《Bridging The Gap; The Final Records In Unova: An Autobiography》Contact Highs
“According to your Town Map, there’s something called the Battle Club here!” June stared at the Town Map in her hands.
“What’s the Battle Club?” I asked.
“It’s like a place where Trainers can practice against other Pokemon Trainers! You get to even choose what type of Pokemon you want to battle against! It’s great practice, the way you want to practice!”
I nodded. “Oh. I guess that sounds cool.” I looked over at Trixa.
A strong wind blew, fluttering Trixa’s blue skirt and white shirt with pink and white flower designs on it, her hair blowing behind her. She crossed her arms and stared at the town we stood in.
Accumula Town was a huge place that resembled more of a city than any town I’d ever seen in Kanto. Numerous buildings were several feet apart, and they all looked like they contained important things inside. The buildings were of different length, width, height, and color, and all had floor after floor of windows all around. I wondered what these buildings could be holding inside. Steps led up to a couple of the buildings, metal handrails alongside them. The town was a quiet one, with no one outside and no signs of life.
“I don’t want to waste any time,” Trixa said, shaking her head. “I’d rather just go battle against the Gym Leader here.”
“Yeah,” I agreed. “That sounds like a fine idea to me, too.”
Trixa smiled at me, but I didn’t return it, looking away from her pretty smile to the ground and just nodded.
“But, the Battle Club is a hot spot for Pokemon battles!” June added. “It’d be a great place to test out your battling skills and prepare yourself! You could even battle a Poison type Trainer!”
“Nah.” Trixa shook her head at June. “That’s boring. I just want to get right into the battles! Our Pokemon are all healed up and Tepig and Pansear are gonna win me my first Badge! I can’t waste time practicing and stuff. Let’s just give it a shot. I’m really excited!”
June smiled caringly. “I understand that, believe me. But you don’t want to be too eager and not be prepared. There’s nothing wrong with-”
Trixa was already walking away from June, a calm smile on her face, a faraway look in her eyes. “Where do you think the Gym is?”
June’s shoulders slumped and she turned to me, a hurt look on her face.
I smiled and gently took the Town Map from June. “Maybe this girl isn’t as bad as I thought,” I said in a low voice accompanied with a wink, and followed after Trixa, looking at the map. “It’s this way, Trixa!” I called out to her, though she was right next to me. Based on my limited experience with her, I figured I may have to yell to grab this girl’s attention.
Her eyes widened, glittering atop her little nose as they dug into mine. Her long, ravishing, flowing hair rested against her back peacefully. Her lips held a loving smile for no given reason.
I felt uncomfortable in her gaze and quickly walked past her, leading the way to the Accumula Gym. I shook my head, focusing on the Town Map. Where’s that damn Gym? I thought angrily. I don’t even like Trixa. That Gym must be nearby. Trixa’s hardly even cute. A Poison type Gym. Should be an interesting fight. Trixa’s sort of cute. I don’t care! I can’t even challenge this Gym Leader. I need a Pokemon! Besides, the girl’s a bimbo! I looked up and saw, close by, a short, deep purple building. Staring back down at the map, and then looking up, my pace began to quicken. “This has to be it, I think!”
“WOOOO!” Trixa ran past me, stopping in front of the location and gazing up at it.
June and I ran together to keep up with her as she reached for the doorknob and turned it, opening the door.
A metal, cone-shaped stand that barely reached my chest stood right in front of the building, a huge, red and white Poke Ball made of the same material attached to the top of it. Glancing at it quickly, I saw that it read: Accumula Town Pokemon Gym in shiny black letters. So, this is definitely it, I thought as Trixa led the way inside.
We all stopped and looked around. None of us spoke. We just stared in shock.
This place couldn’t be the Gym! It was a mess! The floor was wooden, and white ash was all over it. Tarp was laid over most of the floor. Open paint cans, covered in paint, sat on the tarp. Painters covered in ash, paint, and filth were on ladders, painting the walls black, while other dirty people on the ground were hammering away at the floor and others were using drills on the walls.
“Is this really a Gym?” I asked.
“This place doesn’t even look done!” June said. “You said they opened up only a few months ago, right?”
I checked the Town Map. “Yeah. The Town Map says it’s been in use for four months!”
“Ew! This is gross. I’m leaving.” Trixa turned around and tried to walk by June and I.
“Hold on!” I grabbed her shoulder.
“I don’t like it here,” Trixa complained. “I want to go somewhere else!”
“Let’s just give it a chance, okay?” I suggested. “Let’s try and see what’s going on here, first.”
“Hello, visitors,” a gentle voice said from my left.
The three of us turned to see a short boy with purple hair which leaned across his left eye. He smiled slyly at us and straightened himself up, but he hardly reached my chin. He was wearing a button up, purple shirt over his black jeans, his black belt barely visible, and dark purple sneakers. “My name is Bane. I’m the Poison type Gym Leader of Accumula Town.”
I squinted hard at the short child. “You?” I couldn’t believe it! He could have passed for six years old! “You’re the Gym Leader??”
Bane’s smile faded and he gave me a tired look. I could tell he got that reaction a lot, and wasn’t pleased to get it again. “Yes, I’m Bane, the Gym Leader of Accumula Town,” he sighed grumpily.
“So... this is the Gym?”
Bane nodded, lowering his head with some visible embarrassment, but he looked right back up and inhaled deeply, puffing out his chest. “Yes. We’re just renovating the place right now.”
“You may be cute and all, but you really ought to know a little something about presentation.” Trixa crossed her arms angrily.
My heart beat quickly, suddenly. Cute, I pondered, staring at her from the corner of my eye. I felt a strange feeling in my chest.
Bane snickered. “I apologize. Who are you three visitors, anyway? Challengers?”
“No. Just her.” I nodded towards Trixa.
Bane extended a hand to her and they shook. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. What’s your name?”
“My name is Trixa.” She smiled and stepped closer to Bane. “I’ve come from Mistralton City, all the way here just to have a battle with you and the other Gym Leaders of Unova!”
“Wow! Mistralton City is quite a long ways from here.” The Gym Leader looked Trixa up and down. “Such determination. I commend you. I’ll happily battle you. I don’t get many challengers here.” He walked away from us.
“Well, that’s no surprise,” Trixa responded. “Like I said, presentation, sir.”
Bane seemed to force a chuckle and let out a weary sigh before looking back. “I welcome you to my Gym, Trixa. My Pokemon will be glad to crush yours right through the walls.”
“Huh?” Trixa gasped.
Bane continued walking away from us before he stopped and turned to face us, a huge smile on his face showing his teeth. He raised his arms, his hands extending to the ceiling.
At once, a couple of workers hammering the floorboards turned and placed their hammers on the ground. They pulled the tarp back until more of the floor was visible. As they released the tarp, they turned back around and continued with their hammering.
The floor had a familiar, large, white painting in the middle of it. The outline of the battlefield.
“Why do you think we are renovating the building?” Bane called out to us. “Our foes as smashed, mashed, and bashed into an inevitable loss, and you’ll be the next victim! Are you ready, little girl?”
Trixa tilted her head and scratched it as she looked at Bane, a confused look on her face. “Little girl? But, I’m taller than you.”
Bane’s face fell in shock.
“Trixa!” I scolded her.
“What?” She turned to me.
I sighed. “Never mind. Good luck.”
One of the painters was climbing down his ladder and he placed his brush in one of the buckets of paint before walking over to us. He threw a very hard glare in Trixa’s direction. “Welcome to Accumula Town Gym!” the man announced. “I shall act as the referee for this match between Accumula Town’s Gym Leader, Bane, and Mistralton City’s Trixa! This will be a two-on-two Pokemon battle without a time limit! The Gym Leader, Bane, is not allowed to switch Pokemon, but the challenger may. The first to lose both of their Pokemon is defeated. Let the battle begin!”
Bane grabbed a Poke Ball from his belt and enlarged it. “Trubbish, you’re up first!” He threw the Poke Ball.
A Pokemon was sent out onto the field amongst the noise around us from the workers. The creature gave Trixa an angry look, seeming ready for battle. It looked, literally, like nothing more than a small black bag of trash with eyes and appendages for arms and legs, which took me by surprise. “Trubbish!”
I pulled out my Pokedex, as did Trixa, and I focused on what mine told me about the new Pokemon.
Trubbish. The Trash Bag Pokemon. This Pokemon typically smells very foul. Once it has befriended someone, it will not smell bad around that person. Caution should be taken around this Pokemon, as they can belch poisonous gas.
“Wow...” was my only response as I watched the monster. I couldn’t get over how... bizarre this Pokemon looked. I could hardly believe it was real.
“I’ll start off with the best! Tepig!” Trixa sent out her Pokemon.
“Tepig! Tepig!” Tepig grunted.
“I insist, you go first,” Bane nodded.
Trixa’s hands went to her cheeks as she blushed. “How sweet of you!”
“You should be allowed one hit before I end this battle swiftly.” Bane was now sneering at Trixa.
Trixa’s hands fell to her sides and she let out a cry, taking a step back.
“Trixa, don’t let him psyche you out!” I encouraged her.
“Believe in your Pokemon!” June added. “Focus!”
Trixa turned to June and I and nodded, her face showing determination. “Tepig, start it off with Tail Whip attack!”
Tepig ran forward and whipped at Trubbish with his tail.
Trubbish growled and swiped at Tepig.
“And that’s your turn,” Bane said seriously. “Time to end this! Double Slap!”
Trubbish slapped Tepig repeatedly, forcing him back.
“Tepig! Don’t go down! Please! Use Tackle this time!”
Tepig ran forward and slammed into Trubbish, forcing it back.
Trubbish groaned from the strong hit.
A few of the workers stopped working and turned to watch the battle.
“Trubbish, Poison Gas!”
Trubbish’s mouth seemed to be filled with something, and it coughed it up at Tepig, a dark cloud of gas surrounding the fiery pig.
“Tepig!” Trixa whined.
“Tepig! Tep! Tepig!” Tepig choked against the smoke. Once it cleared, Tepig’s face was flushed with purple.
“He’s Poisoned!” I noted.
“Now end this with Sludge attack!” Bane continued, beaming.
“Tepiiiiig!” Trixa closed her eyes and her hands rose to her face as her body flinched, refusing to watch.
“Trubbish!!” Trubbish opened its mouth, sending out several balls of sludge at Tepig.
“PIIIIIG!” Tepig flew through the air from being hit, landing hard, and flinched from the Poison in his body.
“TRIXA!” June’s screech grabbed everyone’s attention at once.
Trixa gasped and turned around, her eyes filled with tears.
June didn’t say a word.
Trixa stared back at her silently. “June?” she said fearfully.
June held the promising look of a vicious attack on its way, all over her face.
Trixa’s eyes widened and she slowly nodded. She wiped at her eyes and turned back to the battle.
Tepig was on his side, breathing hard.
“It’s time to finish this battle! Another Sludge attack!” Bane shouted.
“A Status problem doesn’t end a match!” Trixa said strongly. She took a deep breath. “This isn’t over, Tepig!”
Tepig struggled to his feet, groaning, his legs quaking, his eyes closed.
Trubbish used another Sludge attack.
“Tepig! I said this isn’t over! Don’t give up on yourself!”
Tepig’s eyes opened as the Sludge balls hit the ground around him. With a loud shout, he made a quick run to the side, dodging the remaining attacks.
“It’s actually up!” Bane said with noticeable surprise. “Sludge attack again! End it here!”
Trubbish followed its Trainer’s orders with a barrage of Sludge balls from its mouth.
“Tepig, dodge it!”
Tepig ran past one of the attacks, but then flinched from the Poison, dropping, groaning weakly.
“Tepig!” Trixa screamed.
Tepig looked up as more of the disgusting sludge fell down, heading straight for him. He glared at the attacks and stood up, and began to stomp on the ground with his feet repeatedly. “Tepig! Tepig! Tepig! Tepig! Tepig! Tepig! Tepig! Tepig! Tepig!”
“Tepig! What are you doing? Watch out!” Trixa begged.
“Tepig!!” Tepig’s body was surrounded by flames and he flew forward at the last second, dodging the Sludge attacks and, looking like a flaming fireball, charged right into Trubbish!
Trubbish wailed out as it was knocked over onto its back.
The flames around Tepig’s body disappeared and he scowled at Trubbish, gasping for air, looking ready to collapse.
“Trubbish is unable to battle! Tepig is the winner!” the referee declared, raising a hand at Trixa.
Trixa gasped repeatedly, backing up several feet, and then stumbling forward several feet, back and forth repeatedly for about a minute before finally stopping and let out an excited squeal. “TEPIG! YOU WON! YOU WON! YOU DID IT, TEPIG! One down! Just one more to go! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!”
“Tepig...!” Tepig growled, his legs barely able to hold him up. He was worn out.
Trixa pulled out her Pokedex and pointed it at Tepig.
Flame Charge. The user is consumed by flames and tackles the foe. This move boosts the user’s Speed.
“Oh! How cool! Tepig knows a new move again! I can’t believe this! Yay!” Trixa bounced with delight.
I smiled, watching Trixa in her excitement.
Bane’s face looked pale as he looked down at Trubbish with his wide eyes and mouth open, stunned. He swallowed and looked up at Trixa before straightening his face and clearing his throat. “Come back, Trubbish. Thank you.” He returned his Pokemon and grabbed his second Poke Ball. “Quite lucky. You have the type advantage against my next Pokemon, but your Tepig is ready to call it quits. You’ll now face the strongest Pokemon! I choose Whirlipede!”
From out of Bane’s Poke Ball came a Pokemon that gave me the shivers.
“Whirlipede!” it uttered.
“It’s a Bug!” I accused, pointing at it. Just great. A disgusting, nasty, Bug! I grabbed my arms and rubbed them as goose bumps began to crawl on them. I just knew this was a Bug type. It just had to be.
Trixa pulled out her Pokedex.
Whirlipede. The Curlipede Pokemon. Venipede’s evolved form. This Pokemon remains still unless it is attacked, which is when it will fight back. Contact with this Pokemon may result in getting Poisoned.
“Alright! Ember, Tepig!” Trixa ordered.
“Tepiiiig!!” From his snout, flames flew for Whirlipede, surrounding it.
Whirlipede called out helplessly from the surrounding, super effective impact.
“Not so fast! Rollout!” Bane countered.
Before the flames around Whirlipede died out, it burst from the fire, spinning rapidly.
“Meet it with Flame Charge!” Trixa pressed on.
Tepig stomped in place again, his body quickly surrounded by fire, and he flew out at Whirlipede.
Both Pokemon collided into each other at once, each one taking a super effective hit.
“Whirlipede!” It bounced along the Gym floor.
“Oh, no!” Bane said sadly.
Tepig’s voice rang out loudly as he soared through the air and finally landed on his back. “Tepig…”
“Tepig is unable to battle! Whirlipede is the winner!” the referee stated, waving to Bane.
“HA! I KNEW IT! Whirlipede, you did it!” Bane took me by surprise as he leaped in the air repeatedly, laughing and congratulating his Whirlipede, which bobbed in place at its Trainer’s praise.
“Oh, my poor Tepig!” Trixa complained. “You did so well, too! Return!”
Tepig was returned to his Poke Ball.
“Now that your Fire type is out, I’m curious to see what you’ll use now against my Bug type Pokemon,” Bane smirked.
Trixa grabbed her second Poke Ball. “All I have left is this one.” She threw her Poke Ball to the field.
“Pansear!” the freed Pansear spoke happily.
“Pansear?!?!” Bane bellowed, his face a mix of rage and shock.
“Yeah. Pansear’s Fire, too, I think.” Trixa pulled out her Pokedex.
Pansear. The High Temp Pokemon. The tuft on its head can reach six hundred degrees when angered. It is considered very intelligent. This Pokemon is of the Fire type.
“Yup! Fire type!” Trixa smiled, putting her Pokedex away.
I covered my face in embarrassment. Is she serious with that? I wondered. Yes, I immediately answered. Of course she is.
“Now, Pansear! Oh, wait!” Trixa pulled out her Pokedex again and stared at it for a few seconds. “Okay, you can do Incinerate! GOOOOO!”
“WHIRLIPEEEEDE!!!” Bane’s face contained horror.
Whirlipede flew out at Pansear, attacking with Rollout, as a large flame came from Pansear’s mouth, covering the Bug entirely. It wasn’t long before the flame died out and Pansear stared calmly down at Whirlipede’s beaten body.
“Whirlipede is unable to battle! Pansear is the winner! This battle goes to Trixa from Mistralton City!” the referee’s voice boomed.
Trixa’s mouth dropped open wide as she looked at the battlefield in disbelief.
Bane’s lips quivered as if he were speaking silent words, and finally, he looked down sadly.
The workers around us all clapped and called out their congratulations to Trixa, including the referee, who no longer held a cold look.
Pansear turned around to Trixa. “Pansear!” It reached out for her.
Trixa dropped to her knees, hard, but she didn’t seem to be bothered by the fall. “Pansear!” She extended her arms.
“Pansear!” The fire monkey ran to Trixa and leaped into her arms.
Trixa stood up and spun around in circles, giggling like crazy. “Yay, you did it! Pansear, you did it! You won! I can’t believe my first Gym battle was a success!” She stopped spinning and waved at the cheering workers in the area, giggling hard before leaping in the air and spinning at the same time, landing, and then running around in a circle with her Pansear in her arms.
Bane silently returned his Whirlipede and then wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand. He stepped up to Trixa and looked at her as she ran around continuously. His eyes seemed to be twinkling behind tears.
What’s wrong with him? I wondered.
“Excuse me?” he asked politely.
Trixa continued to run around rapidly.
“TRIXA!” I barked.
“Huh?” She stopped running and turned to me.
Pansear was looking dizzy in Trixa’s arms.
Frowning, I pointed at Bane.
Trixa turned to him. “Oh! Hey there, cutie!”
I felt another strange feeling in my chest as my eyes widened at her words.
Bane smiled a bit and reached in his jeans, pulling out a small object. He held it out to Trixa in his open palm.
It was an object in several zigzag patterns, repeated colors of red and purple all throughout it, outlined in gold.
“Congratulations, Trixa. You have won the Toxin Badge.”
“Whoawhoawhoa! Oh my oh my oh my oh my oh myyyyyyy!!!” Trixa repeated ecstatically. “My first ever Badge! Wait!”
Trixa returned her Pansear to its Poke Ball and took off her bag. She opened it and dug through it, finally standing up holding a little white box with glitter all over it.
She has a ton of food in her bag, I noticed. She must have taken it with her when she left home. All this time, June and I have been worrying about where our next meal would be coming from, eating what little food we have left, sparingly, as if it’s the last remaining food on the planet, and this girl has food to snack on! I turned to June and saw that she was also looking at Trixa’s open bag, hungrily.
Trixa took the Toxin Badge from Bane and opened the box in her hands. I realized that the box she was holding was actually a fancy Badge case! The inside was pink and empty. She pushed her first Badge inside of the case, the bottom of it easily taking form around the Badge. She closed the case, kissed it, and placed it back in her bag.
“Congratulations, Trixa,” I smiled, extending my hand.
Trixa gushed out in joy and wrapped her arms around me in a huge hug.
I was taken by surprise and hugged her back, getting a good whiff of her hair, which smelled like strawberries and a lot of sugar. The smell was a little too sweet, and yet irresistibly captivating. I couldn’t resist taking it in one more time. It was such a peculiarly pretty scent. One more intake. Was that a hint of roses? I silently absorbed the aroma an extra turn. It had been a while before I noticed that Bane was staring at us, his eyes wide in surprise.
“Um…” I heard June say.
“June!” Trixa released me and leaped at my friend, wrapping her in a hug.
June’s eyes widened and she stumbled backwards, hugging Trixa back.
“Are you two dating?” Bane asked me with a smile.
I whipped to Bane frantically. “What?? Me and who??”
“You and Trixa?” Bane shrugged.
“NO!” I stared at the young guy in offense.
“Oh. Well, that hug you had lasted nearly five minutes,” Bane laughed lightly. “Pretty long for even a married couple!”
“We were there for that long?!?” I asked him, taken back. I had no idea. I guess I had gotten lost in… NO! My eyebrows furrowed, my eyes slammed shut, and I shook my head hard, refusing to allow myself to finish that sentence.
“So you’re dating the redhead?” Bane questioned.
“I’M NOT DATING ANYONE!” I exploded.
“Okay, okay,” Bane said, raising his hands. “Take it easy.” He turned to June and Trixa. “Looks like they’re having their own hugging session.”
I turned to the two girls and saw that they hadn’t let go of each other, June seeming to be struggling to break the hold.
I guess her hugging me for so long wasn’t anything special, I thought, my heart thumping strangely. Just another one of her strange behaviors.
Bane sighed and walked away from us.
I turned and watched as he left the Gym, his head down. “Bane?” I called after him. “Bane!” Something was wrong. I ran after him, leaving the building. “Bane! Hold on!”
The door to the Gym opened a moment later, June and Trixa coming out after me.
Bane wiped at his eyes and sniffled.
“Huh?” I grabbed his shoulder gently. “Bane, are you crying?”
Bane sniffled again and wiped at his eyes, sharply yanking his shoulder free from my grasp. “Please. Don’t.”
“I-I-I’m sorry,” I apologized. “But, why are you crying?”
“It’s nothing...” he sighed, wiping his eyes again. Bane lowered his hand and took a deep breath before turning to me. A forced smile was on his face, but his eyes twinkled in the sunlight from tears.
“Bane, what happened?” I demanded, concerned. “Why are you so upset? What’s wrong? Is it about that battle?”
Bane’s smile faded and he looked away.
“You made it sound like you were so tough, and yet your battle ended fairly fast. Are you disappointed? Sometimes, a Trainer comes along and takes you by complete surprise. Don’t be-”
“Yeah, that battle was easy,” Trixa chimed in.
“What? That’s exactly what you said!”
“I did not!” I denied.
“Did too!” Trixa insisted.
“No! You’re not listening to me!”
“I heard you perfectly clear! You said the match ended fast for me! It was easy!”
“I didn’t say it was easy!”
“You might as well have!”
“Will you butt out?!”
“You’re talking about me? Why should I?”
June let out her breath loudly and shook her head.
“Please! Please! You two, stop!” Bane pleaded. He crossed his arms and sighed. “I understand perfectly. Allow me to explain to all of you.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Bane is defined as something that causes distress or can annoy. It is often referred to as a poison. That was the name I desired to be called. It was intimidating, and sounded pretty cool to me.”
“You mean, your name’s not really Bane?” I asked.
He nodded. “My name is really Ike. That name’s not scary, or even cool. I opened the first Gym in Accumula Town only four months ago and went with the name Bane. My losses were as embarrassing as the one I had today with Trixa. I’ve never won a battle as a Gym Leader. Not even once.”
“You mean you suck like that normally?” Trixa asked.
“Trixa! Shut up!” I gave her a furious glare.
“I was just asking!” she yelled and turned her back to me, crossing her arms.
Ike managed a smile. “Yes. I’m afraid I’m not the best Trainer out there. I thought maybe I could renovate the Gym to look more intimidating and seem tougher. It’s not in any bad shape at all. No Pokemon have been smashed through my Gym so bad that it needed fixing. I made that all up. I talked about my Pokemon as if they were so tough, but they obviously aren’t. I thought that by hyping us up, maybe we’d have more confidence and strength and win. I’m sorry I lied to you guys. I’m a failure as a Gym Leader. Perhaps this isn’t the path I should have taken.”
June stepped up to Ike and took him, and the rest of us, by surprise by pulling him into a hug.
Ike hesitantly hugged her back.
“Ike, I understand,” June said to him comfortingly. “I was in your shoes, once. I used to be a Gym Leader in the Kanto Region.”
Trixa gasped and turned around. “You used to be a Gym Leader??”
June let go of Ike and turned to Trixa, smiling. “Yes,” she nodded. “I was the Electric Gym Leader. I also lost all the time, and eventually left my duties as a Gym Leader.”
“Wow…” Trixa kept her eyes on June for a moment, not speaking. “You’re a weak Trainer, too?”
June’s face tightened quickly.
“Are all Gym Leaders supposed to be weak Trainers?”
“I am not weak! I just needed some work, and I still do!” June shot back. “I’ve grown quite a lot since back then. Trixa, you’re going to learn that there are many strong Trainers out there, and that Gym Leaders are amongst the best battlers. You did well against Ike, but I warn you to keep your guard up.”
“Well, I’ve only lost to Ella so far, and that was due to a mistake on my part. She’s not even a Gym Leader. I really must be getting better!”
“You are, Trixa,” June said seriously. “But it will only get a lot harder from here on. When we reach Striaton City, we’ll see another Gym Leader there, and we’ll see how well you do.”
“Ah! Cilan, Cress, and Chili!” Ike mentioned. “They’re good. Seems you chose Tepig as your Starter Pokemon, so you’ll be battling Cress, the Water Trainer. Good luck!”
“Why do I have to battle the Water Trainer?” Trixa asked.
“That’s how that Gym works,” Ike explained. “Depending on who you chose as your Starter in Unova, you battle the Trainer who has the type advantage.”
Trixa snickered. “Sounds like they’re weak, too, and need an advantage to win, but I believe in my Pokemon!” She smiled at June.
June grumbled but managed a nod and gave a small smile back. “Good.”
“I wish you luck, Trixa. You are a good Trainer,” Ike told her.
“Thank you.” Trixa’s eyes gleamed over her glowing smile.
June turned to Ike. “As for you, do not give up on your dream. This isn’t the end. Stick with it if it’s in your heart. Take some time off if you’ll be allowed to and work on yourself as a Trainer, with your Pokemon. Improve together, as a team. You’re not doing this alone!” June grabbed Ike’s shoulders and stared deeply into his eyes. “But no matter what, remember that you and your Pokemon are friends. That comes first before anything else. Throw away the life of a Gym Leader if you must, but never sacrifice your friendship with your Pokemon. It means everything to you, and to them. Your Pokemon love you dearly and will do anything for you, and they trust in you as their Trainer. I beg you not to ruin that for power…”
Ike squinted at June, and then nodded. “Of course not. I love them! I’ll never break our bond.”
“Remember that you said that,” June said softly, and she let go of Ike, taking a few steps back.
Ike continued to stare at June, and then looked up, past June. “Hey. Where is she going?”
June and I turned around to see what Ike was looking at.
“Trixa!” I called.
She was skipping away from us, fast.
“Where is she going?” I wondered out loud, exasperated. I turned to Ike. “Thank you again, Ike. Good luck!” I ran after Trixa. “Trixa!”
“Bye, Ike! Take care!” June ran after me.
“Thanks for sharing your food with us,” I said with a mouthful of unsalted crackers.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full!” June scolded me. She smiled at Trixa. “Thank you, honey.” She then put a cracker in her mouth and ate it.
“Well, all you guys had to do was ask!” Trixa beamed. “I have a bit of money and I packed some food before I left.”
The three of us had left the Pokemon Center hours ago after healing Trixa’s Pokemon and eating dinner at the cafeteria downstairs.
Trixa and June had both made separate phone calls afterwards, but it was Trixa’s call that made my heart pound continuously as I didn’t know who she was calling.
Was it Prof. Juniper? was my immediate concern.
June had gotten off of the phone before Trixa, and when she walked over to me, I told her that we were definitely going to ditch Trixa if she was calling the Professor.
When Trixa walked over to us, she said that her family was doing well and was proud that she had obtained her first Badge, causing me to breathe a sigh of relief. Her next statement, that Prof. Juniper was also pleased with her accomplishments earning her first Badge so easily and catching two Pokemon, made my heart stop. I was just about to run away until Trixa then told us, gasping in deep surprise, that she had forgotten to tell Prof. Juniper that June and I were traveling with her, causing her to run back to the phone.
June and I held her back, laughing casually, letting her know that it was no big deal and that she could tell Prof. Juniper the next time we were in a Pokemon Center, though June and I exchanged relieved glances that Trixa’s absent minded behavior paid off for once.
Trixa didn’t mention anything about Prof. Juniper asking her about me and June’s whereabouts, which surprised me since we had run away from her after she had gone to give me a Pokedex. I didn’t ask Trixa about it, though. If Prof. Juniper had forgotten about me, it was better that way.
Now, we were all leaning against a tree trunk, sitting amongst crispy, dead leaves, looking up at the stars above us under an enormous blanket Trixa had with her. Trixa’s bag was filled with all kinds of snacks, but none of them had any flavor to them. They were all crackers and treats without any sugar, salt, or taste to them at all, but it was better than starving.
It was about three in the morning, give or take, and we had been discussing June’s previous time as a Gym Leader since none of us were able to sleep. June told Trixa about her struggles back then and her leaving to travel with me to learn about Pokemon, and Trixa was eager for me to tell her my secrets that she felt that I knew about how to raise Pokemon.
I had explained that I didn’t know any secrets, and I was unable to really explain anything. I just cared a lot for my Pokemon and did what came natural.
Trixa wasn’t satisfied with this answer and bugged me for a better one until June interrupted, asking Trixa how she felt after her Gym battle.
Trixa then eagerly discussed the match she had with Ike. She told us how terrified she was before she even entered the Gym. She said that she was afraid to even send out her first Pokemon and wasn’t sure who to use. She relived when she didn’t know what the best attacks to use would be, and how uncomfortable she was of the moves Ike used against her since she had never battled such Pokemon before, nor seen such moves used against her. She explained the fear of encouraging Tepig to get back up to battle, concerned that he might not be healthy enough to fight, and that she didn’t want to push him too hard. She excitedly spoke on knocking out Ike’s first Pokemon, and then later, his second one, and the feeling that rushed through her when she held her first Badge in her hand.
As Trixa spoke, I recalled my first Badge at the Obsidian City Gym back in Kanto. It was a fake Badge, and a fake Gym battle, but at the time, I had thought it was real, and all of Trixa’s descriptions about winning her first Badge reflected my feelings back then exactly. I missed that feeling at that moment.
I wanted it again.
At least one more time.
Yes, I thought. Just once more.
As June and Trixa fell asleep on opposite sides of me, leaning on me, breathing softly, I made up my mind.
I was going to travel through the Unova region with June and Trixa.
I was going to collect the eight Badges of the Unova region.
I was going to compete in the Unova League.
I had nothing better to do, after all.
But first…
I had to capture a Pokemon.
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Goes Unpunished
In the wake of human-initiated Armageddon, Colin Callum will do anything to survive on the streets of fallout Buenos Aires. But when Colin is infected with a virus that will warp him from human to monster, the hard-core, never-wanted-to-be-a hero has only one choice left. To fulfill a promise made to a dead friend. To enter Thorr’un, a fantasy world where Colin must choose a new name, a new identity and a new path. To figure out what the hell it even means to have Dexterity 20. But as he encounters ancient kings, crumbling dungeons, active war zones and beautiful women whose names he can hardly pronounce, Colin must face two vital truths. He never was much of a gamer. And in the world of Thorr’un no deed, good or evil, goes unpunished. Release Schedule: (Royal Road) As I can, building back up to 5x/week; (Patreon) Most weekdays Cover Art by: crow-god On Warnings: This is a high-octane, high-adrenaline, high-oxytocin story about mind-boggling adventure, terrifying monsters, a badass protagonist and, at times, the jaw-dropping women who fight alongside him. Is there swearing? Hell yes. Is there violence? Those monsters won't kill themselves! Does he meet (and sleep with) gorgeous fantasy babes? Of course he does! We live in a world of where many authors are afraid to include certain content for fear of scaring off their readers. I won't do that. I trust you. And if you trust me, you'll love my work.
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Five child prodigies are invited to an elusive tech CEO's private island. Surrounded by enigmatic geniuses, Daniel is forced to face his past through everlasting, haunting, memories. Unravel the mysteries of the island along with the characters inside, but try not to get killed. How does one move on? Must you forget about your past to truly overcome it? If this is going to be the future, why live in the present? Complete
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The Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, last words sent thousands upon thousands of pirates searching for the legendary One Piece. Of course, these pirates had to do something while they were searching for the legendary treasure, most of which included crimes. The World Government isn't happy with this rampaging influx of piracy, and naturally, have their own means of squashing this new "Golden Age of Piracy". What is this solution, you ask? Well, the Navy of course. This story follows Akura D. Kenji and his brothers living in the remote Uxopia Village. With this golden age of piracy, both he and his brothers are exposed to these engimas called "pirates". Kenji decides he wants to capture these villainous pirates in the name of Justice. And thus starts his path of becoming a proud soldier of the Navy - a Marine. Schedule: I write whenever I'm available, but if I see a large amount of support and feedback I will make a conscious effort to release faster!
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