《Cutthroat》Episode 2: Chapter 24 - Reunion


I was nervous or rather, excited? My hands were trembling and my stomach is bursting with butterflies.

“Nadi, y-you think it’s fine to wear these masks? You think she’d recognize us?”

I whispered nervously to Nadi beside me.

“Big bro, give me your hands. Open palms, hurry!”

I pulled out my hands both palms facing up. Without notice, she slapped my palms with hers as hard as she could. A loud clapping sound echoed in the Mastris’ office, startling him and his men. The shock numbed me for a second and I felt all the tension leave as pain overtook my palms.

Mastris and his men was surprised and looked at us intently, observing us. I saw some of them pull out their sword but was stopped by Mastris immediately.

“I suggest you refrain from doing anything suspicious. The tension amongst my men right now is quite high. I wouldn’t want them suddenly attacking a possible ally.”

He said with a bitter smile. His men tried to calm down and stood in attention beside him, but tension was still on high. We were inside his office and tasteful decoration covered it. It wasn’t excessive like I imagined it to be, but enough to show authority and money. I thought gold-tacky and over-the-top furnishings would fill a noble’s office but it seems, Mastris’ reputation as a humble noble is true.

“Yes, I’m sorry. We’re nervous, you see.”

I reasoned. I couldn’t help it, I was nervous without knowing. I can’t blame them, admitting we are the ‘Dragon’s eye’ and wearing masks like these, we’re suspicious any way you look at it.

“But… is there truly a need to wear such masks? If you mean to ally your league with us, wouldn’t it be better if I can see your faces?”

He was skeptical. True, to earn his trust, we should’ve shown our faces right away. But I don’t really need a noble backing right now. I’m not that desperate, I have enough money to run my operations.


“We’re only here to see if this… ‘Violet’ is the one we were looking for. If she is, we’d like to take custody of her and negotiate an alignment with the Mastris household.”

I said full of hot air. I know that my judgement right now is not working right, but if this is truly Li and if she really lost her memories… No, that in of itself is already lucky.

“If she isn’t, then there’s no more point for this visit. The information is only 70% accurate, so this is a precaution to keep our operations intact. Please understand.”

Lies. It’s already proven that she’s Li. Nadi saw her and she knows her well. Everything here is just for show, after all, we could kill them anytime if we wanted to. This is meant to draw a line in between that we will only do something if we benefit from it.

“I see. But what would you do if we won’t let you leave?”


I shrugged my shoulders and crossed my legs and I said with a condescending voice…

“Then we have no choice but to kill you ourselves, now do we?”

Beside me, Nadi giggled. Yeah, I know. This flamboyantly arrogant attitude doesn’t suit me, it’s an act! An act, I tell you! But in response to that act, the soldiers glared at us exuding a powerful blood lust while their hands reaching for their weapon. But Nadi’s giggle grew into a laugh.

“Calm down. You should know that we wouldn’t be here without a plan.”

She egged them on, if she wasn’t wearing a mask, I’m sure she’s wearing a refreshingly scary smile right now. Everyone in the room stiffened up. Some looked around and outside the window.

Little sis, what’re you planning?

“You should understand by now that our Dragon’s eye is quite a huge organization. There’s no way in hell we’d lose. We could even wipe you out in one night.”

Wow. Everyone immediately panicked. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that their armors would rust from all that sweat! Sometimes I don’t know where Nadi hides all those blood lust.


But still, I’m surprised. After I left, the twins made the Dragon’s eye grow with only the two of them doing everything. And saying we’re a huge organization was also a lie, there’re only 5 members and only 3, including me— are active and are capable of doing the things we’ve been doing. It’s a statement with nothing but bluffs. You’d be great at poker Nadi.

A knock was heard from the door and my heart shot up to my throat. My hands were clammy and they trembled again. But I felt Nadi’s foot stepping on mine, which successfully brought me pain and my senses back.

“Come in.”

With permission, a servant opened the door from our side and a red-head kid entered. Following behind, walking nonchalantly like always was a woman with her long purple hair. The hair that gave her the nickname ‘Violet’ for her cover and surprisingly, the name she used here. She wore a light blue dress covered with blood. It wasn’t surprising because it was her default every after mission. You can say, blood was her medal.

“You’re here.”

Mastris coughed. I’m sure he got scared of Nadi earlier but I’m to nervous to worry about anything else. I mean, what do I say to her? “Long time no see?”, “Hi! How are you?” What do I say?!

“Miss Violet, there’s someone here who wish to meet you.”

He led her with his hand and after entering her line of sight, she stopped and looked at us or rather, our masks. Then she turned her head stifling a laugh. Yes, she’s Li alright. Our masks is considered scary or ominous for most people here, but Li finds it funny because she said it looks constipated.

“Big sis!!!”

With a sigh of relief, Nadi ran up to her. Without minding the blood on Li and with her mask falling, she snuggled up close to her. Tears fell from her eyes and a sigh of relief came from me. I removed my mask and fixed my glasses.

“Hey, how’ve you been?”

In the end, I said such a lame line. But tears were there, they were about to fall, but I did my best to smile as brightly as I could. The whole room was quiet and they were staring at our interaction intently. Slowly, I slowly walked.

Every step felt like eternity. I know she lost her memories and it sucks that she can’t remember but I was filled with longing and missing her. I know my face shows it, my eyes were dripping with tears and probably snot but her confused face says it all.

I definitely look pathetic right now.

As soon as I reached her, my arms immediately wrapped around her. Her sweet scent mixed with the metallic smell of blood was so familiar that it made me sob.

Finally! I finally found you!

I clung to her as tightly as I could, and without notice, she started patting my head. As gentle as before, filled with love and care. I bit my lip but my tears fell again and I could hear Nadi’s loud sobs beside me.

“…I found you!… *sob*… I found… you…”

I said between sobs while I buried my face in her hair. Mastris and the rest left the room and we introduced ourselves to Li. I was thankful for the gesture and felt sorry for the intimidation. But it doesn’t matter! Li’s here!

She couldn’t remember but she smiled happily at us. Accepting everything we said as fact.

We talked all throughout the night and Mastris even allowed us stay with Li. All three of us slept in the same room with Nadi and Li on the bed and me on the sofa.

But after that night, Li didn’t wake up.

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