《Male Spy at an All-Girl's School》Chapter 2: An encounter with Strawberry
After the meeting with Lucia, Rin headed to the Wardrobe Room as per instructions from the boss herself.
"Great, If Kayle finds out about it, he'll be laughing his ass out until he has no oxygen to spare. My life fucking sucks."
But then his perverted senses rise up as he thought of the possibilities and perhaps the rather fortunate accidents that this mission has to offer.
"Hehe but then a school filled with hot single chicks? I guess it's every man's dream. Maybe I'm actually lucky to be assigned in this mission?"
As he walks through the hallway, he failed to notice several Agents especially the Women eyeing him like he's some sort of lunatic on cocaine.
After some time, Rin finally arrived at the Wardrobe Room and was greeted by a girl with long pink hair. She wears a white polo uniform that is covered with a pink apron.
"Yow!! Ant you're here!!" The girl greeted Rin with enthusiasm.
"Hello, Chameleon. I assume that you've heard what boss wants you to do?" Rin grinned at the cheerful Agent in return.
"Yep, and I sure am very excited to turn you into a girl that men will strike a deal with the devil just to breathe in your very air."
Rin paled and chuckled nervously." Please don't. I don't want to be the reason for someone to question their heterosexuality."
"If it's cute, It's not gay!!" Chameleon retorted.
"Tsk, your love for traps and BL."
Chameleon simply grinned and gestured Rin to take a seat at the make-up station.
"I promise Ant, you'll turn into one of the cutest girls that Twilight has to offer!!"
Rin sighed, smiling as he resigned to his fate. "Will it be that easy?"
"Of course!! Ant no… Rin you may be an Agent and a man so meaning that your body should be ripped and a bit muscular with all the missions and training but what a shocker in what I observe, your skin is flawless just like a girl!!" Then Chameleon caress Rin's cheeks. "Your face, it seems that you're a late bloomer, still having that slightly baby look despite being what 14?"
"15" Rin immediately corrected.
"15, yes, and your figure, while there seem to be some muscular features like your shoulders being a bit broad but nothing to be worried about." Chameleon then lifted Rin's shirt, exposing his slim belly. "Hmm, thankfully you don't have any six-pack abs or something because it'll look weird for a young female student to have one, and having more backstories involving that is just a pain in the ass."
"Haha, I guess I eat a lot?"
"Perhaps. That and you don't focus on crunches and sit-ups that often." Chameleon then grinned, licking her lips as her hands go below the...
"Not touching their missy!!" Rin's face was red as a tomato, slapping Chameleon's hand away.
Chameleon laughed hard. "Oh my, the pervert is being flustered? I thought you wanted that?"
"I may be a pervert but I still have morals that I only limit to looking. In fact, I still believe in Sex after marriage."
"Oh, a pervert and a Gentleman? What a delight." Chameleon teased the blushing boy. "Anyways, your thighs seem adequate for a 15-year-old girl. So yes, we can definitely make this work!! In fact, your only problem is finding ways of hiding your man meat."
"Man meat, huh you sure have a way with such colorful words."
Chameleon then began to do her magic.
"You can open your eyes now Rin."
2 hours of the make-up session later and Rin felt light-headed and dizzy as he clutches his head in agony. His hands then trailed at his hair, showing strands longer than what he is accustomed to.
"What the?"
Rin blink, hoping his eyes aren't fooling him at seeing such a goddess.
In the mirror, a girl with flowing long blue hair that reached on half of her back was seen. Her heart-shaped face is simply angelic with a cupid lip style that simply defines her cute. Her eyes, a pair of red orbs shaped into a round and a petite body that men would not waste a second to take a glance at. She also wears a pink ribbon, a white sailor school uniform with green lace, and a blue skirt with a pair of black stockings.
Chameleon was simply stunned even though she was the one responsible for transforming Rin into a beautiful teenage girl.
"Wow, Rin. If I don't know any better, I'd say that you are a true bishojou to the very core."
The boy turned girl simply nodded in response, still shock by this happening.
"Crap, I would totally do me!!" Rin's face is as red as a tomato as he touched his cheeks in embarrassment.
"Same same my cute little Agent. I would turn lesbian." Chameleon smiled and patted Rin's back.
"There is one problem though..." Rin's voice seems to be in despair and held his chest filled with… nothing. "I'm fucking flat!!"
Chameleon giggled. "Of course, silly. If someone were to find you half-naked which hopefully won't ever happen, then you being flat would save your cover, and besides, it's not unusual for some women of your age to be completely flat."
"I suppose you're right, but still you just turned me into your ideal dream girl well with the exception of boobs," Rin replied as he put his right hand on his hips. "Not that I have anything against flat women or anything. Both busty and flat have their merits and I love them equally."
Chameleon simply chuckled at her friend's antics and did not mind his perverted tendencies.
"And one more thing to complete the flavor." Chameleon took out a caramel-colored sweater and gave it to Rin. "As much as possible, you need to remain inconspicuous about your figure so this should somehow do the trick."
Rin nodded and worn the sweater.
"There you have it!! Now, all we have to do is decide on a name!!" Chameleon cheered with utmost enthusiasm.
"I believe I can handle that."
The two agents turned their attention to the door as Lucia entered the room and being greeted by a cross-dressed Rin, she could not help but be amused given by the gleam on her blue eyes.
"It seems Ant has turned into a lovely young lady. An excellent job as always Chameleon.
"I thank you, boss!!" Chameleon saluted with gratitude.
Lucia turned her attention to Rin. "In your mission, you will be known as Rina Mayfield, my cousin from Dawn City. If anyone asks, you're an orphan and have live with me. I've also taken the liberty to add your information in the database of Twilight hence if anyone tries to find anything about you."
"Your cousin? Why would you get involved in here, boss? I thought Agents have to remain in the dark as much as possible." Rin eyed Lucia with a questioning look.
"Idiot, most of us don't start our lives and careers as Agents like you do and as contrary to popular belief, we Agents hide in plain sight meaning we too have lives outside of this organization. Store owners, Barkeepers, Salesmen, even famous actors, take your pick. As we swore our oath to the Brotherhood, we took the mantle of Agent being our first identity and the rest secondary. As you already know, my alternate ego is a Florist in a Flower shop located in the streets of Dawn City."
"So, I guess my alternate ego now is a female student at Rosemary Academy."
"Exactly and being an Agent is your very soul as we serve the Kingdom in the Shadows."
"I get it. Anything else?"
A sound of a camera click was heard courtesy of Lucia Mayfield.
"Hehe, you look pretty cute in that outfit Ant. I suppose I should practice my cover as your obsessed cousin who adores every single aspect of your whole existence." Lucia's mouth is literally drooling.
"C-creep!! You're just using that as an excuse to molest me you sick lolicon!!" Rin's face was all blue, fearing this specific personality of Lucia.
"Of course not, Rina!! Everything I do is for the Brotherhood and Kingdom. Now let's try you in this outfit, shall we?" Lucia brought out various outfits ranging from maid uniforms, Gothic Lolita attires, and a traditional one-piece blue school swimsuit.
"Nooo!!!!" Rin struggled and tried but failed to escape from the grasp from a raging lolicon er… lover of everything that is both small and girls.
Chameleon could only sweatdrop at the scene in front of her as she laughed wholeheartedly at the relationship of Rin and Lucia.
Fun times indeed.
Unfortunately, little time was made for resting as the client wishes for the mission to start ASAP specifically the next day where we find Rin Grayson now Rina Mayfield in front of the gates of Rosemary Academy.
'That old hag of a boss of mine!! my butt is still sore from all of the skirts that she forced me to wear.'
The thoughts of Rina twitching in annoyance as he rubbed his backside.
His thoughts were immediately set aside as he saw various female students from all year levels walking around the campus no doubt partaking in their daily activities.
'Heh, it seems this mission will be worth it. I never would have thought that I would be presented with such a glorious opportunity that most male agents would kill to have!!' Rina thought with a lecherous grin. 'And damn those skirts are short!! Those thicc thighs, juicy plumps of meat that God has created himself to bestow humanity with something worth living in this dark cruel world.'
Short fun fact, Rin's fetish for thighs is of no equal.
Shaking such perverted thoughts hence it would distract him from the primary objective, Rin set his sights on a large building located just in front of him.
'I guess this is the Academic building that Intel has provided. The Headmaster is probably waiting for me inside to brief some additional instructions. Thighs later, Business first.'
Making his way to the building, something bumped at him, causing him to fall to the ground. Opening his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of orange hair invading his sense of smell.
'Strawberry...' Rin blinked, eyes once more at the figure lying on top of him.
"Crap." The figure, another student's voice was made known to Rin. Staring at her face, Rin assesses the girl who is in a compromising situation with him.
The first thing that you'll notice is her short orange hair reaching only to her shoulders. She has blue round eyes, a petite body with a pair of B cups, and a small frame reaching only 5'4" in height. Overall, she is indeed what one may be considered to be cute.
'Hmm, she is definitely solid 8 out of 10. Her skin shows no blemishes, defining such flawlessness on her part. Her petite figure despite being a bit childish just like mine unfortunately except with the subtle presence of boobs no matter how small it is only added to her charm. Her height, about the same as mine, perhaps 5'4"? Damn, I'm definitely a late bloomer, most girls towering me by 2 to 4 inches.'
"Uh not that I mind or anything but do you have any plans on getting me off anytime soon?" Rin smirked at the girl, causing her face to redden in embarrassment, and immediately complied.
"S-sorry, I was in a hurry because I'm going to be late for class." The girl dusted off her uniform.
Rin bore a friendly smile. "No problem, no harm done."
The girl returned with the same gesture. "Thanks. Anyway, I got to go and I'm very sorry again." She then bowed down and sped off.
"Huh, do the first days of school are always like this?" Rin questioned himself but shook it off as he entered the Academic building.
Unknown to Rin, the orange-haired girl smiled brightly like the sun shining in the better morning as she runs with the utmost vigor.
"Rina Mayfield is it?" A green-haired woman with eyeglasses was seen interviewing Rin in a professional manner.
"Yes, that's me. The headmaster is expecting me, ma'am." Rin nodded in the same manner.
"Ah yes, you're the transfer student from Dawn City. The Headmaster is waiting for you, please come in."
Rin did so as what’s instructed and entered the office.
"Headmaster, Ms. Mayfield is here." The woman said with great respect to a brown-haired man who is only showing his back.
"I see. Leave us Melynda, I would love to speak with our new student in private." The Headmaster said, his tone showing professionalism as befitting of his status.
"Very well Headmaster." The woman now known as Melynda bow down and immediately left the room.
Rin merely stared at the retreating figure of Melynda, most notably the graceful sway of her hips and her thighs which shows promise.
"Rina Mayfield, I presume." Rin shook his head and snapped in reality upon hearing the menacing voice of the Headmaster.
"Yes, that's me, but you already know what I'm here for right?"
The Headmaster smiled.
"Yes, but a question for you Rina Mayfield." The Headmaster took a deep breath. "The end justify the means. Do you believe in that?"
"Where did that come from sir?" Rin could only stare at the Headmaster in confusion.
"Just answer me." The Headmaster, serious at his tone.
Rin pondered for a bit and a few seconds later, he gave his answer.
"That's a rather difficult question, sir. While I believe that efficiency is one part to complete the job and to achieve your goal, one must be willing to do whatever means necessary to accomplish it. Of course, the simple answer is rather obvious and efficient too. To do whatever it takes to achieve a noble goal no matter what the methods? The logic behind is indeed solid and of course the easiest." Rin answered and the Headmaster simply nodded. "But that's fucking stupid."
"Oh?" The Headmaster seemed rather intrigued, not even minding the foul language unfitting for a young girl despite being in disguise.
"In a war, there are two sides, A and B. Side A wishes for world peace and stops the menace that Side B is causing to the world. Fast forward to the final battle and Side A is winning the war. In order to put the war to an end, Side A simply has to destroy its final military headquarters but there's a problem. Side B is holding innocent hostages inside and Side A is in a dilemma. Side A has two options, rescue the hostages then destroy the headquarters, possibly failing and delaying the end or ignore the hostages and destroy everything. Option two is more efficient given with a single drop of a bomb, the war will definitely be over but at what cost? Sure, the war ends right there but soon an uprising might occur, demanding justice for the hostages, and the deaths will surely bring grief and suffering to many families. A future like that is definitely not worth living. Option one, while being significantly harder and the chance of failure is always present is the most humane. Resources might be spent in sending soldiers to rescue the hostages but whether success or failure, at least Side A did not abandon their principles and morality that separates an honorable soldier from a ruthless mercenary. If they do succeed, a bright future worth living leads them to the happiness that can't be ever replaced."
The Headmaster grinned, clapping his hands.
"Excellent answer Rina Mayfield or should I say Agent Ant or perhaps Rin Grayson?" Rin's eyes widen upon hearing his code name and real name. "I have heard that you are indeed the most remarkable Agent of the Dawn Branch of the Brotherhood."
The Headmaster finally turned around, revealing himself to Rin.
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