《Bridging The Gap; The Final Records In Unova: An Autobiography》More Than Meets The Liepard Part 1 Of 2
“Me and Ella are more like neighbors than we are actual friends,” Trixa explained as the three of us traveled through the woods of Route 2 together. “I saw her a lot growing up, and we even went to the same school, but we never really hung out.”
My eyes were on the path before us, walking in front of June and Trixa, each girl on either side of me.
“It had already been set that I’d be receiving my Starter Pokemon when I turned ten. About two months before that day, I ran into Ella. We said hi and whatnot, and I was going to continue on my way, but she stopped me and asked me to take a walk with her! I’m such a shy person and I really don’t have any friends at all besides my family. That’s why traveling with you two is so cool! No one ever wants to hang out with me! I guess I’m sort of antisocial or something.”
Antisocial, I thought sarcastically. Yeah. That’s the problem.
“But, anyway, Ella wanted to walk with me, and I was stunned,” Trixa continued. “I agreed, and she asked me how I felt about Pokemon. Of course, I told her how much I adored them, and loved them, and wanted to cuddle all the cute little Pokemon in the world, and travel the world to meet as many as I could! She told me that she was considering traveling as a Pokemon Trainer. She didn’t want to be one when she had turned ten, but she said that this year, she’d been considering it, but just wasn’t sure.”
My mind wandered away from Trixa’s words for a moment and dwelled on Ella. Her eyes. They may have very well been my most favorite thing about her. I thought about them every time I thought about her, which was quite possibly every day. She could very well be the most beautiful girl on the face of the planet. A movement in the grass near me pulled me from my thoughts and made me turn around, but there was nothing to see but trees and grass.
“She’s only two years older than I am,” Trixa went on. “My mom and dad and five year old brother waited with me and Ella for a cab at Mistralton City and give me kisses and hugged me. I got to meet Ella’s dad, too. He was there to say goodbye to her. Ella and I traveled in the taxi for about three hours before we reached Nuvema Town.”
Silence greeted us as Trixa finished her words.
“I wonder where she went to,” I said in a low voice.
“She’s pretty cute, eh, Gary?” June smiled widely, nudging me in my ribs lightly with her elbow.
“Huh?” I cried out, feeling my face getting hot. “I dunno. What? What? What? I don’t know! I wasn’t looking!”
“That’s rather rude to not look at someone when they’re talking to you,” Trixa mentioned innocently, staring at me. “Ella and you were talking together. You should have looked at her. I think you ought to apologize the next time you see her.”
I frowned at her and looked away. “Yeah, sure,” I muttered, extremely embarrassed by the bizarre turn this conversation had taken. As we continued to walk, and I could feel June’s eyes on me, knowing she was smiling.
Trixa looked around her surroundings, gazing at the many trees and the grass crunching beneath our feet.
A strong gust of wind blew against us, making it a little bit harder to move forward.
“Weeeeeeeee!” Trixa exclaimed, and started spinning against the wind, moving forward into it, her arms extended.
June and I stopped at the same time and watched as Trixa spun around in a happy daze, her eyes closed and mouth wide in a happy smile.
“Should we do something?” June asked quietly.
“Yeah,” I nodded, and pulled out the Town Map, scanning it quickly. “If we head back to Accumula Town, we can take a detour that leads to a place called Minousse Town.”
“Huh?” June said, turning to me in confusion.
“From there, we can get to Rastail Town, and then there’s a Gym in the city right after that called Mixance City. I can try for my first Badge there against-”
“Gary!” June said angrily, pushing me hard. “We are not ditching her! How horrible do you think she’d feel if her only friends left her like that? Didn’t you just hear her story?”
We turned to Trixa, who was getting further ahead of us, still spinning around, flailing her arms.
“She probably won’t even remember us, I’ll bet!” I reasoned. “Besides, Ella’s still her friend, right?”
“Your little crush?” June teased with a sly grin.
“She isn’t even that cute! Get over it, idiot!” I snapped.
She snickered and turned to Trixa, who was getting further and further away. “We have to go after her before she gets hurt!”
“And?” I asked. “Ow!” I cried out as June slapped me in the back of my head.
Before June and I could move to go after Trixa, something flew out from the trees near her.
The bird looked over and cried out in surprise, getting smacked by one of Trixa’s spinning hands, and it collapsed to the ground.
Trixa stopped spinning and looked down at it in shock, her hands rising to cover her mouth as she looked down at the bird with wide eyes.
“Hey!” I shouted as June gasped, and we ran together, stopping near the little pigeon. “Wait! It’s a Pokemon?” I pulled out my Pokedex.
Pidove. The Tiny Pigeon Pokemon. This Pokemon is sometimes described as hard to raise to due to their habit of being forgetful.
“Oh, no!” Trixa knelt down next to the bird. “Are you okay?”
Pidove’s eyes opened and it hopped up. It flapped its wings and rose into the air, crying out loudly at us. Its wings flapped harder and a strong gust of wind blew us all back onto our backs.
“He’s using Gust attack!” June shouted as dust and dirt flew into my eyes.
Trixa was screaming.
I covered my face with my hands. If only I had my Pokemon with me.
The Gust ended and the three of us looked up as Pidove flew away, down the path.
“We can’t let him get away!” I got to my feet. “Come on!”
Trixa nodded with determination. “Pansear, after it!” She threw her Poke Ball and Pansear came flying out.
It soared into the air and grabbed a tree branch, swinging skillfully from branch to branch while the three of us followed it.
“Pansear, knock it down with Fury Swipes!”
Pansear swung from the branch it had grabbed and soared through the air.
Pidove looked behind him and shouted out as he saw Pansear raise its glowing paws and swipe at him several times, forcing him to the ground.
“Now, Paralyze it with Lick attack!” Trixa ordered.
Pansear stuck out its tongue and repeatedly licked Pidove’s face.
Pidove twisted his body repeatedly and struggled underneath Pansear.
After several seconds of licking, Pansear stopped and turned to Trixa. It shook its head. “Pansear! Pan!”
“Huh?” Trixa cocked her head at Pansear.
“I think Pidove might be resistant to that move,” June said, pointing at the Pokemon. “Check out his type.”
Trixa pulled out her Pokedex and scanned Pidove.
Pidove. The Tiny Pigeon Pokemon. They live near cities and are accustomed to civilization with humans. Their cries can get overwhelmingly loud in a group. This Pokemon is of the Normal and Flying type.
“There you go,” June nodded. “Normal types resist Ghost moves like Lick attack.”
“Ooohh… Well, then-”
Pidove struggled hard and managed to get Pansear off of him. In a flash of bright light, Pidove flew at Pansear and knocked it over.
“Quick Attack!” I pointed as Pidove flew into the air and used the move again.
He flew down and tackled Pansear just as it was getting to its feet.
Pansear growled and got back up.
Trixa looked down at her Pokedex. “Leer!” She didn’t take her eyes off of the Pokedex.
Pansear used Leer, causing Pidove to flap his wings hard as he backed away from Pansear.
Pidove suddenly used Leer, too, causing Pansear to cry out and back up. Pidove then soared at Pansear once more with Quick Attack, forcing the red hot monkey to its back.
“Pansear, use your Incinerate, now!” Trixa begged.
Pansear hopped up and attacked, catching Pidove with a stream of fire that surrounded his body as he soared into the sky.
Pidove screamed and finally fell hard.
“Yes!” Trixa said happily.
“Good one,” I approved.
Pidove let out a low, tired coo, getting back up, and flapped his wings, ascending into the air.
Pansear was breathing heavily now, staring up at Pidove.
Both Pokemon looked exhausted.
“Pansear, Scratch attack!” Trixa pushed on.
Pansear inhaled deeply and ran for Pidove, leaping at him and swiping hard.
Pidove fell back, rolling along the grass, and finally came to a stop on his stomach.
Trixa clapped happily and then reached into her skirt pocket, pulling out a Poke Ball. She hesitated, and then, to my surprise, turned to me. “Here,” she said, holding her Poke Ball out to me.
I stared at it in surprise. “Huh? What are you doing?”
“Well, I don’t wanna catch it. You do it!” Trixa took a step closer to me. “You don’t have any of your Pokemon with you. Have one!” She smiled.
I couldn’t help but smile back. Her smile had captivated me. “No!” I snapped out of my daze, shaking my head, and scowled. “That’s your Pokemon, not mine! You capture it!”
“No. This is for you,” Trixa insisted. “You can’t compete in the Unova League without earning your Badges. You already missed out on your first Badge at Accumula Town. You’re only going to be able to compete with me at Striaton City if you capture a Pokemon.” She grabbed my hand with her free hand and placed the Poke Ball in it, and then she got behind me and pushed me forward. “Do it!”
I felt chills at her touch, my gaze on the Pidove.
Pidove flinched as he started to get over the pain of the battle he was just in.
My time was up. It was now or never.
I pressed the button of the Poke Ball and it grew in my hand. “Poke Ball! GO!” I threw it as hard as I could at Pidove.
Pidove’s eyes opened and the Poke Ball slammed into his head, causing him to squawk sharply.
The Poke Ball opened and a red beam pulled Pidove inside.
As the Poke Ball hit the ground, the center button glowed red and it shook.
My fists were tight at my sides.
The Poke Ball shook some more.
It shook a couple more times before…
“WHOA! NO WAY!” I cried with excitement. “We did it! HA!” I turned around and smiled broadly at Trixa.
Trixa looked up from the Poke Ball and into my eyes, beaming right back.
I pulled her into a tight hug, rocking her from side-to-side. “Thank you so much!”
“Aaaawww!” Trixa giggled, though she didn’t return my hug. “Sure thing, Gary! You can be nice, after all!”
My tight hug loosened around her a bit and my smile vanished.
June giggled behind her, staring at me.
I released Trixa and smiled again. This was simply amazing. My very first Pokemon in Unova would be a Pidove. I could use him to catch other Pokemon and win Badges! I turned to the Poke Ball and was ready to take a step towards it and retrieve my Pokemon, but a rustle in the grass made me stop.
“What was that?” June asked, turning to the noise.
“Is it another Pokemon?” Trixa asked. “After that last battle, I think maybe June should help you capture your second Pokemon. My Pansear needs a rest, and Tepig’s all I’ve got left!” She returned her Pansear to its Poke Ball.
We all waited, but the only thing to be heard was the wind blowing cool air at us. The only thing to be seen was the grass moving to the desire of the sharp, blowing air, the dead leaves on the ground rustling and rolling around our feet, the branches in the trees shaking, the live leaves whistling.
I took a careful step towards the Poke Ball and then froze, my heart pounding hard, and then I took another step, paused again, and looked around.
Nothing out of the ordinary occurred.
The wind blew up again, dirt and leaves flying up, and I closed my eyes, feeling them tear up as something got in them. I wiped at them for a moment, trying to clear them out, and opened my eyes, squinting now as they continued to tear a little bit, blinking, something stinging as I stared at the Poke Ball. Another step closer, and then another, and soon after that, I took a few more steps. Bending down, my hand outstretched towards the Poke Ball, my hand closed around it, and a smile spread on my face, my heart beating fast. My mouth opened to cry out my joy. “I…AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!”
Something dark leaped out at me with a catlike screech.
I reached my arms up to protect myself as I shrieked and felt the sharp sting of pain on my right arm as the creature attacked me. The pain caused me to scream even louder as I fell.
Trixa and June screamed.
My arm stung painfully as I cowered, the Poke Ball still held in my hand tightly. What is that? I wondered, my arm throbbing.
Something was on the ground.
As I lowered my arm, I saw something heart wrenching laying there.
It was a cat. It cried out in a low purr, breathing painfully hard. Its ears were coated in blood. The body of the poor animal looked beaten, fur missing in several places as if it had been under some kind of horrible attack it just barely managed to escape from. Its body was mostly purple. There were parts that were tan, but with the blood and skin patches showing, it was impossible to tell if that was a part of its natural coloration or not. One of its eyes was closed, swollen, and blackened. Its tail was twisted in an awkward manner, looking mangled. One of its back paws was twisted and clearly broken, facing outward, the bone still inside of the flesh but poking up underneath it.
“What in the world…?” My heart was in my throat as I swallowed and approached the animal. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I knelt down and stared at it, only about two feet away, and reached out gently towards its face.
“Gary! Don’t!” I heard June shriek.
I froze, and before I could turn to face June, something much larger leaped from the grass and trees with a sharp screech, tackling me and forcing me onto my back. I screamed in terror in the face of a large feline.
Its face remained just an inch away from mine, its sharp claws digging into my shoulders, growling, its breath coming out strongly onto my face, smelling of something wet, humid, and foul. The animal’s deadly sharp fangs bared at me, coated in saliva, a thin line of bubbles on its gums and between its fangs.
My breathing was rapid, but I tried not to breathe on the animal’s face. I didn’t want to upset it anymore than it already was. I guess I shouldn’t have tried to touch that other cat, I realized. They must be related. They look similar. One is just noticeably larger than the other. Besides that, they are pretty close in resemblance. These two things must be Pokemon. This large cat could be the evolved form of the smaller one. It must be.
Suddenly, the creature looked away from me and let out a loud screech.
Hearing June and Trixa’s screams, I turned my head to see Trixa with her arms around June’s waist, her face filled with terror, and June with her bag on the ground, a Poke Ball in her hand, ready to throw it, but instead she was frozen with a look of horror on her face.
The beast on top of me screeched a terrifying cry again, and June wrapped her arms around Trixa, shivering with fear.
What Pokemon is this? I wondered as I trembled beneath it. Why is it attacking me? What’s wrong with the little one?
The smaller cat Pokemon uttered a mournful call, causing the larger cat on top of me to turn to it. It then turned back to me and growled before slowly backing off of me, and I noticed that something was wrong with its right back leg because it hobbled on it as it made its way over to the little kitten, nuzzling its nose against it and licking its face gently.
I shook all over as I slowly pushed myself up, the huge cat immediately looking at me as I moved. I froze. There wasn’t a sound made for a long while.
My arm was still throbbing painfully, but I ignored it in this terrifying situation.
The large feline made a series of screeching noises at me, saying its name repeatedly in the process, a ferocious look on its face the entire time. It made these scary noises for a couple of minutes before going into a growling state, and finally, silence.
I didn’t take my eyes off it, having no clue what it wanted.
“No,” I heard a frightened voice whisper.
I turned to the voice and saw June shaking her head, her eyes filled with tears, both her and Trixa still holding onto each other.
The big cat turned to June and growled.
The small kitten twitched and moaned.
“That little kitten,” I said in a shaky, low voice, grabbing the larger cat’s attention.
“No, Gary,” June’s voice quaked. She spoke in a louder, stronger tone, but it was still coated in fright.
“Huh?” I turned to her as the huge cat turned to June again and let out a shrill, angry cry.
“That’s a Liepard,” June said, pulling Trixa in closer to her. “That mean looking thing is a Liepard, otherwise known as the Cruel Pokemon. That other thing is his pre evolved form, Purrloin, also known as the Devious Pokemon. They’re both Dark type Pokemon and it’s common knowledge in Unova not to trust either one of them.”
My mouth dropped open hearing June’s words and I turned to the two Pokemon.
The Liepard was still growling at June.
Purrloin was motionless on the ground.
“That Liepard wants your help,” June said, still shaking her head. “He claims that his baby was beaten by a group of Pokemon Trainers trying to capture her. He claims he protected his child, but was distracted when one of the kids used a powerful Pokemon against him. While battling this Pokemon, the other kids got around him and began chasing his child. The Pokemon he was battling blocked his path and made it impossible for him to get to his Purrloin. Only, at this point, they didn’t want to capture Purrloin. They now planned on attacking her. They beat her with thick sticks and stomped on her, tossed her about, and seemed intent on killing her. He managed to defeat the opposing Pokemon and scare off the kids with a powerful Hyper Beam attack, and for the past two days, he has been seeking help. According to that thing, we’re the first travelers he’s come by, and he’s begging for assistance from us. He claims his own leg is injured as well from the fight with that Pokemon they used against him.”
I stared at Liepard, and then down at the poor little Purrloin, my eyes tearing up quickly.
Purrloin wasn’t moving, remaining facedown.
“Of course we’ll help you!” I got to my feet. “OUCH!” I grabbed my arm, which only made it hurt even more and I grit my teeth tightly, groaning. It had several cuts in it and blood was showing on my skin, but it wasn’t running yet. I turned back to Liepard. “Of course we’ll help you. We can take you and your baby to Striaton City and help you both at the Pokemon Center there.”
“NO!” June ran and glared at me, looking into my eyes.
“Excuse me?” I said in confusion.
“We have to get out of here, away from those things!” June demanded.
My eyes bulged out in shock at her. “What do you mean?”
“We are not trusting those two! Did you not hear what I said about them? Devious and Cruel Pokemon! They’re not to be trusted! I know about these two Pokemon already, Gary! Just ask your Pokedex!”
“I don’t need to check my Pokedex to know that the Purrloin is in need of help from us!” I screamed at her. “Have you lost your mind?! Look at it!”
June and I looked past the growling Liepard and over at the Purrloin.
One of her blood soaked ears twitched.
I gasped. “Come on! We have to help her!” I stepped towards Purrloin.
“I said no!” June said in a strong, angry tone that I wasn’t used to her using, and she grabbed my shoulder, holding me back.
“What has gotten into you?” I said, looking at her in disgust.
Purrloin. The Devious Pokemon. This Pokemon puts on a cute act with its adorable looks to distract people and make off with their belongings. Even when it is caught doing so, it manages to get away with it by giving its cute stare.
Liepard. The Cruel Pokemon and Purrloin’s evolved form. People are attracted to its beautiful fur and strong, alluring form. They are merciless on their enemies and prefer sneaky attacks.
“Turn that damn thing off!!” I barked at Trixa.
Trixa cried out and put her Pokedex away, stumbling away from me.
“I don’t need to know their damn data!!” I raged before turning to June. “These two Pokemon are in pain! That’s all I know and all I care about.”
“You can’t trust these Pokemon! Gary, just listen to me!” June pleaded, gripping both of my shoulders now.
I shook my shoulders hard, freeing myself from her. “Get off of me! I can’t believe you would say such a thing like this! Are you reading these Pokemon? Is this what you’re picking up from them?”
June shook her head. “I can’t read past what a Pokemon is telling me. I told you exactly what they’re telling me. I just don’t believe him. These Pokemon are untrustworthy. Don’t listen to them!”
I felt sick just looking at June now. “How can you say such a thing? These two are in obvious pain and even by reading them, you know they’re in pain, but you’re going to go listen to some stupid fears put into a Pokedex and judge the fate of this little Purrloin’s life on that?!”
“Gary, we’re gonna end up with all of our stuff missing and maybe seriously injured!” June argued. “I am not taking that thing anywhere! They’re both fine! I’m sure of it!”
“There’s no way you can misread that Purrloin! JUST LOOK AT THE POOR THING!!”
“They put up a good act, I admit! But that is all it is! These things are notorious for this kind of stuff!”
“Raikou is notorious for not trusting humans, but you think it attacked Kiwi in self defense!”
“Don’t you bring that up right now, Gary!”
“It’s the same exact thing!!”
“It is not!!”
“You’re right! At least the reason for your stupid trust in Raikou is based on what you claim you read from the thing! In this case, you can read the pain on these Pokemon, but you’re still being an idiot!!”
“I am not traveling with that thing, Gary!”
“Then get away from us, because I’m taking Purrloin and Liepard to Striaton City for help!” I stormed past June and placed Pidove’s Poke Ball on my belt as I got closer to Liepard.
Liepard looked into my eyes, his teeth bared, growling loudly at me as I neared him.
“Liepard, Striaton City is really close by,” I explained. “Allow me to take Purrloin and yourself there. Is this okay?”
Liepard looked over to Purrloin.
The poor kitten’s body twitched and she let out a weakened moan, her voice low, light, and causing my heart to beat even harder as I worried about the future of the Pokemon, knowing time was running out.
Liepard looked over at me and nodded, still warning me with his strong, deadly teeth showing.
I nodded back. “Trust me, Liepard. We’ll get there safely.” I moved closer to Purrloin and bent down. Carefully, I reached out and touched the injured Pokemon.
Purrloin wailed loudly in pain, her head turning sharply away from me.
Liepard hissed at me, arching his back, and then screamed out as he collapsed on his left back leg.
“It’s okay!” I turned to Liepard, holding my hands up, my entire body shaking hard. “Just let me pick her up!” I reached down again and gently touched her, causing her to yell out.
Liepard remained on the ground from his hurt leg, but he hissed at me again.
I lifted Purrloin up and she struggled in my hands, groaning and squirming. Quickly, I cradled her in my arms, adjusting her body as best as I could to make it as comfortable as possible for her.
Purrloin’s mangled tail hung at a strange angle from my arm. She stopped struggling and laid still, her eyes closed, breathing heavily. The blood from her body started to smear on my skin.
This Pokemon is in critical condition, I thought to myself. This isn’t an act.
“Gary,” June said, shaking her head. “This is a setup. I will not be going along with you if you’re going to take them, too. I refuse! I absolutely refuse!”
I stared at June, her words stunning me. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing from her.
June stared back at me, her arms crossed in front of her chest, a serious look on her face.
I squinted at her in disbelief and shook my head. Without another word, I walked away from June, continuing down the path towards Striaton City.
Liepard growled at June before following after me.
“Oh, really?” June angrily shouted after me. “FINE! You’ve made your choice!! I’m out of here, then!”
I ignored June, walking through Route 2, Purrloin in my arms, Liepard hobbling along beside me.
“Hmph!” I heard June storm away in the opposite direction.
“Wait! Please! Can’t we just…” I heard Trixa start to beg, but then she stopped.
Purrloin moaned in my arms, twitching, her eyes closed so tightly, shivering in my arms, curling and uncurling her body in pain.
“It’s okay, Purrloin,” I whispered. “You and your dad will be just fine, really soon. It’s okay, now. It’s going to be okay.”
Purrloin curled up against my shirt, getting blood all over it, and her front paws reached out and grabbed onto my shirt as she let out a painful screech.
I held Purrloin closer to me, my eyes overflowing in tears. “It must hurt so badly,” I said gently to her. “Your dad is right here, though. You’re in safe care. You’re going to come out of this just fine, Purrloin. You’re so strong. Hang in there, please. We’re so close.”
Hurried footsteps from behind me caused me and Liepard to stop and turn around.
“Gary!” Trixa called, a concerned look on her face. She ran up to us. “I hate fighting. I really do. But I don’t know why June would say such horrible things about Purrloin. I mean, they’re both obviously hurt!”
I shrugged and turned around, continuing my walk, Liepard following me. “Screw her. She never was the brightest one, and her ability to read Pokemon has been questionable at times. I don’t know how she can claim to read Pokemon but think that these two are lying. Forget about her. We’re on our own, now. And even after we get these two to Striaton City and they’re healed, she isn’t welcome back anymore. She turned her back on us. It was her decision.”
Trixa’s footsteps crunched along behind us. “I really hate confrontation,” she said in a low, sad voice. “I wish she didn’t leave us.”
“Whatever,” I muttered.
The four of us continued in silence other than Purrloin’s pleading cries and moans in my arms as she turned around, flinched, winced, and stretched, every movement bringing out a desperate call for help from her throat.
Liepard kept his eyes on Purrloin, looking away every so often to check the path we were on, but for most of the walk, his eyes remained on his baby.
My arm was throbbing urgently, but I didn’t pay any attention to it. After a little while, I could see that the trees and grass surrounding our walk were ending, and something was up ahead. “Hey! I think Striaton must be right up ahead!” I started to run past Liepard and Trixa to get a better view from the top of a nearby hill. I had only gotten a few feet before the grass began to rustle.
Trixa gasped.
I froze and turned to the sound.
Liepard let out a sharp hiss in the direction of the noise.
The grass nearby shook harder as something made its way from the trees, closer to us.
Purrloin started to squirm and whine.
I held her closer to me, a bad feeling arising in my chest. What is that? I wondered, thoughts flying through my mind rapidly as fear filled my body. Who is that? Could it be the Trainers who attacked Purrloin and Liepard? Could it be the setup June warned me about?
Liepard let out another hissss, louder and longer this time.
I turned to him as he continued to stare in the direction of the rustling grass, unsure of what the noise he was making meant. Maybe June was right, I began to fear.
Purrloin’s left eye suddenly opened, the swollen right eye remaining closed, and she looked right into my eyes, making me gasp in shock.
Oh, no, I realized.
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