《Smoke and Murders》Game for Lonely People
It has only been a few days but that night was something he would keep with him until the day he died.
The thrill of being finally allowed to put a bullet between that bitch's eyes ended as exciting as he had imagined. Shame, despite how much squealing and mewing she did, she had to flop down dead so quickly.
The prices he had to pay for his preferred choice in weaponry.
Carly, being all-in on it and getting them to roast the lady and her shitty jewellery, bumped her up to a special place in his little heart.
A good 7/10 would work with again.
Who cares if she was being a little weird and Loulou vomited immediately afterwards, he might as well have got himself in a trophy with them that night.
It was perfect in every way.
The best part of it all was...
He was free...
Not indebted to some creepy richy rich bastards.
Not even back to where he was prior.
Being is boss' number one.
Free... Is that what it felt like?
He was a bit at a loss of what to do next. He could right now walk out that door and never look back. Give a big old Fuck you to every one of these psychopaths.
It was what he had been planning to do from the very beginning, but he felt it was only fair to at least get some feedback on the aftermath from Loulou.
To make sure he would not get hunted down again once he’s a free man by the dead lady’s now worthless associates...
That would suck big time.
There was also still the fact he was lying on the bed of his room with his laptop and nothing to do, except access to the chat rooms and social media once he had access.
That Lucky girl needs to learn her computer specs thou, this laptop was complete trash. He honestly thought they would stop selling crap with this tiny amount of RAM.
Loukas after that night had not made many attempts to return his calls or even make any calls himself. Most likely trying to get this whole mess over and done with.
There was also the issue with him being involved in a murder cover-up, but he expected that. The guy seemed soft and sensitive, in a somewhat enduring way, but him agreeing to this murder cover-up was still perfect.
However, Hide felt odd. All Loukas’ responses to him via phone had been blunt and distant ever since that night.
Hide would normally shrug it off as he would never see that rich boy ever again, but...
He would never see him again.
... damn it, he did not like the sound of that. Handsome, dumb... okay, Loukas was not as stupid as he initially thought, but Hide wanted at least some closure.
It was… kinda fun to hang out with them.
Hide looked down at his stolen pastel coloured phone and then at his contacts, one of them stuck out.
Calls herself Lucky, but whatever, he wasn’t in any place to judge nicknames.
Compared to every fellow good-for-nothing he had been friends with, this Lucky chick helped deliver his bullets, hacking tools and hardware replacement parts he needed for an escape. No clue why she helps, maybe she wants the neighbourhood back alley hacker/ weapon dealer back on the streets for some business.
Maybe she just wanted to pay for the neighbourhood BJ specialist back in town for a good cam show. Both were sadly very likely.
However, as much as he wanted to bug this mysterious woman, she only seemed to pick up his calls or chat room messages when he was not pestering her.
There’s Cheryl, but it’s 3 pm on a Saturday. Horse fucker probably rides those things as he flirts with that buck-tooth ginger guy.
Hide wanted to just annoy the living someone to ease the growing unbearable boredom he was experiencing. Thus he got out of his bed, put on some of his usual shorts, pulled on a coat and exited.
Carole was not the last person on his mind for this. It was more similar to Loukas in that there were some issues, but unlike nervous man, at least he knew where she was.
Not holed up surrounded by Richy rich people and kissing their asses, as if you wanted to start licking their assholes.
He felt bad for Loukas. In theory, at least Carole and himself could leave and not deal with these types if they wanted to.
He had already gotten sick of dealing with them normally. At least Cherly is fun to tease usually.
Loukas, could not, the man seemed to be cursed to stay with these people until the end of his days.
Hide stood in front of Carole's door and rapped at it.
There was no response initially, so he aimed for ultimate irritation and just kept at it longer and longer before stopping again and waited for a bit more.
As he started up his next round of knocking, he heard, “It’s open... stop banging on it,” from the other side.
“Well, don’t mind if I do,” he said, opening it up and seeing Carole on her bed lying down in what he can presume was her pyjamas long shirt over some pants.
So she hadn't left the bed at all.
He gave her his usual smile, “How’s it going, Carly? I’m bored.”
“What do you want?…”
Cutting to the root of the problem, wasn’t she?
“Well, let’s play a game of Q and A,”
He had to make this whole thing a game. It was easier that way. He did not get what her deal was, other than the murdering, but he suspected something else was very off about this.
He had always suspected her of chopping people up with those knives. Trust no one is his motto. Normal crime-free, innocent people do not automatically think of ways to dispose of bodies they accidentally kill.
Only nutters.
“Why are you here?” She wasn’t even trying to face him, nor even let him set the turns.
How rude.
“I wasn’t lying when I said I was bored. This is more to entertain myself before I leave,” he answered.
“... You ever stabbed people before....tight?” And just as she was getting to the point, he ditched his usual teasing and dancing around the subject to get his answers. He was genuinely curious at this point.
A murderous angel tutor. Not something he would ever see again.
“... Not any I could think of…” she said after an uncomfortable minute of silence.
He hopped over to her and sat at the edge of the bed near her, causing Carole to groan in annoyance.
“Boring, I just assumed cus by your quick reaction time, you were used to that kind of thing.”
“Ever killed another person?” she asked
Ah, that question and without hesitation, he answered, “Yes, of course, people like me don’t have that luxury of always getting peaceful resolutions for everything... Mostly just me pissing off someone enough that they needed a bullet to keep them off my ass.”
He shifted closer, “If you're wondering, Nah didn’t feel sorry afterwards. Maybe after the first time, I did so,” He then laughed, “No, no, wrong I was more surprised the first time, I guess I’m just a messed up puppy.”
She craned her head from her pillow, showcasing her usual lack of sleep as she finches as he said puppy, “I’m… I'm convinced my best friend and... ex to stab to death I guess my teacher.”
Okay, he did not expect that was where this was going.
He was more expecting some regret and "how murder is bad" preaching like he was at a church. He’ll be all "don’t give a shit murder is fun" and he’ll get kicked out for being annoying.
But not that blunt and bare.
“Eh,” Not his best response.
Hide sat in a comfortable sitting position on the bed as this intrigued him. He had to know more. “Hey, you don’t leave me on a cliffhanger like that. It's rude and mean, and awful. Tell me pwetty pwease.”
He fluttered his long eyelashes at her as if it would make her more willing.
She rubbed her hand through her hair. She could easily kick him off if she wanted to.
“Do you know what they do to angels here?”
Hide knew supposed to be taught the ways of the world once they leave their first place.
What Ildens angels are taught anyway?
Every other place has its purpose out in the open, but here it's all secretive.
“Of course I know what they do to them,” He said out of pride, “But it may do some good to have a little refresher from a dear friend like you.”
“You are insufferable….,” she closed her eyes and started, “First step adoption by a normal human family and raised until age 13.”
As usual, Mrs monotone talks about it like it was some sort of instruction manual. It was a somewhat ironically charming trait, but no way in hell will he ever admit that to her face.
“Once 13 I got taken from my moms’ care for official private tutoring, by Ilden’s official. To help assist with controlling my powers... learning Latin... and assigned my duty…” she turned her face towards the window and muttered, “At least I got to say goodbye… they were crying...”
“Hmm, probably missed you, but eh adoption services and orphan kids aren't Ilden’s strong point, anyway.”
“Are you speaking from experience or something?” she asked skeptically.
Hide was not a fan of sharing that kind of stuff about himself, he wanted that part buried along with everything else of the past. His name, his age, his everything. He however wanted her to continue the mildly interesting story so a little information would not hurt, “Yeah, switched homes once they discovered my tech talent and ditched me once I stopped being cute. I guess the same for you once they realize the no powers thing.”
“Yeah…,” Carole, despite her usually emotionless presentation, clutched the pillow in her hand tightly, “To make matters worse...my tutor was a creep...if you know what I mean... Insisted I was a guy.... never got the chance to do anything... but made his… intentions clear... purity and crap were what he went on and on about. I guess angels are the purest of them all.”
“Well, bastard deserved to die, simple as that,” Hide knew exactly what she meant. He felt fortunate enough to never meet those types as a naïve kid, but he had met enough older men like that.
See a cute, young, underage looking person to fuck and present as a conquest even when they need a pill to get their dicks even halfway up. His preference aside, he found these types disgusting. Biased by his experience or not.
“You're not helping,” she replied with a grimace.
“But that’s the truth and you know it.”
She suddenly raised her voice, “But the issue is I felt nothing when I saw him dead. Fear, horror, disgust, just nothing, It's... not normal."
She looked to the ceiling, "You know... that day. I thought he would die and felt my work was done here,” she lowered it back down again as she muttered, “Same for this time.....”
Hide was silent as she explained herself. This was... very much not what he expected. If a god came down directly to bitch slap him with what would happen today, he still wouldn't believe it.
She continued, “Angels are not to be like this, even a useless one like me, and you know why?” Her lips curled up into a sorrowful smile.
“I’m not an angel"
The words that came out of her mouth was as cold as always but this time it had some sharpness.
"... just as much of an abomination as those emaciated things around the manor. Explains why I attract some of them. Just... an expensive failure all around.”
Hide held her face with his two hands and after a moment of studying a surprised angel’s face, he poked her squishy nose.
“Stop that, who gives a shit?”
“Excuse me?”
He liked that surprised confused expression plastered upon her face.
“There hasn’t been a true angel born here in like decades,” Hide then poked her nose again causing her to grimace and him to smirk, “Angel or not you're the most interesting one of the bunch on tv the other angel's look like assholes too big to bother with us lesser beings. It's cute.”
Carole still stunned replied, “You know me helping you was initially through blackmail right?”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I’m still not grateful for your help.” He leaned forward as their noses were almost touching.
“And those wings are beautiful. But my question is. Was fun in an exciting way like a movie, or the sexy w-”
And with that a pillow smacks across his face, knocking him onto the floor, destroying the sappy mood. Thank Orbis.
".... creep..."
He knows.
“Enough..” Carole was holding on to the pillow in a lazy glare as Hide burst out laughing. At Least she’s no longer moping anymore.
“… If you must know I’m not a creep like you,” she said
“Hey! don’t slander me like, I find it a fun ass hobby if you're wondering. I more sexually enjoy the violence done to me.” He smirks as licks his lips and got up from the floor, “So we’re cut from the same fucked of cloth. Who would have thought?”
“Whatever you say...”
"Hey, I enjoy a little spicy and sweetness in life, Carly Warly,”
“Speaking of sweetness… Have you seen Loukas lately?” she asked,
Ignoring his nickname for her, Boooooo.
Hide stopped his snickering and looked up at her with confusion, “Hm? Not since that night, the fella doesn’t even return my calls." He pouted and then added, "Gotta crush?”
Ignoring him again, she said, “He did contact me yesterday personally.”
Not fair...Why her?
“But..,” Carole passed a hand through her tangled locks, “I wasn’t in the right state... of mind...so I kinda regret what I said....”
“You were an anti-social stone probably… so nothing new. Boy should be used to it by now.”
Despite her glare, she reached into her pockets, ignoring him again. This was at this point outright offensive. She pulled out a letter and handed it to him, “He wanted you to have this.”
Although he was confused by this gesture Hide took the letter from her hand and said, “Oh, he sent me a love letter? How sweet of him. Alas, I'm too wild for prissy rich guys. Untamable even.”
"Just read it already."
He snickered before he looked down at the letter as his eyes danced over every word, expression growing more serious with every syllable.
Dear Mr Hildmire Presont,
You have been accepted to work for the Asbjorn company as our IT analyst on probation, once you have completed your time, you may apply to become our head IT analyst. All thanks to a glowing recommendation from Mr Asbjorn himself.
We expect to see you at work as soon as you accept our generous offer.
Congratulations on getting the post, and we look forward to working with you soon.
Asbjorn Corporation
Loulou… got him the position….
Hide's cheery wide smile grew as he felt a rare happy warmth spread from his chest.
Now... would you look at that...
Upgrade Specialist in Another World
Just as a gamer found an overpowered skill book called ‘Item Upgrade’ in the hottest virtual reality role-playing game on Earth, something happened to the game’s system, causing his soul to leave his body and go to another dimension. Common sense dictates that he would be born anew then become the greatest overlord of this world by making use of his advanced knowledge. Not in this case! He was already dead. Only some fragments of his soul and that skill book managed to get into that dimension and merge with an ordinary common youngster called Bai Yunfei.This was the enormous Tianhun continent, where humans could be said to have no limits. There was a group of humans here who could cultivate the power of their own souls then control their bodies, the natural elements and even other people’s souls with that power! These special beings were called — soul cultivators. Come witness how the several fragments of the dead inter-dimensional traveler’s soul and that skill book, which was not governed by the laws of this plane, were going to help Bai Yunfei become a legendary soul cultivator and craftsman!
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Hero Demon Synthesis
Classes; Skills; Spells. In a fantasy world that is ruled by the Gods, a person's life relies heavily on these three items. What can a Warrior do by herself? Well, it depends on the situation really. Could a single Warrior really take on a Dragon alone? Well, what if they were in a Party? A bad Party goes off to die. A good one though can change the world. This is the story of Paige, a seemingly simple Warrior, who lives a seemingly normal life. Author's Notes: Updates are every three days unless noted otherwise. Rough drafts of the next chapter are updated on my blog: http://zoidianblog.home.blog Cover photo is an edited version of "Mount Pleasant Cemetery Walk" by JasonParis and is licensed under CC BY 2.0 / Photo effects applied to the original photo. Photo was used as the inspiration for a typical depiction of a mausoleum in book 1.
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blood rose
frank Is a sociopath with that likes to murder in artistic ways he is transmigrated to another world in kingdom of esus among other huge kingdoms each the size of continents, the world it self is huge with many races from elf’s to dwarfs and even undead our mc is transmigrated into franks body, a normal vampire left for dead after being attacked by vampire hunters how will our mc fare with his new vampire body perfectly known for their artistic talents and their love for blood. frank way of thought can not be determind, he does what he wants when he wants it not minding anyone around him. my note: this is the first time writing a anything besides my assignmensts but i love vampires and i find the lack of vampire stories disturbing, frank will develop through out the story there will be not harem and no imediate plans for female lead, also english is not my first lang so please tell me if you have anything you want me to fix. length of chapters is unknown and frequency of upload is the same, i have alot of ideas but they maynot be able to come to life in writing. The character is inspired by jhin from lol and joker(phenoix) cover is not mine credit to: sleep no more
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class 1-a chatfic
[[ 𝗙𝗘𝗧𝗨𝗦 𝗕𝗢𝗢𝗞 ,, 𝗗𝗢 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗 ]]hey bestiesss ;)shit happens and it gets kinda chaotic lmao-before you attack me, ik izuku isn't 'uwu baby' , i just wanted to write him like this <>[ DD/MM/YY ]#1 in bnhachatfic - 6/3/21#1 in katsudeku - 25/3/2110k reads - 21/5/21#6 in bakudeku - 8/6/21
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❣️ မောင့်ကကြိုးရုပ် ❣️
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Eight years ago Harry Potter, a potions addict, disappeared from his family's life. Fast forward eight years to 2016, where a muggle doctor, Draco Malfoy, appears on the Potter's doorstep to inform them of Harry's current condition: Not good.Disclaimer: The characters contained here are the property of J.K. Rowling. This story is for entertainment purposes only.Writer: Severussnapeismybff New Writer Name: ButtterrProfile: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Buttterr/pseuds/ButtterrAo3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7364128/chapters/16726693Old profile: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Buttterr/pseuds/Severussnapeismybff
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