《Bridging The Gap; The Final Records In Unova: An Autobiography》Some Like It Hot
“If you’re gonna start earning Badges, you should start catching some Pokemon, Gary,” June told me.
“You don’t say,” I said sarcastically.
“Well, I’m just saying. Accumula Town isn’t far away, right?” she asked.
I nodded. “I never really said I was going to challenge the Unova League. My mom was attacked in the middle of the night by one of your Pokemon, and then, the next thing I know, I’m pretty much homeless. Then, I run into my Charizard and Porygon-Z, the latter who attacks Prof. Oak, basically banning me from Pallet Town. And now, both Pokemon are missing. To top it off, I’m in some whole other freaking region I’ve never been to, with no Pokemon, and no access to any of my old Pokemon, and you want me to just go catch some new ones? Then what? If I catch more than six, I’m busted as far as what region I’m in. And once the Unova League is over, then what are we going to do? Where will we go?”
“I’ve thought about that,” June replied, her eyes to the ground. “You’re always welcome back at my place...”
I turned to her, scowling, getting even angrier as I noticed her red cheeks. “Oh, of course,” I snapped. “Your place! Back in Gringey City. In Kanto! And exactly how are we going to get back over the freaking ocean to the Kanto region? Hmm. I guess a plane would work, right? Right. Oh, wait! I forgot! You didn’t bring your freaking purse or anything to pay for the trip! The food you brought in your bag, and the food we’ll get for free at the Pokemon Centers, are only going to be but so sufficient, June!”
“Will you stop getting so angry at me?” June yelled back. “Just shut up and listen! I already made a call at the Pokemon Center we came from. I’m getting a new card mailed to Striaton City. I checked out the Town Map in the Pokemon Center and I knew it might take some time to get to Unova, so I figured I’d send it a couple of towns ahead of us. So we just have to make sure we make it to Striaton City.”
I sighed. “Fine. After Accumula, we’ll go straight there. It’s not far from there.”
June smiled. “See? I’ve got everything under control.”
I rolled my eyes.
The sun beamed from above. It was surprisingly hot for the kind of cool, easygoing weather we’d been having the past couple of months. The path we were on was guarded on each side by a light number of trees, grass stretching for miles beyond the dry, dirt ground beneath our feet, dirtying my sneakers slowly as they crunched the brown, dead leaves.
My hands were in my jacket pockets as I pondered taking it off.
“So, about Unova…” June said after a little while.
“What about it?” I asked cautiously.
“What do you think?”
“It’s nice. Why?”
“Gary!” June said angrily. “Why do you think I’m asking? I wanna know if you’re going to compete or if you want to leave?”
I turned my eyes to the cloudless, blue sky, thinking about her words. Staring at the blazing sun was making me feel even hotter, but I didn’t look away as I pondered my future plans. After everything I’d been through in the past couple of days, this was the first real time I was able to call the shots. I could take the time to think and not act in haste.
Compete in the Unova League, or…? Or what?
I lowered my eyes to June, and then turned to… “Hey!” I said in surprise, looking around, blinking out the bright flashes lingering in my eyes from the sun. “Trixa! Where are you?”
“Oh, no!” June’s head whipped around frantically. “Where’s Trixa?”
“Let’s just leave her!” I said impatiently. “I’ve had about enough of her and her craziness! We’re not her babysitters.”
“We’re her friends, Gary,” June responded.
“Don’t give me that. Come on, let’s go.” I walked past June as she looked around with a worried look.
“Gary, we can’t just leave her! She might need our help!”
“I’m not arguing that the girl needs help, but not the kind of help we can give her.” I continued to walk, and June’s footsteps followed behind me shortly after.
“Aren’t you worried at all?” June asked sadly.
I sighed loudly. “No. She’ll be fine.”
“You’re so stubborn.”
“I’m way too impatient to be dealing with this. Imagine if you hadn’t kidnapped me to the Unova region. She’d still be lost right now.”
“Hey! I could’ve left you home, okay?” June said, her voice rising.
I didn’t say anything, but kept walking as the trees continued to thin out, more flat land replacing it.
“Besides, maybe we’re here for a reason, you know? Like, to save her!”
“Maybe you’re here to save her,” I joked.
“You know, I should have just left you in Pallet! You can really be such a total piece of-!”
“Hey! You two!” a voice interrupted June. We both turned and saw a young guy running towards us, a concerned look on his face. “Excuse me, please!” He stopped in front of us, breathing hard, and then straightened up. Smiling kindly, he spoke his words slowly, carefully. “I’m sorry, but I’m looking for two friends of a girl. She just walked into the Spa Resort I run, and started using the hot spring. She said that two of her friends were coming along, right behind her, and they’d be paying for her stay.”
“A girl…?” I asked hesitantly.
“Um… What’s her name…?” June asked cautiously.
“She said her name was Trixa,” the young guy answered.
“WHAT?!?!” June exploded.
I grabbed June’s arm and pulled her away from the guy. “Nope, never heard of her. Good luck,” I replied quickly.
“Gary, she could get into huge trouble!” June pulled me back towards the guy. “Sir, we are so sorry. That’s our friend in there.”
“You keep throwing that word around,” I muttered.
June shot me an angry look before turning back sorrowfully. “Excuse her, please. And, allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is June.” She bowed slightly before the man and then jabbed me in my side with her elbow.
“Ay!” I cried out, and then faced the man. “I’m Gary,” I said quickly, grumpily.
“It’s nice to meet you both. My name is Dan,” he smiled. “My family and I run a Spa Resort and hotel not far from here.”
“Well, you better get Trixa washing some dishes, because we have no money and had no idea she had just run up into your place like that. She was with us and just disappeared.”
“Oh, wow,” the man said with disappointment. “That’s really unfortunate. These things aren’t free.”
I nodded. “Well, feel free to call the police. Or the mental hospital. If you call the mental hospital, make sure they have plenty of tranquili-ouch!” I grabbed my throbbing shoulder, glaring at June after her very strong punch she gave it.
“We’re both very sorry for the trouble she’s caused,” June said, lowering her head. “If it’s okay with you, we can just take her and leave. If you need us to wash any dishes or do laundry or anything, we eagerly offer you our assistance.”
“We offer you our assistance,” I agreed. “As in June and Trixa. I am getting the hell out of here.” I walked away from them, briefly. My walk forward became reversed as I felt a strong, familiar pull on my earlobe that made me whine out.
“Like I said, we will gladly pay you back in any way we can,” June offered, gripping my earlobe tightly. “We apologize for our friend’s overzealous behavior.”
Dan laughed a little as June released my ear and I scowled at the ground, rubbing it. “You’re good people, and I appreciate the offer, but it’s alright. I noticed that Trixa had a Poke Ball. Is it safe to assume that you three are Pokemon Trainers?”
June nodded, and I followed suit shortly after, although I was unsure on how to answer that for myself.
“I know the life of a Pokemon Trainer must be a busy one. I don’t want to slow up your journey. Consider this one on the house.”
“Really?” June asked, shocked.
“Well, we could use the money, but, yes. It’s on me,” Dan replied, his smile fading slightly. “Business has been pretty slow lately. We’re not sure why. The bills are stacking up and we’re trying to pay them off, but times are getting really hard right now. We’re not sure what’s going to happen.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that,” June said, her voice low with sadness.
Dan nodded, his smile fading further. “I’ve worked here with my family since I was a kid. It hurts to see everything we’ve worked for seem to crumble like this.”
“Maybe it’s just a seasonal slump!” June suggested.
Dan shook his head. “I wish. People seem to come here every season. Maybe it dies down in the summer, but not like this. We haven’t had a customer in over three months. I won’t lie to you; it was really nice to see somebody in that hot spring after such a long period of time.”
“Awww.” June looked really upset by this news. “We’ll spend some time with you!”
“June, wait a minute.”
“But, Gary, I feel bad.”
“I do, too. But we can’t!”
June looked down in despair.
“I’m really sorry,” I told Dan.
He shook his head, smiling. “I wouldn’t want you guys around here, anyway. It’s so boring and dull. It certainly is shocking seeing things in such a bad place right now. But, we’ll bounce back. Hopefully.”
Silence greeted us as the awkward sadness kept us without a word to say.
“Well, you guys are welcome to use the hot spring if you’d like,” Dan said brightly. “Follow me and I’ll take you right to your friend!”
I flinched at the word “friend.”
Her long hair floating in the water, her shoulders in the straps of a white swimsuit, her eyes closed, smiling peacefully, Trixa was laying gently in the hot water against a giant, long rock, breathing gently.
“Trixa!” June and I shouted.
Trixa continued smiling, her eyes still closed, seemingly not hearing us.
“Grrrrr!” I picked up a small rock on the ground by my feet and pulled back my arm.
“Gary!” June grabbed my hand, stopping me.
“Fine!” I pulled my hand away, dropping the object. “TRIXA! What are you doing?”
Trixa’s eyes opened slowly and she smiled even brighter as she saw me, June and Dan. “Gary! June! Dan! I told you my two best friends were here with me!”
I felt a warm spot in my heart as I heard her call June and me her “best friends.”
“They’ll be joining and covering the costs!” Trixa continued, closing her eyes again.
The warm feeling faded instantly and I leered at her.
“Trixa!” June called out to her, gently.
“Hm?” Trixa’s eyes opened sweetly.
“We never said we’d cover any charges,” June said, a worried look on her face.
“Huh?” Trixa sat up in the water, exposing more of herself, her eyes wide with surprise. Her swimsuit was a one piece. “But, how are we gonna pay these good people back for this service?”
“No one even agreed to use the services of this place in the first place!” I was losing it.
“Why would we come here if we’re not going to use the facility?” Trixa asked innocently.
I covered my face with my hands and growled loudly. “We weren’t planning on coming here in the first damn place!” My hands fell swiftly.
“Why are you yelling at me?” Trixa’s face was visibly upset and a little scared.
“You broke into a freaking resort and just assumed we would be paying for it! Why wouldn’t I be mad??”
“Now, now,” Dan said, smiling. “Calm down. Let’s not get all worked up. How about you kids enjoy the hot spring and let loose all of your tensions.”
“Yeah, Gary,” Trixa agreed. “You’re way too wound up. This thing is so comforting. Join me!”
My face got hotter as I stared at Trixa, her body halfway out of the water, and looked her over quickly. “No,” I said firmly.
“Why?” she asked, looking at me, wide-eyed.
“I don’t want to,” I mumbled, and looked away from her wet frame.
“But the water’s really nice,” Trixa urged.
“I don’t swim,” I said moodily. “I don’t even like the water.”
“You don’t like water?”
“I don’t swim in it,” I answered shortly.
“Hmmmm.” The water splashed as Trixa made her way over to the other end of the hot spring, closer to me.
I turned to her and felt my heart beating fast.
She actually looked rather pretty, soaking wet, looking up at me with such an adorable look on her face.
I forced myself to look away, but stared at her from out the corner of my eye.
She sniffed the air. “Hmm. I guess you do stink. It must be because you’re afraid of the water. That’s not healthy.” She made her way back to the other side of the hot spring.
“I CLEAN MYSELF!” I defended myself furiously. “I SHOWERED LAST NIGHT AT THE POKEMON CENTER! I didn’t say I was afraid to shower!! I said swiiim!!”
“This isn’t exactly something you swim in, Gary,” Trixa responded. “You just lay in it. Like a bath. You’re not afraid to bathe, are you? Like in a tub?”
“This is the same thing!” Trixa closed her eyes and sighing happily against her rock.
“No!” I turned my back on Trixa.
“Oh, fine. June? How about you?”
“It’s a little warm for me to be in a hot spring,” June giggled.
“You won’t even notice it!” Trixa said excitedly. “It feels so nice!”
“Trixa, Dan said you can spend the day here for free,” I informed her. “I’m going on to Accumula Town. I don’t have time for this.”
“What?? You’re just gonna leave me?” Her hurt voice actually tore through my heart.
“We’re not leaving you,” June assured her.
“You wanna bet?” I challenged, and walked past an uncomfortable faced Dan and made my way out of the hot spring. I moved quickly, fed up with everything and everyone, walking down a long, winding, rocky mountain path, through a short, two story, yellow building with an orange roof and a lot of windows.
I heard June call out for me, and Trixa began whining, Dan trying to calm everyone down.
“Gary, at least let her change!” June demanded.
I stopped at the front doors of the Spa Resort and turned around, seeing June and a bathing suit clad Trixa run down a separate hallway together.
Dan and I faced each other awkwardly, and he smiled.
“I’m sorry. I have nothing against you. Please don’t take this personally,” I apologized.
“No, not at all!” he said with a light chuckle. “I don’t know how you travel with two girls. You’re lucky. They’re both very cute, but I’m sure they can be a headache. I think Trixa may have been expecting you to pay because you’re the guy!” He laughed.
My smile was strained, and I didn’t laugh, holding back my fury, looking to the ground. She expected me to pay because she’s an idiot, not because I’m male, I thought. This girl is more trouble than she’s worth.
It wasn’t long before Trixa and June appeared from the hallway they had walked through. Trixa was now dressed in a blue dress and pink sandals, both girls frowning at me.
I turned to Dan. “Thanks again, sir.” I walked out of the building quickly.
June and Trixa burst through the doors after me. “GARY!!!” they both screeched, making me flinch.
I didn’t stop walking.
They both ran past me and turned to face me, scowling.
I stopped in my tracks and returned their angry stares.
“Why are you always acting like this, Gary?” June demanded. “Even back in Kanto, you always had to be such a boss!”
“You both were in Kanto together?” Trixa asked, her anger fading from her face as she turned to June.
“Yes!” June said, turning to Trixa in surprise. “We’re both from Kanto. We explained this at Prof. Juniper’s lab.”
“You did?” Trixa asked, looking at June in confusion. “I don’t remember that. I was too eager to get my Starter Pokemon! Guess I wasn’t paying attention.”
I shook my head, squinting at Trixa, and walked around June, keeping away from Trixa and her stupidity as if it were contagious.
“Hey! This isn’t over, yet!” June blocked my path.
“Listen, I’ve already told you this enough times,” I said, pointing my finger at her. “I’m stuck in Unova, with no idea on my future plans. If I’m going to be stuck here, you’d better be damn well sure that I’m making my own way. Follow me or leave me. Thank you for getting me out of my mom’s place, but I think I need to start following my own ideas now. If I’m going to be competing in the Unova League, I need a Pokemon, for starters. I don’t want to waste time. Now let me walk on and think about this before I make up my mind, will you?” I walked around her and towards a wide path lined by several trees on each side.
June and Trixa followed behind me.
I pulled out my Town Map and looked at it, but my mind was elsewhere. Will I really be trying to compete in the Unova League? Will I really start catching Pokemon again? What happens when my journey in Unova is over? Where will I go after this? If I don’t compete in the Unova League, what exactly will I be doing out here? My hands lowered with the Town Map still in them, and I looked at the path laid out.
“Everything okay?” June asked me softly.
“I’m sure it will be just fine.”
“So a Poison Gym is first?”
I nodded at June’s question. “Yeah.”
“You think you’re ready, Trixa?” June asked her.
“Yeah! I’ve been waiting for this for a while now!” Trixa exclaimed. “This will really be fun!”
“Maybe you should have some kind of a battle, first,” June suggested. “I’m not sure you fully know how to battle yet. You know, like, the rules and stuff.”
“Of course I do!” Trixa spoke eagerly. “And I’ll prove it to you right now!”
Intrigued, I glanced back... and gasped at the sight of a Pokemon!
Trixa pulled out her Pokedex and scanned the creature that stood between us.
Pansear. The High Temp Pokemon. Pansear are more often located near volcanoes. This Pokemon feasts on Berries and always cooks them first using its fire.
“Okay,” Trixa nodded. Her face was blank, but somehow focused. She put her Pokedex in her right hand and grabbed her Poke Ball with her left hand. “Tepig! I choose you!”
“Tepig!” Tepig leered at Pansear.
“Pansear!” Pansear growled and leaped quickly at Tepig, its claws glowing white.
“Dodge that!” Trixa ordered.
Tepig quickly moved, leaping and ducking around the quick swipes Pansear was attacking with.
Pansear’s eyes glowed red as it used Leer attack.
Tepig froze in fear.
Pansear attacked with Fury Swipes once more, swiping at Tepig’s face.
Tepig was forced to stumble backwards by the hits, but he got back up, breathing hot fire from his nostrils with a strong grunt.
“Tepig, it’s our turn! Use your Tail Whip!” Trixa said, not taking her eyes off of her Pokedex.
Tepig ran at Pansear and turned around, his tail whipping right in front of Pansear’s face.
Pansear merely watched.
“Tail Whip, once more!”
Tepig backed up and smacked his tail repeatedly against Pansear.
Pansear backed up a few feet, shaking its head softly, unfazed.
I hope she knows that move isn’t actually doing any damage, I thought. It’s only lowering Pansear’s Defense. She better start attacking.
“Again, Tepig!”
Pansear leaped towards Tepig, reaching out for him with its paws.
Tepig jumped to Pansear, getting ready to use Tail Whip again.
Before Tepig could turn around, Pansear opened its mouth and licked Tepig in the face.
Tepig squealed in disgust.
“Aww! Is that a kiss?” Trixa gushed with delight, gripping her Pokedex tightly in both hands.
Lick. This attack may Paralyze the foe.
“You idiot,” I muttered, smacking my forehead, closing my eyes and shaking my head.
Trixa gasped.
Tepig backed up, shivering from Paralysis, and collapsed.
“Oh, no! And I don’t have any other Pokemon!” Trixa said with disappointment.
“Trixa! Don’t-!”
“SSSHHHH!!!” Trixa shushed me loudly, waving her hand at me frantically. “I can do this! I’ll prove it! Just give me this chance!”
I closed my mouth, surprised by her sudden determination.
She squinted at Pansear, who was looking down at the Paralyzed Tepig. “A Status problem doesn’t end a match!” Trixa urged either herself, her Pokemon, or both. “Tepig! The match isn’t over! Get up and fight back! Use Tackle!”
June smiled and nodded.
Tepig struggled to his feet.
Pansear ran to Tepig, raising a claw and leaping into the air, getting ready to attack with Scratch.
Tepig took the hit, sliding across the ground.
“Tepig! Come on! This isn’t over!” Trixa encouraged her Pokemon. “Let’s show what we can do!” She used her hands to brush her hair back and then pointed at Pansear. “Tackle it!”
Tepig got to his feet as Pansear ran forward to use Fury Swipes. Tepig leaped over the swipes, into the air, and landed behind Pansear. He then charged at Pansear as the monkey turned around to face him, tackling it down.
Pansear got up, keeping its eyes on Tepig.
“Tackle again!”
“Tepig!” Tepig charged right into Pansear, knocking it over.
Pansear seemed shaky as it got up again. It screeched angrily and raised a claw to use Scratch attack again.
“Teeeepiiig!” Tepig snorted and blew a huge flame from his nostrils.
Pansear screamed from the hit, but then flew in a rage at Tepig and continued its attack, not bothered too much by the fire, and swung down.
“TEPIG!” Tepig suddenly curled himself up into a ball.
Pansear landed the hit, forcing Tepig back as he rolled.
“Tepig!” Trixa cried.
“He’s using Defense Curl!” June clapped happily.
Trixa pointed her Pokedex at Tepig.
Defense Curl. This move raises the Defense of the user.
“Defense Curl! Defense Curl!” Trixa cheered, jumping in the air.
Tepig uncurled himself and glared at Pansear, breathing hard, but managing a determined smile.
“Wait, but I didn’t say to use that!” Trixa gasped, no longer smiling or leaping for joy. “Is he disobeying me?”
“No! He just learned that move! He must be at that level from the battle experience he’s been gaining!” June explained.
“Oh! In that case, that’s just fine!” Trixa laughed.
Pansear yelled out angrily and ran towards Tepig, swiping at the air with Fury Swipes.
“Tepig! Go for it! Tackle it right now!”
“Tepiiiiig!” Tepig took the first couple of slashes from Pansear, bouncing against the ground, but got back up, tackling Pansear.
Pansear rolled head over heels, backwards, and then laid on its back, groaning.
“I think this is the time! Whoawhoawhoa!” Trixa reached into her jeans pocket and pulled out a Poke Ball. “Okay. Like this.” She pressed the center button and made the ball bigger. “And then you go like this!” She tossed the Poke Ball at Pansear as it bared its teeth, trying to get up.
The Poke Ball hit Pansear on the head, opened, and sucked it inside with a red beam. It hit the ground and the center button was a deep red as it shook on the ground repeatedly.
It continued to shake.
And shake.
And shake.
And shake.
The red light faded and turned white, and the Poke Ball remained still!
Trixa stared in shock at the Poke Ball.
I smiled and looked at Trixa.
June smiled and looked at Trixa, and then turned to me.
Tepig was breathing hard from his battle, glaring at the Poke Ball.
Trixa remained gaping at her Poke Ball.
“Congratulations!” I congratulated her.
“Trixa, you did wonderful!” June added.
Tepig looked up at his Trainer and watched her silently, catching his breath.
Trixa remained motionless, staring at her Poke Ball.
“Trixa? You okay?” I asked.
Trixa remained still.
About five more minutes had passed, all of us in silence.
“TRIXA!” I barked, getting impatient.
“Huh?” she said, looking up at me.
“What is wrong with you? You caught your Pokemon!”
“Huh? What? I did??” Trixa looked down at the Poke Ball and gasped. She sprinted at it and lifted it in the air. “I… I… I DID IT!! I caught my very first Pokemon! I actually did it! There’s no way! I won! I won!! I won!!”
“Te...!” Tepig started with joy. “Pig…” Tepig collapsed, exhausted.
“Oh, my Tepig!” Trixa placed her new Poke Ball on her belt and picked up her Tepig in her arms. Turning to me, she said with a gentle grin, “Is Accumula Town nearby? I think Tepig needs a rest there.”
I checked the Town Map. “Actually, we should be there in about fifteen minutes if we move.”
“Oh, that’s great!”
“We can heal both of your new Pokemon,” I nodded.
“That’s right!” Trixa agreed.
I smiled at her.
Trixa smiled back, looking at me with her eyes that seemed to twinkle back.
“Uh… Are we going or what?” June asked, breaking my attention.
I turned to her. “Yeah! Stop wasting time!” I snapped.
“What? ME?!” June said with a mortified look on her face. “I wasn’t ev-!”
“Come on!” I shouted, interrupting her, and ran forward, Trixa running quickly alongside me, June behind us, calling for us to slow down.
The three of us were on our way to Accumula Town, where Trixa was going to compete for her first Badge.
I still had not one clue of what I was going to be doing during my time in the Unova region. I still felt like I hadn’t made any independent choices regarding what would be going on in my life after making the choice to run out of my house after the refrigerator attacked my mom.
In due time, I’d find out how much control I had over my life.
In due time, I’d find out how little control I had over my life.
But for now.
In due time.
We’d be arriving in Accumula Town.
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