ass.
She lays on top of him looks in his eyes and holds a Dagger to his crotch.
“Hit me there again and I will make you a girl” She told him in a playful yet serous flirty tone.
“No, you won’t” he told her with a smile. He’s a little scared of her, but how shes laying on top of him he thinks shes calling her bluff.
“Oh yes I will. My people practice casteration. Males who fuck up usually wind up getting “Snip snipped” for doing stupid shit. Sad part Its always the females who have carry out the sentence. I’ve done it to 2 people.” She said in a flirty tone.
Ryan feels really uncomfortable. He tries to close his legs, but she holds him down.
“Hit me there again and we are going to have a problem” She said with a Happy-crazy Tone. As she gets up, and off of him. She helps him up.
“I’m scared of you now” He tells her.
“no need to be scared. I’m only joking! It really hurts when you hit me there it’s a really sensitive area here” she said while grabbing her boob.
“You sounded like you were going to kill me, you had that crazy death stare” He explained to her while picking up his sword.
“Well I had to make it sound convincing. Like I said I have issues. I don’t have many friends” She explained while Seeming happy.
“You just made a gesture you were going to “Make me a Girl” That’s not cool at all Zephyr” He told her while getting ready to head back.
“Look Its true, we do practice that in our culture, Men lose the right to Breed, and Woman are usually imprisoned, sometimes put to death. We are a very Strict culture, but I am super fun!” She told him while hanging on his shoulder.
Ryan pulls away from her.
“Guys don’t like you joking about that. You Scared me I don’t want to train with you anymore.” He told her in anger.
“Look, I was flirting with you.” She told him in embarrassing tone.
“That’s not how you flirt with someone!!!” He screamed while throwing his hands up.
“I’m sorry! Look I’m Socially Awkward like you. I know you understand how I function differently from others” Zephyr said sounding sincere.
Ryan thinks to himself in silence.
He went to school in a Mastercheif suit and wound up killing himself in it. He’s the “True” Definition of Socially Awkward. He can kind of relate to her.
“I forgive you Zephyr just don’t do that again please” He asked her while giving her a hug.
Zephyr smiles and hugs him. “I won’t flirt like that ever again” She Replied to him.
She looks him in the eyes and Knees him in the nuts. Ryan Falls over in pain.
“instead if you hit me there again, I’m going to do that to you!” She said with a Smile.
“Sounds fair I deserve that!” He said while giving her a thumbs up.
She helps him up and gives him his sword. They see another bear in the distance and get ready to attack it.
Ryan pulls out his phone and opens his skill tracker app. His skill in swords was at 25/1000. Practicing with Zephyr helped him master the basics of attacking. His defense stat was at 4/1000.
“What is that?” She asked him. It’s a magical trinket. It’s called a Cellphone. It helps me with tracking and finding things. It also plays music” He told explained to her. Cool! Make it play the Flute! She asked him.
“I got something even better” He tells her.
He slides through his playlist and finds a Bring me the horizon Song: “¿”
As soon as he put on the song the whole forest starts shaking with the bass of the song. He can hear speakers in the horizon. He doesn’t know whats going on. He lowers the volume of the song. But the hole forest starts Blasting with the song.
“What the hell?” He says while trying to figure out whats going on.
“What is this witchcraft?” She asks while seeming scared and pulling he ears back.
“Hang on”. Ryan puts on a Different song. The song isn’t blasting through the forest. He puts the song on max volume and still the forest doesn’t shake. He switches back to the Bring me the Horizon song and the whole damn forest starts blasting with the song. There was like magic Speakers in the trees or something.
“Fuck it I’ll Figure it out later let’s start grinding!” He said while he restarts the song.
“This is Dark magic my friend, but I like the beat!” She said while she draws her daggers. The bear in the distance sees Them and seems distressed It starts a Charge at Zephyr and Ryan.
Zephyr grabs its attention and runs up a tree and does another flip behind it. Ryan strikes it from the side. It goes down in 4 hits. More bears start to show up and start charging after Ryan. Ryan is a little scared but trusts Zephyr. 3 bears attack him, and Zephyr draws their attention with [Throwing Knife],
Ryan Strikes the one in the rear of the pack and it breaks off and attacks him. He blocks the bite with his sword and goes for the Throat. He takes the bear down in 1 hit and notices Zephyr is up in a Tree. There are 4 wolfs and 2 bears below her.
Ryan Strikes a Bear from behind and lures the pack away from her. She jumps down and starts a 1 on 3 combat fight with the wolfs Ryan is stuck on the 2 bears. He hits a Bear and the other one on his left side bites his unarmed hand. Flinching in pain Ryan runs away and kites the bears back to her.
She just took out 2 wolfs and is in the process of taking out the other one. Ryan Kites the bears back to her and she abandons killing the last wolf. She [Throws knife] and grabs the attention of one of the bears. Ryan Kites the other bear and Attacks the wolf while he runs past it Putting the finishing blow on it. Zephyr then Stabs the bear chasing Ryan 2 times, and does her backflip Maneuver up a tree and switches to the other bear. Ryan finishes her wounded bear off, and Now shes on top of the 2nd bear. She leans over and jabs it in the throat. She pulls the blade out and licks the blood.
“This Song is Fucking awesome! I never heard any music like this before!” She shouts in excitement.
Suddenly the whole forest starts shaking. 10 bears and 15 wolfs appear.
“No don’t think about it!” She told him. “Way too many we are to weak to do that many at once” She told him. Ryan sees the incoming Hoard of animals coming at them and Takes a deep breath. Zephyr grabs his arm and drags him with her. “
WE ARE LEAVING!” She screams. They start retreating and start running out of the forest. The animals are catching up quick to them. They are about to the edge of the forest when a lone Wolf catches up to and bites Zephyr, she does down, and Ryan turns around and gets ready to defend her. With the incoming Animals almost here Strikes the wolf in the Eye and picks her up and carries her out. Almost out of the woods an Army of Guards start running into the woods to protect them. He carries her out of the Woodline and the song is about to end. He places her on the ground, and she Grabs his arm. She starts Purring and Starts healing them both. Zephyr was smiling and very calm about this. Out of nowhere an Angry Phoenix bird flies out of the wood line and lands near Ryan and Zephyr.
Suddenly a Red message pops up into Ryan’s head.
“Emergency Quest: Defeat the Phoenix!”
Its angry is ready to attack. It gets ready to attack Ryan and Zephyr gets up Climbs up on top of it and starts stabbing it. The other guards see this and Run to the monster. They start fighting this big beast 10 to 1. The Bird tries to attack with its beak but its so big its attack speed is slow.
Its starts hopping and the ground starts shaking. The alarm from Staug City goes off, and 30 people from the town start running out. Warriors, Priests, Mages. Hunters and Other Rogues.
The hunters attack from a fort wall firing arrows at the thing.
Zephyr who’s is Stabbing this Thing in the Neck is dodging incoming missiles from the Hunters. When reinforcements arrive it’s a Team Effort to bring this bird down. Zephyr goes for the eye and gets one. She pisses this thing off by doing so and swings it neck hard. It launches her off and super far. She flies 200 feet and lands on the fort wall on top of a hunter. She is hurt, but no bones are broken. She lays down and starts Purring again. Shes rolls on top of the poor bastard she just knocked out. And heals him to. Ryan sticks with the Guards and manages to contribute just a little bit of damage with them. He stops attacking and Pulls out his phone. He scans the target with an app and gets a picture of how high this things health is. Its almost at half. The song was ending Suddenly the bird Bursts into flames takes off into the air. It retreats back into the woods. The healers cast an Area healing spell and heals everyone who was within 20 yards of them.
No one was killed, but that beast got away. Sherriff Warren comes riding on his horse.
“Is everyone okay?” He asks his men.
“We are all right sir” One of the guards replies.
“Good. Ryan come over here and talk to me.” He orders him.
Ryan walks over to him and looks up at him while he’s sitting on his horse.
“One of the mages told me he saw you with a magical Trinket, can you show it to me?” He asked.
Ryan smiles at him and pulls out his cellphone and hands it to him. “Frylor” get over here.
An old mage who walked on a can slowly makes his way to him.
“What do you think of this?” He asks while giving it to him.
The old mage holds it and takes a deep breath.
“It’s Enchanted Alright. It might be one of those legendary: “God tier items” we heard legends about. I feel a strong Soul bound to owner” He said while throwing it up in the air. The cellphone magically floats back to Ryan. He grabs it and Smiles at them.
“Ryan did you say you found it on an undead monster?” He asked urgently.
“Well no, I lied. I was brought into this game with it.” He answered truthfully.
“Oh, Thank the goddess Bunnell! At least it doesn’t belong to Sayrha. If she had a God item like that this whole kingdom will be at her mercy.” Sherriff Warren said with a sigh of relief.
“Wait what do you mean?” Ryan askes
“The kingdom of Tourterra is plagued by undead, Corruption, and Vampires that suck our happiness dry. Sayrha is a Vampire that causes havoc on us. Shes more powerful then the Demon Group we nickname “the City Planning commission” He explained.
“What does that have to do with this?” Ryan asked for holding his cell Phone up.
She's very powerful and if she got ahold of a God tier item it would be over for us. She draws her power from Yulee like all her demons. But she's extremely hard to bring down. “We have just recently decided to Stand up to her and not let her terrorize us anymore we founded our own militia to fight against her. Hence why I said we locked the city up at sundown.” He explained to Ryan.
“We have a question. Can you play the last song we heard in the forest please?” He asked him.
Ryan Plays The song and the whole damn city Hears the song. Ryan looks all over and can’t see any speakers.
“Its Just what I thought. It was you who were terrorizing us” One of the mages Replied.
Ryan pauses the song and is confused.
“What do you mean I was terrorizing you guys” Ryan asks.
“We could hear that song a mile away from the Woods. it was disturbing the peace” Its what made us come to you. We wanted to know what was going on in the woods. That’s when we found out you were under attack from those beasts.” Sherriff Warren Explained.
Out of nowhere walks up a very old elf decked in all green and brown.
“That music was disturbing the animals. I could hear their distress a mile away. They wanted peach and quite” The old Elf said.
“Ahh Elder Palatka. Nice to see you again” Sheriff Warren said with excitement.
“I just came from the Aquafer dungeon. We just had collapse on Tunnel 3. It opened up a whole new section that has yet to be explored. I just assisted with getting the trapped out. Young man I suggest you watch your dark magic device’s volume. Animals when disturbed will attack in masses. Don’t piss off mother nature again. Plus, I was a mile away and I heard that horrible music shakes the earth.
“I won’t let it ever happen again sir, I’m sorry.” Ryan replied.
“The Phoenix bird left when you ended that noise. She will show up again if she is disturbed. I suggest not pissing her off in her fire form. Shes almost impossible to defeat.” He explained while walking away with his staff. The Elf man taps his staff on the ground and Turns into eagle and then flies off.
Soon Zephyr arrives back to the scene. “He Turns out they could hear that music a mile away” He explained to her.
“Lady Thickmane do you know this man?” Sherriff Warren asked.
“Yes, he’s my Partner” She replied to him.
“I wont Fine him for disturbing the peace this time. Keep him under raps please” He tells her.
Zephyr smiles at Ryan. “Sherriff Warren wants me to tell to stop causing a Ruckus” She tells Ryan Sarcastically.
“Oh, you are a Funny girl” He tells her as he rides away.
“Hey that was a fun fight” He told her.
Suddenly A Gold message comes into his head. “Quest: Survive the Battle with the Phoenix! (Partially complete). Reward 7000 XP” Suddenly Ryan’s Eyes glows Icy-blue. He gains 5 levels.
Zephyr Also Levels up by 1 level. She is now level 6.
“Cool I Gained 7000 Xp from that battle!” he shouts.
“What the fuck? I did the most damage and only got 2000 Xp” She screams in Anger.
“You got Ejected from the battle. You should of ran back and helped out”, He told her.
“I was healing that poor bastard who broke my fall!” She said while laughing.
“Oh well Hey at least near your level range now” He explained to her.
“I’m thirsty. Want to go get something to Drink at the Inn?” She asked him.
“I’m down for that!” He said with excitement.
“He while we are there want to Yiff?” She said with Flirty tone.
“Look you are awesome, but just not my type” He tells her.
“Oh, Come on! I bought you a Sword and healed you! Repay me back dude I like really need it some excitement right now” She demanded.
“How you are going about this is all wrong. That’s kind of a “Rapey” train of thought. I’m not a fan of Tail or Ears. Everything else about your body is perfect. Boobs and all. But its just not my cup of tea” He tells her calmly.
“Racist much bro?” A fellow hunter said while passing them.
“Even he agrees your being really Closeminded” She cried at him.
Ryan smiles at her and shrugs his shoulders.
“Ok you want excitement right now?” he said while smirking.
“Absolutely! I need it so bad right now” She cried in a Naughty girl tone.
Ryan picks up a stick and throws it as hard as he can.
“Here girl… Go Fetch!” He said sarcastically.
Zephyr gets extreamly pissed off and Tackles Ryan to ground in anger. She Starts chocking him While everyone just looks on.
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