《Smoke and Murders》Plan Fail
Today was her off day.
This meant until later that night, she would be free to do anything she wanted until nightfall.
Relax her nerves, drink some tea, read a good book or just get back into painting.
However, ever since her revelation at the church, all she could think about was why would anyone want to take away wings?
She laid in her bed. Even as the sun was high in the sky she had not budged from her place.
This was not exactly unusual for her, even during her time living with Lucky she would simply lay in bed not wanting to get up and do anything as the world passed her by. Unlike those other times, her mind was not tired, to the contrary, she had never felt more awake and active in her life inside her head.
When that night finally arrived, she had no idea what to expect from it at all.
She passed by other staff she heard the occasional whisper of their target, an occasional mutter about her, and even, most likely from bold family brown-noser the words, “Well, of course, an outsider would do something like that I mean-”
She would almost feel bad for the woman. She an outsider in every way to this family, lost the little support she had. All caused by someone from the very family she married into. However, the lady was hardly an innocent saint, the exact opposite. Most likely involved in tearing her wings, kept what was essentially a slave and whatever Loukas’ issue with her, enabled the abuse of her nephew.
Carole had little sympathy at this point.
Loukas right now should handle whatever ‘negotiations’ he mentioned. That is for him to deal with, not her nor Hide.
This entire family...
Quae est mors recuso mori
What was...
A small mouse girl servant came to her and asked for her to meet with Mrs Laura Asbjorn in the library.
It all started with her in the kitchen for a cup of coffee. An all-around bad idea for how late it was, but she had work to prepare for the next morning.
Coming up to her was a beast-kin, head hung low as usual when interacting with humans and politely told her in a small voice about Mrs Asbjorn’s request to meet with her in that library that night.
Carole’s blood ran cold when she heard that request but, as usual, she tried not to show her apprehension or agitation. She swallowed her drink and gave a nod and followed the girl into the library.
As soon as she arrived, the girl bowed her head and left her alone in that room.
Carole tapped her cane on the floor nervously as her mind wondered about many things, but what almost sent her into an internal panic was seeing Hide enter the room, hands in his pockets, the now deactivated false collar around his neck for show.
The collar, deactivated by the key, was just to allow him to keep up with the act whilst around here. Just in case the people involved noticed its absence.
He was following, with an apathetic expression, a sheep beast-kin, who left as swiftly as the mouse girl.
His eyes widened in surprise as soon as they landed on her.
Something was up…
Were they tricked?
Did Mrs Laura find out about the little plan?
Did Loukas sell them out?
The one thing, she sure of was, they were in some big trouble.
Neither said a word to each other as the door opened again, followed by the sound of clicking heels and the appearance of a tall middle-aged woman.
Her black hair tied up into a messy bun, as she looked down from her 3-inches heels with disdain. Her clothes and jewellery were of wealth and formality, from the small gem-stone earrings in her ears to her silky scarf covered around the collar of her dress shirt.
She between her lips was a cigar, that despite herself trying to appear aloof, grounded between her teeth.
“You two…,” Her voice filled with barely hidden bitterness. Carole and Hide said nothing back at her as her animosity grew to a full display.
“Hildmire, do as you're told you stupid sheep and follow me and you... Mrs Losnedahl better follow as well. From what I’ve gathered, you had already got yourself involved for god knows what.”
The woman’s harsh tone caused Carole to turn to Hide, who glared back at the older woman with an equal distaste. He was not moving.
The Woman then pulled out a button in front of him and said, “Move or else this would be the last thing you feel.”
Hide flinched at her words, but his obvious initial fear seemed more of a trained reaction as he looked down at his deactivated collar.
Looks like she does not know yet.
Hide played along for now as he muttered a simple, “Fuck you” as she unlocked the entrance to that familiar room, where they previously made their plans.
No accommodations for her bad leg, nor her back as they were to climb down that ladder.
“Get down here faster, angel girl,” the woman barked at her as she and Hide were already at the bottom with herself still half down, climbing slowly.
She already disliked this person.
How was she supposed to get down any faster?
Does she think the cane was for show?
By the time she reached the bottom, Laura took them back to that office where they got the key.
Furnace still raging with fire for warmth, pipes occasionally leaking ventis and most unexpected Loukas standing near the desk who turned his head to their direction casually before being a gapped in complete bewilderment at the two.
Not good...
why-why’d-did you-”
“Quiet! Kid,” she snapped, cutting through his stammering, slamming her hand upon the desk.
She then grabbed Loukas by the front of his shirt and pulled the much taller boy down to meet her at eye level, “Even after everything we’ve done, you pull that on me!” Her hands were shaking, “And you had the gall to play nice after you got a beast and a failure to make me lose everything I worked for here!”
... A… failure… was Laura referring to her?
Hide could not let that statement go. He yelled out, “Beast?!, I’m more human than you bitch. I do not give a fuck about you getting kicked out of this Richy rich mansion. Boo, fucking hoo.”
Loukas was shaking as he stammered out, “I-I d-didn’t mean it li-like that. I-I mean,” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and said in a firm voice with little of his usual stuttering or softness, “You can’t just keep people like that. It's wrong. Just because you’re married to Sir doesn’t mean you can get away with that. I can never allow that on another person ever.”
Laura stared at him as if he was speaking in a different language.
Carole then spoke up, “What you’re doing would get you arrested in every other sect if this goes public, you getting divorced and living a life without this family connection should be a mercy if you ask me..”
That was a bit more than she likes to say at once. It was tiring, but someone had to say it.
If she’s reading this right, Laura must have gotten the information of her eventual ex-communication.
The three of them are just her stress balls until then.
Hide was staring at them as they defended him.
Was he... that unused to it?
Laura’s sneered at Carole's statement, and muttered, “Of course some failure would babble on about crap he has doesn’t know about”
Ignoring that remark, this woman is just being petty, there’s that term again.....Wait... How would she know?
Carole felt dizzy, she..... recognized this lady, she was there, ripping off her wings.
But... something was off.
“Do you even know what happens to people cut off like me!? You stupid, stupid boy,” Her voice was..... shaking.
Her grip tightened as on Loukas’ shirt collar. Despite the boy being much taller than her, he was quivering under her gaze, losing that previous authority and will.
“I-... um... I-I think it's ju-just um.. and-”
“You stupid, disgusting dog, they will kill me you idiot!” she yelled
And everything went silent.
Was...was she serious?
Loukas must have thought the same thing as he looked at his aunt with confusion.
“Y-you're exaggerating, right? They-they may be m-many things but-but they can’t j-just kill you-”
“Your uncle and I did everything we could for you and you're brothers,” she was barely listening as tugged on his shirt front, “And you repay him by taking away his wife. We had to go through so much-”
Loukas’ eyes went cold as she mentioned her husband and he did not even say a word nor give much of a reaction, allowing the woman to go into a rant before a loud smack echoed through the room.
Carole did not want to get involved with this familial nightmare. She disliked the mild ones of the other homes she was with, and she hated it here.
Does not change the fact that this was gross to watch, regardless. Loukas did not react as a bruise formed on the side of his face from the impact…
Carole Felt around in her pocket
“S-sorry... Auntie..,” was his only response, not even attempting a pullback.
“What the hell, lady!” Hide said as he raised his gun at her, aimed at her.
Loukas’ eyes widen into a panic.
“W-wait s-stop th-that not w-what-,”
Laura raised a button and to Hide’s formerly useless collar clicked.
“You think we got that thing cheap? shut it or it would get worse,” the woman said.
Carole... had seen... enough.
“Record…. end,” Carole said out loud.
Laura turned towards her with confusion.
Carole opened her closed eyes. This lady was way too noisy.
“You will get cut out… period... and will be without this connection, but I do have voice recorded evidence for everyone on the outside... Assault and trafficking are illegal in Ildens… Wonder what the police say about this. A no-name human trafficker with audio evidence.”
“Dang, Carly, that's soooo fucking cool,” said Hide in awe.
Laura sneered back, “Oh yeah, and who the hell are you?”
Carole dismissively shook her head, “An angel, respected member of society, my task is to help others and be society’s light...my word is worth a lot,”
Bluff... bluff and lie.
As much as that she got promised that for her future, as soon as she revealed her broken wings and lack of power. She was then tossed aside and forgotten. But Laura did not have to know this.
Laura just has to think a crippled angel’s word is worth more, regardless of how true it was.
She released Loukas from her grip and approached Carole, who at first stood firm and stoic, but before she could say anything, Laura grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and pulled up to her tiptoes. Carole’s lips twitch downwards.
“Seriously? Are you kidding me?”
“Just because you ripped off my wings. I’m no less an angel,” Carole stated.
Carole’s eyes glanced back at Hide and Loukas, they shifted, as she mouth out without a sound, “unlock his collar.”
Laura looked rattled by Carole's words and by the looks of it, Loukas may have gotten the message and was already quietly using that stolen key to unlock Hide again. Carole just had to keep Laura distracted long enough.
“You..,” Laura's voice quivered, as her hands moved to Carole’s neck, “Are not an angel, just a damn failure!”
Carole found herself unable to, as Laura's hands constricted her airways, to mouth out her sounds of discomfort, nor was her face able to indicate more than a mild annoyance. Still, her own hands were trying to free herself as she tried to tug herself free. Laura's eyes had tears flowing out of them with her reasonably pretty face twisted with rage.
She kept her surface-level calm presence, but Laura in her clear breakdown she shot her other hand out into the back of Carole’s shirt.
Tearing..out of the shirt... revealing those...wings... molted red and white feather, stumpy...no matter how many times she had dyed it never would turn fully white..and she lived with that...but to expose it like that.. in such a crude manner.
Carole went limp in her grip.
“They gave you these things, these monsters here needed an angel. We had to make one. Why it had to take so long to figure out we can't have another natural angel in this hell-hole city?”
Make one...
What does she…?
Another memory... a wingless child born of human flesh.
They Needed one.
Ventis was growing too thick as usual.
Yet everything was getting too cold...
The child looked at her wards with anticipation and fear.
Martyrs... people who go through great suffering for the greater good.
The church of flesh and bone needed one. It was always supposed to be an angel...
That was the role of angels in Ildens. Their powers change but one thing always remained the same.
What they were used for.
They can easily heal.
They are the purest of beings.
But never in the past decades has one ever been born again...
As that demon's grasp on the family grew in influence…
Finally, an Asbjorn said...
"Make one"
Many failures were made. they were called smokes. Skinny failed angel creations. They had an attraction to her.
Wings of moulted red and white, showing her difference to the world. Dripping with her blood... heavy blood….
Grabbed by hands...
The wings were torn, leaving a back of red as a sacrifice.
Vincent could not stop herself from screaming.
“Carole! let her go! She-she didn't d-do isn't involved p-please!"
A faded voice of Loukas called out to her… breaking her out of whatever hell she was remembering.
However, the voice cut short, Carole knew she was being choked to death, but... what was dripping on her face?
Her clothes soaked damp with a viscous sticky fluid that dribbled heavily on to it as someone towered over her.
She had a knife collection in memory of an old friend, carrying one always felt safe to her. She just wanted this woman to stop touching her after what that sick religion had done and as Loukas covered his mouth and overwhelmed with what he had witnessed.
There she stood...
With a knife deep in the older woman's stomach, Laura stood bewildered.
Carole was shaking once her sense came back to her, Laura hacked up blood as Carole pulled out her weapon and fell onto the ground.
Laura clutched her abdomen as she collapsed, trying to stop the bleeding.
“Auntie Laura!” Loukas called out, rushing over to her side in absolute terror….
He turned her over as she squirmed on the floor.
“Oh shit, oh fuck… You did that oh fuck. We are so Fuck” Hide was as unsettled by this as everyone else in the room clutching his floppy ears pulling them down and pacing around the room, “I thought you said that crap was just for show!”
“I... I didn’t…”
What could she say…
“S-sir g-g-g-g-oing to ki-kill us, if he-he finds out..” Loukas was staring at his bleeding aunt biting his finger until it bled, muttering over and over, “he's going to kill me, kill me, they're going to kill us.”
She did not blame the boy's panic. She slumped on the floor, staring at the bleeding woman.
If she lives... it’s all over… she would tell these people everything and with Carole’s and Hide’s statuses whether she’s disowned or not… their lives are over.
Hide offered a suggestion, “... She doesn’t have to make it out of this alive, you know…”
Laura turned to him in fear at what he was suggesting she turned her head to Loukas who looked just as rattled. He outright looked nauseous.
“I-I… w-we can’t do that.”
Slammed his hand onto the table, “So what can we do?! We’re all Fucked!” He turned his head to the ceiling, “This is such a damn mess.”
“L-Loui... please... I’m… I’m sorry... I allowed you to go through that“, she breathed out, “I’m so... sorry… I-I…”
Hide was not having any of it.
“Shut it, You made my life here trash so I honestly don’t care that Carly snapped and gutted you,” He turned to Loukas and Carole, “As enjoyable as it to watch this lady here squirm in her own blood, It would only take one bullet nothing more, to put her down.”
Loukas buried his face in his hands, breathing heavily, “We-we can’t just kill her!”
“... What did you even plan then?..”
Carole, despite her initial shock, only felt a strange numbness. Instead of focusing on Laura, she turned to Loukas, “She says she’s going to get killed by your plan… what did you plan to do when she said that she would just get killed?”
Loukas did not lift his head from his hands, Laura stared at her normally timid nephew who sat on the ground not responding.
“Loukas, you couldn’t be planning to-”
“It’s nothing, isn't it?” Hide of course cutting to the point hands shoved into his pockets.
“I…. I didn’t…”
Laura was desperate to get Loukas to help her and get her out of here.
“Louie please, think of Cherly, your brothers! Your uncle and I are all they have!”
Loukas mutters, “I… I know.”
Laura's eyes once again flashed with hope, “We took care of you, for your mom. She wouldn’t want you to do this, right?”
“N-no… of course not,” His voice was shaking, “… but-but why did you watch as th-they p-pulled out all my teeth?”
Laura’s eyes went wide with fear.
“Dang, I knew you were some sadistic bitch, but never thought you watch this crap,”
"No-no, please we had little choice, I couldn't do anything against them.” she was desperate.
“Loui… please I… they all want you to do what’s best. Please, your mother’s-”
“… Never mention her like that again.” A voice with a low growl took both Hide and Carole by surprise, “Do what’s best? Do what’s best? You people until now saw me as some kind of monster.”
Carole stared at the two Loukas’ hands were away from his face, revealing a white-fiery glare at the woman bleeding out in a pool of blood.
“Loukas,” She said as carefully as she could, “What do YOU want to do?”
Loukas turned to her as that previous hatred died down to agitation, “W-we can’t kill, t-the body.”
A weak defence.
“Eh dump that shit somewhere,” Hide said, gun still aimed.
Carole’s eyes then stayed on the furnace and a morbid idea came to her, “The human body cremates between 1400-1800 degrees Fahrenheit. This furnace can go up to a good 1600,” she turned to Loukas and a very disturbed Laura and said, “Does that answer your question?”
Hide’s visage turned to one of awe as he burst out into laughter, “That’s so messed up, It's perfect. We roast the bitch and no one has to know. Fuck it, maybe we can get her to write some morbid note of her running away and shit.”
“Shut you disgusting thing,” She yelled, Loukas said nothing.
“Say something you idiot, you can’t let me die here what would your uncle and father say! You would only prove them right.”
Loukas was not even looking at her at this point.
Loukas looked away and in a low voice said, “Hide… just-just shot her… and g-get this over with... b-before someone else comes by.”
Hide walked up to Laura, gun pointed at her head.
“You can’t believe how long I waited to do this,” he crowed.
Laura in frantic fear and wild eyes waving around everyone in the room. Carole cold and staring, Loukas not even looking at her and Hide before her aimed at her temple.
In one last act of venom she turned to Loukas and said with a mouth full of bitterness, “they were right about you, dog.”
“Whatever you say, dumb bitch,” said Hide
With that, the room echoed with a woman’s scream, immediately cut off by the sound of a gunshot ringing out.
As the flames lap against the flesh releasing an oder mingled with the suffocating Ventis smog.
No different from any other smog. On any other day.
Just as red.
Just as suffocating.
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