《Blue Screen Blues》Chapter 4: "Oh She Seems Normal"
After leaving the spawn room, Ryan Materializes into a new world. The first thing he does is checks his crotch. He takes a peek down there and Takes a Deep breath of Sweet relief. She WAS joking.
With a sigh of relief, he takes a look around. The Bright sun and Blue sky are the first thing he notices first. Then he realizes the world around him is different. The world is bright and colorful, with much different textures. He puts his hands up in front of him and studies them.
"I like these Graphics!" He says while flipping his palms over. He is in a Video game setting. The hues of Blues, Greens, Yellows, and Reds are much sharper, and Much more beautiful to him.
Ryan thinks to himself. This being a New Dimension the Gods who put together this new world must have invented some new Colors and Upgraded the graphics card. Everything is so beautiful!
He hasn't been this interested in the colors of the world since he was in elementary school.
Ryan realizes this world is perfect. He looks around and finds himself outside a big huge wall. He can smell an Ocean Breeze, and a unique smell of Horses. He walks along a road toward the wall. He can see a Big huge fort-like city. He can see ahead a sign planted into the ground. He walks over to it and reads it.
As soon as he touches the sign, a small Blue holographic message pops up in his head.
The message obscures his mind. But he reads it.
"Welcome to Lectioterra Adventures! Please make your way inside Staug city and report to Mayor Max. He will welcome you to this wonderful city!"
Ryan was trying to figure out what this screen was. That's when he realizes it's a starter Quest.
He thinks its pretty cool this is how Quests are offered. They just pop into your head. He thinks hard and accepts the quest with his Thoughts.
He walks into the city gates and there are 2 guards talking. They wave at Ryan.
"He where Can I find Mayor max?" He asks them.
"New guy huh? He's over in city hall. Just over there." He said while pointing at a White building.
Ryan bows his head and thanks him. He jogs past them and heads to a Tall white building in the middle of City. He walks inside and Mayor Max is sitting at his desk.
"Greetings Ryan! Welcome to Staug city. We are glad to have you join in on the Development our wonderful city!" He tells him. Suddenly Blue quest Message pops up in his head. "Quest Complete!" 5 gold awarded.
Another quest pops into his head.
Quest: "Walk with Mayor Max around the city and learn about Staug city"
Ryan accepts the quest,
Mayor Max gets out of his hand, and Shakes Ryan's hand.
"Welcome to this wonderful City! You are at Staug city. Walk with me buddy and I will show you around!" He said while getting up from his chair. He walks outside and gives Ryan a Guided tour.
They walk by some stables and there was a 14-year-old shoveling hay. "Staug city is a Starter town for new adventures just you! We are a Very safe town with plenty of things to do" He said as they walked by the Blacksmith who was repairing a Sword.
"This is the blacksmiths shop. You can come here to ask him to make items for you and Repair your Weapons and Armor." He said as they walked past it.
Ryan looks at the walls of the city and counts the corners. This Fort-like city had 4 corners, it was Square in the center, and on the outside of the 4 corners there was what looked like Triangle shaped Spear Bastions.
They soon pass An Inn and 2 old men were outside just talking. "Hello Mayor Max!" one of the men said as they walked past him. Mayor max waves back at him. "This is the Old Inn. You can come here to spend the night, grab something to Eat, or find Quests or party members. He explained.
Ryan sees a tall woman in Silver and tan Armor Sharpening her sword with a Sharping stone. They walk past the Inn and Ryan is lead into The Military District.
"So, this is the Armory, this is where you will find all the class Trainers should you find out what class you want to choose. We have some of the nicest Trainers in town.!" He said while a New student in magic casts an Ice bolt at a target dummy. The Student misses it and the bolt goes over the wall. Not long after missing you can Hear someone on the other side of the wall screaming in annoyance. The Trainer grabs his students arm and shows him what he did wrong.
"In times Emergency the class leaders will be your Commanding Officers. so please listen to them." He tells him.
"Wait what do you mean Emergency?" Ryan asks.
"Staug city is 10 miles from a Combat zone, we sometimes get some Invasions. We have been dealing with an Anarchy group that's been rising around these parts to the north. They are a whole bunch of bandits that don't want to follow the law and want to harm our way of life. Hopefully you won't have to see us defend out city, but if you do, we ask that you get in and assist," He explains to him with a serious Tone.
"Good to know!" Ryan said while giving him a Thumbs up.
Mayor Max leads Ryan up some steps onto the fort walls. He can feel the wind blowing on his face. The Smell of Saltwater is noticeable. He looks at the Bay beneath the seawall. He can see its high tide, The body of water in front of him is a narrow saltwater bar-bounded Estuary. There were 2 islands in the horizon with an Inlet between them both. One to the left and one to the right. He smiles and takes a deep breath.
"This is the fort wall; this is the best place to see the surrounding areas. We will also generally hold meetings here outside of city hall every now and then" He explained to Ryan.
Ryan whos distracted by the scenery just bows his head and The Mayor Leads them off the fort wall. He then Shows Ryan the rest of the town.
He shows him the Market Square, the Alchemist, the Stonemason, the Cobbler shop and The Sherriff. Mayor Max walks over and introduces Ryan to The Sherriff of the town,
"This is Sherriff Warren" Mayor Max Says with excitement. Ryan Smiles and shakes the Sherriff's hand.
"New around here? Let me just give you the basic rules around here. #1 No Fighting or Dueling inside the city gates. If you are mad at someone go Cause a ruckus outside! We don't want fighting here. #2 There is No Re-admittance into the city after sundown, we will lock down the city at that time. We have a problem with Undead around here. They Get stronger at night in these parts, so you remember that before you get locked out and have to spend the night outside, #3 Absolutely no Stealing! If caught stealing, we will toss you into the stockades for a Month. Don't even try it we have eyes everywhere. Lastly #4 We are a nice community here; we would like you to Share your Wild game meat with the town. We Try to not let anyone starve here." He explained to him.
Ryan smiles at him. "I absolutely will follow all the rules sir" He told him.
"That's good, I'm a Fair man, you don't have to be scared of me, but if you do something wrong you better expect I will be a whole different person" He replied.
"Now if you will excuse me, I have to go, there is a disturbance to the West I need to go investigate. He said while picking up his sword and Shield.
"That's pretty much is the tour of this Small town" Mayor Max explained,
Mayor Max hands Ryan 6 gold and Ryan's Quest is Complete.
"Here take this, it will help you out in this glorious town!" Mayor Max Told Ryan while walking away.
"I have some things I need to get down as well, please make yourself at home and once again, Welcome to Staug City!" He told Ryan in a cheerful tone.
Ryan walks back up to the Sea wall and gets a better view of the town. He smiles and enjoys the view. He leans against the wall and pulls out his cellphone. He makes sure it's working. When it comes on, He is so excited. This is going to be a Wonderful Life here in this world. He sits on the edge of the fort wall and dangles his feet from the wall. He goes through his playlist and puts on the Song: "City of Ocala" From A Day to Remember.
He puts his phone in camera mode and takes a picture of the Harbor.
He Kind of laughs. He's thinking about how taking a picture of this world should be defined. Would this be taking a Screenshot? Or should he call this taking a picture? He ponders on that question for a few seconds and Decides to call it "Taking a Screenshot".
He Stands up and walks around the city with his music playing. It attracts the attention of a few people.
They wonder where the sound is coming from. Ryan lowers the volume but has got the attention of a Mage.
"What is that?" The man asks.
Ryan thinks really hard on what he should say. He could say cellphone, but that would be hard to explain to him what it was.
"It's a Magical Trinket. It lets me track my Progress, my quests, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I got it off a monster" Ryan told the mage.
"It's playing some weird music I never heard before" He replies back.
"I know, I'm still trying to figure out this whole thing," Its really neat. He told him as he slips it into his pocket.
"Which monster did you get it off of?" he asked.
"One of the undead" He said while continuing his lie.
"Let me see it please?" The mage asks him.
Ryan pulls it out and pauses his song. The mage takes a look at it and freaks out.
"Oh god shes back!" He said while running into the Military District.
Ryan Knowing the whole "One lies leads to another" Saying, decides to walk away. Hopefully this won't cause any trouble. He walks down the stairs into the main area of the city. He walks out the gate and takes a short walk. Once outside the gate he resumes his music.
He follows the main road to the north east and sees a dirt path into some heavy thick woods.
He stays on this path and sees an Orange Tree. He Reaches up and tries to take an orange, and suddenly a Bear appears. Ryan Sees the animal and pauses his music.
Ryan is startled.
He stays still and hopes the Bear didn't see him. The bear slowly walks toward him. Ryan takes a deep breath and looks for a path out of the wood line. He takes a step back and the Bear immediately starts charging at him.
"Oh Crap!" Ryan screams. He then Turns around and starts running.
This is of course a bad idea. But he doesn't have a weapon on him. He traded a Starter weapon for a cellphone. (Such a Smart choice)
He runs out of the Woods and the bear is hot on his ass. "Oh My God I don't want to die yet!" He screams as he runs toward the city gates. The bear catches up to him and Ryan gets bit in the leg. Ryan falls over onto the ground and the bear goes for a Pounce.
Out of nowhere a Hooded Woman comes to his rescue and Stabs the bear and grabs its attention.
She Stabs the bear 4 times in the side and then swiftly hops on its back. And Sinks her dagger into the throat of the animal.
It Roars in pain then goes down and she pulls her dagger out. She pulls her hood down and licks the blade and turns around.
Ryan sees her and notices its Not a human.
It was a Furry chick. She was 80% human, 20% Cat- like creature. She was wearing all Black Leather clothing, she had A Black shirt with a Green Stripe outline, A black Spiked collar, Black laced arm guards Black leather shorts and had A medium length bushy tail hanging out of a hole in those pants. She was 5 foot 5' had Normal human feet and hands and had an Almost human like Face and hair.
Her hair was long, messy and was Neon Red. Her Hair matched the color of her eyes.
He thought hard about her. She resembled Ahri from League of Legends. But she was geared for Melee Combat and Wore a small Yellow and Black backpack.
"Great, they have Furries here!" He said inside his head sarcastically.
"Hey are you okay?" She asked him. She asked in a kind and caring tone.
"Yes, But the bear got my ankle pretty good. It really stings" Ryan said sounding distressed.
The girl looks at it and Smiles at him. Her ears go up and her Tail goes down. She Starts purring and hugs him.
Ryan has no idea what she is doing.
"Is she about to eat me?" was the first thought that ran through Ryan's head.
He knows he's in no condition to run right now, and that he is unequipped to Fight back. If She wants a Free lunch theres nothing stopping her.
He can feel her purring and the vibrations feel weird. He looks down at his ankle and it stops bleeding. His wound is slowly healing up. He stares into this chick's blood red eyes. Ryan is terrified right now.
You see, Ryan when he was alive, he didn't like the whole Furry culture. They flooded the Conventions he went to, and he just didn't understand them. Those people scared him. He tried to stay Far away from them.
Its funny how Now he has one right now clinging to him staring into his eyes. Ryan is trying really hard not to freak out.
He looks down at his leg and notices the bleeding wound is quickly stopping and closing up.
She pushes against him harder with her body and purrs harder. Shes healing him somehow.
After 1 minute of this awkward hug, she gets off of him and helps him up.
"Your healed" She said while she picked up her dagger.
"Wait your not going to eat me?" He asked in a scared tone.
"Wait what? No! Why would you ever think I would do such a Thing? I just healed you!" She said sounding Upset.
"I'm sorry I'm not from here, I thought you were going to kill me." He Replied still feeling scared of her.
"I'm Not a Werewolf you Idiot. I'm a Lyieku" She told him while slapping him playfully.
"A Lyieku? Whats that?" He asked her.
The Girl Facepalms.
"I'm part human and part beast" She replied.
"I know that! But I never Seen one of you before" Ryan replied.
"Wait, are you apart of that anarchy group that's causing trouble for us in Sivika? Are you Racist against Lyieku's?" She asked in a Firm tone.
"No, I am not Racist, but to be honest Furries Freak me out a little bit."
The girl facepalms again.
"Look I noticed you don't have a weapon. Where is it at?" She asked him while sheathing her daggers.
"I haven't bought one yet. I was just out her taking a walk. I didn't expect to get attacked." Ryan explained.
"Oh, I see. Your new here. Well come with me" She said while grabbing his arm and dragging him to the City gates.
"What are you doing?" Ryan asked out of Curiosity.
"Mom always taught me the only reason someone is racist against a certain species is because "they are Either Scared or Jealous of them.". I'm buying you a Weapon so you can change your outlook on life on us. We are not somone to be scared of. We are quite caring." She said as she dragged him into the blacksmiths shop.
"I'm not Racist, but to be honest your Annoying me bitch!" Ryan said in annoyance.
When Ryan realizes where he is, he sees the blacksmith, and he's making a disappointed face.
The chick's mood changes. Her Tail and Ears reflect this.
"I'm not a Fucking dog! I am 85% human, 10% Cat, mixed in with only 5% Wolf!" She said in an irate stage.
The blacksmith frowns at Ryan.
"I need one sword for my Racist Friend here" She asks the blacksmith.
"I'm Not Racist! I just don't Understand you guys!" He shouted back in a annoyed tone. Suddenly he realizes what he just said. He covers his mouth and slowly bangs his head against the wall.
"I'm sorry that came out wrong". He said while she giggles at him.
The Blacksmith pulls a short sword off the wall and hands it to her.
"Heres Beginner level sword for your racist Friend Lady Thickmane."
She grabs the sword and smiles at him.
"Thank you, Ernie," She said while digging into her bag. She gives him some wrapped meat and puts it on the counter and hands him 150 gold. She grabs Ryan and drags him outside with her free hand and his sword in the other. They walk outside the gates and enter the woods.
"Take this sword. Now you have one so you don't have to be jealous of me" She told him While giggling and smiling at him.
Ryan is silent. She doesn't know how annoying this is to him. He takes a minute to evaluate his next choice of words. He just grabs the sword and hugs her.
"I'm sorry. your Right. I jumped the gun. Look you saved my life and healed me. I been saying the wrong words for the past 15 minutes. I'm Socially awkward and tend to say things without thinking them through. I'm not Racist at all. I just never saw a Lyieku before" He told her while he pets her.
She Growls at him.
"Don't EVER pet me! You don't know how annoying that is!" She barked at him in an Angry tone.
Ryan laughs a little bit at decides to keep petting her. She mildly bites his hand as a warning to cut it out.
"Stop that! Let's go kill beasts you Noob" She told him while pulling him by his arms further into the woods.
Hang on what is your name? Ryan asks while she keeps pulling him further into the woods.
"My name is Zephyr Thickmane. What is yours? She Replies
"Ryan Glasser" He replies back to her.
"Well Ryan, I am level 5. I want to be level 15 by the end of this week. I saved your life, bought you a sword, and Healed you. The way I see it, you are my Grinding buddy. She replied in a Confident yet excited tone."
"Sounds fair to me!" He said while petting her again just to annoy her.
She gives him a Death Stare, and kind of just Randomly smiles at him, and purrs.
They see a bear in the distance and stop.
"Whats our plan?" Ryan asks as he turns around to check to his rear for any surprises.
When he turns back to face the bear Zephyr has Disappeared from his sight.
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