《Male Spy at an All-Girl's School》Chapter 1: An Ant in the Brotherhood
"Welcome back Agent Ant, I trust that the mission held no complications?"
A beautiful woman with blonde hair is seen to be asking her fellow blue-haired agent and subordinate in front of her as they are currently discussing the results of said mission inside her office.
Ant simply nodded absently in response, his red eyes looking at the voluptuous figure before him.
Of course, who wouldn't dazzle at such a wondrous sight?
With an hourglass figure that compliments very well with her black business suit and a skirt that shows her beautiful legs, no man could resist being a victim of such charms.
And let's not forget those pair of delicious big juicy-
"Ant, my face is up here you know."
"I know just one sec boss."
The woman who goes by the name of Lucia Mayfield glared at Ant with a look that promised pain and suffering.
Ant not wanting to prematurely end his 15 years of existence considering he just came from a maybe not so life-threatening mission, did the right thing by instantly looking straight into her green eyes and chuckled nervously.
"R-right, the mission hahaha"
Lucia nodded, waiting for Ant to now deliver his mission report.
Ant now stood in a parade rest position, his posture and demeanor showing in a military manner that suggests no-nonsense.
"I successfully infiltrated the military base of the Black Blades. The base is well guarded and garrisoned of what I believe to be around 500 men in total, base on the number of guards posted and the number of rooms as shown in the layout provided inside when I sneaked in. That, and the total strength was shown in a military file that I was able to download in our database for your reference later on."
"I see, continue," Lucia answered.
"The primary objective to download any files relating to their operations was successful of course, and the secondary objective to observe their daily operation and record anything out of the ordinary was also successful but not without any difficulty." Ant replied, now Lucia's attention was drawn by the last word.
"Difficulty? So much for undressing me with your eyes huh Ant." Her tone though seems playful but not because of Ant being a pervert. That was normal and if you ask all of the Agents in the Service, none would say otherwise especially the women. No what intrigue or perhaps worry her is the fact that a mission, one with Ant in it, one of the best damn Agents that the Service has ever produce encountered some difficulty.
"Yup. I was able to observe that an unusually large shipment of weapons and explosives that were being delivered into their base, and when I scanned into their files, it does not show anything related to it."
Lucia frowned and stroked her chin. "I see. Perhaps the operation is recent that they still did not upload the details or a top-secret one, the latter I heavily assume. And the difficult part?"
Ant straightened his back and look way more serious than the norm.
"I encountered and fought the Death Sisters."
Lucia's eyes widened and look eagerly, waiting for him to continue.
"When I was done with the mission and about to leave the base, a gun was suddenly pointed straight into my head. Turns out, one of the sisters, Mania was there and look at me with a face that promised hell. I, of course, being awesome pretended to be off guard and when the opportunity presented itself, I was able to knock her off and we fought on even footing, alerting the guards in the base of my presence. Then her sister, Mors arrived and backed her up. I was overwhelmed and left with no other choice, I used a smoke bomb to make my hasty escape." Ant immediately replied, his tone serious in every word.
"The Death Sisters, renowned for their deadly combat skills and can kill you with both a weapon and their looks." Lucia frowned and pondered deeply at this revelation. "To think that such a pair is present in a military base. This means that the enemy's operation warrants such importance that they need to hire one of the top Assassins of the Underworld is really fishy."
Ant who shares the same sentiment with his boss nodded in understanding. "Damn right and Mors was rather adamant in taking me out of the picture."
"Were you recognized?" Despite sounding like a stupid question as depicted by the hesitance of her tone, Lucia stills want to be sure.
"Of course not. The Covert Suit served me well in the operation." Ant grinned, his words showing no doubt.
"Very well. I'll use the information that you have gathered to send it to Main HQ. You are dismissed Ant."
"Thank you, ma'am!!"
Then the two Agents in sync placed their right fist into their heart and uttered the words.
"For the Kingdom!!"
The Agency known only by no one but the Agents themselves:
Brotherhood Secret Service or B.S.S. for short.
It is a group of highly trained Agents in all aspects that dedicate themselves in the best interest of the Kingdom of Twilight. Their method of doing so is by a code bound by the Oath of Secrecy.
Sometimes in order to serve the light, one must be willing to work in the dark and the B.S.S. is the perfect organization of such caliber. They answer to no other organizations, except her majesty, the Queen who acts as the Official Director of the Organization.
In the Brotherhood, Each Agent is assigned a code name, named after Animals base on his or her personality.
'An Ant may depict as an insect of insignificance. The first thing that people are going to assume that is the Ant is useless, the Ant is small. So easy to crush, to step on such beings without even an ounce of care. After all, how can an Ant hope to match against the tremendous forces of the Wild?'
'But what they overlook is the fact that the Ant is anything but weak. An Ant symbolizes Strength, Unity, and Family. As a matter of fact, Ants can carry objects 50 times their own weight despite their size. They are one of the most social insects in the Animal kingdom as they work in colonies and perhaps their greatest quality? An ant is loyal at fault, loyal to his family, friends, and loved ones.'
'So, don't you think that I'm assigning you a code name just because of the laughs...'
'Rin Grayson.'
The first thing that Rin Grayson A.K.A. Ant thought after a long day of infiltrating an enemy military base is food. Thankfully, the Brotherhood has everything at its disposal, from state of the art training facilities that will test every sense of the human body to their very limits to the cafeteria that serves the best dishes in all of Twilight.
Deciding to order a delicious standard Bacon Sandwich, Rin ordered the food and paid the cafeteria lady a good amount of 40 Reis.
"Hey Ant over here!!!"
Looking at the direction of the voice, Rin spotted a middle-aged man with black hair waving at him in a friendly manner.
Smirking, Rin approached the table and took a sit with him.
"Well, well back from another mission I presume huh Ant?" The man grinned while eating his Cheese Burger.
"Yeah, it seems that Boss is having a field day with me. I swear I'm going to go crazy if she gives me another mission this week."
The man chuckled in response. "You are one of the best damn agents that the Brotherhood has ever produced. A success rate of 99.8%? You are an inspiration in this damn organization Ant."
Rin smiled and took a bite of his sandwich. "Inspiration is such an overstatement and we are out of work right now old man so calling me by my real name is not exactly restricted."
"Of course, Rin."
Rin grinned, happy to hear his name.
"Now that's better Kayle."
"I still prefer you calling by my code name you know."
"Tsk, because you are called Dragon? Fuck that."
"Oh, you mock me, child."
Both laughed heartily and continue to converse with one another.
Lucia Mayfield is not exactly your ordinary Agent of the Brotherhood. For one, she is hailed as the most efficient female Agent in the service and rumors have it that she is to be the next line as the Leader of the B.S.S.
In every organization, there is always the highest member in the hierarchy or the Commander in the Chain of Command. In the B.S.S., such a title is simply known as the Shadow.
Being a Shadow means serving side by side with the Queen. As her most trusted adviser in terms of affairs outside of the norm of Twilight, it is expected that the Shadow holds the highest regard in terms of leadership and of course his or her efficiency as an Agent of the Brotherhood.
And the Blonde woman currently in the office is one of the candidates for such an esteemed position.
Just thinking about it, Lucia smirked at herself for being considered such honor, that the Queen herself has chosen her to be a possible Shadow of the B.S.S.
With a cup of her favorite coffee on her desk and the sweet scent of caffeine aroma, nothing could possibly ruin her day.
Looking at the computer, Lucia stops drinking her coffee and pressed the button at the keyboard to confirm.
"Lucia hello." A man was seen on the screen and Lucia was shocked to see who it is.
"Tiger? Is that you?" Lucia is genuinely surprised.
"Yup it is me in the flesh!!" Tiger grinned wildly. "Oh wait that sounds wrong… It is me on the screen!!"
Lucia simply shook her head at his antics and this time, frowned at the agent.
"What do you want Tiger? The last time you called in our Brotherhood was years ago and don't bullshit me about wanting to catch up with your bestie. You are retired Tiger so what are you up to?"
"Ouch, I'm rather hurt Lucia or Lion rather. Are we not besties? What about the time where you, me and a certain Bear killed the Leader of the Storm Menace and brought the end of a Revolution or maybe something a bit personal? Perhaps that one time where we prank old man Shadow and he spend the rest of the week with his hair painted pink? Oh, the memories so lovely!!"
"Get to the point Tiger."
"Ohh now that's the Lion I know and love!!" Tiger's grin grew even bigger. "Alright since you are such a killjoy I guess let's get this over with."
Tiger took out a piece of paper that shows a biodata of a young brown-haired girl.
"This is my daughter as you already know, the love of my life, the one which fills the void in my heart. As you know about my current occupation, my loved ones are probably going to be in danger but thankfully or not thankfully, she is the only one. Her grandfather can suck dick for all I care hahahaha."
Lucia sighed "Still don't get along well with Mr. Erendal I see and yes, Kana is such a lovely girl."
"Yup and I don't plan to!!" Tiger grinned in response and then shifted to being serious, an expression rarely seen by Lucia. "As you know, Kana is the only love of my life and you have met your precious goddaughter many times now. Given my job description, I can't guard her 24/7 and I don't trust my bodyguards to handle threats that might be greater than they can handle."
Lucia nodded. "I see. So you called me to lend one of our agents to be her protector of some sort and preferably to be a student?"
"Bingo!! Always smart Lucia and that's what I love about you!!"
"A question before I make my decision" Lucia took a sip of her coffee. "I recall that Kana is studying at an All-Girls School, right?"
"Yes, a prestigious All-Girls School to be exact."
"I see. Then I'm afraid I can't help you."
"W-what?!!" Tiger was not expecting Lucia's answer.
"Of course, I would love to help old friend but our situation is a bit complicated." Lucia sighed. "You see, all of our female Agents are currently in a mission and they are all of the utmost importance that I can't abandon. If you want, you can wait for one to be available or a male agent can post as a teacher."
Tiger frowned and shook his head. "No, no that can't do. Sure your agents are smart but they are not exactly book smart. A student is a better cover than a teacher and can guard her more efficiently given less responsibility in the job. A teacher would just add more load to the job as he should focus also on doing the actual teaching job and at the same time protect Kana."
"Yes, your right, but even so, we don't have any female agents available right now."
"It does not need to be a female agent though." Tiger's grin shone in anticipation.
Lucia's eyes widen at the implication.
"You can't be serious? You want a male agent to infiltrate, INFILTRATE in an all-girls school!?"
"And why not? We agents have trained in the art of disguise after all."
"But in what I assume to be a very long term mission? Which would undoubtedly last for a couple of months, years?! Are you out of your mind?!"
"Oh my mind is in a perfectly good health Lucia. Besides, I'll be covering him for the duration of his stay."
"Hmm you do have a point but it is still no doubt risky. Very well if you can double the amount of the usual pay then I'll see what I can do."
"I know I can count on you bestie!!"
Then the screen turned black.
Lucia pondered and thought a bit. While the idea seems outrageous and presented some drawbacks, Still this was her old friend and despite being retired is still a valuable asset to the Brotherhood.
"I guess I'll be calling him. I almost feel sorry for calling him for another mission despite having just recently completed a rather dangerous one."
"And besides, this is what he gets for staring at my tits like a perverted rabbit on heat."
Rin could only stare dumbfounded at his boss right in front of him at her office.
"You want me to do what?!"
"Yes Agent Ant you heard me," Lucia replied while she scrambles her documents searching for files relating to his mission.
"Wait, so you want me to infiltrate an All-girls School, impersonate as a Female Student and keep an eye on a girl?"
"That's the summary." Lucia handed over the bio of a young brown-haired girl.
Looking at the file, Rin blushed at how pretty the girl is.
"Huh, falling in love Ant?" Lucia smirked at her Agent's reaction.
"Sh-shut up."
Looking at the bio, Rin began to read the contents.
"Kana Erendal."
"I'll brief you once more with your mission. You are to protect the daughter of the Headmaster of Rosemary Academy, Kana Erendal from any threats that are to be presented to her. Your first order of business after arriving at the school is to meet up with the headmaster to further discuss the details of the mission as he wants it to personally say to you."
"Hmm, and what are the dangers that are to be expected?" Rin looks at Lucia with a serious expression.
"As I said earlier, the headmaster will be the one to personally brief you with the details that we won't be discussing." Lucia noticed the looks of suspicion on her subordinate. "Don't worry, despite his antics, he is a very trustworthy Contact of our organization and maybe you'll be in for a surprise when you get to meet him."
"A Contact? Not an agent?"
"No, you do know that our organizations also make use of Contacts right?" Lucia questioned and Rin nodded. "Contacts are not members of the Agency per se but they have proved to be loyal to our organization and are willing to help us as the situation demands. Of course, not all are willing and bribery is sometimes considered but the Headmaster is indeed a very willing Contact that helped our organization in ways that we are ever grateful."
"I see. Alright, in short, protect some pretty lady from the bad guys while cross-dressing in a school filled with every one of the opposite sex. Failure of the mission would result in me branding to be the most perverted human being in the history of perverts should I be found out. Anything else?"
"Aside from the fact that you'll be heading to the Wardrobe Room and meet up with Agent Chameleon for your transformation? No." Lucia nodded, chuckling at her Agent's predicament. "Oh and one more thing..."
"Good Luck Ant."
"Yeah, I really fucking need a Godly Amount of Luck to survive this."
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